Transcript PMR/GCA

Giant Cell Arteritis&Polymyalgia
Olabambo Ogunbambi
Consultant Rheumatologist
Hull Royal Infirmary
 Epidemiology
 Pathogenesis
 Clinical Features
 Investigations
 Imaging
 Mimics
 Treatment
Giant cell arteritis
 Primary systemic vasculitis
medium/large vessels
involves aorta & main branches
 First described by Hutchinson 1890
 Histological features described by Horton et al 1932
 Most common vasculitis Europe/N america
 Incidence increases with age
 Women affected 2-3 times more commonly
 Incidence increases with latitude
 17/million in North American populations of Scandinavian
descent (over age 50)
 <12/million in South European populations
 Rare in blacks and Asians
Still much uncertainty
Factors implicated
 Age
 Genetic factors
 Infection(?)
seasonal variation incidence
Genetic factors
Association with HLA DRB1*04
 TNF microsatellite polymorphisms
 Functional variant VEGF gene
 Polymorphisms in genes for IL-13, NOS2, TLR-4
 Both innate and adaptive immune factors
 Possible viral/other trigger
stimulates monocyte activation
 Activated monocytes infiltrate adventitia of large arteries and
recruit further monocytes/lymphocytes
 Macrophages migrate to media and produce cytokines and
growth factors responsible for damage to elastic lamina and
intimal hyperplasia
Figure 1 Pathogenetic mechanisms operating in GCA
Salvarani, C. et al. (2012) Clinical features of polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis
Nat. Rev. Rheumatol. doi:10.1038/nrrheum.2012.97
 Affects extracranial branches of carotid artery
 All layers of arterial wall involved
 Inflammatory lesions contain
activated T cells
dendritic cells
giant cell cells
Clinical features
 Classic features related to artery involvement
- extracranial branches of carotid artery
 Headache
-Sudden, severe, predominantly temporal
-May affect occipital, parietal, frontal areas
-often severe enough to disturb sleep
Clinical features
Jaw claudication
 Occurs in 40-50% patients
 Highly specific
 Needs to be distinguished from jaw pain , TMJ dysfunction
and trismus
 Occasionally patients have intermittent claudication affecting
tongue, swallowing muscles
Temporal artery abnormalities
 Decreased or absent pulses
 Tenderness
 Thickening
 Nodules
 Redness
Clinical features
 Scalp tenderness
-occurs in 30-50%
 Worse with brushing/combing hair
 Occasional patients develop scalp necrosis
Scalp necrosis in giant cell arteritis.
Mackie S L , and Pease C T Postgrad Med J 2013;89:284292
Clinic features
 Constitutional symptoms
fever, night sweats, weakness, weight loss
 Less commonly seen compared to pre-steroid era
 Patients with constitutional symptoms and high infl markers
may be less likely to develop ischemic manifestations
Ophthalmic complications
Frequency of occurrence
 Opthalmology studies:
50% of patients
 Rheumatology studies:
20-30% of patients
Ophthalmic complications
Anterior ischemic optic neuritis
 Most common cause visual loss
 Due to interruption of flow in posterior ciliary arteries
 Presents as sudden painless visual loss
 May present as mist in VF progressing to blindness in 2448 hrs
 Unilat visual loss may initially be missed by patient
 May progress to contralat eye in 1-10 days
Ophthalmic complications
Other causes of visual loss
 Central retinal art occlusion
 Ischaemic retrobulbar neuropathy
 Occipital infarction
Ophthalmic complications
 Amaurosis fugax
-2-30% patients
-Best clinical predictor of visual loss
 Diplopia
-ischemia of oculomotor nerve
-occurs in 5-6% patient
Ness, T; Bley, T A; Schmidt, W A; Lamprecht, P
The Diagnosis and Treatment of Giant Cell Arteritis
Dtsch Arztebl Int 2013; 110(21): 376-86; DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.2013.0376
Clinical features
Large vessel involvement
 Distal ischemia
 Limb claudication
 Vascular bruits
 May present as PUO
 Aortic involvement possibly more common than recognised
-risk of aortic rupture/dilatation
Clinical features
Neurological manifestations
 Mononeuropathies/polyneuropathies(rare)
Clinical features
Resp tract symptoms
(often missed)
 Cough
 Sore throat
 Hoarseness
Clinical features
 Audiovestibular dysfunction
 Facial pain
 Facial swelling
 Odontogenic pain
 Glossitis
 Carotidodynia
 Elevated ESR/CRP/PV
 Inflammatory markers usually abnormal
 Usual to check both CRP and ESR (or PV)
 High fibrinogen/haptoglobin
 Thrombocytosis
 Anemia of chronic disease
 Elevated alkaline phosphatase
 Anticardiolipin antibodies
Temporal artery biopsy
 Considered Gold Standard
 Recommended length > 2 cm
 False neg
-Sampling error
-missed areas of inflammation
-Skipped lesions
-Arteritis limited to great arteries
 Biopsy should be done preferably before treatment
Or soon as possible after starting treatment if required
Temporal artery biopsy
 What is a positive biopsy?
