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Catholic Social Teaching
& Poverty
Write down your definition?
What influenced you to have that definition?
Poverty Pop Quiz
In 2010, how many people were poor in the
A. 12.4 million
B. 25.3 million
C. 43.6 million
D. 46.2 million
Poverty Pop Quiz
In 2010, what % of children were in poverty in
the U.S.?
A. 10.4%
B. 15.3%
C. 22%
D. 26.2%
Poverty Pop Quiz
Extreme poverty is an area where at least what
% of the population lives below the poverty line?
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 30%
D. 40%
Bound by Faith of Baptism
Chapter 12 of the Compendium of Social
Doctrine of the Church
Responsibility of Christians to be committed to
social transformation
Role for everyone, but esp. laity – Baptism
Believe: Jesus
Share: Community
Transform: World
Being Church: evangelization occurs with &
through community
Evanglization has a personal and social
dimension involving human rights, peace,
justice, development, and liberation. #29
Evangelii Nuntiandi, Pope Paul VI
Context of social ministry
Role of CST: framework of values for action
World Synod of Bishops
Justice in the World
-Action on behalf of justice for the transformation
of the world is a constitutive dimension of
preaching the gospel
-Placed action for justice at the heart of the
Church’s mission as central as celebrating the
-Justice education is central to the Church’s
Justice in the World
See, Judge, Act
Social Sin: structural problems, not just
individual ones
God as liberator & Jesus as preacher of justice
for the poor
Theme for the CSC this year
Deus Caritas Est
Love of God and love of neighbor have become
one: In the least of the brethren we find Jesus
himself, and in Jesus we find God.
Call to Be Faithful - Transformation
Scripture: Faith as Wisdom
Sacrament: Faith as Experience
Social Justice: Faith as Witness
Biblical Justice
Social Dimension of Scripture
Not one way to know the will of God
Gen. 1: sacredness, stewardship
Exodus: freedom for new covenant
Lk 4, Mt 25 & Prophets:
• Justice is intrinsic to faith
• Protection in social setting
Biblical Justice
1. Does not make straight correlations
2. About making things right
>Right relationship
*One another
>Fidelity to the community
Getting Through the Lingo
Catholic Social Tradition
Catholic Social Thought
Catholic Social Teaching
Lots of Latin documents
Catholic Social Tradition
Brings in the whole history of people, places,
events & movements following the call of
Church’s lived and intellectual tradition
People: Dorothy Day, Thea Bowman, John Ryan
Movements: Jocists, Catholic Worker
Catholic Social Thought
Patristic & Classical theologians:
 Augustine & Thomas Aquinas
Continuing reflection:
- Liberation Theology, Eco-theology
Catholic Social Teaching
Official teaching statements
-From Popes 1891 Leo XIII Rerum Novarum to
Benedict XVI Caritas in Veritate
-From Bishops Conferences:
US: Challenge of Peace & Economic Justice for
Philippines: Ecology
-Local Bishops:
IL: Racism Pastoral
Northwest U.S.: Columbia River & Environment
Example of the Synthesis
Tradition: John XXIII & Vatican II
Thought: “Signs of the Times”
 Activity of God’s Spirit as it is revealed in the
social movements of an historical period
Teaching: Pacem in Terris
 Women’s movement
 Ending colonialism
Catholic Social Teaching
Values & Principles for Action
Dignity of the Human Person
Community & the Common Good
Rights & Responsibilities
Option for the Poor
Dignity of Work
Care for God’s Creation
Principles of Catholic Social Teaching
These principles form the basis for all
social teaching. The issues may
change, but the principles are immutable.
Dignity of the Human Person
This is the keystone of CST. We are all made in
the image & likeness of God, hence all life is
precious and sacred, from conception until
natural death.
Dt 30:15-20 Choose life.
Ps 103:6-10 The Lord secures justice of all the oppressed.
Lk 24:49 Christ empowers us to continue his work.
Eph. 4:23-24 Put on a new self, created in God’s way.
Community & the Common Good
All humanity is called to be social and to model
the relationship of God in the mystery of the
Trinity. We recognize our humanity in
relationship to others and are saved through
Lv 19:9-15 Treat your neighbor with justice and mercy.
