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How many British ships were present at
the Battle of Trafalgar, was it
33, 34, or 35?
Twenty seven ships of the line and six others. Nelson’s fleet was
formed into two columns. One was led by Nelson on board HMS
Victory, the other led by Collingwood on HMS Royal Sovereign.
A ship of the line was a type of naval warship constructed from
the 17th through the mid-19th century to take part in the naval
tactic known as the line of battle, in which two columns of
opposing warships would manoeuvre to bring the greatest weight
of broadside guns to bear.
During which century was the title
HMS first used on ships?
18th Century
It is believed that it was during the 1700’s that naming ships HMS
came into practice but no actual date can be found.
It is also possible of course that there is no one ship but rather a
change in naming convention so that several ships were declared
HMS at the same time.
Which title does the professional head of
the Royal Navy have?
First Sea Lord
The title of "First Sea Lord" goes back to the early 19th century
when the appointment of civilians, exclusively, to the position of
First Lord of the Admiralty, began. To differentiate the civilian
naval head from the senior serving Royal Navy Officer,
the title First Sea Lord was created.
In which year did British Naval
Flying begin?
British Naval Flying started in 1909, with the construction of an
airship for naval duties. In 1911 the Royal Navy graduated its
first aeroplane pilots at the Royal Aero Club flying ground at
Eastchurch, Isle of Sheppey under the tutelage of pioneer aviator
George Bertram Cockburn, but in May 1912 naval and army
aviation were combined to become the Royal Flying Corps (RFC).
The Naval Wing of the RFC lasted until July 1914 when the Royal
Navy reformed its air branch, under the Air Department of the
Admiralty naming it the Royal Naval Air Service (RNAS).
Can you name the first ‘airship’
purchased by the Royal Navy ?
His Majesty's Airship No. 1, more commonly known as the Mayfly,
was designed and built by Vickers, Sons and Maxim at their works
in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, England, as an aerial scout
airship for the British Royal Navy. She was the first British rigid
airship to be built, and was constructed in a direct attempt to
compete with the German airship programme.
In which year was the W.R.N.S.
first formed?
The Women’s Royal Naval Service was first formed in
November1917 under the direction of Dame Katherine Furse.
The purpose was to substitute women in naval administrative
and shore roles so that the men could serve at sea. The WRNS
recruited 6000 women to undertake a variety of tasks. It was
disbanded in October 1919. As part of the planning for the Second
World War, the WRNS was resurrected, this time under the
leadership of Mrs Vera Laughton Mathews. This time, 74,000
women were in service by 1944 taking on over 200 different jobs
in the navy, serving overseas and in other branches. As a
reward for valuable service, the WRNS was made a permanent
service in 1949. It was not until 1977 that the service became
subject to the Naval Discipline Act and in 1993 it was finally
disbanded as a separate service with full integration into the
Royal Navy.
What is the "Perisher" course?
The British Submarine
Command Course
Since 1917 the Royal Navy has conducted a rigorous, semi-annual
course, to qualify RN officers in the submarine service for
In which year was the Fleet Air Arm
On 1st April 1924, the Fleet Air Arm was initially formed as an offshoot of the Royal Air Force, encompassing those RAF units that
normally embarked on aircraft carriers and other fighting ships.
On 24 May 1939 the Fleet Air Arm was returned to Admiralty
control and renamed the Air Branch of the Royal Navy.
What famous words did Nelson signal to
his fleet when engagement was
ANSWER: "England expects that every
man will do his duty."
Nelson's original message was, "Nelson confides that every man
will do his duty." His chief signalman, Lieutenant John Pasco,
persuaded Nelson to change 'confides' to 'expects' since the word
'expects' was in the signal corps vocabulary while 'confides' would
have to be spelled out. Another officer persuaded Nelson to use
'England' rather than his own name in the message. The wording
caused some resentment among the men of the fleet as they took
the message to question their devotion to duty
In the Royal Navy, what does
"Black Tot Day" refer to?
The day of the last fleet
wide issue of the daily
grog allowance.
