Transcript Document

FDA Legal & Regulatory
Considerations for Biomedical
Tech Coast Angels
San Diego, California
March 7, 2003
Michael A. Swit, Esq.
Michael A. Swit, Esq.
Law Offices of Michael A. Swit
539 Samuel Ct.
Encinitas, CA 92024
760-815-4762; fax: 760-454-2979
[email protected]
Establish FDA Strategy Early!!
Some considerations follow . . .
FDA's Three Key Development
"Gatekeeper" to the marketplace -the new drug approval process
 "Cop on the beat" or "Enforcer" -ensuring quality compliance via
inspection and enforcement actions (e.g.
criminal charges)
 "Sentinel" of Safety Concerns - during
development and post-approval
The Approval Gate …
Preliminary Considerations -Determining the Regulatory Status of
the product
Is it a "drug", "device" or "biologic"?
described in USP or
intended (via labeling)
to affect the body of man or other animals
to be used in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation,
treatment or prevention of disease in man or other
The Approval Gate …
Regulatory Status of the product con'd…
Is it a "drug", "device" or "biologic"?
Device: defined as involving: "instrument, apparatus,
implement, machine, contrivance, implant, in vitro
reagent, or "similar or related article including any
component, part or accessory."
in USP/NF or
intended to be used in diagnosis … cure, mitigation, treatment or
prevention of disease or other conditions
intended to affect the body of man
The Approval Gate …
Regulatory Status of the product con'd…
Is it a "drug", "device" or "biologic"?
Thus -- device definition can capture products that
resemble drugs if they do not achieve their result via
being metabolized in the body or via chemical action
within or on the body -- regulated by FDA Center for
Devices & Radiological Health (CDRH)
Examples of "drug-like" devices:
Ultrasound contrast media
Contact lens solutions
The Approval Gate …
Regulatory Status of the product con'd…
Is it a "drug", "device" or "biologic"?
Biologic -
Generally, if derived from human or animal tissue;
used to be regulated by FDA Center for Biologics (CBER) using
approval standards similar to CDER
therapeutic biotech products going to CDER
vaccines – remain behind
NOTE: "true" biotech products usually are biologics
The Approval Gate …
Regulatory Status of the product con'd…
Is it a "drug", "device" or "biologic"?
"Combination" or "hybrid" products -
are regulated per their "primary mode of action" -but this may be difficult to discern -- get clarification very
early as will impact FDA Center you deal with
can request in writing -- under FDAMA § 416, FDA can't
later change its mind w/o your consent or public health
reasons exist
The Approval Gate …
Regulatory Status of the product con'd…
What type of submission is needed to get FDA
approval or clearance?
Full New Drug Application (NDA)
505(b)(2) NDA or "Paper NDA"
Abbreviated New Drug Application
The OTC Drug route -- Abreva (Avanir/SKB)
OTC Review monograph change
The Approval Gate …
Regulatory Status of the product con'd…
What type of submission is needed to get FDA
approval or clearance?
Premarket Approval Application (PMA) --
clinical studies will be needed
Premarket Notification under § 510k --
clinical studies MAY be needed (or wanted)
The Approval Gate …
Regulatory Status of the product con'd…
What type of submission is needed to get FDA
approval or clearance?
Biologic License Application (BLA)
no generic versions now possible – may change …
The Approval Gate …
Regulatory Status of the product con'd…
What quantity and quality of data will be
demanded by FDA to show safety &
Will vary -- FDA has extensive discretion
Key task -- try to get clarity as soon as
possible in the process -- Ways to do so:
Pre-IND meeting -- encouraged by FDA prior to start of
human clinicals
End of Phase 2 Meeting - also encouraged -- here's where
you want to "lock" them in
The Approval Gate …
Regulatory Status of the product con'd…
What quantity and quality of data?
FDAMA § 119(a) -
FDA must meet with you on design of studies; and
Any agreement on study design must be written and
can't be changed later w/o your consent unless a new
safety or effectiveness issue arises later
The Approval Gate …
Regulatory Status of the product con'd…
What quantity and quality of data?
FDAMA § 115(a) -- data from must one
adequate and well-controlled study and
confirmatory evidence can be used to show
substantial evidence of effectiveness
The Approval Gate …
Regulatory Status of the product con'd…
What quantity and quality of data?
"Pure" proof of clinical effectiveness may
not be needed -- e.g., under “Fast Track,”
may be able to use:
Surrogate endpoints
Clinical endpoints
Phase IV study will be needed usually
The Approval Gate …
FDA -- Legal Barriers to entry
Orphan Drug Exclusivity -- 7 years for drug for
orphan indication
can't "remake the wheel"
Waxman-Hatch Exclusivity
5 years -- New Chemical Entities
3 years -- New uses, dosage forms, etc. of previouslyapproved products
The Approval Gate …
The FDA Review -- Priority and
"Fast Track" -- FDAMA § 112
treats a "serious or life threatening condition"
shows "potential to address unmet medical needs for
such condition"
If so, FDA must "facilitate the development and expedite
and review" of the drug
Request at time of or after IND filing
See 1998 Guidance on Fast Track
The Approval Gate …
The FDA Review -- Priority and
General NDA classification system
1 -- New molecular entity
2 -- New Salt of Previously Approved Drug (not a new
molecular entity)
3 -- New Formulation of Previously Approved Drug (not a
new salt OR a new molecular entity)
4 -- New Combination of Two or More Drugs
5 -- Already Marketed Drug Product - Duplication (i.e.,
new manufacturer)
The Approval Gate …
The FDA Review -- Priority and
General NDA classification system
6 -- New Indication (claim) for Already Marketed Drug (includes
switch in marketing status from prescription to OTC)
7 -- Already Marketed Drug Product - No Previously Approved
NDA (e.g., Unithroid)
NDA Review Priority:
S - Standard -- drugs similar to currently available drugs
P - Priority -- significant advances over existing treatments.
The Approval Gate …
The FDA Review -- Pre-Approval
Inspections -- Expect one if NDA is:
new chemical or molecular entities;
for a narrow therapeutic range drug
the first approval for the applicant; or
are sponsored by a company with a history of CGMP
problems or that has not been inspected for a considerable
CDER's Compliance Program Guide 7346.832 @
The Approval Gate …
A few tips to avoid problems in drug
development and speed FDA
If outsourcing, audit aggressively your "vendors":
Clinical investigators
Contract manufacturers
University of Oklahoma
Joint venture partners
The Approval Gate …
Tips to avoid problems & speed review…
Make sure R&D and Sales & Marketing are talking
early on -- ensure the indication being studied is one you
want to sell
If planning to get Medicare reimbursement, make
start the reimbursement qualification process early
study your drug in Medicare-age patients
The Approval Gate …
Tips to avoid problems & speed review…
Study and File electronically
Respond to FDA deficiency letters during review
promptly, fully, and honestly
remember -- there are these folks called products liability
plaintiffs lawyers and Securities class actions folks waiting for
you to make a mistake
Don't bury your head to problems -- investigate and
disclose promptly
The Approval Gate …
Hopefully, will open for you!!
 But the odds are long, the cost is high,
and the time is lengthy
Good luck!!