Editable title - Dorchester Area Schools Partnership

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•To provide an overview of Trust and Foundation Schools and
the opportunities they offer
• To explore key features of a Trust – the vision, focus and partners , and
how the Trust can support the school in raising standards
Trust Schools
Not to be confused with:
Maintained Foundation Schools
supported with a charitable
foundation (Trust)
• Independent Schools
Are treated in the same way as all
local authority schools- National
Curriculum, funding, asset
management, Ofsted, school
organisation, LA intervention etc.
• GM Schools
• Academies
The Aim of Trust Schools
To use the experience, skills and expertise from other schools and
professions as a lever to raise standards in schools
A different way of using partnerships which are:
non-threatening and for mutual gain
 at organisational level
 formalised
 sustained
Trust school models
Single schools
Clusters of schools – vertical and horizontal
And now…
Open trust schools expanding to include additional schools
Federations moving into trusts
‘Town-wide’ trusts
Promoters of new schools
Sponsors of academies
National Challenge trusts
VA & VC Schools links with the Trust
Trust Partner Requirements
• The Trust model legally must have at least One School which is not a
VA/VC or Independent school
• Community Schools
Trust School Registered.
The Trust then holds the Title deeds to Land and Assets
• One other External partner of the Trust is required e.g. Business,
Public, Charity, HEI. FE etc
• VA/VC Schools become partners of the Trust. The Trust do not hold
their Title deeds
• VA/VC Schools do not have to undertake any consultation processes.
VA & VC Schools links with the Trust-2
Options for VA/VC Schools
1. The existing foundation (or trustees) of the VA/VC school act as the Trust
for a number of Trust Schools
2. The Foundation or trustees of the VA/VC school become members of a
shared trust
3. The foundation / trustees of the VA/VC school become members or
trustees of a shared trust (as above) but with reciprocal arrangements for
giving the Trust some influence over the voluntary school
VA & VC Schools links with the Trust- 3
Option 2
• The simplest way to achieve this is for the foundation for the voluntary
school to be invited to nominate trustees to become members of the
new Trust.
– When the Articles for the Trust are drawn up by the solicitors the
membership option of the individual VA/VC schools is incorporated.
Examples of Trusts with VA/VC schools as members:
– Samuel Whitbread – (Bedfordshire East BEST) 3 VA/VC
– Ossett (Wakefield) with 3 VA/VC
– Sharnbrook (Bedfordshire) – 19 Schools with 7 VA/VC Schools (1 member 1
Implications of foundation status
A foundation school is a ‘maintained school’ with access to local
authority retained funding and services
• More flexible local membership
• Ability to set their own agenda and determine business
Strategic and accountability role remains unchanged
How is it different?
•The governors are the employer
•The governors are the admitting authority
•The governors / the trust holds the land & assets on trust
The governors are the employer
How is it different?
•Teachers are protected by all national agreements
•The terms and conditions of service for non- teaching staff are secure
• All pensions are secure
The governors are the Admitting Authority
The role of the governors in respect of admissions
• Admissions authority
• Independent appeals
• Must secure compliance with the new Code of Practice
Ownership of the land & assets
The school estate, buildings & land
• The LA transfers the ownership of the buildings and land to the
trust/foundation schools who must use it for ‘educational purposes’
• Legislation in respect of the disposal of school playing fields still applies
• As a maintained school they are still included in the LA Asset
Management Plan
Governor responsibilities
• The governors are responsible for health & safety at the site
• The governors are responsible for setting the school budget
• Secondary schools must hold the FMSi standard and may choose to be
audited each year.
• All schools are still audited by the LA
The Trust
• A separate entity from the Governing Body – strategic and accountability
role remains unchanged.
• An Incorporated Charity
The trust has 2 objects:
 the advancement of education (the trust focus)
 community cohesion
The trust has 2 responsibilities:
 appoints some governors (minority or majority)
 hold the land and assets on trust for the benefit of the school(s)
which act as
members of a
trust or
Structure of the trust
The trust - a company limited by guarantee with
charitable status which holds the land for the purposes
of the school(s)
Trust members – determine the objects of the trust and
appoint governors
Trustees - administer the trust on a day-to-day basis
and appoint some governors to the school (s)
governors –
appointed by
the governing
governors –
elected by
governors –
and others
elected by the
authority –
appointed by
the local
Trust School
• The process of becoming a Trust School has 2 elements:
• Acquiring Foundation Status
• Setting up a Charitable Trust
• Schools can combine the processes to achieve both at the same time
and so become a Trust School
• Trust Status can however be completed in 2 stages
• Acquire Foundation Status, and then later
• Go through the process to become a Trust School
Trust status process – foundation status plus…
The governing body leads the process through 5 stages:
1. Decisions on who to work with and how
2. Consultation with stakeholders
3. Publication of statutory proposals
4. A formal decision to implement
5. Implementation
The trust must be set up during stages 1-4 in preparation for stage 5.
Foundation and trust status can be acquired at the same time.
