Transcript Document

A question to ask yourself:

Are you teaching people or teaching a book?    ( factors related to teaching design) The teacher The students 教育对象


教学设计的出发点和归宿! The materials/curriculum Make sure: Your teaching design is learner-centered , goal-oriented and for learning effectiveness.

( 有效的学案设计!)

Unit 2 Robots

通读单元, 明确目标, 有的放矢, 整体设计。

Never jump around: follow your plan!






Never go too fast: keep pace with the students! (






教学内容分析 二


教材处理建议 三


教学方法建议 四



Isaac Asimov (1920.4 ---1992.6)



1. Topic: literary work about science, robots and science fiction writer —Isaac Asimov (文学与艺术 Famous literary people ;科普知识与现代 技术 Computer science ) 2. Functional items : supposition and belief 3. Structure: The Passive Infinitive; 4. Reading: 3 passages 5. Imaginative writing

Functional Items: Supposition and belief

I guess ...

I wonder ...

I don’t believe ...

I think ...

I suppose ...

Maybe ...

I don’t think ...

I doubt ...


(attitudes : Certainty and uncertainty ; judgement and evaluation 课标功能意念 项目表)







desire, alarm, sympathy, favor, accompany, declare, state, bound, staff, junior, talent, divorce, obey 2. 认读词汇


fiction, satisfaction, affection, alarmed, apron, overweight, fingernail, necklace, mailbox, haircut, framework, armchair, part-time, elegant theoretical, digital, disobey, assessment , pile, scan, absurd, cushion, bedding, thinking, clerk, counter, receiver, affair, bonus, awful, cuisine, envy, aside, grand, biography, holy, navy, biochemistry, 3. 词组


test out, ring up, turn around, leave alone, set aside, in all, be bound to

Grammar structure:

The Passive Infinitive: The household robot was going to be tested out by Larry’s wife, Claire. Tony expected the house to be completely transformed.

Sentence Patterns:

1. It was disturbing and frightening that he looked so human. P11 2.Claire thought it was ridiculous to be offered sympathy by a robot. P11 3.By the amused and surprised look on her face, Claire knew that Gladys thought she was having an affair. P11 4.It was when Asimov was eleven years old that his talent for writing became obvious. P16





根据本单元教学目标和内容进行课时分配 : Period 1:Reading (Warming Up, Pre- reading, Reading and Comprehending) Period 2:Language study (vocabulary and grammar): Learning about Language and Using words and expressions, Using structures in Workbook

Period 3: Integrating skills (Using Language: Reading, listening, speaking and writing) Period 4: Extensive reading (Workbook: listening and reading task) Period 5: Integrating skills: speaking task, talking, listening task and writing task in Workbook: (Note : The above is only an example. To be effective is the main concern! )

三. 教学法建议

TBL( Task-based Learning)

( 6 task types : listing( 列单子 ) , ordering and sorting( 排序与分 类 ) , comparing , problem solving , sharing personal experience, creative tasks) A task has a clearly defined communicative outcome.

Period 1—Reading: students fulfill the task of: (

1) listing and making comparisons

body parts; (2)


development; (3) : to complete the 2 tables on Page 12(Claire’s feelings and Tony’s characteristics and Item 5 on Page 15 make a list of your Robot’s abilities and your robot’s to work out the characteristics of science fiction and to figure out Claire’s emotional


: to work out some of Tony’s characteristics that are not listed out but has to be inferred like Tony’s quick reactions …

A Framework for Task-based Language Learning ( Jane Willis)

Modes of learning: - individual - cooperative - competitive




Focus on single point of grammar. Aims to develop declarative knowledge.


Aims to automatize the newly grasped rule.


Allow learners to produce language more spontaneously and accurately.

Period 2: Language study Sentence patterns Presentation:

It was disturbing and frightening that he looked so human. It was then that Claire realized that Tony had opened the curtains of the front window.


It was April 29, 2011_____Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of wedding ceremony. (2011, 福建 ) A. that B. when C. since D. before It was on April 29, 2011 _____Prince William and Kate Middleton walked into the palace hall of wedding ceremony. 第一句答案 B。是一个定语从句, it 表示时间概念。第二句是强调句,选 A 。


将下面句子译成英语:直到上个月底,他才完成那本写了三年的书。 It was not until the end of last month that he finished writing the book he had been writing for 3 years; 呈现 -- 让学生观察 — 掌握语言结构 -- 练习 -- 产出

Passive Infinitive

       

Presentation Provide a number of instances to get learners to figure out the target structures.

It was my wish

to be treated

(作主语) as an adult in public when I was a teenager.

My wish is

to be taken

to the zoo on Children’s Day.

