Cell Theory - Stafford Intermediate School

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Transcript Cell Theory - Stafford Intermediate School

Food Chains, Webs
& Pyramids
_______factors in an ecosystem
are factors that are living.
________factors in an ecosystem
are factors that are not living
(i.e. water, soil, air etc.)
If you do not know the above
terms, write them on the back
of your student sheet.
_________(also called autotrophs) make their own
__________(also called heterotrophs) obtain their
food from consuming different organisms
________ are organisms that feed
by breaking down and absorb nutrients
from dead organisms.
(examples: Bacteria, fungi)
A _________is a simple model that show
how matter and energy move through an
A ________is a model that shows all of the
possible feeding relationships at each trophic
level in a community.
Whether you are analyzing a food
chain or a food web………..
The Arrow (
)represents the amount of
energy transferred!
On the food webs to the right…...
1. Circle the producers.
2. A primary consumer eats
3. Put a 1 on the primary
4. A secondary consumer eats
primary producers.
5. Put a 2 on the secondary
6. A tertiary consumer eats
secondary consumers.
7. Put a 3 on the tertiary
8. Complete the following table based on
the information in the 1st food web.
Organism Obtains its energy
10. In the 2nd food web, would there be more:
Hawks or Snakes? _____________ Mouse or
berry bushes? _____________
Explain your answer to #10 according to the
flow of energy:
11. What would the X represent in
the food web diagram below?
12. Number the trophic levels of
the pyramid
10% Rule:10 % of available energy in an
ecological pyramid is transferred to the next
trophic level.
The remaining energy is given off as
heat (thermal energy)
13. According the pyramid, trophic level
2 has 376 kilocalories of energy. Write
in the amounts of energy the remaining
trophic levels would have. (Hint: use
10% rule)
376 kcal
14. What happens to the
remaining energy that is not used
at each trophic level?
Practice TAKS Question
In this food pyramid, which level contains the greatest amount
of energy?
A Tertiary consumers
B Secondary consumers
C Primary consumers
D Producers
Practice TAKS Question
In this diagram of a marine food web, which term
describes the sea turtles (Grade 11 2006F; B.12E,)?
A Aquatic herbivores
B Autotrophic producers
C Third-level consumers
D Primary decomposers
Practice TAKS Question
In this food chain, the spiders are — (Grade 10 2003; B.12-E)
A producers
B primary consumers
C competitors
D secondary consumers
Practice TAKS Question
The table lists four groups of factors found in a
particular ecosystem. Which group consists of only
abiotic factors? (Grade 11 2004J; B.12-E)
F Group 1
G Group 2
H Group 3
J Group 4