Transcript Slide 1

• Competency BT10.00
• Analyze Biomedical Research.
• Objective BT10.01
• Discuss Biomedical Research
What is Science?
• Maybe it is easier to tell you what it is not…
• It is NOT like a jigsaw puzzle where once you
get a piece to fit, it stays forever.
• Science is ___________ __________. Ideas
are constantly being reshaped, added to,
subtracted from, and built upon….more like a
lump of silly putty than a puzzle.
Science is and always has been
• What time will it get dark tonight?
• What will happen if I stick my tongue to a
flagpole when the outside temp. is below
• What will happen when I mix flour, eggs,
sugar, and milk in specific combinations and
bake the mixture in an oven?
• Science allows us to predict what will happen.
How to think like a scientist
• You just need to exercise your brain in a few
ways. The more clues you have, the better
predictions you can make. You need to be to:
• Be curious
• Be skeptical
• Be flexible
• These all add up to “______________
How to act like a scientist
• Critical thinking is not a guarantee of truth.
• Application through the scientific method– _________________ is carefully watching.
– Hypothesis is an _______________ guess.
– Experiment is ________________your hypothesis.
– Conclusion is judging on the basis of your
experiment if your _____________ is right or
Great Truths and Scientists
• What were the “Great Truths” back then and
what are they today????
Share handout and discuss
• What is a Scientist?
Think, Pair, Share: Generate a list of adjectives and nouns that come to mind when
you think of science and scientists. (Make a class poster listing descriptors)
• Famous Biological Scientists, Their Discoveries
and Trends: Homework: Poster and 5 quiz questions for Gallery Walk
Biomedical Research- the area of science
focused on _______________ ______________.
• The study of the processes of life; the
prevention and treatment of disease; and the
genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors
related to disease and health.
• Biomedical (health science) research can be
divided into 3 highly interdependent yet broad
_____________, ____________,
Basic Research
• Research conducted to increase
fundamental knowledge. It involves
observing, describing, measuring and
manipulating natural systems.
Provides _____________ _______ upon
which other types of research are based.
• Not directed toward solving any
particular problem.
• If we don’t know how a life process
functions _________, we will not be able
to recognize and treat it when it
functions _____________.
(Heart Throbs activity to gain basic info about heart
Basic Research Examples
• A _______________ assigning
her students to _______ a
_______ ___________ ______
on Alzheimer’s disease.
• _______ being deprived of
_________ as part of a
research study to understand
the life process of sleep
and/or lack of sleep.
• A new disease in Africa would
prompt us to do basic
research in America about
that disease.
Applied Research
• Directed toward specific objectives – for example,
development of a new drug, treatment, or surgical
procedure. Application of basic knowledge to a
specific biomedical problem.
• Conducted PRIMARILY with ______________, as
opposed to humans all the time.
• Can be non-animal methods (____________ models
or tissue cultures.)
Applied Research Examples
(don’t have to write this, just some examples)
• Synthesis of new anti-cancer drugs
• Studies of human growth factors for
diagnostic and therapeutic applications
• Production of monoclonal antibodies for
potential use in the diagnosis and treatment
of human cancer
Clinical Research
1. Once other forms of
research have taken place
clinical research is used to
____________ potential
drugs & __________ in
2. ____________ on what is
done in basic & applied
3. Clinical research takes place in
a hospital or other clinical
4. Broad variety of activities & areas of study.
A. Human clinical trials-leukemia, cancers, AIDS &
many other diseases. Some people are
__________ if willing to participate.
B. Psychosocial & behavioral research- like looking
at _________ _________ and test scores of H.S.
C. Disease control research.
____________ are mainly used when testing
_______________ during clinical research.
Medical Research
• ____________ Research occurs in the
_________ stage of ____________ research.
Biomedical Research Methods
Objective BT10.02
A. Chemical, mechanical, mathematical and
___________________ simulations
B. In vitro (_____ __________) tests
C. _________-human ___________ methods
D. ____________ studies
E. _________________________ studies
A: Chemical, mechanical, mathematical, and
computer simulations.