Benefits of trust status
A model of collaboration which offers the most opportunities.
Addressing local and specific needs.
Using the knowledge and expertise of partners which can contribute to
the school improvement agenda.
Greater opportunities for the school / community.
Strengthening leadership and governance – new perspectives.
Perpetuating good practice / supporting others.
Opportunities for greater efficiency – economies of scale.
• Opportunities for bringing more investment into the school(s)
Part of the national agenda – choice & diversity; White Paper.
Benefits to partners
• Contribution to Corporate Social Responsibility Agendas (CSR)
• Staff morale, retention & development
• Access to wider networks
• Sustainable relationship
• Research and training development opportunities
• Good media and PR opportunities
• No financial contribution is required
Trustees / Partners
• The Governing Body selects the partners it wants to work with, and the
number of partners
• Size, constitution and operation of the Trust is determined by the
Governing Body (consider ‘fit for purpose’ and ‘manageability’)
• Legally there must be a minimum of 2 trustees
• Partners can come from all walks of life – egg HEI, FEI, business,
charitable group, community group, non-commercial organisations etc
• LA members and officials can be trustees (limited to maximum 20%
representation of any LA organisations)
Trust School Partners
• Over 350 organisations supporting 225 open trust schools.
• 1000 further partnerships in discussion with schools.
• Wide range of backgrounds – business, universities, further education,
public & voluntary sector
• Number of partners, trust members & trustees vary
• The school’s governing body decides which organisations to invite to
become trust partners
Identifying partners
• Professional networks
• Education Business Links Consortia
• Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
• Work related learning contacts
• New contacts
Securing partners
• Visioning days
• Memorandum of understanding
• Trustee job description
Partner support
• Trust & Foundation Schools www.trustandfoundationschools.org.uk
• National Education Business Partnership Network www.nebpn.org.uk
• Business in the Community www.bitc.org.uk
• British Chamber of Commerce www.chamberonline.co.uk
• StemNet www.stemnet.org.uk
• Federations of Small Businesses www.fsb.org.uk
• Education Business Links Consortia www.feblc.org.uk
• Business Links www.businesslink.gov.uk
• National Council for Voluntary Organisations www.ncvo-vol.org.uk
• Do-It (volunteer bank) www.do-it.org
• Charities commission www.charity-commission.gov.uk
Our support
•Partner website
•Trustee Handbook
•Partner events
•Partner e-network
Rebecca Ledger: [email protected] 020 7802 0705
Life after the Expression of Interest
• EoI submitted July 2009
• EoI’s from all schools have first assessment by the Consortium
• DCSF receives EoI’s and Consortium report
• DCSF carries out research into local conditions, future plans , eligibility
etc. and compiles approved list
• Letters sent out to all EoI schools at the end of term or beginning of the
next to confirm acceptance, conditions, funding, agreements etc
• Schools currently have £10,000 to assist in achieving Trust Status
• Also have access to the support programme – consultant, conferences,
on-line etc
• No additional funding comes with Trust Status
Lessons Learnt and 10 Top tips
Investigate the benefits / responsibilities of foundation status.
Provide sufficient time to establish a clear vision and focus for the trust
3. Have a clear understanding of the role and contribution of partners,
select carefully - clarify expectations and keep them involved.
Decide who will be the ‘project manager’ (internal or external) – but
ensure the headteacher and governors remain involved.
Be aware of any barriers to progress (eg unions, staff pensions, land
transfer) and address theses early.
Lessons Learnt and 10 Top tips
Investigate the benefits / responsibilities of foundation status.
Provide sufficient time to establish a clear vision and focus for the trust
3. Have a clear understanding of the role and contribution of partners,
select carefully - clarify expectations and keep them involved.
Decide who will be the ‘project manager’ (internal or external) – but
ensure the headteacher and governors remain involved.
Be aware of any barriers to progress (eg unions, staff pensions, land
transfer) and address theses early.
The national picture
• 225 open trust schools from 1st September 2007
• A further 400 + schools working towards trust status
• Schools submit an Expression of Interest to join the Supported
Schools Programme – the trust focus must address raising standards
• Regular opportunities to submit an Expression of Interest
• Schools access start-up funding, consultancy support and many other
The expression of interest
• Schools must have strong trust proposals
• Clear and succinct information – emphasis on raising standards
• Strong partners with relevant skills and expertise
• Collaborative trust requires only one expression of interest
• Hard copy signed by headteacher and chair of governors
• Keep LA informed of plans
Key sections include:
 the vision and focus
partners (with appropriate skills and expertise) – who, why and how?
 outcomes for the school and community
Next closing dates are November 9th, December 14th and March 8th.
Further Information
Ron Faulkner, South West Regional Team Leader
[email protected]
Tel – 01752 369522 Mobile - 07595 202025
Mary Neate, National School Support Manager
[email protected] Tel – 07738 195 762
Further information:
Enquiries : Consortium office
Tel : 020 7802 0967
[email protected]
Examples of trust impact - 1
ContinU Trust – support from Barnardos’s to deliver the Early Family
Intervention Service for 32 primary schools ; working with Connexions
to target NEET learners.