-Transmural changes only
-What about adventitial changes only?
-“Healed” arteritis?
possible confusion with age related changes
 Bilateral biopsies?
Temporal artery biopsy
Temporal artery biopsy
Temporal artery biopsy
 High resolution colour doppler US
 Can visualise both lumen and vessel wall
 Vessel wall features of presumed inflammation
- Seen as hypoechogenic mural thickening
 Dependent on equipment, operator
 NB “halo” reported in normal patient, PAN
 Other features
stenoses, occlusions
 Sensitivity 88%, Specificity 78%
 Precise role still not clearly defined
Figure 3 Ultrasonographical findings for GCA
Salvarani, C. et al. (2012) Clinical features of polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis
Nat. Rev. Rheumatol. doi:10.1038/nrrheum.2012.97
a & b = normal artery
c & d= temporal arteritis
 Can demonstrate mural inflammatory enhancement
 Role in diagnosis?
Temporal artery involvement
Small studies: Sens 89-94%, Specificity 92-100%
 May be useful for assessing large vessels
 Role in monitoring?
C+D= Biopsy proven Giant Cell arteritis
Bley et al AJNR October 2007 28: 1722-1727
A 62-yr-old female patient with histologically validated GCA. Transverse contrastenhanced, fat-suppressed, T1-weighted SE image at initial presentation (A) and after 10
months of corticosteroid treatment (C).
Bley T A et al. Rheumatology 2008;47:65-67
 Useful modality for assessing extent of disease involvement
 May demonstrate subclinical vasculitis of great vessels
 May provide information about response to treatment
 Can only evaluate large arteries
 Clinical utility still unclear
Patient presenting with PUO
 Herpes zoster
 Cluster headache
 Migraine
 Cervical spondylosis
 Basal skull lesions
 Sinus disease
 Infiltrative retro orbital
 Temporomandibular joint
 Ear problems
 Other systemic vasculitides
Classification criteria
 Age at onset>50yrs
 New headache
 Temporal artery abnormality
 Elevated ESR >50 (Westergren method)
 Abnormal artery biopsy
Three or more features yield
Sensitivity 93.5%
Specificity 91.2%
 Limited applicability in daily practice
Predictors of neuro ophthalmic
complications/positive TAB biopsy
 Jaw claudication
 Diplopia
Physical exam
 TA beading
 TA prominence
 TA tenderness
 Recommended starting regimens
 Uncomplicated GCA
-no visual symptoms
-no jaw claudication
Start Prednisolone 40-60mg
 Complicated
evolving visual loss or hx amaurosis fugax
 IV methylpred 500mg-1g daily for three days
 Then Prednisolone 60mg daily
Other issues
 Bone protection
Bisphosphonate/calcium/vitamin D supplementation
 Aspirin 75mg daily
40-60mg prednisolone (not <0.75 mg/kg) continued
for 4 weeks
(until resolution of symptoms and laboratory
 Then dose is reduced by 10mg every 2 weeks to
20 mg
 Then by 2.5mg every 2- 4 weeks to 10 mg
 Then by 1mg every 1-2 months provided there is no
Frequency: Suggested review at Weeks 0, 1, 3, 6 then
months 3, 6, 9, 12 in the first year
 Headaches
 Jaw and tongue claudication
 Visual symptoms.
