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민간주도의 세계적 산업교육기관
Korea Management Association
(156-849) 서울특별시 동작구 신대방 2동 395-65호 (한국컴퓨터빌딩 8층) 대표전화 : (02) 3274-9200 / FAX : (02) 3274-9259 ▶경기지부 : (031)258-5571
▶대전충청지부 : (042)828-6730 ▶대구경북지부 : (063)278-4450 ▶부산경남지부 : (053)429-6433 ▶울산지부 : (052) 268-2310
한능 : 제 2005-34호
2004. 3.
수신 : 대표이사
참조 : 인사, 교육부, 총무부, 경영(전략)기획, 인사조직팀, 비서실관련 임직원
제목 : 제61회 KMA-ASTD 2005 국제대회 한국대표단 참가 안내
한국능률협회는 ASTD에서 인증한 아시아지역 유일의 Global Network으로서
올해로 11회째 공식 한국대표단을 파견하고 있습니다.
International Conference & Exposition
2005년 6월 2일(목) ~ 12일(일) / 10박 11일
플로리다주 올랜도
KMA-ASTD 소개 한국대표단일정
ASTD Global Network in Korea
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
ASTD는 1944년 설립, 전세계 100여 국가의 15,000 여개 기업, 관공서 및 대학에
종사하고 있는 7만 여 전문가 회원으로 구성되어 있는 연합기관으로서 HRD, 직업
훈련, Performance 향상에 그 설립 목적을 두고 있습니다. ASTD는 회원의 연구,
지식 및 경험에서 우러나온 분석자료 및 실질적 정보의 상호교류를 관장하고 있으며,
국제컨퍼런스,전시회, 세미나, 출판 및 파트너십의 기회를 제공합니다.
2005년 6월 5일(일) ~ 9일(목)
ASTD 2005
ASTD 2005 국제회의는 HRD, 직업훈련, Performance 관련 국제 전문가들의 상호
실질적 정보교류 및 Partnership의 기회 제공을 위해 마련되어 수년간 그 권위를
인정 받고 있는 세계 최대, 최고의 HRD Int’l Conference입니다.
2005년 6월 6일(월) ~ 8일(수)
ASTD기간에 Exhibit hall에서 열리는 Expo에서는 각종 교육훈련 기자재와 신규 프로
ASTD 2005
그램 및 기업체 도입을 통해 입증된 여러 Products & Services가 무료로 3일간 소개
됩니다. 세계적으로 유수한 500여 개의 교육 컨설팅 기관과 기업 내 트레이닝 센터,
대학교의 부스가 참가자 여러분들의 안목을 넓혀 드리며, 각종 아이디어와 재미를
한국능률협회(KMA)는 아시아 지역 유일의 ASTD 공인기관으로 국내 기관으로서는
유일하게 지난 94년이래 매년 KMA-ASTD 한국대표단을 구성, 파견하고 있으며,
현지 독점 동시통역, 국내 최고 HRD, HRM 전문교수의 Debriefing 및 한국 공식
Delegation 자격 인정을 통한 경제적, 효율적 프로그램 제공 등 최고의 ASTD 참가
연수 프로그램을 제공하고 있습니다
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
한국대표단 일정
A팀(대한항공) – 2005년 6월 2일(목) ~ 12일(일) / 10박 11일
● 인천 ⇒ 아틀란타 ⇒ 마이애미
● 마이애미 도착 및 현지적응훈련
◈ 한국능률협회 주최 특별 세미나(Leadership)
-지도교수 : St.Thomas University 송석호 교수
● 사전 오리엔테이션
-중점 탐구 Session 설명
-주요일정 및 유의사항 안내
● 이동 : 마이애미 ⇒ 올랜도
● 올랜도 도착 및 ASTD 대회장 사전 답사
◈ 한국대표단 만찬 행사
◈ ASTD 2005 ICE 참가
-Sunrise Sessions
-General Sessions
-Legend Series
-International Forums
◈ 한국능률협회 코오디네이터 교수 종합 디브리핑 :
ASTD 2005 ICE 주요 Trend 및 Total Debriefing
⊙ 올랜도 지역 이문화 체험
● 이동 : 올랜도 ⇒ 뉴욕
● 뉴욕 출발
● 인천국제공항 도착 및 개별 해산
※ 상기 일정은 현지 사정에 따라 다소 변경될 수 있습니다.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
한국대표단 일정
B팀(대한항공) – 2005년 6월 4일(토) ~ 12일(일) / 8박 9일
● 사전 오리엔테이션
-중점 탐구 Session 설명
-주요일정 및 유의사항 안내
● 인천 ⇒ 아틀란타 ⇒ 올랜도
● 올랜도 도착 및 ASTD 대회장 사전 답사
◈ 한국대표단 만찬 행사
◈ ASTD 2005 ICE 참가
-Sunrise Sessions
-General Sessions
-Legend Series
-International Forums
◈ 한국능률협회 코오디네이터 교수 종합 디브리핑 :
ASTD 2005 ICE 주요 Trend 및 Total Debriefing
⊙ 올랜도 지역 이문화 체험
● 이동 : 올랜도 ⇒ 아틀란타
● 아틀란타 출발
● 인천국제공항 도착 및 개별 해산
※ 상기 일정은 현지 사정에 따라 다소 변경될 수 있습니다.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
한국대표단 특전
KMA는 ASTD가 공인한 아시아지역 유일의 Global Network입니다.
또한 KMA-ASTD 한국대표단의 규모는 국내 최고•최대입니다.
따라서 본회 한국대표단 참가자들은 경제적효과와 더불어 연수 효과를
극대화 할 수 있는 다양한 특전을 누리게 됩니다.
대회 출발 전 실시하는 한국대표단 사전 오리엔테이션(5/31,火)을 통해 대회 전반에
대한 이해를 높이고 효율적인 대회 참가 방법 제공
KMA 주최 한국대표단 만찬행사(6/4,土)를 통한 참가자 상호 교류의 장 마련
대회장 내 KMA 한국대표단 전용의 회의 및 휴게 공간 제공
ASTD 고위 관계자와 교류의 장 마련
KMA 주최 현지 유명 교수 초빙 특별 세미나
6월 3일 : Florida International University, Douglas Smith 교수
6월 9일 : Penn State University , Rothwell 교수
전 세계 HR Professionals들과의 교류를 위해 유니버셜 스튜디오에서 개최되는
ASTD Celebration Party(6/7,火) 참가 경비 지원
KMA 제작 한국대표단 기념품 및 귀국 후 대회 종합자료집/디지털 앨범(CD제작) 증정
KMA는 해외연수 전문가들로 구성된 ASTD 대회운영 전담 조직을 갖추고 있습니다.
또한 성공적인 행사 운영을 위해 미국 현지 사전답사를 실시했습니다.
한국대표단 여러분들의 다양한 요구에 부응하며 안전과 편의를 위해 최선을 다하겠습니다.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
한국대표단 코오디네이터 교수
KMA-ASTD 한국대표단 코오디네이터 교수진은 국내 최고•최대입니다.
특히 올해는 한국대표단 참가자들의 다양한 Learning Needs를 충족시키기 위해
미국 현지의 저명한 교수진을 영입하여 다양한 프로그램을 준비합니다.
● 심원술 교수 : 한양대학교 경상대학 경영학부
● 김도헌 박사 : 현대인재개발원 경제연구원
● 권기술 교수 : 한국능률협회
● Rothwell교수 : 펜실베니아주립대학 교육대학(ASTD Certificate Program자문)
● Douglas Smith 교수 : Florida International University
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
한국대표단 참가안내
A팀 : 2005년 6월 2일(목) ~ 6월 12일(일) / 10박 11일
B팀 : 2005년 6월 4일(토) ~ 6월 12일(일) / 8박 9일
※ 한 기업의 참가자가 30명 이상일 경우 별도의 팀 구성을 Customizing해드립니다
산업교육기관 HR 관련 부서의 임직원
※ 포함사항 : 항공료(이코노미),대회등록비,ASTD
자료번역비,지도교수 디브리핑,여행관련 제비용
(여행자보험,전용버스,공항세,가이드비 등)
2005년 4월 29일(금)
한국능률협회 국제협력팀 ASTD 사무국
신청 및 문의
Tel : 02-3274-9290,9255 / Fax : 02-3274-9259
담당 : 선유철 팀장,홍호진 연구원
▶ 숙박비 안내
- A팀 : 현지 8박 (조식 및 Tax 포함)
$120X8박 = $960
- B팀 : 현지 7박 (조식 및 Tax 포함)
$120X7박 = $840
▶ 참가비에 포함되지 않은 사항
- 여권 및 VISA 발급비용, 기타 개인성격의 제반비용
- 식사비(중/석식)
참가자가 현지에서 직접 결제하며 식당에 대한 다양한 정보는 출발 전 상세히 안내해 드립니다.
※ 회원사 기준 각 팀별 참가비 계산 방법
460만원 + $960 = \5,598,400
440만원 + $840 = \5,273,600
환율은 $1에 1,040원을 적용했습니다.
KMA-ASTD 한국대표단은 타 기관에 비해 평균 1인당 30~40만원의 비용 절감 효과를 누리게 됩니다.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
☞ 계산서 발급 및 우송을 위해 필요한 사항이오니 반드시 기재하여 주십시오.
참 가 자 명 단
역대 ASTD 대회 참가 경험 :
주요 관심 Session :
※ 기타 현지 관광 및 친선 골프행사 참석에 관한 부문은 본회 사무국으로 연락 바랍니다.
※ 항공 및 숙박 옵션관계는 본회에 문의 시 별도로 안내해 드립니다.
☞ 위와 같이 참가를 신청합니다.
2005 년
한국능률협회 ASTD 사무국 귀중
1. 참가신청서는 일단 FAX로 송부하여 주시고 전화로도 신청이 가능합니다.
▶ 보내실곳 : 본회 ASTD 사무국( 담당 : 선유철 팀장 , 홍호진 선임연구원)
TEL.(02)3274-9290,9255 / FAX(02)3274-9259
2. 참가비 입금 계좌번호 : 외환 124-13-12202-1 / 국민 827-01-0342-781 (예금주:(사)한국능률협회)
3. 참가신청서가 더 필요하실 때는 복사하여 사용하시기 바랍니다.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
General Session Speakers
Bob Knowling
6월 5일(일) , 09:00-10:30 a.m
Skilled change agent for Ameritech and USWest, Bob
Knowling is now heading the NYC Leadership Academy,
turning school principals into agents of change using
techniques from corporate America, the U.S. military,
and the schools themselves.
Rudy Giuliani
6월 6일(월) , 08:15-9:45 a.m
Honored and respected the world over, Rudy Giuliani’s
strong leadership, personal courage, and deeply felt
humanity have made him an international icon.
Steve Uzzell
6월 9일(목) ,10:45a.m-12:15 p.m
Illustrating his message with striking photographs,
Steve Uzzell, former National Geographic staffer,
inspires us to make any venture an adventure.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Legends Series
World-Renowned Expert on Creative Thinking
6월 5일(일) , 11:00 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
6월 5일(일) , 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. (repeated)
Edward de Bono
Edward de Bono is generally regarded as the leading world authority on creative
thinking. His key book, The Mechanism of Mind, was published in 1969. In it, he
showed how the nerve networks in the brain formed asymmetric patterns as the
basis of perception. From this work, Edward de Bono developed the concept and
tools of lateral thinking. What is so special about his work is that rather than
remaining hidden in academic texts he has made it practical and available to
everyone, from five years olds to adults. The term lateral thinking was introduced
by de Bono and is now in common usage.
De Bono was born in Malta in 1933. He attended St Edward's College, Malta,
during World War II and then the University of Malta where he qualified in
medicine. He proceeded, as a Rhodes Scholar, to Christ Church, Oxford,
where he gained an honors degree in psychology and physiology and then
a PhD in medicine. He also holds a PhD from Cambridge and an MD from
the University of Malta. He has held appointments at the universities of
Oxford, London, Cambridge and Harvard.
Among his popular books are: Six Thinking Hats; Lateral Thinking:Creativity
Step-by-Step; Serious Creativity: Using the Power of Lateral Thinking to
Create New Ideas.
Father of Human Capital Strategy and Analysis
6월 7일(화) , 10:00 a.m.-11:15 p.m.
6월 7일(화) , 1:45 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (repeated)
Jac Fitz-enz
Dr. Jac, as he is known worldwide, is acknowledged as the father of human
capital strategy and analysis. An internationally recognized authority on human
resource management, Fitz-enz pioneered the field of human capital bench
marking and performance measurement. Among his accomplishments:
a landmark study of the connection between service, quality, and productivity.
