National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP)

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Transcript National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP)

Update on the U.S. Department of Defense/U.S. Navy/
Office of Naval Research Program to Implement Advanced Telemetry
From Oceanographic Platforms
Stephen R. Piotrowicz, Ph.D.
14 October 2002
The National Office for Integrated and Sustained Ocean Observing and Prediction
Program Status
 Phase II Contracts Awarded March 2002
 NAL Research – Data Unit System Development
 Omnet – Data Delivery Serivices
 Distributing 100 L-Band Transceivers
 Web Solicitation for Potential Applications
 Objective is a Spectrum of Platforms, Environments, and Data
Delivery Requirements
 Participants Selected in June
 Distribution of Conventional Data Units Began in June
 Distribution of GPS Capable Units Beginning in October
 Distributing 104 Iridium SIM Cards Utilizing the Department of
Defense/Defense Information Systems Agency Gateway in Hawaii
Overview of Iridium Satellite LLC
Purchased Iridium LLC for $25 Million
Annual Operating Costs ~$85 Million (Original System ~$1 Billion)
3 Gateways
Equipment Pricing - $500-$1,500 (Original System - $1,500 - $3,500)
Service Pricing/Minute - $1.00 - $1.50 (1 Rate Globally)
 [Original System $2.00 - $7.00 in a 15x15 Matrix]
 Commercial Service Launch
 Voice: 31 March 2001
 Data: June 2001
 $3 Million per Month from DoD Contract (2 Year; 5 One-Year Options)
 Up to 20,000 Subscribers, Unlimited Airtime
 Government Handles Tail Charges, Connectivity to Internet,
Subscriber Equipment Ordering, Billing, Etc.
 Satellite Network and Control Facility Operated by Boeing
Current Status of Iridium
 66 Operational Satellites – 11 in 6 Orbital Planes
 12 In-orbit Spares – At Least One in Each Plane
 2 Ground Spares
 Full Constellation Life Minimum, mid-2010 – Aerospace Corp.
Independent Study
 Gateways
 Tempe, Arizona – Primary Gateway
 Fucino, Italy
 DoD Gateway in Hawaii – Circuit Data and Internet Upgrades
in Progress
 Gateways to be Added to Support Commercial Demand
 Satellite Network Operations Center in Leesburg, Virginia
 Back-Up Facility in Chandler, Arizona
Current Status of Iridium
Current Status of Iridium
Current Status of Iridium
Dial-Up Data
Iridium Gateway
 Direct-Dial Connection Between Mobile Application and PSTN
 AT Commands and RS232 Provide the Application Interface to the
Subscriber Device
 User Throughputs Up To 2,800 bps (nominally 2,400 bps)
Iridium Gateway
 Direct Internet Provides a Complete Digital Connection to the Internet - Iridium is
the ISP
 Reduced Session Set-Up Time and Improved Grade-of-Service Over Dial-Up
 Employs SmartConnectTM Features to Support Connection Management
 Compression
 Spoofing
 User Effective Throughput is Nominally 10,000 bps
Short Burst Data Service
Iridium Gateway
SBM Network
Short Burst Data is an Efficient Packet-Based Service.
Service is Planned to Support ~1900 bytes in both MO & MT Directions
Pricing plans to be based on per byte usage
Combination of Circuit & Short Burst Data Results in Cost Effective
Usage Growth.
Data Unit Phase I
Data Unit Phase I
 9500 Phone Converted to Data Module
 Vendor Selected and NRE Funded by Iridium
 Design Complete
 Serial, Power and Antenna Connector
 Dial-Up and Internet Data Services
 Billing in 6 Second Increments
 Cost of Production Units - $1,000 w/o GPS; $1,200 w GPS
 Available Now
 Quantity Subject to Available Inventory
 Service Cost - <$0.12/kbit
 Power - 20 J/kbyte
 Two-Way Communication
 Guaranteed Packet Delivery
Data Unit Phase I
Weight: ~580 g (~500 w/o GPS)
Dimensions: 9.5” L x 2.8” W x 1.5” D
SIM Card Reader: Internal
Operating Frequency: 1616 - 1626.5 MHz
Power: 0.75W Average (0.6W w/o GPS)
Operating Temperature: -30°C/+60°C
Duplexing Method: Time Division Duplex
Multiplexing Method: TDMA/FDMA
Link Margin (w/external antenna): 12.5
dB average
Data Rate: 2400 bits per second
Interface: Standard RS-232 (AT
Data Unit Phase II – Next Generation
 9505 Based Product
 Leverage Current Handset Production
 Work with Celestica and Third Party Vendor to Obtain Board Level
 30% Reduction in Physical Size as compared with 9500
 15% Less Power Consumption during data calls
 Dial-up and PPP Internet Access Data Services
 Short Burst Data Capable
 Next Generation
U. of Washington Glider
Dual Purpose Antenna – Iridium and GPS