Islam in Russia

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Islam in Russia
Russia and Islam
• the Moslem population of the RF vary from 15 to 21 million.
• Russia - an Euroasian country, the country of Christian-Islamic
• For Russia it is a part of the way of life of many millions of
Russian Moslems that have been living in Russia for centuries, f
or whom Russia isn’t a temporary refuge but the native home.
Islam as a religion
The religion of Islam is
the acceptance of and
obedience to the teachings of
God which He revealed
to His last prophet, Muhammad
Islam as a religion
• The notions of justice, solidarity and tolerance are central to
the Koran and to Muslim ethics.
• The very name Islam - the Arabic root word 'salama' - peace. Is
lam is based upon achieving peace through the submission to
the will of Allah
Islam is a religion of peaceable and orderly people
Terrorism Strikes Russia
Summary of the Attacks from August 24 to
September 3, 2004
Russia Plane Bombings
August 24, 2004
Two Russian civilian aircrafts on domestic flights
originating from Moscow’s Domodedovo Airport
crashed within minutes of each other at
approximately 2300 (local time)
According to open sources, the Russian Security
Service, FSB, claim that one female suicide
bomber on each plane was able to detonate an
improvised explosive device (IED) in mid-air,
killing all 90 passengers and crew. No information
is available on how the IED was smuggled on the
plane. No Americans were on the flights
“Islambouli Brigades” claimed responsibility for
the attack
Russians officials are investigating two Chechen
women as the main perpetrators
Russia Plane Bombings
August 24, 2004
• Media reports indicate two female terrorists boarded the
aircrafts at Moscow’s Domodedovo Airport and may have
smuggled explosives without detection or were able to detonate
the explosives pre-placed on the plane by an insider (No M.O.
has been confirmed)
Volga AviaExpress Flight 1303, a Tupelov-134 en route to
Volgograd, was found in the Tula region, about 100 miles south
of Moscow, after disappearing from radar at about 2056 hrs
Sibir Airlines Flight 1047, a Tupolev-154 bound for the Black
Sea resort Sochi, disappeared from radar over the Rostov-onDon region, about 500 miles south of Moscow near Russia's
border with Ukraine, minutes after the first jet crashed
• The Federal Security Service, or FSB, reported traces of the
explosive Hexogen, commonly known as RDX, at both crash
Witnesses report seeing explosions in midair
Volga AviaExpress Flight 1303
Sibir Airlines Flight 1047
Russia Plane Bombings
Suicide Bombing Suspects
The FSB suspects that two Chechen females, Amanat
Nagayeva, 30, and Satsita Dzhebirkhanova, 37, carried out the
attacks. Passports for Nagayeva and Dzhebirkhanova were
found at the crash sites in the Tula and Rostov regions, but their
remains have not been identified
The Moscow Times reported that Russian law enforcement are
on-the-look-out for additional suspects including Roza
Nagayeva (the Subway bombing suspect), Imam Nagayeva, and
Maryam Taburova. The two plane bombing suspects shared a
Grozny (Chechnya) apartment with Roza and Maryam.
The Moscow Times reports that four of the women are
believed to have traveled to Moscow in August to carry out
suicide attacks.
