On-Call Signal Contract Options for Discussion

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On-Call Signal Contract
Options for Discussion
March 13, 2015
Cape Cod Joint Transportation
On-line Review of Contracts
Reviewed 6 contracts from VA, TX, and CA
that had different features and cost/bid
options that ranged from $50k to $350k
Some Interesting (I thought) Features
Preventative Maintenance including a maintenance
and inventory management system
Engineering and design of ITS devices
Mobilization limits (time charged before onsite)
Minimum emergency response time with
liquidated damages for late response
Contracting Options
Professional Services Proposal
Task Order/Indefinite Delivery
Time and Materials
Bid Price Contract
Most were Hybrids
Professional Services
Request for Proposals
Selection based on qualifications
Specific tasks and scope of work are
defined in a request for proposals
Professional Services
City of Novato example
Broad Scope – “In general, the work to be done
consists of providing preventative and routine
traffic signal maintenance, emergency service and
records and supervision for the maintenance of
traffic signals.”
Elements are further defined as are compensation
Task Order/Indefinite Delivery
There are three types of indefinite
delivery contracts:
definite quantity,
indefinite-quantity, and
requirements contracts.
Requirements contracts and indefinite
quantity contracts are also known as
delivery order or “task order” contracts.
Task Order/Indefinite Delivery
The contract must require the
municipality to order and the contractor
to furnish at least a stated minimum
quantity of supplies or services. A task
order contract must specify the period
of performance, including the number
of option periods, and must specify the
total minimum and maximum quantity
of supplies or services.
Task Order/Indefinite Delivery
Fort Worth Example
Scope - The major work will consist of the
(approximate) following: permanent and
temporary traffic signal installations, traffic
signal modifications, minor roadway work,
sidewalk, curb ramps, signing, and
pavement markings the extent to which
and locations of to be determined by the
City on an as-needed basis, with work
directives issued via task orders.
Task Order/Indefinite Delivery
Fort Worth Example
Unit prices are required and an estimated
quantity defined.
Task Order/Indefinite Delivery
Fort Worth Example – non-resident
Time and Materials –
Wildamar, CA example
Compensation for unscheduled
maintenance work identified above will
be paid at the hourly labor rates, and
vehicle and equipment rates, in
accordance with the Cost Proposal,
Schedules B and C, included in this
Time and Materials –
Wildamar, CA example
Emergency calls that require replacement of
equipment will not require approval from City
before such replacements are commenced.
The contractor shall provide materials for
permanent repairs, uses in the repair or
replacement of City equipment. The City shall
reimburse the selected firm for materials used
for permanent repairs, in an amount equal to
the cost of the materials including an agreed
mark-up price.
Time and Materials –
Wildamar, CA example
The selected firm will work closely with City Staff throughout the
duration of the contract. A firm will be selected for final negotiation of
a contract based upon the following factors:
Firm Information/Background: Information on the history of the firm,
company background, and any negative history;
Key Personnel/Staff Qualifications: Qualifications of the staff assigned
to manage and provide services related to the project.
Experience/References: Past experience and client references;
Understanding of Scope of Work and Work Proposal: Proposed work
approach to the project, including all tasks and services defined in the
document, and a discussion on response to unscheduled or emergency
Cost: A final contract shall be negotiated with the selected consultant on
the basis of the submitted cost proposal and in consideration of reasonable
and mutually agreed project costs and time requirements.
Cathedral City, CA - Preventative
Maintenance Example
Preventative Maintenance
The City requires a Contractor to carry on a
program of continuing comprehensive
preventative maintenance designed to
eliminate or reduce the incidences of
malfunction, reduce operational
complaints, and extend the useful life of
the City owned traffic signal and safety
light systems.
Bid Price – Cathedral City, CA
City will compensate Contractor for routine
maintenance at the contract lump sum price
per signalized intersection, flashing beacon,
radar feedback sign, illuminated crosswalk or
safety light per month.
Said compensation shall include all labor,
materials, equipment, overhead and profits
for routine service shall be included in the
price bid, per intersection, per month, and no
extra compensation will be allowed.
Bid Price – Cathedral City, CA
Extraordinary maintenance shall be billed at
the established rates per the approved
contract and shall include all labor, materials,
equipment and profit.
All items not covered shall require a
negotiated price and approval by the Director
of Public Works or his authorized
representative. All extraordinary maintenance
in excess of $1000.00 requires an
authorization prior to beginning the work.
Bid Price – Cathedral City, CA
The selected Contractor must have on
hand and operational an electronic
database and asset management
software package that will provide the
City with remote electronic access to
the database to review maintenance
Good Idea?
 Types of Services?
 Types of Contract?
 Other Thoughts?
Lots to think about
Professional Services
Preventative Maintenance
On-Call Services
Contract Basis
Professional Services Proposal
Task Order/Indefinite Delivery
Time and Materials
Bid Price Contract
Suggested JTC Action
When in doubt, Form a Committee!
Suggest a small committee of interested
folks agree to make general
recommendations at the May CCJTC for
Committee continue to develop a bid
document for further review with a target
of obtaining a contract for FY2017.