• 1. Strengths of computer models
Computer simulations ______________
____________ & _________ of existing data.
It provides a method of ________ _________
____________ # of animals
Scientists Use Weather Satellites to Curb
Scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center and the Walter
Reed Army Institute of Research announced that some diseases
can be predicted from weather patterns. As a result of this
prediction, resources can be allocated and distributed to treat the
disease and to reduce or eliminate the source of the
outbreak….computer models used as a research method.
2. Limitations of computer models
Can _________ replace laboratory testing.
Do not ____________ data but only process
what is entered by ________.
Prohibitively (__________) expensive.
B: _____ _______ tests “In glass” – takes
place in an artificial environment.
Ex: -Ames test for __________________.
-Pregnancy tests (“the rabbit
1. Strengths of in vitro studies
Critical to the study of microorganisms,
like __________ because they can only
____________ in ____________ cells.
2. Limitations of in vitro studies
In vitro cultures
can’t tell us how a
substance affects a
__________ animal
The ___________ of
different cells,
tissues, organs can’t
be represented with
the use of in vitro.
C: Non-human animal models
1.) ____________ provide the best known ___________ for
______________ in the lab.
2.) Similarities between animals and humans outweigh
___________ the __________ structures (__________,
_____________, __________) as humans.
Animals are ________ humans. Animals ___________ to house
and feed.
Don’t worry about their well being because the use of animals
is ________________ by federal regulations.
D: Human Studies-Clinical Trials
• Most often used in developing
_________________ drugs
• Scientists need actual human data from
controlled studies
• Is the drug biologically active in humans?
• Is it ________ in humans?
Phase I Trials
The first stage of human testing, typically
enrolls a small number of _____________
volunteers and takes approximately 1 year.
These studies are primarily concerned with
assessing risks and side effects associated
with a drug.
Phase II trials
• Enroll between ______ - _______ volunteers with the
condition the drug is designed to treat. These studies
provide further information about safety and focus on
determining the best dose of a drug. Scientists also watch
for signs of effectiveness, but Phase II trials are generally
too small to provide clear evidence about benefit. Takes
about 2 years.
Phase III trials
• Enroll several _______
to ____________ of
volunteers, often at
multiple study sites
nationwide. They
provide the chief
evidence for safety and
effectiveness that the
FDA will consider in
deciding whether to
approve a drug. This
phase takes approx.
______ yrs.
Phase IV trials
• Also called post-marketing
studies, are often required by
FDA after a drug is approved.
The trial sponsor must monitor
the health of individuals taking
the drug to gain further insight
into its long-term safety and
effectiveness and the best way
to use it. It takes about ______
years to complete.
A long and expensive process
• It takes approximately
________ years from
initiation of animal and
other lab studies
through all phases and
submission of data to
the FDA for approval.
• For each new
medication approved
the cost is hundreds of
____________ of
E: Epidemiological Studies
The field of medicine concerned with the
study of Epidemics, an outbreak of disease
that affects a much _________ number of
people than is _______ for the locality or that
spreads to regions where it is ordinarily not
Experimental Epidemiology
In the practice of medicine, the truth can be hard to find.
Should menopausal women take estrogen?
Is angioplasty or medication better for mild heart attacks?
Does a beer a day keep coronaries away?
The pendulum swings back and forth, and the truth is revealed in
bits and pieces.
Limited by ethical and legal considerations.
Studies are conducted on cells, animals, and people.
Papers are published, and investigators stake their claims in the
popular press.
Physicians weigh in with opinion and anecdote.
Yet the truth remains elusive, fluid, ever-changing.
Descriptive Epidemiology:
analyzes data
Demonstrates the tremendous differences in incidence
across countries, with more than a 50-fold increase in
risk for the Finnish population compared to the Mexican
Observational Epidemiology
Observing methodologies
to investigate the
pathogenesis of any
disease process like
asthma, COPD, and etc. to
the understanding and
treatment of a variety of
Information gathering occurs _______ the fact.