Ninety percent of the Fortune 100 companies have applied his benchmarking
system. He has authored five books on human capital management. In his latest,
The ROI of Human Capital, Fitz-enz demonstrates the benefits of measuring the
economic value of employee performance.
Fitz-enz has held senior human resource posts at major technology and financial
services companies in the United States. In 1977 he founded the Saratoga Institute,
recognized as a leader in the field of HR metrics and analysis, dedicated to the
premise that intelligent measurement is fundamental to performance improvement.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Legends Series
Futurist on Technology,Learning, and People
6월 6일(월) , 4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
6월 7일(화) , 8:15 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. (repeated)
Elliott Masie
Elliott Masie is an internationally recognized futurist, analyst, researcher, and
humorist on the critical topics of technology, business, learning and workplace
productivity. He heads The MASIE Center, a Saratoga Springs, New York, think
tank focused on how organizations can absorb technology and create continuous
learning and knowledge within the workforce
Masie’s professional focus has been to demystify the world of technology in order
to allow organizations to use their wisdom and resources to make key choices.
He has developed models for accelerating the spread of knowledge, learning,
and collaboration throughout organizations. Masie is acknowledged as the first
analyst to use the term e-learning and has advocated for a sane deployment of
learning and collaboration technology as a means of supporting the effectiveness
and profitability of enterprises.
Leaders in Human Performance Improvement
6월 6일(월) , 12:30 p.m.-1:45 p.m.
6월 6일(월) , 2:15 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. (repeated)
Jim and
Dana Gaines
Jim Robinson is Chairman of Partners in Change with experience as a line
manager and training director in previous positions. For several years he was
vice president of Development Dimensions International and the author of its
most successful supervisory training program.Dana Gaines Robinson founded
Partners in Change in 1981. Prior to becoming an external consultant,
Dana was an internal human resources (HR) manager for nine years.
Together Dana and Jim are acknowledged as leaders in human performance
improvement. They have co-authored several books, including Training for Impact
and Performance Consulting, which was selected as the recipient of the Society
for Human Resource Management’s book of the year award when it was published.
They also co-edited Moving from Training to Performance, published by ASTD.
With Ken Blanchard they co-authored the book Zap the GAPS! Target Higher
Performance and Achieve It!. Their most recent book is Strategic Business
Partner: Aligning People Strategies with Business Goals.
Dana and Jim Robinson have been presented with the Distinguished Contribution
Award for Workplace Learning and Performance by ASTD. This award recognizes
their landmark work in performance improvement and their sustained impact in the
training and human resources industries. They have also been awarded the
Thought Leadership Award by ISA.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Pre-Conference Workshops
Two-Day Workshops - 6월 3일(금) ~ 6월 4일(토)
Workshop A : Creating Your Business-Driven Training and Development Strategic Plan
Workshop B : Creating an Environment for Successful Projects
Workshop C : Value-Driven Leadership: The Key to a Motivated Workforce
One-Day Workshops – 6월 4일(토)
Workshop 1 : Changing Attitudes and Behaviors Through Experiential Activity
Workshop 2 : Connecting Human Performance Interventions to Business Goals and Metrics
Workshop 3 : E-Learning Strategy 101: Designing an Effective Roadmap for the Enterprise
Workshop 4 : Fundamentals of Finance & Accounting for Training Managers
Workshop 5 : How to Be the Business Survivor!
Workshop 6 : Intelligent Disobedience: The Difference Between Good and Great Leaders
Workshop 7 : Interactive Instructional Design: 25 Ways To Do It Faster and More Effectively
Workshop 8 : Laugh and Learn: How to Use Humor to Boost Training Results
Workshop 9 : Linking Organizational Culture to the Bottom Line
Workshop 10 : Organizational Creativity, Disney® Style
Workshop 11 : Stimulating Learning with Interactive Offbeat Creative Techniques
Workshop 12 : The Eight Kinds of Smart: A Revolutionary Design Tool
Workshop 13 : Training Design That Drives Business Results
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Pre-Conference Workshops
Two-Day Workshops
Friday,June 3 ~ Saturday,June 4
Creating Your Business-Driven Training and Development Strategic Plan (Workshop A)
Track: Learning as a Business Strategy (Experience Level 3)
Ray Svenson Consulting, Inc.
Major corporations collectively spend billions of dollars on training and development.
Training departments are taking on new roles, such as performance consulting. In order to stay in
alignment with business goals, strategies, change initiatives, and technology, every company should
update its strategic plan for learning and development every few years. The presenter will offer a
systematic approach to strategic planning for learning and development based on his more than 25 years
working with Fortune 500 companies.
Creating an Environment for Successful Projects (Workshop B)
Track: Leadership & Management Development (Experience Level 2)
Randall Englund, Madeline Learning
Many organizational systems that guide management behavior are not consistent with success in current
business environments. In this workshop, participants will identify how to support project management
as an organizational competency; assemble environmental and behavioral factors to optimize and achieve
greater results from project-based work; get feedback about actions that create an environment for more
successful projects; and share concepts of alternative approaches to project management and to the
stakeholders who in.uence this process.
Value-Driven Leadership: The Key to a Motivated Workforce (Workshop C)
Track: Leadership & Management Development (Experience Level 1)
Egbert Kinds, Yvon Kinds-Hoendervoogt, Core Commit
Human potential is fully utilized when a person’s motives are aligned with the task and mission of the
division and of the organization in which they work. The Value Commitment Indicator shows the extent
to which an organization uses the value potential of its employees.
In this workshop, participants will work with this instrument that measures and visualizes value drivers in
people and value systems in organizations.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Pre-Conference Workshops
One-Day Workshops
Saturday,June 4
Changing Attitudes and Behaviors Through Experiential Activity (Workshop 1)
Track: Designing and Delivering Learning (Experience Level 2)
Mel Silberman, Active Training
Nothing is more challenging than trying to change old attitudes and behaviors. Drawing from a menu of
25 experiential techniques, the presenter will show participants how to help clients.whatever their status and
function.assess their current attitudes and behaviors, set their own goals for improvement, and try out new
beliefs and actions. Session participants will take away a tool kit of exercises designed not only to engage
participants at deep levels, but also to expand their own behavioral repertoires, increase their competence
as a master demonstrator of key interpersonal skills, and bolster their con.dence as a master facilitator of
interpersonal skill development.
Connecting Human Performance Interventions to Business Goals and Metrics (Workshop 2)
Track: Learning as a Business Strategy (Experience Level 3)
Robert Brinkerhoff, Western Michigan University
In this one-day workshop, participants will learn a practical process for connecting performance
improvement and training initiatives directly to business strategy, goals, and metrics. This organizational
development and needs analysis process will enable trainers to partner with their performance improvement
and training customers to clarify the top business goals and priorities; identify measurable performance
improvement objectives; de.ne competency development needs; and demonstrate the potential returnon-investment of selected interventions.
E-Learning Strategy 101: Designing an Effective Roadmap for the Enterprise (Workshop 3)
Track: E-Learning (Experience Level 1)
Mike Flanagan, Sam Herring, Intrepid Learning Solutions
This session will equip participants with a set of planning and consulting tools to develop a strategic
roadmap for current and future e-learning implementation in the organization. Participants will learn to
de.ne goals for e-learning, select appropriate technology solutions and vendors, assess organizational
readiness for e-learning, build a case to gain executive support, and implement and evaluate the program.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Pre-Conference Workshops
One-Day Workshops
Saturday,June 4
Fundamentals of Finance & Accounting for Training Managers (Workshop 4)
Track: Learning as a Business Strategy (Experience Level 1)
Gary Steinkohl, The Lumin Group
Recent research has shown that core .nancial skills are a requirement for every manager in today’s
corporate world, and even more so for those moving into the ranks of senior management.
This workshop will include experiential exercises and case studies to support participants’ learning.
How to Be the Business Survivor! (Workshop 5)
Track: Learning as a Business Strategy (Experience Level 1)
Joanne Osmond, The Vision Tree; Claudia Pannell, Abbott Laboratories
True or False? Can you succeed in business without trying? The answer is “NO!” So what does it take to
succeed in business, whether running a learning and development business or managing a “business in
a business?” Learn how to incorporate service development, marketing, communication, technology,
resources, training, and reporting into a successful business plan.
Intelligent Disobedience: The Difference Between Good and Great Leaders (Workshop 6)
Track: Leadership & Management Development (Experience Level 2)
Bob McGannon, Mindavation, Inc.
The ability to successfully challenge, push back, and make suggestions to management that defend the
integrity of one’s department or project objectives in contrast with the perceived expectations of others is
pivotal to true success as a leader. This fun and informative presentation will provide participants with a
different way of addressing the challenges they face as business leaders.
Interactive Instructional Design: 25 Ways To Do It Faster and More Effectively (Workshop 7)
Track: Designing and Delivering Learning (Experience Level 2)
Catherine Mattiske, TPC.The Performance Company
Faster, more effective, and more fun! Learn loads of tips, tricks, and techniques for writing and creating
sensational training courses. In this workshop, participants will use a proven nine-step process that ensures
all learners are catered to while signi.cantly reducing design time and increasing retention.
Participants will receive a full-color resource kit containing step-by-step working models, sample forms,
and creative learning activities that can be implemented quickly and easily into new or existing programs.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Certificate Programs
E-Learning Instructional Design Certificate Program
6월 3일(금) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6월 4일(토) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
● ASTD/HBSP Training Directors Business Boot Camp
(What Every Training Director Should Know)
6월 3일(금) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6월 4일(토) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
● Coach-Based Consulting Certificate Program
6월 3일(금) , 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6월 4잁(토) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
● Rapid Prototyping for E-Learning Design Certificate Program
6월 3일(금) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6월 4일(토) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
● ASTD’s ROI Certificate Program
6월 3일(금) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6월 4일(토) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
● ASTD’s Measuring & Evaluating Learning Certificate Program
6월 2일(목) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6월 3일(금) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
6월 4일(금) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
● ASTD’s HPI Certificate Program.HPI in the Workplace
6월 2일(목) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6월 3일(금) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
6월 4일(토) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
● ASTD’s HPI Certificate Program.Analyzing Human Performance
6월 2일(목) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6월 3일(금) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
6월 4일(토) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
● ASTD’s HPI Certificate Program.Evaluating Performance Improvement Interventions
6월 2일(목) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6월 3일(금) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
6월 4일(토) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
● ASTD’s Training Certificate Program
6월 2일(목) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6월 3일(금) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
6월 4일(토) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
● ASTD’s Designing Learning Certificate Program
6월 2일(목) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 6월 3일(금) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
6월 4일(토) , 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Certificate Programs
E-Learning Instructional Design Certificate Program
Friday, June 3, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m. Saturday, June 4, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m.
Designed for those new to the incorporation of e-learning technology but not inexperienced in training
and performance; those wanting to brush up on newest techniques; instructional designers; curriculum
builders; learning managers; courseware producers; sales, safety, healthcare, .nance, higher education,
and government trainers. Participants will learn how to shift from instructor-led training to the world of
e-learning with this valuable certi.cate content and instruction.
ASTD/HBSP Training Directors Business Boot Camp (What Every Training Director Should Know)
Friday, June 3, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m. Saturday, June 4, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m.
This two-day preconference workshop, developed in partnership between ASTD and Harvard Business
School Publishing, is designed to prepare training directors to address their biggest business challenges.
In this workshop, participants will interact with peers to discuss, learn, and build competencies for the
future, while increasing their business network. Attendees will work with Harvard Business School Publishing
tools and materials to focus on the business skills identi.ed as essential in ASTD’s new competency study,
Mapping the Future: Shaping New Workplace Learning and Performance Competencies.
Coach-Based Consulting Certificate Program
Friday, June 3, 2:00 . 5:00 p.m. Saturday, June 4, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m.
This one and a half day preconference workshop, presented in partnership between ASTD and the
Independent Consultants Association, is designed to expand the experienced consultants’ skills to assure
their clients’ total satisfaction, friction-free projects with minimal unpleasant surprises, and greater
personal ful.llment. Participants will learn the skills, techniques, and information for highly pro.cient
consultants to establish valued-added, strategic partner relationships with clients. The program will
include de.nitions of coaching, distinctions between coaching and consulting, and how coaching
enhances consulting outcomes.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Certificate Programs
Rapid Prototyping for E-Learning Design Certificate Program
Friday, June 3, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m. Saturday, June 4, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m.
E-Learning capabilities are more sophisticated than ever, expectations for impact have grown, and
the design challenge for creating new, engaging solutions becomes greater with each project you face.
