Transcript Document

Colorado Shines & ecConnect
Step by Step Guide
QI Navigator:
From Salesforce, find the provider’s current QRIS Application.
Click the “To Dashboard” button to access Colorado Shines as QI Navigator for that site.
Once you’re logged in to Colorado Shines, you’ll start at the [Home] tab.
Scroll down this page to view and update your Program Profile, manage the users who have access to edit your
information, and share a Public Snapshot which will appear in the public online provider search.
Go to the [Application] tab to start your QRIS Application. You will begin on the application’s
[Program Profile] tab.
Answer the questions
in the [Program Profile]
section. When you’re
finished, check the
checkbox to indicate
that this page is ready
to be submitted with
your application. (You
would leave this box
unchecked if you plan
to come back later and
continue working on
this page.)
Remember to save your work periodically!
When you’re finished with this page of the application, click the [Next >>] button at the
bottom of the page.
Complete the [Children] page of the application. Check the “Children complete & ready to submit” checkbox
when you’ve completed all the questions on this page.
Click the [Next >>] button at the bottom of the page to continue.
Until PDIS becomes available in March, you can skip the [Workforce] page of the application.
Click the [Next >>] button at the bottom of the page to continue.
Complete the [Classrooms] section. Add your classrooms, one at a time, by clicking the links and round buttons
(like “Add Infant Room”) at the top of this page.
After you click one of the [Add ___ Room] buttons, you can enter the classroom name and description. Click
[Save Classroom] to finish adding this classroom to your application.
Now you need to add sessions to your classrooms. Click the “Add a Session” link next to a classroom to begin. A
box will appear beneath that classroom with editable fields for you to indicate more details about this classroom
Because PDIS is not yet
available, you’ll skip the
Teachers section at this
When you’re finished
answering the questions
about this classroom
session, click the [ + Save
Session] button to save
your new classroom
Continue adding sessions,
starting with the “Add a
Session” link, until you’ve
finished entering all the
sessions for this
When you have added all your classrooms and classroom sessions, check the “Classrooms complete and ready to
submit” checkbox, then click [Next >>] to progress to the next page.
Complete the [High Needs] section. When you’re finished, check the “High Needs complete & ready to submit”
checkbox and save.
When you have completed
all four sections of the
application (skipping the
Workforce section), and all
four checkboxes are
checked to indicate that
your application is
complete and ready to
submit, you will see four
green bars in your
Application Status panel.
Below these progress bars,
you should now have a
[Submit Application]
button. Click to submit
your full QRIS application.
If you have NOT already submitted your application,
this button should say “Submit Application” once
you’ve completed everything.
Click the [Quality Improvement] tab. There is a sub-section here for [Build My QIP], and
if you currently have a rating, you will also see a tab for [Rating QIP].
To access your
application, skip
the QIP sections
for now and go
directly to the
[QI Incentives]
Colorado Shines will start connecting to your local early childhood council. This process
may take 10-20 seconds.
QI Navigator:
Before the provider can continue to their CCCAP QI Pilot application in ecConnect, you will need to update
the following SugarCRM fields on the Account, under the Classrooms & Children tab, in the Systemic
Funding section:
• CCAP QI Funding drop-down: select whether this program is “Eligible to Apply,” “Deferred/Ineligible,” or
“Choose not to participate.” This field must be set to “Eligible to Apply” or the program will not have
access to the CCAP pilot funding stream via Colorado Shines/ecConnect.
• Update QI Participation for CCAP Pilot to indicate whether the site participates in SRQIP, ITQA, another
QI Initiative, or more than 1 QI Initiative. (Select “More than 1 QI Initiative” if the site participates in any
combination of the other options.) This field determines the calculation of QI Assets later in the
Your first [QI Incentives] page provides an overview of Quality Improvement Incentives
and a description of the QI CCCAP Pilot. Click the [Apply Now!] button to proceed.
If you have already
visited this page and
clicked to start your
application, your
button will say [In
Progress] instead of
[Apply Now!]. Click
the [In Progress]
button to resume
First, you’ll be asked to confirm, choose or add a primary contact. Complete this section
and click the [Next & Save >] button at the bottom of the page.
On the Site Profile page, you’ll see some basic information about your site. This is pulled
from the information in your Colorado Shines record. If you have changes, please update
your Profile section in Colorado Shines.
This page also
includes a short
questionnaire to
confirm your
eligibility for the
CCCAP QI program.
Answer the
questions on this
page and click
[Next & Save >]
at the bottom of the
page to continue.
If you were able to answer “Yes” to all the application questions on the previous page,
congratulations! You are eligible for the CCCAP QI program. The next page may take a
moment to finish loading, then you’ll see a list of your preliminary Quality Improvement
From this page, you have the option to “View or Edit” your ecConnect application or
“Print your application and renewals.” (Note that these options ONLY refer to the
information you have entered in ecConnect, which you accessed via the [QI Incentives]
When you’re
ready to submit,
check the
checkbox next to
your CCAP
application and
then click