Status update EM subcommittee

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Transcript Status update EM subcommittee

Friedrich Roth, EM subcommittee chairman
SEG 2011, San Antonio
Technical Standards Committee meeting
Inviting participation in subcommittee work
• TLE announcement in April
• Announcement on The EM Network (Linkedin)
• EAGE 2011, Vienna
” The goal of this TSC subcommittee will be to define
a common standard for exchanging marine
controlled-source electromagnetic (CSEM) and
magnetotelluric (MT) field data. The subcommittee
will be evaluating self-describing formats like the
most recent version of HDF (HDF5) to define how
the format should be used for storing EM data
Individuals/organizations that have showed interest to support or engage in this initiative
Mikhail Boulaenko, Rocksource, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Hung-Wen Tseng; RSI, Houston, USA
Antony Price, Total, Pau, France
Øyvind Andersen, Interaction, Stavanger, Norway
Rune Halvorsen, Interaction, Stavanger, Norway
Andreas Becht, Statoil, Stavanger, Norway
Vidar Markhus, EMGS, Trondheim, Noway
Friedrich Roth, EMGS, Houston, USA
Charles Oden, Earth Science Systems, Golden, USA
Joonsang Park, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo, Noway
Gitta Zaalberg, Fugro, Leidschendam, The Netherlands
Anna Kelbert, MT group at Oregon State University, USA
Allen McCay, PGS, Norway
 Good geographical spread.
 Contractors, software vendors, oil companies, academia
Standardization work for MT data by the Earth Imaging community (Electromagnetic
Induction in the Earth, EarthScope) Synergies ???
Subcommittee telephone/web meetings with interested parties
• Feb 16, 2011 (Interaction, Rocksource, EMGS, RSI)
• Jun 14, 2011 (EMGS, WesterGeco, Oregon State University)
Main action item
Review the legal foundation of using HDF5 for an SEG standard
• Rune Hagelund contacted SEG legal department
 No expression of need for legal consultation
• Telephone/web meeting with Mike Folk (President HDF Group) on Sep 15, 2011
– Long-term accessibility of data stored in HDF5
– Clarify copyright terms
Proposal for Memorandum of Understanding between SEG and HDF Group
concerning critical issues
HDF Group interested in business opportunities related to writing standard specific
API and QC tools
• HDF license terms:
Telephone/web meeting with Mike Folk (President HDF Group) on Sep 15, 2011
1) The HDF5 copyright only seems to apply to the software library. What about the HDF5
format, data model and documentation?
They are not formally copyrighted, but they are considered open as well.
2) Are there issues with SEG distributing the HDF5 software (source code and/or
binaries) and format description as part of a standard? (Beyond including a copyright
statement on the SEG web pages and in the standard documents)
We can provide examples of organizations or standards that have done this, with
similar goals.
3) Are there issues with a company distributing the HDF5 software (source code and/or
binaries) and format description as part of a data delivery?
4) Does any software implemented using the HDF5 software inherit certain license terms
or copyright? (as is the case for some free software licenses.)
Telephone/web meeting with Mike Folk (President HDF Group) on Sep 15, 2011
5) Does the HDF5 software require third party software/libraries that come under
different license terms, e.g. data compression libraries?
Szip only. HDF5 software library without Szip available.
6) Can HDF5 be used for commercial purposes?
7) Are there any terms linked to publications that use data stored in HDF5 or the HDF5
No. Perhaps someday we will request that acknowledgement be made when HDF5 is
featured in an article, but not simply when that data cited happens to be in HDF5.
8) Are there any geographical limitations, i.e. can HDF5 used globally?
No limitations.
Telephone/web meeting with Mike Folk (President HDF Group) on Sep 15, 2011
10) Will future versions of the HDF5 software and format remain open?
This is central to our mission.
11) What happens if the HDF5 Group decides to go commercial?
We can’t promise what future generations will do with later versions. Our intent is that
the core software (library and basic tools) will always remain open. Like others,
however, we may develop commercial products that use the basic software.
Examples of standardized uses of HDF5
September 16, 2011
Prepared Mike Folk and Don Elmore (The HDF Group) for Friedrich Roth (EMGS Americas).
Earth Observing System
The Earth Observing System (EOS) is a series of polar-orbiting and low inclination satellites for
long-term global observations of the land surface, biosphere, solid Earth, atmosphere, and
oceans. EOS enables an improved understanding of the Earth as an integrated system. EOS
uses HDF-EOS as its standard format, which is based on HDF4 and HDF5.
Joint Polar Satellite System (formerly NPOESS) will succeed EOS, but also be a primary source
of weather data. JPSS uses HDF5 as its standard data distribution format.
Serving data exchange needs of the oil and gas industry, RESQML is a format developed by the
Energistics consortium for transferring earth model data between applications in a vendor
neutral, open and simple format. RESQLM is built on HDF5.
Bathymetric Attributed Grid data format
The Open Navigation Surface Working Group has collaborated on the Bathymetric Attributed
Grid data format, which relies on HDF5 for the underlying file structure. It also provides an API
for interacting with this data, driven by the needs of the community.
Examples of standardized uses of HDF5
September 16, 2011
Prepared Mike Folk and Don Elmore (The HDF Group) for Friedrich Roth (EMGS Americas).
The CFD General Notation System (CGNS) provides a general, portable, and extensible
standard for the storage and retrieval of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis data. It
consists of a collection of conventions, and free and open software implementing those
conventions. HDF5 is the default data storage mechanism for CGNS software.
H5Part, H5Block, H5PartROOT
H5Part is a data storage schema for working with particle based simulations of accelerator
beam-lines. H5Block inherits all particle features of H5Part and also supports 3D scalar fields
and vector fields. H5Part and H5Block are not only formats, but also include an API to simplify
the reading/writing of data, as well as visualization tools.
NeXus Format
NeXus is a common data format for neutron, x-ray, and muon science. It is an international
standard developed by scientists and programmers representing major scientific facilities in
Europe, Asia, Australia, and North America in order to facilitate greater cooperation in the
analysis and visualization of neutron, x-ray, and muon data. The NeXus API provides a unified
interface for writing hierarchical data files in HDF4, HDF5, and XML formats.
Alembic is an open computer graphics interchange framework developed by Lucasfilm and Sony
Pictures to support workflows in film making. Alembic uses HDF5 as its underlying format.