In this dynamic and interactive workshop, you will learn when and how to complement or replace s
toryboards by using rapid prototyping in your design process to result in much richer instructional designs,
and develop an actionable plan for using rapid prototyping to boost your e-learning designs. In addition,
you will learn the critical management considerations of the rapid prototyping process: selecting the right
project team, setting/managing client expectations, and avoiding scope creep by knowing
“when to say when.”
ASTD’s ROI Certificate Program
Friday, June 3, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m. Saturday, June 4, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m.
Participants will experience application of the ROI Process Model. This includes developing application
impact objectives, developing data collection plans, collecting various types of hard and soft data,
isolating the effects of the program, converting data to monetary values, tabulating appropriate program
costs, calculating the ROI, and identifying intangible bene.ts. Participants learn how six types of data,
both qualitative and quantitative, are developed from a variety of sources. This workshop has been
delivered to thousands of clients worldwide, giving the skills needed measure the impact of learning and
change interventions.
ASTD’s Measuring & Evaluating Learning Certificate Program
Thursday, June 2, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m. Friday, June 3, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, June 4, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m.
In this comprehensive certi.cate program, Jack Phillips addresses critical aspects of evaluation: gathering
data, focusing on the impact of individual programs, measuring learning, leveraging .ndings to increase
effectiveness and provide recommendations for change. This program focuses on developing the skills
for measuring, evaluating, and providing ROI for learning solutions and other interventions. It covers
designing effective tests and checking them for accuracy, validity, and reliability, plus the challenges of
ensuring that learning is measured adequately, yet remains within the resources available in the
organization. Introduction to the various evaluation models are discussed.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Certificate Programs
ASTD’s HPI Certificate Program.HPI in the Workplace
Thursday, June 2, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m. Friday, June 3, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, June 4, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m.
Interested in becoming a human performance improvement consultant? HPI in the Workplace introduces
participants to the fast-paced, results-focused world of HPI. This is the foundation course of ASTD’s
highly regarded HPI Certi.cate Program. Understanding HPI is a critical skill for all learning and
performance professionals and is a key focus area of expertise in the ASTD 2004 Competency Model.
ASTD’s HPI Certificate Program.Analyzing Human Performance
Thursday, June 2, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m. Friday, June 3, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m. Saturday,
June 4, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m.
This interactive, hands-on workshop introducing attendees to a systematic approach to identifying the
real performance gaps and their root causes. Participants will take away the knowledge and tools needed
to plan an analysis, interview key performers, identify barriers to performance, compile and analyze data,
and link the data to bottom-line results. (HPI in the Workplace is a prerequisite for this course.)
ASTD’s HPI Certificate Program.Evaluating Performance Improvement Interventions
Thursday, June 2, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m. Friday, June 3, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m. Saturday,
June 4, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m.
This workshop shows learners how to demonstrate return-on-investment for an HPI project.
This skill-building class provides practical tools and experiences for building an evaluation process into
all HPI projects. Unique to this workshop, participants will practice conducting an evaluation on a non
training solution. (HPI in the Workplace is a prerequisite for this course.)
ASTD’s Training Certificate Program
Thursday, June 2, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m. Friday, June 3, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m. Saturday,
June 4, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m.
This is the trainer’s training program that provides all of the tools needed for delivering world-class training.
It covers the key knowledge and actions for delivering training as outlined in the ASTD 2004 Competency
Study. The certi.cate program enables training professionals beginning their training careers with the tools
to get started and offers fresh ideas and concepts for the seasoned trainer. The workshop focuses on the
4 Ps of training.purpose, preparation, presentation and performance.
ASTD’s Designing Learning Certificate Program
Thursday, June 2, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m. Friday, June 3, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m.
Saturday, June 4, 9:00 a.m. . 5:00 p.m.
ASTD is pleased to offer its newest certi.cate program in Designing Learning. Following a HPI based
approach to instructional design, this course covers the key actions and knowledge from the ASTD
2004 Competency Study for individuals that have had at least one year of training experience and want
to gain a better understand of designing learning.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Conference Tracks
● Learning as a Business Strategy (25개 세션)
; 교육기획/연수원 운영 담당자 관련 세션
● Careers Planning and Talent Management (22개 세션)
; 인사/노무/복지 담당자 관련 세션
● E-Learning(18개 세션)
; 온라인 웹 기반교육 관련 세션
● Leadership and Management Development(33개 세션)
; 인사조직혁신/HR기획/경영전략 관련 세션
● Measurement , Evaluation and ROI (22개 세션)
; 교육훈련 운영/평가 관련 세션
● Facilitating Organizational Change(32개 세션)
; 조직개발/인사기획/고객지원 관련 세션
● Performance Improvement(15개 세션)
; 지식경영/역량개발/품질경영 관련 세션
● Personal and Professional Effectiveness(34개 세션)
; 인사/노무/총무/기획 관련 세션
● Designing and Delivering Learning (41개 세션)
; 사내교수/교육진행/인재육성 관련 세션
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Sunday, June 5
The Dialogue Continues…Transforming the Industry and Corporate America (SU201)
View from the CLO (Experience Level 3)
Rebecca Ray, Comcast; Ed Cohen, Booz Allen Hamilton; James Haudan, Root Learning
This session features chief learning of.cers who lead a group of 12 to 15 attendees though a discussion
focusing not simply on WHAT role workplace learning professionals play in corporate America but exactly
HOW they must execute that role. Supported by an updated learning map, the result of input from ASTD
conference attendees in 2003 and 2004 and numerous ASTD chapter members, the discussion promises
to be a lively and interactive examination of how to take the competencies and roles of the new ASTD
Competency Model and bring them to life.
Career Vitality (SU204)
Track: Career Planning and Talent Management (Experience Level 2)
Tony Lee, CareerJournal.com
Today’s workplace is one of complexity and uncertainty. The presenter will address how participants can
market themselves within their company, become more adept at targeted networking for career
advancement, communicate their treasure chest of talents to employers, and utilize the Internet to aid in
job search. The presenter will also cover ways to overcome such obstacles as job loss, discrimination,
and .nding a job in a foreign land.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Squeeze More Into Your Training Sessions (SU205)
Track: Designing and Delivering Learning (Experience Level 1)
Elaine Biech, ebb associates inc;
Are you caught between the ASTD Competency Study key action, “encourages participation,” and a
department head’s requirement of “less time?” Join the author of Training for Dummies and ASTD’s
Training Certi.cate class as she models and discusses how to increase participation while cutting in-class
training time by as much as 50 percent. Participants will leave with a dozen ideas for increasing participation
and another dozen for shaving time from training events.and getting out early to boot!
E-Learning Maintenance Strategies.Why You Need One (SU206)
Track: E-Learning (Experience Level 2)
Coley O’Brien, Thomson NETg.Strategic Services
Does your organization design or procure custom-built e-learning? Then a maintenance strategy for
custom e-learning courses or programs is important. This session will help answer three important
questions regarding e-learning maintenance strategies: How robust should it be? How to “sell” it as a
critical part of the methodology? How to build it?
Training and Development Professionals’ Role in Leading Constant Change (SU208)
Track: Facilitating Organizational Change (Experience Level 3)
Chris Edgelow, Sundance Consulting Inc.
This hands-on, practical session will provide real tools to senior training and development professionals
who want to add value in a changing organization. Participants will learn how to facilitate an organization
through complex change via three key areas: 1) Effective Strategic Leadership, 2) Implementing Successful
Change, and 3) Leading People Through Transition.
Becoming a Corporate Sage: The Wisdom of the Coach (SU209)
Track: Leadership & Management Development (Experience Level 3)
Susan Bethanis, Mariposa Leadership, Inc.
In this session, the presenter will engage participants in a dialogue about the role of the coach.
Speci.cally, participants will learn how all leaders can use the simple three-step ITM Coaching™
(In-The-Moment) Model to leverage learning opportunities in interrupt-driven cultures by coaching anytime,
anywhere. Real-time learning maximizes a leader’s return on the time and energy devoted to “teaching
others how to .sh.”
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
The Fourth Revolution (SU210)
Track: Learning as a Business Strategy (Experience Level 1)
Jonathon Levy, Monitor Group
Investment in the knowledge workforce is extending beyond knowledge systems to the knowledge
workers themselves. A number of top corporations actively promote techniques of expanding human
awareness, such as transcendental meditation, for their managers and knowledge workforce. While the
third revolution increased the amount of knowledge available for the mind, the fourth revolution is increasing
the amount of mind available for the knowledge.
Evaluating Training Programs: The Four Levels (SU211)
Track: Measurement, Evaluation, and ROI (Experience Level 1)
Donald Kirkpatrick, University of Wisconsin
This session will explore the 10 requirements for an effective training program, plus three reasons for
evaluating. An overall description of the four levels, including guidelines, forms, and procedures will be
covered for each level.
Performance Architecture and Performance Systems Design (SU212)
Track: Performance Improvement (Experience Level 2)
Roger Addison, International Society for Performance Improvement
This session will explore the performance consultant’s landscape and provide some proven tips, tools,
and techniques for identifying, diagnosing, and prescribing solutions for performance issues in
organizations. The diagnostic tools and scans concentrate on structure, motivation, environment,
and learning. Participants of this session can add HPI work, worker, and workplace alignment tips,
tools, and techniques to their performance tool kits and explore the priciples and practices of performance
What Every Training & Performance Professional Should Know About Copyrights (SU213)
Track: Personal & Professional Effectiveness (Experience Level 1)
Francine Ward, nCompliance, inc.
Do you play music as part of your training sessions? Use independent contractors, such as graphic
designers, Web consultants, photographers, or copyeditors? Copy cartoons from magazines to use as
overheads? Download material from the Internet to use in presentations? Collaborate with other training
professionals on projects? If so, join Francine for a content-rich exploration of the basic dos and don’ts
of copyrights.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Preparing International Learners for the American Training Experience (SU214)
Track: Designing and Delivering Learning (Experience Level 2)
Liese Tamburrino, Camden Partners International, LLC
North American economic dominance, as well as current world economic conditions mean that the
number of foreign participants in American-designed and led training programs has risen by more
than 20 percent since 2002. This session explains how course designers can modify content,
methodology, and format in five key ways to improve retention and application of skills and information
when training international sales and management professionals. It also provides facilitators with tips for
modifying delivery to be more inclusive for global learners.
Training the Trainer in Accelerated Learning Techniques (SU303)
Track: Designing and Delivering Learning (Experience Level 1)
Adrian Cottin, PCO’s International
Aproaches of Bill Potter, Bob Pike, Tom Japp, Donald Schuster, and Mauro Rodriguez will be used,
as well as the trainer’s experience in adult learning processes in four continents. At the end of the
learning experience, the learning partner will be able to facilitate adult learning processes using accelerated
learning techniques, in a frame of freedom and motivation to achieve goals that will keep learning partners
interested and will have a positive impact on their new abilities and knowledge.
Clients are from Mars, Vendors are from Venus (SU304)
Track: E-Learning (Experience Level 3)
Karl Kapp, Bloomsburg University
This interactive session features both client and vendor perspectives on e-learning Requests for
Proposals (RFPs). Participants will learn what should and should not be included in an organization’s
e-learning RFPs and proposals. The results will streamline the e-learning acquisition process and provide
a solution that meets both vendor and client needs.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Promoting Intelligent Careers in the Knowledge-Based Economy (SU305)
Track: Career Planning and Talent Management (Experience Level 1) Michael Arthur,
Suffolk University; Kirsten M. Poulsen, KMP & Partners ApS
This session will de.ne and give examples of how the promotion and navigation of intelligent careers
can contribute to both individual and organizational adaptation in a changing world and how career
navigation is replacing the old concept of career planning. Examples from international organizations
will provide links to contemporary ideas about individual and management development, the promotion
of teamwork, and career coaching.
Leading Enterprise-Wide Change: Superior Results Through Strategic and Systems Thinking (SU306)
Track: Facilitating Organizational Change (Experience Level 2)
Stephen Haines, James McKinlay, Gail Aller-Stead, Centre for Strategic Management;
This session uses the research from the Science of Systems Thinking, based on the works of Ludwig
Von Bertalanffy and the Society for General Systems Research. The research has been distilled by
the presenters and simpli.ed into a model and framework called The ABCs of Enterprise-Wide Change.
This session was .rst developed by the presenters and then written as a book at the request of Jossey
-Bass/Pfeiffer publishers.
Rewire Your Head.New Thinking for Navigating the 21st Century (SU307)
Track: Facilitating Organizational Change (Experience Level 1)
Mike McAllum, Global Foresight
Many individuals and organizations .nd themselves in an increasingly uncertain and turbulent world.