(作表语) The next thing

to be done

I don’t want

to be seen

is to hold a big party.

in such an old dress.

(作后置定语) (作宾语 ) The meeting is supposed

to be put off

till next Sunday.

(作主语补足语) She didn’t expect what she wrote

to be published


(作宾语补足语) She was very pleased 因状语)

to have been invited

to such an important ball. (原  He went to the workshop to see Jimmy,

only to be told

fired him.

(结果状语) that his boss had (

Grammar translation method is available here



1. Get students to underline all the verbs in the text that use the passive voice. 2. Do Exercise 2 and 3 on Page 14.


Rewrite the sentences by using the passive infinitive on Page 56 in the workbook.

Grammar learning:

 Reasoning deductively  Analysing contrastively  Translating e.g Revising useful structures on Page 14 Using structures (Item 3 translation) on Page 56 ( Which is better: inductive way or deductive way?) Depends!

Keep it simple and make it fun!

 Encourage Ss to discover new grammar items from the context.

 Collect some examples; guide Ss to find out grammar rules (something in common).

 Get Ss to understand the meaning and grasp the form.

 Provide authentic language situations in which Ss can use the new grammar items and acquire ability to combine language form, meaning and usage together. (Item 3 on Page 14: Choose the words in the passive voice to complete the passage.)


illustration– Interaction--Induction)

Illustration: by providing a model, for example, of functional items about supposition and belief. e.g. Provide a sample discussion by using the following expressions: I think…; Maybe…, but I wonder…; I have no idea…;I guess…;I suppose… Interaction: activities or practice between learners in forms of group work or pair work and also discussions or dialogues between learners or between learners and the teacher for topics about supposition and belief by using the provided expressions.

Induction: to sum up the useful expressions by observing, experiencing and using, for example, of under what situations those expressions can be used.

Cooperative Learning and Autonomous Learning

 Cooperative Learning: to know how to work together, how to share information and get communicative competence  Autonomous learning: to make learners aware of their learning effectiveness, to develop better learning strategies and the necessary lifelong learning ability (as a method, as an approach, as a way to learn!)



Test: to get feedback from students about each individual’s potential and their problems.

Teach: to solve the problems or to explain what they have problems with or to teach what they don’t know.

Test: to make sure that most of the learners have a good understanding of the teaching objectives.

(Time-saving, goal-oriented and highly efficient.)

Grammar translation method and Communicative language teaching

Ways of teaching Role of the teacher Task of student Grammar translation Supplier of knowledge Communicative language teaching Organizer of learning, facilitator To listen, to take notes, to do exercises … To experiment with the language, to take part in activities using the language

Comparison of teaching methods

Traditional methods Communicative language teaching Form & literacy centered (reading and writing) Meaning and communication centered Promotes conscious learning & memorization Promotes unconscious learning & natural acquisition Teacher centered Learner centered



Motivate your students with interesting, challenging and attainable tasks

Use the textbook and teaching methods in a flexible and creative way.

Reflect on the effectiveness of both teaching and learning. Whatever method you adopt, effectiveness is always the priority!





Marion Williams,2000)          clarity of presentation ; teacher enthusiasm ; variety of activities during lessons ; achievement-oriented behavior in classrooms ; opportunity to learn criterion material ; acknowledgement and stimulation of student ideas ; less criticism ; use of structuring comments at the beginning and during lessons ; guiding of student answer.


necklace, framework, armchair, mailbox, fingernail, haircut , overweight, part time


counter, receiver,

elegant , awful, grand, holy, disobey , obey , Junior , accompany, declare,

bedding, thinking, assessment

satisfaction, affection, theoretical,

state, divorce, sympathy, bound , favor , talent, staff,

digital, biochemistry biography

, envy, clerk, navy, bonus, pile, fiction, apron , cushion , cuisine ,

absurd, alarmed, affair, aside,

词汇直观教学法 curtain counter carpet cushion armchair bedding

 Teach Ss to use lexical learning strategies, such as comparison, association, classification…  Compare the usage through translation.

 Follow the rule: Word---sentence---discourse



引导运用 Tony suggested Claire buy new curtains, cushions, a carpet and paint for the house. He made improvements on the house so that the house looked very elegant.

设计有语境的词汇练习  Most robots do not possess a human


for the simple reason that two-legged robots usually have great difficulty


balanced. That is


most robots move from place to place mainly on wheels and axles( 轮轴 ).






