Transcript Slide 1

Natural Church Development
at St. Thomas the Apostle
Natural Church Development
at St. Thomas
Natural Church Development:
• Based on research by Christian Schwartz, a
German theologian, in 1996
• If a church is ‘healthy’ in its ministry, it will grow;
“if you work on quality, quantity will follow”
• NCD seeks to identify and assess the key
characteristics of a healthy ministry
Natural Church Development:
8 Dimensions of Church Health
Worship Services
Small Groups
Natural Church Development:
8 Characteristics of a Healthy Church
Loving Relationships
Effective Structures
Empowering Leadership
Gift-based Ministry
Inspiring Worship Services
Holistic Small Groups
Need-Oriented Evangelism
Passionate Spirituality
Natural Church Development:
8 Quality Characteristics that
contribute to a healthy church
1. Loving Relationships
Are the relationships among our members characterized by Love?
2. Effective Structures
Do the structures of our church strengthen fellowship, ministry, and experience
of God?
3. Empowering Leadership
Do our leaders motivate, equip and support others for ministry?
4. Gift-based Ministry
Are our members able to discern their gifts and pursue ministries that match
these gifts?
Natural Church Development:
8 Quality characteristics that
contribute to a healthy church
5. Inspiring Worship Services
Are our worship services inspiring experiences for our members?
6. Holistic Small Groups
Do our small groups nurture the heads, hearts and hands of their members?
7. Need Oriented Evangelism
Are our evangelistic activities related to the needs and questions of those we
are trying to win?
8. Passionate Spirituality
Do we actively and passionately incorporate our faith into our everyday life?
Assessing a church’s health using the
8 Quality Characteristics
• A group of 35 church members complete a survey (92
• Survey completers reflect the wider engaged membership of
the church
• Survey questions are structured to focus on the 8 factors
• Surveys are analysed and compiled by NCD Canada
• Results are ‘standardized’ by comparison to the Canadian allchurch average. Average ‘scores’ set at 50.
• Church receives standardized scores on each of the 8 Quality
Characteristics, and each of the individual survey questions.
• Over 60,000 surveys in 32 countries have been completed.
St. Thomas Quality Characteristics
Loving Relationships (66)
Effective Structures (66)
Empowering Leadership (63)
Gift-based Ministry (62)
Inspiring Worship Services (53)
Holistic Small Groups (52)
Need Oriented Evangelism (49)
Passionate Spirituality (41)
The NCD ‘Process’
• We started with Testing (October). Our ratings are based on the
answers a group of 35 parish members gave to the NCD survey.
• We are now working on Understanding (November). Our parish
leaders are coming to grip with what our results mean for us as
a parish.
• We will soon begin to Plan (December). Our parish leadership
will prepare a plan for the remainder of this year.
• Then we will Do (January – August 2011). We will all work
together to carry out our plan to help us grow as a parish.
• As we do so we will Experience familiarity in the areas our plan
• Finally, we will Perceive how we have grown (August 2011).
• In September 2011 we will test again to see how much we have
St. Thomas NCD Support Team
Leroy Fevang
Carol Kauk
Andrew Louis
Elizabeth Reicker
Derwyn Sangster (Chair)
Liz Scobie
Sandra Wright
St. Thomas Parish Members
Important to:
• Be familiar with what NCD is trying to do
• Support St. Thomas NCD activities
• Participate in the ‘Doing’ phase
• Offer suggestions on how we can do better