The Global Foresight Network suggests that the idea of navigation represents a fundamental change
in the corporate mindset to encourage new imperatives for innovation, the requirement for
multidimensional thinking, and an understanding of the strategic speed at which organizations need
to move.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Training Outsourcing: The Boeing Model (SU308)
Track: Learning as a Business Strategy* (Experience Level 2)
Christopher Hedrick, Intrepid Learning Solutions; Robert Kelly, The Boeing Company
Outsourcing the training function is a fast becoming the next wave of business process outsourcing.
The Boeing Company is the largest corporation to systematically outsource major aspects of its employee
training. Utilizing a highly effective incremental approach in its partnership with Intrepid Learning Solutions,
Boeing has acheived substantial gains in cost effectiveness, speed of training to market, and quality.
Learn how in this session.
Demonstrating Training Value: Aligning Kirkpatrick’s Four Levels with Balanced Scorecards (SU309)
Track: Measurement, Evaluation, and ROI (Experience Level 1)
James Kirkpatrick, Corporate University Enterprises, Inc.
Training professionals the world over are feeling pressure to demonstrate to senior executives that training
is an effective method to improve pro.tability and retention. This session will deliver a novel yet extremely
effective approach to demonstrating the value of training by linking Donald Kirkpatricks’ Four Levels of
Evaluating Training Programs with the presenter’s modi.cation of Kaplan and Norton’s “Balanced
Scorecard.” The presenter will give examples of balanced scorecard measures for each of the Four Levels.
The Nine Deadly Sins of New Performance Consultants (SU310)
Track: Performance Improvement (Experience Level 2)
Joe Willmore, Willmore Consulting Group
The movement to performance is growing in our profession. Yet the transition to performance consulting
isn’t easy. This session is based insights from a host of HPT luminaries and stars who contributed their
“lessons learned” while getting started in HPI, as well as the most common mistakes newcomers make
with performance. This session will focus on the most common errors by new performance consultants
and how to avoid them. This is an ideal session for new performance consultants and those who are
managing training and HR shops in transition.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Prisoners of Our Thoughts: Viktor Frankl’s Principles at Work (SU311)
Track: Personal & Professional Effectiveness (Experience Level 1)
Alex Pattakos, The Innovation Group
This session not only explores the core principles that underlie the lifework of the world-renown
psychiatrist, Viktor Frankl (author of Man’s Search for Meaning, named by the Library of Congress
as one of the 10 most in.uential books of the 20th century), but also applies these principles to work
and the workplace. It addresses two key ASTD Competencies (demonstrating adaptability and modeling
personal development). Through practical examples and personal experience, the presenter explores
how others can .nd authentic meaning in work and in everyday life, so that they are not prisoners of
their thoughts!
Assessing and Aligning an Ethical Climate: Lived vs. Espoused Values (SU404)
Track: Facilitating Organizational Change (Experience Level 1)
K.T. Connor, K.T. Connor Associates, LLC
Collins, author of Good to Great , and others have reminded us that ethical companies can be highperforming companies. But recent events remind us that organizational ethics is in crisis. This session
takes a scienti.c approach to ethics, moving it from “soft” to “hard” considerations. It explores ethics
as a “hard” science, the nine pathways to ethical performance in an organization, the challenge of
measuring ethics in an organization, how to escape measurement traps, and preliminary research
demonstrating the gaps that can be addressed by the HRD practitioner.
The Power of Rituals to Transform People and Organizations (SU405)
Track: Leadership & Management Development (Experience Level 1)
Jim Loehr, LGE Performance Systems, Inc.
All great performers from professional athletes, surgeons, and pilots to Special Forces teams rely on
rituals, not self-discipline, to achieve extraordinary results. In this session, the presenter will share speci.
c physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual performance rituals for transforming individuals and
organizations. He will also discuss the .ve keys to building successful rituals. Attendees will explore the
power of acquiring and following precise rituals to become extraordinary in everything that really matters.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
The Complete Trainer.It’s a Process, Not an Event (SU407)
Track: Personal & Professional Effectiveness (Experience Level 1)
Bob Pike, The Bob Pike Group
Training is a process, not an event. Being a complete trainer means understanding the underlying
processes and being committed to solutions that improve performance, rather than merely to a collection
of activities. This session will include models trainers should know and use, questions trainers should ask
themselves and others, and a development path for becoming a master trainer and performance
improvement consultant.
Coaching Olympic & Business Athletes (SU408)
Track: Personal & Professional Effectiveness (Experience Level 1)
Tim Vang, Institute for Performance Development A/S in Denmark; Jan Larsen,
Making a Difference Denmark
Every journey begins with a single step and the journey to changing one’s personal life or work life is no
exception. In this “live” coaching session, two participants will have the opportunity to be coached by
two Olympic coaches. All participants should expect to be challenged and engaged mentally in the
coaching proces.
Confessions of a Former Talkshow Host (SU409)
Track: Designing and Delivering Learning (Experience Level 1)
Jonathan Halls, British Broadcasting Corporation
Broadcasters live or die by their communication skills. What can trainers learn from broadcasters’ abilities
to draw audiences and in.uence people? In this session, a former talk show host shares some of the
broadcasting tricks he brought from the studio into the training room to make training more exciting.
Explore how communication affects technologies, such as PowerPoint and online learning, and examine
the communication process and what takes place when sending a message.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Monday, June 6
The Five Cs of ROI: Challenge, Credibility, Collaboration, Concentration, and Caution (M105)
ROI Conference-Within-a-Conference (Experience Level 2)
Jack Phillips, Jack Phillips Center for Research
This interactive session will discuss .ve of the major challenges involved in implementing ROI
as part of the measurement mix. It will discuss the credibility of the data and the methodology,
the collaboration needed with a variety of stakeholders, concentration on the process, connection to
business measures, and caution for how ROI should be calculated.
Using the Ordinary to Make Your Presentations and Training Extraordinary (M107)
Track: Designing and Delivering Learning (Experience Level 1)
Sharon Bowman, Consultant
Discover more than 24 ways to use ordinary objects as retention tools to make your message stick.
From of.ce and household objects to quick, hands-on memory techniques, participants will experience
over two dozen instuctional strategies to make training and presentations more fun and effective.
Plus participants will leave with a handout packet of great ideas and activities that won’t empty
the pocketbook.
The Real Cost of E-Learning (M108)
Track: Measurement, Evaluation, and ROI (Experience Level 2)
Eric Parks, ASK International
We all know that e-learning takes time to storyboard, develop, and deploy. But all the time, effort, and
cost associated with the design and deployment of e-learning pales in comparison to the hidden costs.
This presentation examines the e-learning life cycle from design, development, deployment,
and maintenance. It looks at what must be done to identify, manage, and control the hidden costs
of e-learning.
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International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Being Phenomenal: Using Professional Development Plans to Promote Individual Growth (M109)
Track: Career Planning and Talent Management (Experience Level 1)
Robert Berger, The SCOOTER Store
The SCOOTER Store in New Braunfels, Texas, the nation’s largest Medicare provider of powered
mobility equipment and one of the “100 Best Companies to Work For” in America in 2003, has
implemented a companywide professional development planning process. This session will describe
the design and implementation of the process and will evaluate its impact. Participants will learn about
the signi.cant challenges faced in implementing professional development programs in an environment
where such programs did not exist.
Passing the Baton: Strategies for Generational Shifts in Leadership (M110)
Track: Facilitating Organizational Change (Experience Level 3)
Corey Jamison, Frederick Miller, The Kaleel Jamison Consulting Group, Inc.
Baby Boomers make up the core of many organizational structures and maintain the dominant leadership
roles in most organizations today. Yet many leaders are resistant to sharing or vacating those positions.
This session will create a stimulating space for dialogue, brainstorming, and strategizing around the
impending generational crisis.
Values-Based Generational Shifts (M111)
Track: Leadership & Management Development (Experience Level 1)
Louis Patler, Ph. D., Near Bridge Inc.
Our research shows that much of the data on”generations” is not an accurate predictor of behavior,
attitudes, and choices. We have identi.ed .ve Value Populations.age groupings that share a common
set of core values.and show how understanding these value-sets can enhance leadership, management,
sales, and marketing skills.
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International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
HR & Finance: A Strategic Business Partnership at Transitions Optical (M112)
Track: Learning as a Business Strategy (Experience Level 2)
Rory Coll, Marge Kane-Klingbergs, Transitions Optical; Catherine Rezak, Paradigm Learning
When Transitions Optical, a global manufacturer of the number one recommended photocromic
ophthalmic lenses, challenged itself to double its business, senior leaders knew that a focus on .
nancial metrics would be necessary to achieve success. Learn how two departments forged their
partnership. Review the tools and techniques they used, as well as the results and lessons learned.
And experience one of the learning simulations used to engage employees around business results.
Beyond Transfer of Training: Enlisting Stakeholders in the Learning Enterprise (M114)
Track: Performance Improvement (Experience Level 2)
Mary Broad, Performance Excellence
Research shows that managers, supervisors, and others in work settings have a huge impact on ensuring
improved performance and results. This session demonstrates proven methods to identify and enlist
stakeholders to provide the workplace support essential for learners to fully apply learning and achieve
desired results. Learn through case studies, metrics, management tools, and lessons how to .nd
stakeholders who really care about performance.
What Business Are You In? Facing the Post-Training Era (M115)
Track: Performance Improvement (Experience Level 2)
Thomas Cavanagh, Florida Space Research Institute
Ask yourself, “If your CEO could eliminate the training function without impacting business performance,
what would he or she do?” If today’s training professionals have any hope of maintaining their relevance
in the organizational mission, they must recognize the shifting landscape now before it shakes them
completely off their feet. This session will provide an overview of an important trend, as well as offer
some concrete suggestions for training professionals about how to maintain their relevance in
a post-training era.
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International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Use the Chain of Impact to Leverage Data and Demonstrate ROI (M203)
ROI Conference-Within-a-Conference (Experience Level 2)
Bruce Aaron, Accenture
This session uses a case study to demonstrate techniques for establishing the relationship between
data collected at the four traditional levels of evaluation (reaction, learning, application, and business
results) in order to demonstrate a chain of impact that links the performance solution with results.
The data analysis techniques most useful for identifying relationships among data from different evaluation
levels will be explored.
Using Data to Drive the Strategic Intervention (M204)
Track: Public Sector Conference-Within-a-Conference (Experience Level 2)
Felicia English, Sam Arenivar, Port of San Diego
When the ideal culture and the current reality just are not matching, training and organizational development
must be able to help the organization close the “mission critical gaps.” The Corporate Learning &
Development Team at the Port of San Diego used quantitative and qualitative data to develop and
implement a comprehensive training and OD plan to move cultural change initiatives from concepts
to concrete actions for targeted results.
Your Leadership Legacy: The Difference You Make in People’s Lives (M206)
Track: Career Planning and Talent Management (Experience Level 1)
Sarah Caverhill, Marta Brooks, The Ken Blanchard Companies
This session will cover the three major concepts described in the recently published book,
Your Leadership Legacy, the third book in Berrett Koehler’s “Ken Blanchard Leadership Series.”
Explore the three characteristics crucial for intentionally building and living this legacy of leadership.
The presenter will also include “how tos” for building this legacy. The session is designed to be highly
interactive with the audience.
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International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Computer Simulation: The What, Why and How for Managerial Learning (M207)
Track: Designing and Delivering Learning (Experience Level 1)
Jeremy Hall, Hall Marketing
Attend this session to explore how and why companies and training consultants around the world use
simulation to enhance managerial learning in the classroom and discover how to use simulation
to enhance training provision and an organization’s managerial learning.
Keeping Your Learning Strategy in Balance With Enterprise Learning Technologies (M208)
Track: E-Learning (Experience Level 2)
Bryan Chapman, brandon-hall.com
Discover how some organizations have found the right balance between e-learning strategy and the
technologies used, while others are still in a stage of experimentation when implementing a learning
management system (LMS) or learning content management system (LCMS). In this session, participants
will learn techniques for assessing their organization’s technological infrastructure, examining its business
issues, and evaluating instructional needs.
High-Performing Global Virtual Teams: 10 Leadership Principles (M209)
Track: Facilitating Organizational Change (Experience Level 2)
Terence Brake, Transnational Management Associates
Drawing on over 10 years experience of both working on and developing global virtual teams for
Fortune 500 companies, the speaker will present and discuss 10 critical success factors for leading
high-performing virtual teams. Success factors include: be proactive in managing challenges posed by
complexity: organization, culture, time zones, and culture; focus on relationships before tasks;
create clarity and focus early on; create a sense of order and predictability; and develop shared operating
agreements for key business activities.