They do not demonstrate a direct cause &
effect, but instead show a statistically
significant association between exposure &
Strengths of epidemiological studies
• Offers scientists an opportunity to study the
effects in humans exposed to chemicals and
disease-causing organisms.
• Identifying _______________ in diseases.
• These patterns can then be traced to
causative factors.
Limitations of Epidemiological
• Often in emergencies, the ability to gather data is
severely restricted due to exposure.
• This may be due to insecurity preventing survey
workers from carrying out data collection or lack of
resources preventing health workers from
submitting surveillance data.
• Lack of access may also be due to difficulties in
communication and transport to remote areas.
• Epidemiology is also constrained by the rapid
changes in the health and nutritional status of
many emergency-affected populations.
• By the time appropriate data and collected and
analyzed, the conclusions and recommendations
derived from these analyses may be out of date.
Benefits of Biomedical Research
• A: Contributions to human health
1.) Treatment for heart disease—heart-lung machine
2.) Treatment for cancer
3.) Treatment for diabetes
4.) Bone marrow transplants
5.) Early vaccines
6.) Polio vaccine
7.) Chicken pox (Varicella)
8.) Hepatitis
9.) Fluoride-many countries add to water to decrease tooth
10.) Penicillin & other antibiotics
Treatment for heart disease
the _________-_________ machine
• _____________ cardiac
surgery 40 years ago.
• In _______, the World Health Organization
launched a global campaign to ___________
Heart Disease
• The reduction of
____________ _________
has decreased HEART
disease by _____%.
• An experimental drug for
heart disease is currently in
Phase I clinical trials. How
long before it will be
approved for public use?
• 2,4,8, or 11 years
• __________ is the ____________ studied in
biomedical research efforts.
• Gene therapy
is inflammation of
the liver.
• The liver is
characterized by the
presence of
inflammatory cells in
the tissue of the organ.
Hepatitis A
• Hepatitis A: The virus is found in the stool of an infected
person. It is spread when a person eats food or drinks water
that has come in contact with infected stool.
• Sometimes a group of people who eat at the same restaurant
can get hepatitis A. This can happen when an employee with
hepatitis A doesn't wash his or her hands well after using the
bathroom and then prepares food.
• The disease can also spread in day care centers. Workers can
spread the virus if they don't wash their hands well after
changing a diaper.
• Some things can raise your risk of getting hepatitis A, such as
eating raw oysters or undercooked clams. If you're traveling in
a country where hepatitis A is common, you can lower your
chances of getting the disease by avoiding uncooked foods and
untreated tap water.
Hepatitis B
• Hepatitis B: Hepatitis B is a virus that infects the liver.
Most adults who get hepatitis B have it for a short
time and then get better. This is called acute
hepatitis B.
• You can have hepatitis B and not know it. You may
not have symptoms. If you do, they can make you
feel like you have the flu. But as long as you have the
virus, you can spread it to others. It is spread through
contact with the blood and body fluids of an infected
• Blood products, sexual intercourse, IV needles
Hepatitis C
• Hepatitis C is a disease caused by a virus that infects the liver.
In time, it can lead to permanent liver damage as well as
cirrhosis, liver cancer, and liver failure.
• Many people do not know that they have hepatitis C until
they already have some liver damage. This can take many
years. Some people who get hepatitis C have it for a short
time and then get better. This is called acute hepatitis C. But
most people who are infected with the virus go on to develop
long-term, or chronic, hepatitis C.
• Although hepatitis C can be very serious, most people can
manage the disease and lead active, full lives.
Symptoms of Hepatitis
Symptoms include:
Feeling very tired.
Mild fever.
Not wanting to eat.
Feeling sick to your stomach or vomiting.
Belly pain.
Diarrhea or constipation.
Muscle aches and joint pain.
Skin rash.
Yellowish eyes and skin (jaundice). Jaundice usually appears only after
other symptoms have started to go away.
• 1ST ____________ from
a _________ pancreas
& used to treat a 14
year old boy in ______.