 Vascular claudication of limbs, bruits, pulses
 Blood pressure
 Proximal pain and morning stiffness.
 Disability related to GCA.
 Full blood count, ESR/CRP, urea and electrolytes, glucose
 Every two yrs-CXR(?)
 Bone mineral density
Management of relapse
 Headache: treat with the previous higher glucocorticosteroid
 Headache and jaw claudication: treat with 60mg
 Eye symptoms: treat with either 60mg prednisolone or IV
Steroid sparing agents
Limited evidence
Consider if recurrent relapses or difficulty reducing
steroid dose
 Methotrexate
 Tocilizumab
small case series/case reports of efficacy
 Cyclophosphamide
 Generally runs self limited course
 Overall survival similar to general population
 Permanent partial/complete loss of vision in 15-20%
 Inc risk CV events inc MI, CVA & PVD
 Risk aortic dilatation/aneurysmal rupture
Polymyalgia rheumatica
 Highest incidence in Northern Europeans & people of
Scandinavian ancestry
2-3 times more common than GCA
Occurs in 50% patients with GCA
5-30 % of patients with PMR may develop GCA
Some pathogenetic similarity to GCA
Polymyalgia rheumatica
 Presentation with pain and stiffness of neck. Shoulder girdle
and pelvic girdle usually at least 4 weeks duration
May be abrupt in onset
Symptoms and signs of systemic inflammation
Malaise, weight loss, low grade fever, swats
Elevated CRP/ESR.
Up to 20% may have normal ESR
Clinical features
 Up to 50% distal MSK features
 Mild distal synovitis, bursitis
 Occasionally swelling/pitting edema of hands, wrists
 Carpal tunnel syndrome
 Subjective weakness
 Constitutional symptoms
 Elevated CRP &/or ESR(PV)
 Nonspecific abnormalities in other tests
 Anemia, elevated alkaline phosphatase
 US & MRI can demonstrate bursitis and synovitis
 PET CT may demonstrate subclinical vasculitis
 Rheumatoid arthritis
 Inflammatory myositis
 Remitting Seronegative
 Fibromyalgia
Symmetrical Synovitis with
Pitting Edema
 Multifocal MSK problems
 Bone disease
 Hypothyroidism
 Parkinson’s disease
PMR treatment
 Dramatically responsive to steroids
 Most response to Prednisolone <20mg/day
 Dose gradually tapered
 Tapering an art not science!
 Monitor for relapse, features of GCA ,side-effects of GC
Steroid sparing
 Mostly conflicting and inconclusive data
Options tried include
 Methotrexate
 Biologics (anti-TNF agents)
 Azathioprine
 GCA & PMR are closely related disorders affecting
middle aged/older people
 Unknown cause but genetic and enviromental factors
influence pathogenesis
 GCA primarily affects aorta and extracranial branches
 In GCA biopsy is important in confirming diagnosis
 GC are cornerstone of treatment
 Significant associated morbidity
 Some patients have chronic course and require GC for
several yrs
Jaw claudication
 A. is pathognomonic of GCA
 B. is defined by pain on chewing
 C. signifies extensive involvement of branches of the external
carotid artery
 D. is classified as an ischaemic feature of GCA
 E. is never due to atherosclerosis alone
S. Mackie and C Pease. Postgrad Med J 2013;89:284-292
In the diagnosis of GCA
 A. The American College of Rheumatology criteria are
useful diagnostic criteria in clinical practice.
 B. Ophthalmological evaluation is necessary in the presence
of visual manifestations
 C. Pain on opening the mouth is one of the typical ischaemic
manifestations of GCA
 D. Jaw claudication is never caused by atherosclerosis
 E. Aortic imaging should be routinely performed
S. Mackie and C Pease. Postgrad Med J 2013;89:284-292
Thank you