Proposed “To-Be” Architecture

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Transcript Proposed “To-Be” Architecture

Enterprise Architecture


• • • • •

What is Enterprise Architecture (EA)?

Roles in EA?

Why is EA Important?

Tangible Benefits from EA?

What Do We Need to Accomplish?



What is Enterprise Architecture?

“A strategic information asset base which defines the


the information necessary to operate the business

the technologies necessary to support the business operations

and the transitional processes necessary for implementing new technologies in response to the changing needs of the business.” --- Federal CIO Council



Roles in EA?

• • The Chief Architect, in conjunction with the CIO and select OPM business managers, defines the architectural principles that map to the organization’s IT vision and strategic plans. As shown in Figure 1, architectural principles should represent fundamental requirements and practices believed to be good for the organization. These principles should be refined to meet OPM’s business needs.



Why is Enterprise Architecture Important?


It’s the law


Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 requires IT Architecture.

President’s Management Agenda (PMA) and PMA Scorecard



Why is Enterprise Architecture Important?


It’s the law

• •

OMB Raines Rule #5

“Is the project consistent with…bureau information architectures?”

GAO Reports and Audits

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Eight Agencies Were Well Positioned to Achieve Stage 5 Maturity, and Many Agencies Were Performing Core Elements beyond Their Assigned Maturity Stages Although the Executive Office of the President was the sole stage 5 agency, seven other agencies were close to becoming models of enterprise architecture management. One of the seven, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), which achieved stage 1 of version 1.1, needed to satisfy only five more elements to become a stage 5 agency. OPM needed to satisfy one stage 2 element (“Enterprise architecture plans call for developing metrics for measuring enterprise architecture progress, quality, compliance, and return on investment”), one stage 3 element (“Progress against enterprise architecture plans is measured and reported”), two stage 4 elements (“Enterprise architecture products and management processes undergo independent verification and validation” and “Quality of enterprise architecture products is measured and reported”), and one stage 5 element (“Return on enterprise architecture investment is measured and reported”).




Why is Enterprise Architecture important?


It’s the law

Additional Legislative and Executive Mandates

–Government Paperwork Elimination Act (GPEA) –Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Amendments –Government Performance Results Act of 1993 (GPRA) –OMB Circulars A ¬ 130 and A ¬ 11 –GAO Guidance, Findings, and Recommendations –Federal CIO Council documents.



Why is Enterprise Architecture Important?

2. It’s good business practice

Alignment -

ensuring the reality of the implemented enterprise is aligned with management’s intent –

Integration -

realizing that the business rules are consistent across the organization, that the data and its use are immutable, interfaces and information flow are standardized, and the connectivity and interoperability are managed across the enterprise –

Change -

facilitating and managing change to any aspect of the enterprise –

Time-to-market -

reducing systems development, applications generation, modernization timeframes, and resource requirements –

Convergence -

striving toward a standard IT product portfolio as contained in the Technical Reference Model (TRM).



What Do We Need to Accomplish?

3. We need to act on these mandates by

– Providing tools and support to Project Managers and their teams to help them manage their projects, activities and resources more effectively – Improving management decision making by creating a comprehensive, dynamic, accurate, and secure System to support an enterprise-wide portfolio management at OPM while utilizing existing OPM resources and methodologies – Enabling effective and efficient information sharing between initiatives, project teams, CFO, CIO and other stakeholders – Fulfilling legislative and regulatory requirements and achieve ANSI/EIA standard 748 compliance – Establishing a strong EVMS governance at OPM 9


Tangible Benefits from Enterprise Architecture?

• Capture facts about the mission, functions, and business foundation in an understandable manner to promote better planning and decision making • Improve communication among the business organizations and IT organizations within the enterprise through a standardized vocabulary • Provide architectural views that help communicate the complexity of large systems and facilitate management of extensive, complex environments • Focus on the strategic use of emerging technologies to better manage the enterprise’s information and consistently insert those technologies into the enterprise 10


Tangible Benefits from Enterprise Architecture?

• Improve consistency, accuracy, timeliness, integrity, quality, availability, access, and sharing of IT-managed information across the enterprise • Support the CPIC processes by providing a tool for assessment of benefits, impacts, and capital investment measurements and supporting analyses of alternatives, risks, and tradeoffs • Highlight opportunities for building greater quality and flexibility into applications without increasing cost • Achieve economies of scale by providing mechanisms for sharing services across the enterprise • Expedite integration of legacy, migration, and new systems • Ensure legal and regulatory compliance.


EA Overview

Caution: Can range from discrete to fuzzy


Grandfather Dewey Walker Father- John Zachman Son-Stephen Spewak


McGovern Practical Guide to EA Bernard Introduction to EA Boar - Aligning IT with Bus Strategies Rechtin Systems Architecting Cook - Building Ent Info Architectures Wagter Dynamic EA Schekkerman Creating or Choosing an EA Framework


FEAF DoDAF (C4ISR) TOGAF all based on Zachman IA Framework Founding Gurus & Follow-on Authors Essential Concepts, Principles, Standards Vocabulary & Definitions Frameworks


Essential Elements

Other Models EAP - Spewak Models:

-Business -Data -Application -Technology Models Views IEEE 1471-2000 People Processes Business Technology

FEA Models:

BRM DRM SRM PRM TRM Minefields, Benefits, Costs, ROI, Best Practices Goals and Objectives 12

EA Frameworks

FEAF J2EE Framework .Net Framework DoDAF (C4ISR) EAP TOGAF 13


Essentials Important Nice-to-know 14

EA Resources

Execution Standards Mandate Executive Branch

White House eGov Administrator: K. Evans US Gov Chief Architect R. Burk OMB FEAPMO EAMS Circular A-130 CIO Council NIST Architecture Plus

Legislative Branch

Clinger Cohen Act GAO




IEEE IEA AEA EWITA EA Community State Business Modeling Skills Data Modeling Skills Systems Design Analysis Skills Systems Thinking Skills Emotional IQ (Daniel Goleman) Position Descriptions Qualifications Skills Salaries Case Studies Research Firms Gartner Forrester Cutter EA Resource Center Consultants Federal Career Industry Government

EA Tool Surveys/Reports

Aus. Defence Forces GAO-04-040


Software Tools Organizations


ProForma Telelogic - System Architect Troux - Metis BOKs

Institutes, Conferences

ZIFA FEAC eGov Institute SEI EA Summit The Open Group's IT Arch Practitioners Conference Authors, Gurus PMI- PMBOK IEEE-SWEBOK Mitre-EABOK Academia Zachman Spewak Others Conferences HopkinsOne Courses 15