Today we can
genetically engineer it.
____________ are
made to produce
human insulin.
• A device used to measure a persons blood
sugar levels. Today there has been developed
a machine that uses _________ ___________
Bone marrow transplants
• Transplantation of
blood stem cells
derived from the
Availability of Vaccines
• Why are children under 2 still not vaccinated
with the recommended vaccines?
• _________________________- to be
unaware, not very concerned
• Lack of ______________
____________ are not familiar with infectious
diseases & so have become _____________ about
Polio vaccine
• The first was developed by
________ ________, first
tested in 1952, and
announced to the world by
Salk on April 12, ________.
Dr. Albert Sabin
• Worked on a polio vaccine
that could be administered
• It was made from an
virus. (meaning weakened
________ organisms)
• It was administered on a
________ cube. (Yum Yum)
Chicken pox (Varicella)
• Is a highly ______________
illness caused by primary
infection with varicella
zoster virus characteristic
spots appearing in two or
three waves, mainly on the
body and head rather than
the hands and becoming
itchy raw pockmarks, small
open sores which heal
mostly without scarring.
• Also called herpes zoster, is a
painful rash caused by the same
virus that causes chickenpox.
Once a person has had
chickenpox, the virus can live,
but remain inactive, in certain
nerve roots within the body. If it
becomes active again, usually
______________ in life, it can
cause ___________________.
Biomedical Research
• Has had a profound impact on childhood
cancer (_______________) that, in the 1950’s,
killed ____________child diagnosed with it
within ________ months. Survival rate is 75 %
Biomedical Research
• ____________ diseases
• Research on tooth
decay lead to what
element being added to
the drinking H2O?
Alexander ____________
Discovered the
antibiotic _____________.
• Penicillin is one of the earliest
discovered and widely used
antibiotic agents, derived from
the Penicillium mold.
• B: AIDS research continues (Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome)
1.) Began in early ___________s
2.) Caused by a ___________
3.) HIV infection progresses to AIDS when
immune system is impaired & individual
becomes susceptible to opportunistic
Approximately 4 out of 10 U.S. AIDS
deaths are related to ________ abuse.
• T cells belong to a group of
white blood cells known as
lymphocytes, and play a central
role in cell-mediated immunity.
They can be distinguished from
other lymphocyte types, such
as B cells and natural killer cells
by the presence of a special
receptor on their cell surface
called T cells receptors.
4. Animals are an important part of AIDS
5. Anti – HIV drugs available
6. A number of possible vaccines have been
developed and are being tested in humans.
Common sense preventive measures
best way to prevent AIDS.
• Bodily fluids
• Infected blood
• Breast milk
– ___________________ __________ ___________
– Being aware if one’s partner is infected
– Using condoms.
– Sterilized needles or sharing needles
– Health workers should wash hands and use protective
barriers, such as, gloves and goggles when handling
infected blood.
• Mothers infected with HIV should not breastfeed their child.
c. Multiple benefits to animal
From mice to dogs, pigs to electric eels, a
variety of animal species contribute each year
to medical breakthroughs that save millions of
human lives each year.
Through research on these animals, scientists
have discovered _______and______________
for a number of human and animal ailments.
Benefits for Animals
Artificial joints for dogs
Cancer treatments
Heart disease treatment
Nutrition research for pet food
Vaccines for pet diseases
Health Problems shared by Animals
and Man
Allergies, Arthritis, Anemia
Cancer, Cataracts
Deafness, Diabetes
Emphysema, Epilepsy
Heart disease, Hypertension
Infertility, Influenza
Kidney disease, Leukemia
Rabies, Tetanus, Tuberculosis
Vitamin Deficiencies… name a few
More benefits for Animals
• Advancing their health: their contributions are
being repaid, we owe them for their help.
• Keeping them healthy: better nutrition,
medications and vaccines.
• Helping sick animals: artificial hips,
pacemakers, cataracts, hearing aids, cancer
• In vitro fertilization for endangered species.