Transcript Slide 1

Senior School Option Night
For students entering Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11
January 25, 2012
7:00 pm
RNS Mission
Rothesay Netherwood School is a university preparatory school
dedicated to the education of students in a safe, caring Atlantic Canadian community
that fosters an international perspective and the development of
character, courage, creativity and a passion for learning.
GOALs for the evening
To provide you with a course calendar and review
important information inside
To provide information on our Senior School
Curriculum, including IB
To review RNS graduation requirements
To look at university requirements
To provide information on course options, the
course selection process
To get students discussing their courses for next year
This presentation is posted on the Portal
under important documents
There will be an opportunity for questions this
evening, but if you require more information
and would like to set up a meeting at a later
date, please do not hesitate to contact me.
The Presentation
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
General Information
Grades 9 & 10
Grades 11 & 12
University Considerations
 Course Calendar
 Course Selection Sheet
(Gr 9, Gr 10, Gr 11)
Keys to Success at RNS
 A good attitude
 A good work ethic
 A willingness to participate in the entire school
program (classroom, extra-curriculars)
 Good time management skills
 Selecting appropriate courses
 A good study routine
 Establishing a support network
Course Calendar Contents
 Philosophy Guiding the Academic Program
 Academic Regulations (p. 4)
 Graduation Requirements (p.5)
 IB Information (pp. 6-10)
 Course descriptions (pp. 11-28)
 Course Selection Sheets (pp. 29-31)
Graduation Requirements
 4 credits in English
 4 credits in mathematics
 4 credits in sciences
 4 credits in languages
 4 credits in social sciences
 6 additional credits
Completion of the following academic program elements
* Theory of Knowledge course (TOK112)
* 150 Creativity, Action, Service (CAS) hours
* The Extended Essay
Six credits must be completed at the Grade 12 level
Grade 9 & 10 at RNS
The Pre-IB Program
What should you expect in Grade 9, 10?
Grade 9 & 10 at RNS
 An increase in workload
 Expectations are heightened (curriculum,
assessments, independence, responsibility for
learning, participation in program, hours of study)
 An introduction to the IB Program (Pre-IB)
 Organization and time management skills become
more necessary
 Develop your support group (advisors, teachers,
Grade 9 & 10 at RNS
LEADS (Grade 9) --- a course that all Grade 9 students
take together (one class) that focuses on leadership,
experiences, adventure, discovery and service.
Combined courses (Grade 9 and 10 students together):
French, World History*, Geography*, Canadian History*,
* Taken in Grade 9 or Grade 10 only
Grade 9 & 10 Course Selection
 Challenge yourself appropriately
Take advanced courses when possible, but more
importantly take courses appropriate for your ability and
interest level
 Be aware of Graduation Requirements (especially
choices in socials, Arts)
 Give thought to IB courses (and prerequisites) for
courses you may choose in Gr. 11 and university
programs you may be interested in.
Grade 9 & 10 Course Selection
 Students must submit their course selection sheets
to their advisors by Tuesday, January 31, 2012.
 Courses must be selected online by this date as well.
 Discussions must be had with your parents,
teachers, advisor. Get the information you need to
make a good decision.
Course Changes
• Courses can be changed up until Thanksgiving
• Changes after this point may not be possible
---- missed curriculum, class sizes,
Any questions about Grade 9 & 10?
Grade 11 & 12 at RNS
The IB Program
IB Diploma Program
 a two year comprehensive and challenging
pre-university program
 all courses span Grades 11 and 12
 IB demands the best from motivated students
 all RNS students entering Grade 11 take the IB
What skills do we hope our students will
develop as they participate in the IB Program?
What does the IB Program look like?
IB Diploma Requirements
To earn an IB diploma, students must:
 Complete six IB courses and successfully
write the IB exams. (3 HL, 3 SL) --- minimum 24
 take the Theory of Knowledge course in
Grade 11
 complete 150 CAS hours (Creativity, Action,
 write an independent 4,000 word research
essay on a topic of their choice
Three ways to participate
in the IB Program at RNS
Option A:
 Students take six IB courses: (3 HL & 3 SL) and complete
TOK, EE, and CAS.
Option B:
 Same as Option A, but students take an extra course
from Group 3, or Group 4, and omit their Group 6 subject.
Option C:
Students may select courses from Option A or Option B and
not take the required 3 HLs for an IB Diploma. These
students will not be eligible to receive an IB Diploma.
Combined Courses
In Grade 11, students take combined courses
(SL/HL) in Group 3 (Socials), Group 4
(Sciences), Group 5 (Math), Group 6 (Arts).
Math 11 Studies and Math 11 SL will be in the
same classroom this year.
Note: Math HL will remain a separate course
Two Diplomas
Students will have the opportunity to earn the
internationally recognized IB Diploma and the
RNS Diploma, concurrently
IB Fees
 Extra fees associated with the IB Program.
Grade 11 - $600.00
Grade 12 - $600.00
(Please turn to p. 8 for explanation)
Grade 11 & 12 Students at RNS
• Students must submit their course selection
sheets to their advisors by Tuesday,
February 7, 2012.
• Courses must be selected online at this time
as well.
• Discussions must occur with parents, teacher,
advisor, Ms. Turnbull
Course Changes
• Courses can be changed up until Thanksgiving
• Changes after this point may not be possible
---- missed curriculum, class sizes,
• University program choices and the IB
Diploma can also be comprised.
Any questions about IB?
University Considerations
University Considerations
Engineering or Pure Sciences
Business (or Commerce)
Liberal Arts
Fine Arts
Engineering or Pure Sciences
English HL or SL
Math HL or SL
Two science credits
Engineering: Physics and Chemistry HL or SL
Pure Science: Chemistry and one other science
credit HL or SL
Some universities require at least one Math and one of
the science credits at the HL.
Business or Commerce
English HL or SL
Math HL or SL
There are six Atlantic Canadian universities that
accept Math Studies SL for admission to their
business program – Mt. A, St.FX, SMU, Acadia,
Liberal Arts
English HL or SL
Math SL or Math Studies SL
Fine Arts
English HL or SL
Math SL or Math Studies SL
Art HL or Music HL or Theatre HL
Note: You will also NEED to submit a portfolio or
audition tape
English HL or SL
Math HL or SL
Physics SL or HL
One other science
(1) You will need a portfolio
(2) Only Carleton University and the University of
Waterloo do direct admits from high school
--- very competitive.
University Preparation Advice
 Speak to Mrs. Turnbull early
 Closely review program requirements for
universities that interest you
 Visit universities
 Take responsibility for your future – your
involvement is necessary
 Keep those grades up
Other University considerations
Students going to school in the USA will be
required to write the SATs. This process can
start as early as Grade 10.
 International Students who do not have
English as their first language will require a
score of 70 in Grade 12 English and possibly
a TOEFL score of 90 (see page 5)
Who can help?
 Advisors
 Teachers
 Academic Directors of School
Mr. Van Doleweerd: Grades 6-8
Mr. McLellan: Grades 9-12
 IB Coordinator – Mrs. Earle
 University Placement Office – Ms. Turnbull
Next Steps
 Feel free to discuss courses with faculty in the
 Discuss options as a family
 Grade 9 & 10 course selection sheets are due
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
 Grade 11 course selection sheets are due Tuesday,
February 7, 2011
Note: Students who are late with course selections risk not being
enrolled is the courses they request.
Senior School Option Night
For students entering Grade 9, Grade 10, Grade 11
Thank you for your attendance!