On 31 July 1970, the last "tot" of grog was issued. The recipe for grog
has varied over the years but in 1970 the standard issue was an
eight of a pint of rum diluted 2 to 1 with water. The loss of the grog
ration was compensated by issuing an extra can of beer.
The traditional "tub" from which grog
was dispensed in the Royal Navy was
embellished with which motto?
“The Queen/King,
God Bless Her/Him“
The grog tub was the container from which the daily ration of
grog was issued to messes and/or individual sailors. Over the years
it traditionally became embellished with carefully varnished
staves, brass hoops, and the motto "The Queen (King), God Bless
Her (Him)". The bosun would pipe "up spirits" at noon and the
crew would line up for their ration.
Who was in the "Wavy Navy"?
Members of the Royal
Naval Volunteer Reserve.
The term "Wavy Navy" is derived from the distinctive sleeve
insignia of rank worn by RNVR Officers. While the individual
rank was indicated by the number of stripes as in the RN/RNR,
the RNVR stripes were interlaced rather than straight. This
distinction was discontinued in 2007.
In Royal Naval jargon, what is a
Sky Pilot?
The Chaplain, the Vicar
or the Padre.
Chaplains, Vicars or Padres, have a number of other amusing
Devil Dodger,
God Botherer,
Bible Basher,
Sin Bosun,
Sinister Minister.
What did sailors use to measure the width
between the creases when pressing their
Pay Book
Until Royal Navy uniforms were modernised in 1977, sailors wore
bell bottom trousers with horizontal creases. There were 5 or 7
creases depending on the height of the sailor.
The horizontal creases came about because sailors' bell bottom
trousers had to be kept folded in a locker or kit bag as there was
usually not enough room in older ships to hang clothes.
The Royal Navy game of “Uckers" is
based on which game?
Uckers is a four player board game similar to Ludo that is
traditionally played in the Royal Navy. It is fiercely competitive
and rules differ between ships and stations (and between other
services). It is believed to originate in the 18th/19th centuries from
the Indian game "Pachisi" although the first reference to it in print
does not appear until 1946
It is a long-standing tradition in the
Royal Navy that, when a ship is close to
a suitable beach and has some spare
time, most of the crew will take to the
boats, laden with cans of beer, barbecues
and food, and spend a couple of hours
relaxing on the beach. What is this
activity known as in the Royal Navy?
It is not clear how banyan, the name of an oriental fig tree, has
come to be applied to a beach barbecue, though there is a theory
that it is based on the fact that outlandish and colourful clothes
tend to be worn (Banyan Rig), not unlike a loose flowing garment
worn in the East Indies and known as a banion.
In modern times when did the first
Wrens start to serve at sea as part of the
ship’s company?
By 1990 the Royal Navy had begun to seriously consider the
recruitment of women to fill the shortages in 'man power'. The
navies of other nations had already begun to send women to sea.
But practical issues of accommodation, privacy and combat roles
mingled with the criticisms of male chauvinists and naval wives.
In October 1990 the first Wrens to serve on an operational
warship boarded HMS Brilliant, paving the way to the eventual
scrapping of the WRNS and full integration of women into the
Royal Navy in 1993.
Can you put these past or present Air
Stations in order from to west to east,
Abbotsinch, Brawdy, Culdrose, Ford,
Lossiemouth, Portland, Yeovilton?
ANSWER: Culdrose, Brawdy,
Abbotsinch, Lossiemouth,
Yeovilton, Portland, Ford.
Culdrose 5° 15’ west.
Brawdy 5° 7’ west.
Abbotsinch 4° 26’ west.
Yeovilton 2° 38’ west.
Portland 2° 27’ west.
Ford 0° 35’ west.
Nelson was buried at sea after he fell
mortally wounded at Trafalgar,
true or false ?
The custom at the time was to send corpses over the side, but
Nelson implored Captain Thomas Hardy, Captain of HMS
Victory, to not throw him over the side to which Hardy replied,
"Oh, no, certainly not." Nelson was given a state funeral and was
buried at St. Paul's Cathedral. His victory at Trafalgar ensured
his status as a British hero of the highest order.
(Weather Column)
(Lee Column)
PICKLE (Schooner)