Cross Cultural Human Resource Management in a Larger European Union (M210)
Track: Leadership & Management Development (Experience Level 1)
Niki Harramach, Harramach & Partners
On May 1st, 2004, the EU.The European Union was enlarged from 15 to 25 member states. That means
many different national and ethnic cultures, each with its speci.c do’s and don’ts. In this session,
participants will learn to avoid mistakes and prepare for business activities in the enlarged EU and
to act more professionally and effectively in cross cultural business situations.
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International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
A Maturity Model for Strategic Learning Reinvention (M211)
Track: Learning as a Business Strategy (Experience Level 3)
Karen Barley, Corporate University Enterprise, Inc.
This session will present a new Maturity Model to guide the reinvention and continuous innovation of
both corporate universities and strategic learning initiatives, helping them move from tactical to
strategic focuses and to continuously reinvigorate their approaches. The model considers overall
business imperatives, learning’s strategic purpose for the organization, and expected outcomes and
success measures. Furthermore, the model is based on benchmarking data and best practices of
some of the most sophisticated corporate universities around the globe.
The ROI Reality Show (M212)
Track: Measurement, Evaluation, and ROI (Experience Level 2)
Marjorie Pomper, Jim Knittel, Ardent Learning
This session will take participants into the real world of evaluation and the challenges of showing returnon-investment. Participants may be overcome with an “all too familiar” feeling when seeing components
of a comprehensive evaluation strategy get “voted off” the plan. Watch as the surviving components
become stronger and stay tuned for the sequel. In part two, participants look at the organizational factors
that lead to adaptation, and discuss how adaptation can help to change the game so that a comprehensive
evaluation strategy can evolve and thrive.
Sales Performance Based Needs Assessment: The Pioneer Hi-Bred Experience (M213)
Track: Performance Improvement (Experience Level 1)
Renato Norte, Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.; William Beane, Stratregic Development Group, Ltd
This session will provide an outline with real world examples of the performance-analysis approach to
needs assessment by comparing it to traditional methods. This approach will precisely determine
the root causes of performance gaps. Knowing the exact causes will help managers come up with
the right solution to effectively and cost-ef.ciently close the gaps. Participants will be given examples
to help explore whether this approach can be applied to their sales organizations.
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International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Keep Your Email from Becoming a Legal Pain in the Net (M214)
Track: Personal & Professional Effectiveness (Experience Level 1)
Patricia Eyres, Litigation Management & Training Services, Inc.
Co-workers complaining about rude, crude, or lewd email? Does a password guarantee email privacy?
Has a miscommunication with a colleague or customer created con.ict? Is email sapping productivity?
Can an unguarded email trail lead to a lawsuit? This presentation addresses the rights, risks and
responsibilities of email users and their employers, dispels the legends that lead to losses and lawsuits,
and provides speci.c techniques for assuring that email works for, and not against, an organization.
Crucial Financial Skills for Training Managers: From EBIT-Duh? to EBIT-AH! (M216)
Track: Learning as a Business Strategy (Experience Level 1)
Gary Steinkohl, The Lumin Group
In this session, participants will gain the three most crucial .nancial skills training managers need:
1)A simple, easy way to understand and read monthly .nancial statements;
2) The core basics of successful budgeting: how to ask for.and get!.what is needed to run a
training department; and
3) How to perform an ROI analysis simply and correctly. Plus participants will learn what the .nancial terms
for each of these topics mean in order to use them correctly and powerfully!
Critical Steps in Planning for Critical Impact Studies. A Case Study (M305)
ROI Conference-Within-a-Conference (Experience Level 2)
Toni Hodges, TH & Company; Judy Frank, BAE Systems
BAE Systems is conducting a high potential leadership development program throughout its North
America business sectors. It is critical that the organization knows the value it is getting for the program
it is providing. This session will explore the key considerations:What are the business’s expectations?
What data must be collected? What evaluation tools are needed to collect the data? What is the timing
for the different data-collection activities? How to ensure the evaluation is reliable and valid yet ef.cient
and nonintrusive? What political and organizational sensitivities need to be considered?
How should the results of the program be communicated and to whom?
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Eliminate the B-O-R-I-N-G: Unlock the Magic of Performance-Based Training (M306)
Public Sector Conference-Within-a-Conference (Experience Level 2)
Aletia Sexton, Vivian Davis, Leah Young, Perot Systems Government Service; Peter Seaman,
United States Coast Guard
In adopting new performance strategies, the United States Coast Guard partnered with consultants
to successfully re-engineer their existing training and transform it into a dynamic learning experience
across multiple functional disciplines. Learn how to achieve similar results in any organization.
Discover how to create competent, con.dent performers, a powerful experiential learning environment,
and performance-based training on virtually any topic.
Journey to Center: Turn Stress into Vitality and High Performance (M308)
Track: Personal & Professional Effectiveness (Experience Level 1)
Thomas Crum, Aiki Works, Inc.
Got stress? Traf.c jams, technological change, information overload, time-crunch, con.icts, relationship
struggles, and other stressors can jeopardize vitality, creativity, productivity, and joy. Stress costs the U.S.
workplace an estimated 300 billion dollars a year! This session offers directly applicable skills to create
a stress-resistant lifestyle and to increase energy and performance.
What Every Manager Must Know about E-Learning (M309)
Track: E-Learning (Experience Level 2)
Marc Rosenberg, Marc Rosenberg and Associates
This presentation, designed speci.cally for managers, explores the most critical e-learning issues
that managers will face. It will help managers better understand the .eld, where it’s been and where
it’s going, and will zero in on the most important questions to be answered, as well as where managers
should apply their personal efforts. Whether an organization’s e-learning program is on track or in need of
some major rethinking, this session will help managers move in the right direction.
Theatre Extraordinaire.Using Role Plays Effectively (M310)
Track: Designing and Delivering Learning (Experience Level 1)
Diana Lucas, Train & Retain, Inc.
Imagine a group of adult learners excited about the prospect of role playing! Role plays can be one of the
most effective methods for measuring performance, yet many hesitate to utilize this method of learning.
This highly interactive workshop guarantees that participants will have more con.dence managing role
plays, practicing or creating role plays, and creating effective debriefs to extract the learned concepts.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Tuesday, June 7
Reshaping the Coast Guard’s Evaluation System (TU104)
Track: Measurement, Evaluation, and ROI (Experience Level 2)
David Hartt, United States Coast Guard
This presentation demonstrates how any organization can gain real bottom-line value through evaluation.
After suffering through several years of good intentions gone wrong, the US Coast Guard developed an
online Level Three evaluation process to evaluate both traditional instructor-led and online courses taken
by thousands of students per year.
Case Study: Envision Financial’s Corporate University (TU106)
Track: Career Planning and Talent Management (Experience Level 3)
Carol Hama, Envision Financial
Find out how Envision Financial launched Canada’s .rst fully articulated corporate university and how that
strategy has accelerated not only its ability to “Win the War for Talent,” but also to accelerate implementing
a robust succession planning model for the organization. As a result of implementing this strategic project
Envision has moved up on Report on Business List of Top 50 Companies to work for in Canada and has
increased staff satisfaction from 65 to 89 in the area of career development and training. Participants
will learn how you to implement these strategies to help their organization succeed.
Growing Better Learners (TU107)
Track: Designing and Delivering Learning (Experience Level 3)
Jane Bozarth, State of North Carolina
One with a twist: Ask not how trainers can be better, but how trainers can develop better
learners. This workshop provides guidance in moving trainees from ‘vacationers’ and ‘prisoners’ to
transforming, performing learners.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
A Theatrical Approach to Organizational Change.Creating the Performance Ensemble (TU108)
Track: Facilitating Organizational Change (Experience Level 1)
Cathy Salit, Performance of a Lifetime; Maureen Kelly, JPMorganChase
Session participants will work (and play) with methods for tapping into the innate human capacity
to perform.exploring the process of unleashing employees’ capacity to see and experience themselves
as the producers and leaders of change. Real-time experience with various performatory methods will
provide session participants with an action-learning environment, facilitating the discovery of new ways
of seeing, and facilitating change at the individual, group, and organizational level.
If I Can’t See ‘Em, How Can I Lead ‘Em (TU109)
Track: Leadership & Management Development (Experience Level 1)
Susan Gerke, Gerke Consulting & Development L.L.C.
How business is done is being dramatically changed by where it is done from. Today, the workplace could
be anywhere.and it usually is. This session, will clarify the challenges of leading remotely and focus on how
to build relationships with remote workers. Those relationships will enable leaders to more effectively
empower and measure the performance of remote workers.
Helping People Learn: Individual Learning as a Competitive Weapon (TU110)
Track: Learning as a Business Strategy (Experience Level 3)
Martyn Sloman, Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development; Lois Webster, LearnShare, LLC
In modern organizations, what people choose to learn is more important than what they are trained to do.
it is the application of effective learning that achieves business objectives. Organizations, therefore, need
fully to consider the contribution of learning. Key questions to be explored in this session are: How well do
we understand the link between learning, performance and business success? How much do we know
about what motivates employees to learn? Are our interventions, which support learning, recognized and
valued by all in the organization?
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
How To Evaluate Hard and Soft Data (TU111)
Track: Measurement, Evaluation, and ROI (Experience Level 1)
Judith Hale, Hale Associates
This session will cover the tips and techniques for evaluating hard and soft data from surveys, interviews,
and focus groups. It explains how to convert opinions, comments, and discussions into a format that
lends itself to measurement techniques. It takes the mystery out of statistics
Implementing a Strategic Enterprise-Wide Performance Management Process (TU112)
Track: Performance Improvement (Experience Level 2)
Wayne Connell, US Airways
In this dynamic session, participants will uncover a proven approach to creating a performance
management process that actively supports an organization’s vision, effectively changes corporate culture
to incorporate a more strategic focus, and seamlessly integrates development planning into the process.
Achieving Work-Life Effectiveness.An Asian Hospital’s Experience (TU113)
Track: Personal & Professional Effectiveness (Experience Level 1)
Cheryl Liew, KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital
KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital is a two-time winner of the Singapore Family Friendly Employer Award.
The hospital has successfully built up a comprehensive structured work-life infrastructure, including .
exible work arrangements, dependent care, staff bene.ts, and employee support schemes.
The presenter will share the hospital’s experience in reversing adversity in the aspects of its working
environment usually viewed unfavorably by prospective employees.
12-Step Program to Guaranteeing Strategic Alignment (TU201)
View from the CLO (Experience Level 3)
Ed Cohen, Booz Allen Hamilton
According to Ralph Shrader, chairman & CEO, Booz Allen Hamilton, “People are our product.”
Providing the right training and development services, at the right time, synchronized to the business
strategy of the .rm, is the company’s primary goal. Come to this session to discuss the 12-step program
the company put in place to guarantee its alignment to the business and to earn.and keep.THE coveted
seat at the table.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Perfect Together: Training, Support, and Knowledge at The World Bank (TU202)
Financial Services Conference-Within-a-Conference (Experience Level 1)
Joseph S. Barone, The World Bank
Each and every day, the SAP/IRIS Help Desk of the World Bank handles both technical- and policy-
related queries from over 10,000 staff in over 100 of.ces around the world on over 20 major applications.
The presenter will focus on how knowledge is cycled from the organization’s Help Desk cases, into its
online knowledge database (used by both end users and analysts), into e-learning, into training workshops,
and .nally back to the Help Desk, all of which must be vetted on a regular basis.
The Leadership Scorecard: What’s the ROI of Leadership Development? (TU203)
Track: ROI Conference-Within-a-Conference (Experience Level 2)
Lynn Schmidt, John Miller, Charter Communications
Charter Communications, a company comprised of 17 acquisitions of smaller cable companies, had a
need to create a common culture and a common direction for its leaders at all levels, from supervisors to
executives. This session will provide an overview of Charter University’s Leadership Conferences and its
Leadership Scorecard. Included will be an overview of the process that was used to track the ROI value
chain and determine behavioral change, business impact, and the ROI of the Leadership Conferences.
Building Knowledge Communities at NASA.The APPL Knowledge Sharing Initiative (TU204)
Public Sector Conference-Within-a-Conference (Experience Level 1)
Jennifer Drueen, Denise Lee, Therese Salmon, EduTech, Ltd.
When NASA managers, scientists, and engineers share their project stories, the agency maximizes its
return-on-investment by capturing experience-generated knowledge. The session will focus on
organizational culture change, program implementation, and measuring results. Participants will also
learn through a hands-on mock Transfer Wisdom Workshop one way in which APPL KSI is cultivating
a community of re.ective project management practitioners.
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International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Creating Engagement: The Mutual Contribution to Growth (TU205)
Track: Career Planning and Talent Management (Experience Level 1)
Daisuke Kawaguchi, Yasuhiro Yoshizawa, Emi Hotta, Human Value Inc.