注重词块的学习 引导学生在理解基础上记忆 词表学习和语境学习相结合 创造词汇复现的机会 设计产出练习



检测学生的词汇学习达标与否 Wallace ( 1982:27 )认为词汇习得应该有 下列特征: 1) 识别其书面和口头形式; 2) 能随时回忆起来; 3) 与适当的物体或概念 联系起来; 4) 能以适当的语法形式使用它; 5) 能清晰地发音; 6) 能正确拼写; 7) 按正确 搭配使用; 8) 以其适当形式应用它; 9) 明 确词的内涵意义与联想意义。


  让学生明确学习目标(单元目标、阶段目标、学年目标、 课程目标)








引导学生 自主学习并开展学习的自我评价



Summing up, Learning tips, checking yourself; Self-assessment

unit tests etc.

控。 )


引导学生对日常或阶段学习情况作总结,自我 反思,培养自主学习的习惯和能力。在总结反思基础上制 定下一步学习计划,同时根据学习结果注意学习策略的调

The art of teaching is to enable the students to progress without the teacher.

Requirements for the 4 skills:

 Listening: Be able to recall the main features of a talk, radio, or television programme, identify the major elements of what is said both explicitly and implicitly, and distinguish signs of a speaker’s intentions…


“Knowing how, when, and why to say what to whom”

     

(purposes: describing, narrating, explaining, arguing, persuading, entertaining)

Never speak too slowly: speak normally Never speak too quickly: speak naturally Never speak too much: make students speak Never make a speech: ask a question Target language is the classroom language Oral language before written language

( fluency and accuracy)

Reading: Read a wide range of texts both for pleasure and for study; become enthusiastic, discriminating, and responsive readers; understand layers of meaning and appreciate what is read on a critical level

Writing: Use imaginative vocabulary and varied linguistic and literary techniques; develop distinctive styles, using different formats, layouts to convey ideas, themes and characters; write to inform, explain, describe, persuade, argue, advise, to analyze and to comment…

Imaginative writing










- -







老 师批改和点评。

How to write a science fiction?


Top English

A few factors in writing a science fiction

· An idea:


· A setting:


· Characters:


· Special things:


· What happens:


· Ending:

故事结局。 幻想要合乎情理,不能像 脱缰的野马,毫无边际。还要有创意,有趣味, 而且要有一定的科学依据。

 请展开想象,描述在 15 年后的一次聚会上,机器 人 Tony 为你所做的事。词数 120 —150 。第一段已 经为你写出 , 不记入词数。可以参考课文里的好词 好句。

Robots frequently appear in science fiction movies and books. But recently they have begun to jump off the screen and into reality. It is predicted that they could become part of family life in 15 years’ time, doing housework and other services. My robot Tony actually does things more efficiently than we expect. If there are things we’d like him to do, all we need is to make a list for him and then everything will be done in a moment!

Possible version:

It was a busy Sunday. Tony was very helpful. He kept busy cleaning the house, getting all the toys my son threw about in order, decorating the sitting room and laying tables in the front garden. The guests arrived for dinner at six. It was fascinating that Tony could identify ( them from time to time.


to the photos. He stood at the gate, greeted the him, especially the kids who wanted him to hold ) different faces with a camera in his eyes according guests and guided them to the sitting room. Tony smiled elegantly so the guests were all pleased with Everyone was happy at the dinner party. We talked and laughed. How wonderful it was to get together after a long departure. Tony’s last job was to serve dessert and to do the dishes after the guests left. Thanks to Tony’s service, everyone had a great time.

作业标准:具体化、 可测量、具有巩固知识和技 能的作用。


Write 5-6 sentences describing the robot you design … Stick your paragraph next to your robot.


List Tony’s characteristics that were similar to those of a human being and different from those of a human being(P12).

Characteristics Physical Mental Similar Different Emotional


Checking Yourself: 1.Write down and memorize the useful words and phrases you learned in this class( vocabulary).

_____________________________________________ _______________________________ 2. Can you explain why the story’s title is “Satisfaction Guaranteed”?(speaking) _____________________________________________ ________________________________



( 模块课本、教师教学用书、教辅、课程标准、听力 材料、网络资源、配套 PPT +…?) to select!

1.No textbook can be ideal for any particular class. ( A textbook is not the Bible.) Therefore teachers need to be able to evaluate and produce teaching materials ; 2. Choose an suitable grammar book ; 3. Choose a supplementary book with authentic language ; 4. Select and re-edit test papers with high validity, reliability and feasibility to save students time and energy ; 5. Find some available websites for your students.

A good teacher:

 keeps the students motivated and has the skills to bring out the students ’ best behavior and best work;  has profound knowledge, not only the knowledge of the subject;  is a friend of the students;  is always fair, always respectful and he tries not to embarrass people in public …  cares more about students learning than they do about their own teaching.

Questions and reflections

 What referrences do you use when you design your lessons ?

 In what way do you check the learning effectiveness?