Suicide Bombing Strikes Moscow
August 31, 2004
At approximately 2015 hrs (local time) a
female suicide bomber detonated an
improvised explosive near the Rizhskaya
(Riga) metro station in northeast
Various media reports confirm 10
casualties and 51 injuries; 49 were
hospitalized (No AMCITS reported)
Police said the explosion was adjacent
to the Rizhskaya (Riga) subway station
and Krestovsky department store
The bomb caused significant facility
damage to the metro station entrance shattering doors and windows as well as
igniting 2 vehicles
A female suicide bomber from
Chechnya was identified in the attack
Press reports claim that a 29 year-old Chechen woman, Roza
Nagayeva, blew herself up outside of the Rizhskaya station
Roza is the sister of Amanat Nagayeva, the woman suspected
of detonating the blast on board a Volga-AviaExpress Flight
1303, which crashed near Tula on August 24
The Moscow Times reported that Russian law enforcement
recently distributed photos of five suspected Chechen rebels
including the two plane bombing suspects Amanat Nagayeva
and Satsita Dzhebirkhanova; Imam Nagayeva; Maryam Taburova;
and Roza Nagayeva
The Moscow Times reports that four of the women are
believed to have traveled to Moscow in August to carry out
suicide attacks
Roza shared an apartment in Groznyy (Chechnya) with her
sister, Dzhebirkhanova and Taburova
Possible Motives for the
Retaliation attacks for the Kremlinbacked Chechen Presidential Elections
held on August 29. Former Chechen
President Akhmed Kadyrov, also backed
by Russia, was assassinated by
Chechen Rebels in October 2003
Possibly to undermine stability in
Chechnya, as Russian President
Vladimir Putin refuses negotiation with
Chechen Rebels
Russian officials claim a possible
connection between Chechen Rebels
and al-Qaeda; Putin has suggested the
August 24 plane bombings are tied to
international terrorism
Female Suicide Bombers
“Black Widows”
Chechen females who carry out suicide
bombings missions in revenge or
desperation for losing husbands,
brothers or fathers who were affiliated
with Chechen rebels
Woman ideologically indoctrinated by
Chechen-based Islamic extremists
They may be socially marginalized or
ostracized by family members
They may be motivated by financial
Why? Chechen woman are able to move
around more freely and inconspicuously
than Chechen men
They have a tactical advantage by
wearing long, loose clothing to hide
• Social customs may
preclude male security
guards from thoroughly
searching Muslim woman
Russian School Siege
September 1, 2004 – September 3, 2004
Approximately 17 – 35 masked men and women
with explosives and automatic weapons, seized a
school in North Ossetia holding over 1,000 civilians
hostages, including over 200 children
The attackers threatened to kill 50 children for
every one of their own killed and 20 for every one
The rebels provided a set of demands including
the immediate withdrawal and end of operations of
federal troops from Chechnya and the release of
rebels arrested in raids on Ingushetia in June 2003
The New York Times reported that the attackers
claimed to be part of "The Second Group of
Salakhin Riadus Shakhidi,“ affiliated to Chechen
warlord Shamil Basayev
There were over 100 casualties and 500 wounded
The Russian authorities are blaming Chechen separatists, who
have been fighting for independence from Moscow for the past
The New York Times reported that a spokesman for the attackers
said they were part of "The Second Group of Salakhin Riadus
Shakhidi." Salakhin Riadus Shakhidi is a battalion of suicide fighters
formed and headed by Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev
Itar-Tass reported that the attack had been planned by Shamil
Basayev and led by field commander Magomet Yevloyev. The
source said there was information that it had been financed by Abu
Omar As-Seyf, who was believed to be al-Qaeda's representative
in Chechnya
Chechen rebel leader Aslan Maskhadov has denied that his forces
were involved in the siege, but did not rule out a “Basayev
accomplice” as being responsible
Additional reports also suggest that Ingush rebels who attacked
security forces in Ingushetia in June; or a North Ossetian-based
rebel group may also be the suspected terrorists
Shamil Basayev, leader of the Chechen separatists and responsible for the
Beslan school massacre, was killed by the Russian security forces. His
organization is identified with Al-Qaeda and the global jihad. Hamas identifies
with and is inspired by Chechen separatist ideology.
Shamil Basayev2 was 41 at the time of his death. He was responsible for a
number of serious terrorist attacks in Moscow (such as the takeover of the
theatre in October 2002) and other locations in Russia, some carried out by
suicide bombers, including women. The most deadly attack was the takeover of
the school in Beslan on September 1, 2004, which ended in the deaths of more
than 300 people, most of them school children held hostage.