New Brompton College Trust – individual maths tutoring by Kent
University students ; sports therapist funded by Kent University to work
at the well-being centre.
Wolds and East Education Trust – support from LSC, FE and LA with
the 14+ Skills Centre; common timetable arrangements between
Examples of trust impact - 2
Fosse Way Special School Trust - Bristol University supporting pupil
classroom observation to improve behaviour management; National
Autistic Society providing CPD and fundraising training for trust
• Widewell School Education Trust – Dyslexia Action has supported the
‘one to one’ reading programme; trust –appointed governors have
brought expertise in education and legal matters.
The Education Ossett Community Trust – improved resources, access
and opportunities for all students; governing bodies of schools work
creatively and collaboratively.
Example – The North Bedfordshire Schools Trust
A pyramid of 19 schools , which include Church schools, working in
partnership to develop raise standards and improve 3-19 transition and
•Unilever Research – opportunities in science & technology; mentoring
• Capita SIMS – common student assessment platform; IT infrastructure
• Bedford College – personalised learning through tailored vocational &
academic courses
• Cranfield University – professional development for staff
• A Councillor
Example - Harrold Lower School
A member of the North Bedfordshire Schools Trust (19 schools: 1 upper,
middle, 15 lower schools)
The vision for the trust - to provide progression and continuity for 0-19
and beyond.
Partners :
Bedford College
Cranfield University
Example – Barrs Court Special School
The vision for the trust is to become a strong, autonomous special school,
where resources are used to raise standards. The trust will focus on
helping facilitate tangible, beneficial outcomes of Every Child Matters.
Helping Hands Company/Symmetri Kit ; Herefordshire MENCAP;
Herefordshire Growing Point ; The Elms School ;
Riverside Training & Development ; Blackmarston School ;
Royal National College for the Blind ;
Midwest Rural Enterprise Community Interest Company
Example – Fosse Way Special School
A 3-19 special school.
The vision for the trust is to ensure engagement until the age of 25
The National Autistic Society
Bristol University Department of Experimental Psychology
Example – South Dartmoor Leading Practice
Raising standards by building on existing partnerships, the school’s
strengths and sports specialism.
Exeter University – strengthen teaching & learning; joint staff
appointments and research projects
Capita Children’s Services – management of information systems;
student performance data; trials of new software
TLO Ltd – practical strategies to support independent learning
(‘Building Learning Power’ / work of Guy Claxton)
E&JW Glendinning Ltd – support the sports specialism and
Example – The School Partnership Trust
(Garforth Community College)
1 secondary and 4 primary schools – the trust will foster and strengthen
collaboration, contribute to community cohesion, and raise standards
through creating a wider range of opportunities.
• 4 Primary Schools – expertise in early & primary years; early
intervention strategies; facilities & expertise for extended services
Leeds Primary Care Trust – children’s health and welfare; expertise to
deliver ECM; strategic partnerships to support families and young
Trinity & all Saints HEI – deliver Foundation Degrees; alternative
pathways 16-19; expertise in family, community and adult education
Example - Worle and Westhaven School
The trust will raise standards, participation, motivation and achievement
through personalising learning to meet the outcomes of Every Child
• University of The West of England – staff training & accreditation;
students as researchers; mentoring & guidance for school leaders
• ViTaL Partnerships – student learning ; empowering students; emotional
& mental health issues; potential international research
• Human Givens Institute – access to psychological and neurological
• N. Somerset Council – links with CYPS; access to quality services
• PCT – healthy behaviours; pupil achievement; social inclusion
Trust Schools - Issues
Why should Business take over the School?
• The Trust membership is set by the pre-existing Governing Body
• Only those Partners selected by the school are Trustees
• The structure of the new governing body is agreed in the Articles.
(Minority/Majority appointments
• The Governing Body are responsible for the management of the school
as at present
Trust Schools - Issues
Why should the Trust be able to dispose of any land?
The school can seek to dispose of land but in most cases the
permission of the Secretary of State is required. The LA may be
granted a share of the funds raised.
The Trust holds the land on behalf of the community in the same way
as the Local Authority did and must act just as responsibly
What is to stop the school becoming selective by the back door?
The school can set the admission arrangements , but it has to act in
accordance with the “School Admissions Code” and will not be allowed
to introduce selection by ability.
Trust Schools - Issues
What about the protection of Staff, pay, conditions etc?
• All staff are protected they will transfer under the provisions of the
School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained
Schools)(England) Regulations 2007 (Paragraphs 29 to 32 of Schedule 1)
• Teachers are employed under the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions
• Support Staff terms and conditions are set by the Governors. Enables
schools to address recruitment and retention. Pay has to be at least the
National Agreement rates.
• Support staff at Trust schools are allowed to continue to be in the Local
Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) if the local authority, with the
consent of the school governing body, has by a statutory resolution
specified them to be eligible to belong to the scheme.