Due to the growing importance of attracting, retaining, and motivating human capital, “engagement” is
becoming an important keyword for companies all over the world. In this session, the concept of
engagement will be introduced, along with a framework to create engagement. This will be provided with
real data from engagement surveys and examples of Japanese organizations using this framework.
Going Global.Nike’s Road to Enterprise Learning Success (TU207)
Track: E-Learning (Experience Level 1)
Heidi Spirgi, PeopleSoft; Carol McCarthy, Nike
The heart of Nike is built around one simple idea.innovate. Come and hear about Nikes’ successful
consolidation of learning across its global enterprise. Key topics will include Nike’s business case and
decision process for centralization, the selection process for a global LMS, why Nike selected PeopleSoft
Learning Management as the foundation for its learning infrastructure, how Nike manages global and
diverse learning demands, and how Nike is building a .exible corporate learning and development
architecture that supports long-term business vision.
How to Capture and Implement Extraordinary Numbers of Useful Employee Ideas (TU208)
Track: Facilitating Organizational Change (Experience Level 1)
Alan Robinson, University of Massachusetts
This session will show managers how they can do the same, and how they can fundamentally change
the way they lead. Organizations that truly tap employee ideas not only perform at far higher levels
than their competitors, but they also become much less stressful and more rewarding places to work in
for both managers and employees.
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Conference Session
A Transformational Journey from Gettysburg (TU209)
Track: Leadership & Management Development (Experience Level 1)
Steven Wiley, Larry Taylor, William Rosenbach, The Wiley Group
This unique program combines high-level motivation and cutting-edge leadership development
techniques using the backdrop of the Civil War and the Battle of Gettysburg. Using speci.c case studies
that represent “pure plays” in leadership, the presenters will examine issues that were present in 1863
and are still present today. The metpahor of history comes alive as participants examine the leadership
shift that occurred during the Battle of Gettysburg and its history-altering result.
Creating World-Class Business Performance: The Campbell’s® Soup Story (TU210)
Track: Learning as a Business Strategy (Experience Level 3)
Kate Williamson, Patty Drozd, Campbell’s® Soup Company; Claudia Escribano,
Susan McDonald Osborn, Pearson Performance Solutions
In this session, participants follow along the path of this transformation in a simulation exercise allowing
them to experience the strategies used to: Engage the People, Share the Vision, Live the Process,
Apply the Tools, and Sustain Performance over Time. As they participate in this transformation,
participants can make key organizational and performance decisions and see the results they could achieve.
The presentation makes use of a case study throughout the discussion for illustrative purposes.
The Business Impact of Executive Coaching: Demonstrating Monetary Value (TU211)
Track: Measurement, Evaluation, and ROI (Experience Level 3)
Vernita Parker-Wilkins, Booz Allen Hamilton
This interactive session will provide leaders of executive development programs and experienced
practitioners with an approach to assess the monetary value of executive coaching. Speci.cally,
participants will gain insights into the importance of understanding the business value expected by key
stakeholders, documenting the learning and impact executive coaching has on executive development,
and exploring the intangible and monetary bene.ts of executive coaching.
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International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Alignment as a Competency for Business Performance (TU212)
Track: Performance Improvement (Experience Level 3)
Steven Rosenthal, Eric Jackson, Gap International, Inc.
When resources are scarce and changing business conditions require complex organizations to respond
powerfully as a unit, alignment is critical to success. The presenters will discuss the importance of strategic
business alignment to the success of companies and share what constitutes leading alignment enablers.
The presentation draws from a report published by The Conference Board and identi.es factors that have
been shown to enhance the competency of leaders and teams to align organizations for strong business
First, Do No Harm: Avoiding Diversity Landmines (TU213)
Track: Personal & Professional Effectiveness (Experience Level 2)
Susan Gray, Diversity Effectiveness Group
An important medical tenet is “First, do no harm.” Diversity initiatives can do harm by exacerbating the
perception of differences and including legally dangerous practices. This presentation will discuss these
problems and suggest solutions. Speci.cally, the presentation will separate myth from fact in the diversity
“business case,” address legal diversity dangers often ignored by practitioners, and discuss key social
psychology .ndings that impact common diversity initiatives.
Are You Certi.able? How to Become a Certi.ed Performance Technologist (TU214)
Track: Performance Improvement (Experience Level 2)
Roger Chevalier, ISPI
ASTD and ISPI have af.liated to bring one certi.cation to the performance improvement professionals
they serve. This session will begin with identifying industry trends in training and performance consulting as
documented in ASTD State of the Industry Report. An overview of the Standards of Performance
Technology that serve as the basis for certi.cation will then be presented. This will be followed by a
detailed presentation of the CPT application process. All who are interested in learning more about applying
for the CPT designation should attend.
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Why Empowerment Failed (TU215)
Track: Leadership & Management Development (Experience Level 2)
Ken Blanchard, Susan Fowler, Ken Blanchard Companies
This provocative session will challenge HR specialists, trainers, teachers, leaders, and self leaders to
embrace the importance of self leadership training. It will deliver the challenge through an experiential
activity.a magic trick, where participants will learn .rst hand the dilemma and the opportunities of
self leadership.
Forget What You Know About Instructional Design and Do Something Interesting (TU216)
Track: E-Learning (Experience Level 1)
Michael Allen, Allen Interactions
You’re an e-learning designer or hope to be. You know the basics of learning and teaching, but you’re
still not sure how, with all the constraints of time, budget, technology, and people to satisfy, you’re going
to build e-learning applications that get much beyond content presentation and questions.
This presentation will correct a lot of common misconceptions that lead e-learning astray.
The Five Levels of Leadership (TU217)
Track: Leadership & Management Development (Experience Level 1)
John Maxwell, Maximum Impact, Inc.
In this session, the presenter will coach participants to successfully identify their current Level of Leadership.
This step of self-revelation will be the foundation and fulcrum for changes in participants’ thinking, current
best practices, and leadership behavior. Equipped with a thorough understanding of the .ve levels,
participants will create a plan to implement key leadership competencies into their daily routine.
Analysis AND Evaluation: Siblings Separated at Birth (TU218)
Track: Measurement, Evaluation, and ROI (Experience Level 2)
Allison Rossett, San Diego State University
Who could question the importance of analysis? How else will we know what to do? What about evaluation?
We must continuously improve our programs.who would do that without data about impact and reaction?
It’s agreed. It’s a priority, honored in the ASTD Competency Study. When it comes to an organization
relying upon e-learning, where individuals are, of course, expected to be thoroughly independent,
measurement up front and afterwards grows even more critical. There are, however, some big buts:
“But they won’t let us. But we can’t. But we didn’t. But we did it and they didn’t use it.”
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Conference Session
Growing Greatness: A Process for Cultivating Truly Outstanding Leaders (TU303)
Financial Services Conference-Within-a-Conference (Experience Level 3)
Kathleen Prime, Sterling Financial Corporation; Karen Lawson, Lawson Consulting Group, Inc.
The presenters will address how they implemented a leadership development initiative to change an
organization’s culture. They will discuss speci.c approaches they used to move the organization from
a top-down, reactive, and activity-driven organization to one that is team-focused, proactive,
and results-oriented.
Gear Your Management Development Program Towards Raising ROIs (TU304)
ROI Conference-Within-a-Conference (Experience Level 2)
Herna Martens, Yacht Randstad Group; Diederick Stoel, Pro.tWise
This session outlines a case study from Randstad, one of the largest temporary and contract staf.ng
organizations in the world. Randstad’s commercial managers were faced with a challenging mission.
to triple sales within three years. Using ROI as a monitoring device, Randstad kept from investing in
competencies that did not add value. Fewer interventions were needed, sometimes reducing the length
of the training by 60 percent or more. Fewer man-hours were tied up in training obligations and the
company’s precious ‘working’ capital was freed up for other purposes.
Leadership Training: Return-on-Investment in the Federal Workforce (TU305)
Public Sector Conference-Within-a-Conference (Experience Level 3)
Karen Willis, Leadership Science and Art; James Willis, National Conservation Training Center, USFWS
The results of a 1999 needs assessment indicated a growing shortage of leaders to .ll anticipated
vacancies created by a retiring U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) workforce. As such, it was feared
that the USFWS, an agency within the U.S. Department of the Interior, would not be able to ful.ll its
mission to protect .sh, wildlife, and their habitats on behalf of the American people.
This session will introduce the prototype .ve-level evaluation model developed for the SUTL program and
compare its features to other current industry-recognized evaluation models.
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International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Baby Boomerangers: Myths and Realities of the Future Workforce (TU307)
Track: Career Planning and Talent Management (Experience Level 1)
Maureen Sullivan, DBM Publishing
The Boomeranger effect, or the return of the retiree, is the natural consequence of the supply and
demand phenomenon facing the modern workplace. In this session, the author of the recently published
book The Gen-Xer Guide to Boomerangers, reveals the myths and realities of younger and older workers,
provides strategies for effectively communicating with and managing this important group of workers to
your advantage, and reviews a case study of how one organization implemented online communications
development, including testing, tracking and developmental resources.
Role-Based Integrated Learning Solutions for the Navy’s Aviation Maintenance Personnel (TU308)
Track: Designing and Delivering Learning (Experience Level 1)
Lynette Babuchiwski, Thomas Dobry, US Navy
This presentation will cover the transformational application of the Navy’s Integrated Learning Environment
(ILE) technologies to the domain of providing user indoctrination training when .elding new systems within
high volume organizations with signi.cant personnel churn. The session will present an overview, key
programmatic constraints, the lessons learned, and the next steps planned in utilizing the ILE to develop
and then provide training to the Organizational Level Maintenance community in support of implementing
the F/A-18 Automated Maintenance Environment (FAME) software suite.
E-Learning in Europe.Results and Recommendations (TU309)
Track: E-Learning (Experience Level 2)
Peter, F.J. Littig, DEKRA Akademie
The results of a European e-learning study from .ve European countries in the name of the European
Commission will be presented. Using different target groups and subject matter .elds, the study analyzed
150 e-learning projects from all European countries with their speci.c learning cultures and experiences.
The presenter will outline major recommendations of the study for future e-learning multinational
environments, and offer best-practice examples.
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International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
The Toyota Way: How Corporate Values Drive Success (TU310)
Track: Facilitating Organizational Change (Experience Level 2)
John Golding, Toyota Motor Manufacturing; Debra Walker, Paradigm Learning, Inc.
This session explores how Toyota used customized discovery learning techniques to regain buy-in and
commitment from team leaders and team members to the values and vision for a successful future
through the application of Toyota Way concepts. Catch a glimpse inside this much-studied organization,
and see .rst-hand how a strong set of corporate values really can align employees and drive success.
Explore challenges leading up to and following the rollout of this initiative, and the ultimate positive impact
on the organization.
Professional Ethics: A Preventive Maintenance Approach (TU311)
Track: Leadership & Management Development (Experience Level 2)
Christopher Bauer, Bauer Coaching
Ethics violations.even unintentional ones.can result in legal, .nancial, and public-relations nightmares.
This program provides participants with practical, immediately applicable tools for spotting ethical con.icts
quickly and easily so that they can be prevented or, at worst, confronted at an early point. It also provides
tools for resolving ethics con.icts more effectively and ef.ciently.
Managing Knowledge Through an Internal Instructorship Program: A Latin American Case (TU312)
Track: Learning as a Business Strategy (Experience Level 1)
Neusa Hirota, Jose Antonio Silva, Unisys University, Unisys Brazil
Organizational competitiveness has been increasingly demanding creative solutions for knowledge
management. In this session, learners will be walked through every step of a project that fostered internal
instructorship, gained active stakeholding, and obtained the right sponsorship. The presenters will share
their real-world example of how they successfully implemented a repeatable, cost-smart and value-adding
program that has become a benchmark in the Brazilian market.
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Measuring Impact of Training in a Large Systems Implementation (TU313)
Track: Measurement, Evaluation, and ROI (Experience Level 1)
Richard Bores, The Hartford
Attendees will bene.t from the experience of this team’s effort to build a robust and integrated training
tracking tool used to measure business impact on a large scale system deployment.
People Performance That Makes Dollars and Sense (TU314)
Track: Performance Improvement (Experience Level 2)
Vicki Schneider, QuintEssential Performance, LLC
This interactive, fast-paced session provides participants with a new conceptual tool they can use to help
management proactively and independently address the underlying causes of people performance problems.
The model, which was developed in the .eld, resonates with executives, managers, and employees who
appreciate its practical approach, clarity, and logic. Throughout the session, participants will apply the
QuintEssential Performance Model to identify critical breakdowns that are negatively impacting people
performance in their work environment.