Mi 6:8 Act justly and walk humbly with God.
Jn 13:34-35 Love one another.
Acts 4:32-35 Learn how to live true Christian community.
Rights & Responsibilities
We not only care about life, but also that people
have quality of life so that their human dignity is
respected. We are called to respect the rights of
 Jer 22:16 To know the Lord is to act justly.
 Am 5:21-24 God does not want empty religious exercises, but
true conversion.
 Mt 23:11 Be a servant.
 Lk 6:46-49 Combine prayer with action.
Option for the Poor
The poor and anyone vulnerable or oppressed
are also called to be invited as part of the
community and to be given a voice. Those with
the most need ought to be attended to first.
 Ps 41:1-3 Show regard for the lowly and the poor.
 Jer 22:3 Rescue the victim from the oppressor.
 Rom 12:10-18 Exercise hospitality; make friends with the
 Lk 4:16-30 Jesus announces his mission to liberate people.
Dignity of Work
We are all called to live a vocation and to be cocreators with God using our talents. Everyone
has a right to fair and decent work in which their
humanity is respected.
 Is 3:13-15 Do not grind the face of the poor.
 Am 2:6-7 The unjust trample on the heads of ordinary people.
 Lk 3:10-18 Justice in the workplace is an example of showing
the Christian way.
 Jas 5:1-6 Riches obtained unjustly bring misery.
We are all part of one human family–
whatever our national, racial, religious,
economic or ideological differences–and in
an increasingly interconnected world, loving
our neighbors has global dimensions.
Prv 21:13 Listen to the poor.
Is 32:16-17 Justice will bring peace.
Mt 25:31-46 Christ is identified with all people.
1 Cor. 12:24-26 If one suffers, all suffer.
Care for God’s Creation
From Genesis we learn all creation is holy and a
gift from God which deserves our respect by
being good stewards. We are co-creators with
Gen 2:15 Stewardship of the earth.
Dan 3:74-81 All the earth blesses God.
Mt 6:25-34 Learn to trust in God as does nature.
Rom 8:18-25 All creation awaits redemption.
Spes Salvi/Saved in Hope
All serious and upright human conduct is hope
in action. #35
Hope, in fact, is a key word in Biblical faith – so
much so that in several passages the words
‘faith’ and ‘hope’ seem interchangeable. #2
Love of God leads to participation in the justice
and generosity of God toward others. #28
Caritas in Veritate/Charity in Truth
Latest social encyclical
Charity in truth is the principle driving force
behind the authentic development of every
person and of all humanity. #1
The current economic and financial crises make
the theme of progress more acute & urgent. #33
Practical Ways of Living a Just Life
Awareness: Justice Education
Direct Service & Advocacy: For Others
Empowerment: With Others
Faith in Action
Catholic Relief Services provides humanitarian
relief and development assistance to the poor
and marginalized in over 100 countries and
territories around the world.
Catholic Charities USA’s members—more than
1,700 local Catholic Charities agencies and
institutions nationwide—provide help and create
hope for nearly 8.5 million people a year
regardless of religious, social, or economic
Hope in Action
More than 5.5 million patients were admitted to
Catholic hospitals during a one-year period.
Each year, one in six patients in the United
States is cared for in a Catholic hospital, and
Catholic health care facilities provide a wide
range of community benefits to assist individuals
and families. During the last fiscal year, Catholic
hospitals across the United States contributed
more than $5.7 billion* in services identified as
community benefits.
Faith in Action
CCHD has provided nearly 8,000 grants to selfhelp organizations led by poor persons.
NCEA is the largest private professional
education organization in the world,
representing 200,000 Catholic educators
serving 7.6 million students in Catholic
elementary and secondary schools, in religious
education programs, in seminaries and in
colleges and universities. There are 8,000
Catholic School across the United States.
What will you do?
Who will work with you?
Who will you communicate with?
Two Seas
Minor in Catholic Social Tradition
15 credits: Interdisciplinary since mid-90’s
Core Class
2 Electives
3 1-credit courses
Happy Thanksgiving
Seminar Send-Off Mass is 5 pm on Nov.29th
Next class is @ 7 pm on Dec. 4th