Fad-Busting: How Trainers Can Identify Real McCoy Training (TU315)
Track: Personal & Professional Effectiveness (Experience Level 1)
Darren Short, Perspectives; Jill Mussman, BECU
This session is based on new research that looks at how experienced practitioners make decisions on
new ideas, products, and opinions. Trainers will learn how to look critically at claims made by vendors,
authors, consultants, and commentators, and to quickly identify the signi.cant insights that appear
in professional publications, marketing materials, and on Internet sites.
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Conference Session
Designing for Learning that Lasts (TU316)
Track: Designing and Delivering Learning (Experience Level 2)
Ernie Turner, LIM; Urban Skog, AstraZeneca Austria
“What makes learning last?” In this session, participants will examine how AstraZeneca (AZ) has
approached this question in very practical terms organizationally and personally. Participants will also
exchange experiences, “good” practices, and insights into design principles and approaches they can
take away and apply to make learning last. Finally, participants will try out some of these principles,
dimensions, concepts, and practices in designing a current meeting or learning experience for which
they have some in.uence or control.
Best Practices Roundtable (TU404)
Financial Services Conference-Within-a-Conference (Experience Level 1)
Katlann Smith, Bank of America
Discuss the best practices in learning in the .nancial services industry. A survey of .nancial services training
professionals identi.ed hot topics to be covered in this session including: return-on-investment; certifying
learners during and after class; non.nancial value of training; Outsourcing to Vendors.
No More Page-Turners! (TU406)
Track: E-Learning (Experience Level 2)
Kelly Pounds, Duncan Kennedy, i.d.e.a.s. at Disney-MGM Studios™
How to marry the creative art of storytelling and the science of instructional design so that online learning
doesn’t put the learner to sleep? The U.S. Defense Modeling and Simulation Of.ce (DMSO) approached
i.d.e.a.s. at Disney-MGM Studios™ with that research question two years ago. This session explores how
i.d.e.a.s. used its knowledge gained in the entertainment industry and what it knows about how adults
learn to make e-learning engaging and learner centric.
Managers Win the Next Talent War: Love ’Em or Lose ’Em (TU407)
Track: Leadership & Management Development (Experience Level 2)
Beverly Kaye, Career Systems International; Sharon Jordan-Evans, Jordan-Evans Group
Think the late 90s were tough in terms of hanging on to talent? You ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Engaging and
retaining workers at any age or any stage is largely up to managers. Indeed, managers will win (or lose)
the next talent war. This presentation will give managers, and the HR professionals that support them, .ve
tips for hanging on to older workers, while maintaining a .rm grip on the generations that follow.
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International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Leadership Presence: Dramatic Techniques to Reach Out, Motivate and Inspire (TU408)
Track: Personal & Professional Effectiveness (Experience Level 1)
Kathy Lubar, Belle Halpern, The Ariel Group
Whether at the head of a conference table or center stage at Carnegie Hall, the goal is the same.
connect with the audience! Exude con.dence! Be entertaining and informative! Have presence!
This 90-minute interactive session introduces participants to the basics of presence and how to apply
authentic presence in the workplace. Interactive and fun, the session involves the participants in exercises
that stretch their limits and enhance their authentic leadership style.
Crash and Learn (TU409)
Track: Designing and Delivering Learning (Experience Level 2)
Jim Smith, Jr., JIMPACT Enterprises
Knowingly or unknowingly, consciously or unconsciously, at times trainers make people want to shout,
sleep or sneak out of the classroom. This happens in the areas of motivation, facilitation, adult learning,
visual aids, and content development. Participants will discover 101+ common trainer mistakes and
develop an action plan to avoid these mistakes. Participants can measure themselves on the
“mistake meter” and walk away with awesome tips and tools for eliminating these mistakes for good.
Implementing ROI: Effective Measurement Requires More Than the Numbers (TU410)
ROI Conference-Within-a-Conference (Experience Level 2)
Dan McLinden, Rogen International
The intent of this session is to present measurement of value as it really is.a valuable process that is
part of the political landscape of the organization. In addition to analytical capability the evaluator also
needs to manage politics, manage change, and a host of other aspects of organizational life that will
impact the process of measuring value. This session will bring together experts who have struggled with
the issues of implementing measurement programs. The panel will share their experiences and their
perspectives on evaluation as a program.
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Conference Session
Wednesday, June 8
Guidelines for Training Non-Native Speakers of English (W104)
Track: Designing and Delivering Learning (Experience Level 2)
David Braasch, Professional Training Center
By using methodologies from Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), trainers will be able to
deliver more effective learning solutions. This presentation will focus on the following areas: Recognizing
the cognitive and affective barriers for those learning English as a second or foreign langauge; assessing
language pro.ciency via warm-up and icebreaking activities; designing activities that facilitate group
interaction, allow monitoring, and create comfort zones.
Who is Developing the Top Human Resource Professional? (W105)
Track: Career Planning and Talent Management (Experience Level 3)
Barbara Carter, TransForm Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Peter McLoughlin,
McLoughlin Consulting; Breck Arnzen, LeaderExchange
The Leader Development Forum is a new model for dramatically increasing the in.uence of HR on the
development of leaders. The Forum integrates professional and peer coaching, leverages real-time
learning/problem-solving, and bridges the gap between HR generalists-OD specialists. The forum uses
a multi perspective model to set a context, assess organizational readiness, and develop strategies to
improve leadership development. Participants in this session will use the forum model in real-issue
discussions to increase their effectiveness in the speci.c challenges they face.
Creativity and Strategic Thinking: Essential Competitive Competencies (W106)
Track: Facilitating Organizational Change (Experience Level 1)
Ann Herrmann-Nehdi, Herrmann International
This thought-provoking session will include global examples, hands-on activities, and take-away tools
to maximize creative and strategic thinking in an organization. Participants will diagnose their own thinking
style and learn how to apply the Strategic Thinking process and creativity tools to individual, team and
organizational challenges. Participants will learn how other organizations have leveraged diversity and
how to stimulate strategic thinking and renewed creativity in an organization.
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Conference Session
Promoting Collaboration With Online Tools: Empirical Research, Practice And Theory (W107)
Track: E-Learning (Experience Level 2)
Stephen Garcia, NC State University; Michael Doerk, Nortel Networks
This session will present empirical research from a large study on which online collaboration tools are
of greatest importance to businesses and how businesses are using them. Additionally, the session will
present the case of a Fortune 1000 enterprise that piloted these services over the last several years.
This portion of the session will focus on the key challenges and business bene.ts derived from the
deployment. Finally, the session will discuss the learning theory that helps to explain the success of
online collaboration tools.
Identifying and Developing TOP Talent Using Competencies (W108)
Track: Leadership & Management Development (Experience Level 1)
Diana Kramer, Kramer Consulting Solutions, Inc.
This session includes a wide variety of approaches for designing and implementing competency models.
Identifying the knowledge, skills, and behaviors for exceptional performance is a win-win proposition.
Topics include differences between core, leadership, job, and functional competencies; review steps
to develop and validate competency models; how to create competencies for speci.c jobs and functions;
how to use competencies in succession management; how to use competencies in performance
management; how to interview job candidates using competencies; and how to develop career ladders
with performance indicators.
Is Your Training Department a High-Performance Learning Organization? (W109)
Track: Learning as a Business Strategy (Experience Level 2)
Jeanne Meister, Thomas Kraack, Accenture Learning
This session will draw on in-depth research conducted by Accenture Learning with 285 government and
corporate learning organizations. This session will provide participants with important research data to
benchmark their organization against industry peers and answer the question: Is the organization a highperformance learning organization? All data has been segmented by industry and size of organization to
capture relevant .ndings from industry segments.
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International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Using Learning Metrics to Validate and Optimize Training Programs (W110)
Track: Measurement, Evaluation, and ROI (Experience Level 3)
Martin Bean, New Horizons Computer Learning Centers; Jeffrey Berk, Knowledge Advisors
New Horizons Computer Learning Centers and Knowledge Advisors have demysti.ed the ROI of training
with, and for, their customers, through the use of innovative technology, best of breed ROI theory, and
a downright pragmatic approach that makes ROI possible rather than a “nice to have.” This session will
showcase how training can be used as a competitive differentiator and as an asset to training providers
and users alike.
Intervention Reinvention: How Enterprises Are Transforming Performance Management
with Web Technology (W111)
Track: Performance Improvement (Experience Level 2)
Lynn Summers, Workscape, Inc.
The ultimate purpose of performance improvement interventions is to enable an organization to better
execute its strategy through those whose performance its success depends on.its people. In this session,
participants examine how a comprehensive performance management system facilitates ongoing identi.
cation of performance gaps and triggers actions to close those gaps. This session will examine how
technology is serving as the catalyst for the reinvention and reinvigoration of the performance management
process, and how both organizations and the people employed by them are the benefactors.
The Art of Speaking (W112)
Track: Personal & Professional Effectiveness (Experience Level 1)
Jean Findlater, IWCC Training In Communications
The theme: Make every presentation a masterpiece. In this lighthearted but highly interactive and
educational talk, the speaker will share wisdom and insights on how to become a con.dent, persuasive,
professional presenter. Using well-known works of art as inspiration, participants will uncover a series of
compelling messages about the “dos” and “don’ts” of delivering successful presentations. Participants
will learn how to build trust, communicate effectively and make their next presentation a true masterpiece.
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Conference Session
Snooze-Free Legal Learning for Non-Lawyers (W113)
Track: Facilitating Organizational Change (Experience Level 2)
Susan Schoenfeld, Business and Legal Reports
Does the mere mention of sexual harassment training cause moans and groans? What about FMLA,
ADA, and other legal issues? If employees and management in your company dread the thought of
learning about legal issues, then this session isessential! Legal issues don’t have to be boring, confusing,
and dry. This session will show participants how to keep the organization safe.and keep employees awake
at the same time.
Retention Culture: If You Build It, They Will Stay (W204)
Track: Career Planning and Talent Management (Experience Level 2)
Craig Taylor, Richard Finnegan, TalentKeepers
“Retention Culture” is a trendy phrase that is easy to say but hard to make happen. Strategic visions must
lead to tactical action plans that answer “What must be done, who should do it, and how should results
be measured? This session will provide concrete answers to these questions, based on TalentKeepers’
global research across four continents that identi.es why people join, stay, and leave organizations, and
the best solutions for keeping them.
Accessible Training from Idea to Implementation (W205)
Track: Designing and Delivering Learning (Experience Level 1)
Marsha Allen, Georgia Tech.Center for Assistive Technology and Environmental Access
One of the most pressing needs facing individuals with disabilities is accessibility to training programs.
As Internet-based distance education becomes increasingly prevalent, many individuals with disabilities
are experiencing more and more barriers. This presentation documents the creation of an online training
module that is completely accessible for individuals with disabilities. The module features interactive
elements, charts and diagrams, and other challenges. The presentation covers the steps taken to make
the module accessible and usable for all students from the start.
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Conference Session
The Visual Impact Zone: Leveraging Visuals for More Effective Learning (W206)
Track: E-Learning (Experience Level 2)
John Low, Beth Borko, John Carney, Carney, Inc.
The practical application of neuroscience theory regarding the effect of visual input on memory and
learning can result in high-impact learning experiences. The presenters will summarize key research .
ndings on the role of visual stimuli in learning; examine the physiological, emotional, and intellectual
aspects of visual media within a learning environment; and identify and demonstrate effective visual
techniques to promote more rapid acquisition, better recall, and ultimately, more effective learning
(as well as visual techniques to avoid).
Leveraging E-Learning to Increase Change Capability Across Scotiabank Group (W207)
Track: Facilitating Organizational Change (Experience Level 2)
Blaine Drover, Milana Todoroff, John Brisbin, Scotiabank Group
This session will show how Scotiabank developed a blended learning program, “Working Through Change,”
that increased manager involvement in both introducing/communicating the change, and coaching its
employees throughout the change process; provided asynchronous, online learning that introduces
concepts, exercises, and activities to facilitate employee preparedness; and used both online and
print-based resources/tools that assist employees in managing workplace change.
Emotional Intelligence: Strategies and Exercises for Leadership Development (W208)
Track: Leadership & Management Development (Experience Level 3)
Adele Lynn, Leadership Group, Inc.
Participants looking for both hands-on application and strategic positioning of emotional intelligence in
their leadership development efforts will .nd this session very valuable. In addition to gaining valuable
knowledge about how to build the business case for emotional intelligence with organizational leaders,
participants will also experience three exercises they can use in the workplace. Ten proven reinforcement
techniques that keep leaders thinking about and acting on emotional intelligence long after the training
takes place will also be discussed.
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Conference Session
From Building to Buying to On-Demand (W209)
Track: Learning as a Business Strategy (Experience Level 3)
Jamal Watkins, Pearson Education; Adam Miller, CyberU, Inc.
In this session, the presenter will discuss LMS. His extensive search for solutions included both client-
server and on-demand applications and uncovered some surprising insights. Learn how Pearson
Education is using an on-demand application to meet its budgetary and resource requirements
without sacri.cing features and functionality.
Action Planning as a Performance Measurement and Transfer Strategy (W210)
Track: Measurement, Evaluation, and ROI (Experience Level 2)
Holly Burkett, Evaluation Works
Building an action planning process into performance improvement assessment, design, and delivery
cycle provides a powerful and .exible approach to show the contribution of select programs and to involve
program participants in setting speci.c and measurable goals for themselves after a training event.
Through multiple case examples and practical job aids, this session will outline the speci.c steps and
critical success factors needed to implement action planning as a performance improvement and
measurement strategy.
Performance Consulting for Business Results: A Line Executive’s Perspective (W211)
Track: Performance Improvement (Experience Level 3)
Thomas LaBonte, Workplace Performance, LLC; Dina Schultz, Missouri Employers Mutual Insurance
Gain valuable insight from the chief operating of.cer of a corporation in the need for changing the process,
roles, and deliverables of training by taking a performance approach. Examine the value proposition of
performance consulting to the business and the techniques that work in selling performance to line
managers through practical concepts, steps, and techniques in implementing a performance strategy
that supports organizational goals, business needs, and the performance needs of employees.
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Resolve Con.ict, Bridge Differences, and Build Stronger Working Relationships (W212)
Track: Personal & Professional Effectiveness (Experience Level 2)
Andrew Lewis, Michael Rosenthal, Consensus Brokers International
Learning and development professionals rely upon healthy collaboration among individuals, teams,
departments, clients, and vendors. This session will help participants tackle these types of challenges
by introducing a problem-solving framework for overcoming relationship and communication barriers,
for meeting stakeholder needs, and managing con.ict.
Grit With Grace: The Courageous HR/OD Professional (W213)
Track: Personal & Professional Effectiveness (Experience Level 1)
Pat McLagan, McLagan International, Inc.
Sometimes HR/OD professionals .nd themselves facing challenging situations where they must:
1)Take unpopular stands,
2) Help lead clients and organizations into uncharted waters,
3) Assist resistant individuals and groups in shifting their views and behaviors, or
4) Introduce changes
that may take months or years to come to full fruition. In this session, the presenter will draw on her
35 years of experience in public and private sector organizations in the U.S. and overseas to help
participants discover how to bring grit with grace to such interventions.
Upgrading Competencies and Performance of Employees Through Job-Focused Learning (W306)
Track: Career Planning and Talent Management (Experience Level 1)
Dong Yeol Yoon, Hyundai Motor Company
This session explores a job-focused learning program that was launched by Hyundai Motor Company (HMC)
for high-potential employees in Korea. In 2004, HMC designed a program that more directly links learning
with the jobs of the individuals and the actual problems and issues they face. Presenters will discuss how
HMC identi.es actual company issues and the process it uses to integrate these into the program.
In addition, presenters will discuss challenges and bene.ts relating to operating and designing this type of
highly customized program.
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Conference Session
How Lunchtime Lectures Can Lead to Performance Consulting Opportunities (W307)
Track: Designing and Delivering Learning (Experience Level 1)
Lina Hardenburg, UPS
Hear how renaming and revamping a stale lunchtime lecture series has created a wide variety of
opportunities for performance consulting in an organization suspicious of such training jargon.
Twelve Principles You Need to Know to Create E-Learning Content (W308)
Track: E-Learning (Experience Level 1)
Jeffrey Harris, Trivantis Corporation
Advances in computer technology have made e-learning a viable training option for companies and
organizations of all sizes. This session illustrates 12 principles new e-learning content developers
should know before they begin creating content. By following the principles, inexperienced content
developers will avoid problems, lower their frustration with technology, and eliminate unnecessary
fears so that they can create effective e-learning content more ef.ciently.
Building Collaboration in #!*%#*! Environments (W309)
Track: Facilitating Organizational Change (Experience Level 1)
James Tamm, BCon Will Schutz Associates
This session will provide participants with practical and immediately useful skills for improving their ability
to collaborate with others or build collaborative environments. A Hewlett Foundation/State of California
pilot project reduced con.ict by 67 percent in 94 organizations over three years by teaching these skills.
In this interactive session, participants will identify and prove the .ve essential skills. A faculty member of
both programs will also show the impact of the .ve skills.
The Leadership Gap: Developing Leaders for Competitive Advantage (W310)
Track: Leadership & Management Development (Experience Level 3)
David Weiss, Vince Molinaro, Knightsbridge GSW
Many executives express concern about the impending leadership capacity gap for critical positions in
their organizations. Current incumbents are aging and there are few internal back-.lls to take their place.
The session, based upon the presenters’ new book, The Leadership Gap, will help organizations and
training professionals bridge the perceived, growing talent gap and learn how to .ll the leadership gap
for critical positions.
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Conference Session
Going Global with the International Language of Buisness at Alcon (W311)
Track: Learning as a Business Strategy (Experience Level 2)
A.J. Hiltenbrand, Alcon, Inc.; Dick Kubow, Paradigm Learning
How do you teach the essence of capitalism to people who were educated in socialist and communist
countries? Pharmaceutical giant Alcon faced that very conundrum as it expanded into Eastern Europe
and Asia. Cultural differences require special sensibilities in order to put a plan into action. Learn how
Alcon uses teaching methods that are neither too academic nor too simplistic to put an innovative spin
on universally understood concepts to get its message across.
Beyond ROI: Establishing Predictive EVA-Based Training Metrics (W312)
Track: Measurement, Evaluation, and ROI (Experience Level 2)
Michael Beckmann, U.S. Of.ce of Personnel Management
Economic value added (EVA) .nancial metrics are state of the art tools for measuring an organization’s .
nancial success. In this session an EVA approach to metrics development will be demonstrated as having
a dynamic in.uence on organizational learning outcomes. The session will explore the difference between
ROI and EVA metrics and how EVA metrics support a strategic orientation to learning.
Tricks For Trainers: Props, Object Lessons, and Magic (W313)
Track: Designing and Delivering Learning (Experience Level 1)
Dave Arch, The Bob Pike Group
Seventy percent of all people learn best visually. When the visual is memorable, the learning is anchored.
An interactive visual that adds the tactile element increases the impact. In this session, participants will
learn not only how to use these tools in their training, but how to develop and tell the content-related story
that anchors the learning points. Participants will receive the simple props needed to use in their own
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Crucial Confrontations: Never Walk Away from a Problem Again(W314)
Track: Personal & Professional Effectiveness (Experience Level 1)
Joseph Grenny, VitalSmarts
Behind the problems that routinely plague organizations and families, you’ll .nd individuals who are
either unwilling or unable to deal with failed promises. People break rules, miss deadlines, fail to live up
to commitments, or just plain behave badly.and nobody steps up to address the issue. New research
demonstrates that these disappointments aren’t just irritating; they’re costly.sapping organizational
performance by 20.50 percent and accounting for up to 90 percent of divorces. Crucial Confrontations
teaches skills drawn from 10,000 hours of real-life observations to increase con.dence in
facing tough issues.
Rock Your Way to More Effective Training Reinforcement! (W409)
Track: Designing and Delivering Learning (Experience Level 1)
Donna Long, Learning Journey, Inc.
Research shows that classic rock ’n roll music is the perfect tool for creating emotional connections and
producing memory anchors for information, thus increasing retention of learning. It is especially effective
as a reinforcement or reminder of information. In this session, participants will explore the use of music
as memory anchors and discover why classic rock ’n roll is particularly effective. Participants will also be
introduced to cost effective, and legal ways to use music in their training sessions.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Thursday, June 9
Emotional Intelligence: How to Apply It and Why It Matters (TH202)
Track: Designing and Delivering Learning (Experience Level 2)
Travis Bradberry, Jean Greaves, TalentSmart
During the last .ve years alone, the .eld of emotional intelligence (EQ) has matured rapidly. Participants
will learn to apply best practice strategies for implementing EQ programs that are targeted, high-impact
and cost-effective. Participants will explore emotional intelligence assessments and discover best practices
for measuring and developing employee emotional intelligence. The workshop employs a hands-on
approach and participants will analyze case studies as well as the ROI for EQ-based initiatives.
Just-In-Time Learning: The Key to Powerful Training Delivery (TH203)
Track: Designing and Delivering Learning (Experience Level 2)
Terrence Gargiulo, MAKINGSTORIES.net
Get to the heart of what makes learning work and facilitating invigorating. Bypass the rigmarole of didactic
information transfer. Discover design and delivery strategies to catapult learners toward insights.
This highly interactive session will show participants how to implement instructional practices that will
uncover participants’ needs, relate a session to people’s day to day responsibilities, employ a dynamic
interaction style, and leverage participants as learning partners. Over 60 percent of this session will be
spent practicing these skills in groups.
From Apathy to Application: Four Strategies for Effective Blended Learning (TH203)
Track: E-Learning (Experience Level 2)
Jamie Grettum, Dan Glaser, The Ken Blanchard Companies;
Training Managers know inherently that it takes more than just putting people in front of a computer and
hoping that they will learn, absorb, and retain the concepts. Blending traditional classroom with live and
self-paced online training offers a highly customizable approach that allows an organization to choose
the best options for their culture. Holding learners accountable for their commitments and supporting them
as they change their behavior allows a blended approach to compete with the protection of the classroom.
Learn the key elements that create the right environment to learn concepts, practice skills, and change
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
Maintaining and Enhancing Corporate Culture in a Global Company (TH205)
Track: Facilitating Organizational Change (Experience Level 2)
Robert Velasco, Tom Hughes, Booz Allen Hamilton
When organizations are faced with fast-paced growth among a geographically dispersed workforce,
the task of maintaining the corporate culture can be challenging. Deploying a strategic approach,
supported by employee training and development, can lead to a consistent and well-embedded
corporate culture. This case study will focus on speci.c programs and training initiatives aimed at
maintaining corporate culture, as well as the immersion of new employees into the culture.
Whale Done! The Power of Positive Relationships (TH206)
Track: Leadership & Management Development (Experience Level 2)
Cathy Huett, The Ken Blanchard Companies; Chuck Tompkins, Thad Lacinak, SeaWorld
This lively presentation will include video of performing whales, stories of what it took to .nd the right
techniques for training killer whales, and practical guidelines for using these successful techniques in
the human world of business, families, or any relationship. Based on the best selling book Whale Done!
The Power of Positive Relationships, this session will focus on three key concepts: Building trust,
accentuating the positive, and redirecting energy when mistakes are made.
Independent Means: Control Internal Knowledge and Minimize Dependency on External Expertise (TH207)
Track: Learning as a Business Strategy (Experience Level 1)
Ajay Pangarkar, CentralKnowledge
Human resource and department managers are often asked to .nd an effective way to alleviate budget cut
backs while continuing to support critical training activities. One way is to build an internal team of training
specialists and provide them with essential learning transfer skills. Session participants will learn the primary
business advantages of providing their subject experts with training skills internalizing their training capabilities.
This includes building internal expertise, empowering employees, and protecting proprietary knowledge.
KMA-ASTD 2005 한국대표단
International Conference & Exposition
Conference Session
A Six Sigma Approach Makes Training Pay (TH208)
Track: Measurement, Evaluation, and ROI (Experience Level 2)
Martin Schmalenbach, Potential Energy Ltd.
This session explores a process for evaluating training and development interventions to ensure an explicit
link between interventions and the bottom line. The change management elements are focused on
embedding changes and mobilizing the workforce. Despite the obvious applicability to manufacturing
environments, the process has proven successful in service, voluntary, and government sectors, too.
Insights into Practical Global Workforce Development Strategies (TH209)
Track: Facilitating Organizational Change (Experience Level 1)
Aleishia Wilders, QUALCOMM, Inc. and Steve Wilders, Jackson Wilder Group
This session is designed to offer participants knowledge and application information on trends in talent
development for individuals working internationally. Current case studies from an international oil driller
and from QUALCOMM will provide participants with key tips and tools for creating or enhancing their
global learning strategy. Through group activities, participants will gain insights into best practices and
lessons learned in the implementation of global learning and development initiatives. The presenters will
emphasize approaches and suggestions for effective coaching, talent planning and development, and
organization development for international organizations.