Transcript Slide 1

GeoEye High Resolution Imagery
Solutions for Alaska SDMI
Tara Byrnes
[email protected]
Statewide Digital Mapping Initiative
Imagery Workshop
SDMI Imagery Workshop
Topics of the Day
SDMI Imagery Workshop
GeoEye Agenda
GeoEye Overview
Questions Answered
Final Thoughts
SDMI Imagery Workshop
GeoEye is a leading producer of high resolution satellite, aerial and
geospatial information
Core Capabilities
– 3 remote-sensing satellites
– 3 aircraft with digital mapping capability and LiDAR
– Advanced geospatial imagery processing capability
– World’s largest satellite image archive: > 350 million sq km
– International network of regional ground stations, including Barrow and
Fairbanks,Alaska, to directly task, receive and process high resolution imagery
GeoEye delivers high quality satellite imagery and products to better map,
measure and monitor the world
SDMI Imagery Workshop
What we do
• Tasking of two HiRES Satellites
• Large archive of HiRES imagery available
for search and discovery
• Deliver solutions to satisfy a wide variety
of mapping and analysis applications
• Respond to specific customer
requirements with custom tasking and
SDMI Imagery Workshop
SDMI Questionnaire
Questions Answered
SDMI Imagery Workshop
Available Sensors
• Two currently operating, highly capable commercial
remote sensing satellites, IKONOS® and GeoEye-1
• Substantial existing global ground segment
• Four distinct ground terminals, including communications
uplink/downlink stations in Barrow and Fairbanks,
Alaska, and operations centers in Virginia and Colorado
• Rapid collection, downlink processing, production,
storage and archive, and access and delivery
SDMI Imagery Workshop
GeoEye-1 launched on September 6, 2008
Next-generation satellite with the highest resolution and most advanced collection
capabilities of any commercial imaging satellite
GeoEye-1 offers unprecedented spatial resolution by simultaneously acquiring 0.41meter panchromatic and 1.64-meter multispectral imagery
Imagery from the panchromatic and multispectral sensors can be merged to create
0.5 meter color imagery (pan-sharpened) products
It can collect 700,000 square kilometers (sqkm) of panchromatic imagery (350,000
square kilometers in multi-spectral) in a single day, downlink imagery in real-time to
ground stations, and can store 1.0 terabits of data on its solid-state recorders
SDMI Imagery Workshop
World’s first commercial satellite to collect black-and-white (panchromatic) images
with 0.82-meter resolution and multispectral imagery with 3.28-meter resolution
Imagery from the panchromatic and multispectral sensors can be merged to create
0.82-meter color imagery (pan-sharpened)
IKONOS has collected more than 320 million square kilometers of imagery over
every continent
From a 423-mile high orbit, IKONOS has a revisit time of once every three days and
downlinks directly to more than a dozen ground stations around the globe
SDMI Imagery Workshop
Performance Parameter
681 km
681 km
98.1° / sun sync
98.1° / sun sync
98 minutes
98 minutes
10:30 am
10:30 am
3 days
3 days
60 degrees
60 degrees
Orbit Duration
Equatorial Crossing Time
Revisit at best NIIRS
Off Nadir (Terrestrial) Imaging
Image Quality
Spatial Resolution
Imaging Bands
Spectral Range
Minimum Image Size
Time Delay Integration
Best GSD @ nadir
Pan = 0.82 m @ nadir
MSI = 3.2 m @ nadir
Pan = 0.41 m @ nadir
MSI = 1.65 m @ nadir
1 Pan / 4 MSI
Pan = 526–929 nm
MSI 1 (B) = 445–516 nm
MSI 2 (G) = 506–595 nm
MSI 3 (R) = 632–698 nm
MSI 4 (NIR) = 757–853 nm
1 Pan / 4 MSI
Pan = 450–800 nm
MSI 1 (B) = 450–510 nm
MSI 2 (G) = 510–580 nm
MSI 3 (R) = 655–690 nm
MSI 4 (NIR) = 780–920 nm
121 sqkm
231 sqkm
32 stages (selectable)
64 stages (selectable)
0.82 meters
0.41 meters
300,000 sqkm
700,000 sqkm
300,000 sqkm
350,000 sqkm
11.3 km
15.2 km
Collection Capacity
Daily Pan Area
Daily MSI Area
Swath Width @ nadir
On-Board HSSU Capacity
(store & dump)
Mono: CE90 w/out external GCPs
Stereo: CE90 / LE90 w/out external GCPs
<15 meters
<5 meters
10 meters / 10 meters
4 meters / 6 meters
SDMI Imagery Workshop
Design Life
5 years
7 years
Expected In-service Life
10 years
10 years
• IKONOS and GeoEye-1 both are built to “paint” a target
• Based on the average scene size each can collect
(4,000 sqkm for IKONOS and 5,100 sqkm for GeoEye1), total capacity is quite large
• Combined capability up to 650,000 square kilometers
per day in multispectral mode and even more area in
panchromatic only
SDMI Imagery Workshop
IKONOS Bi-Directional Scanning
SDMI Imagery Workshop
GeoEye-1 Bi-Directional Scanning
SDMI Imagery Workshop
Quality and Access
Two key points to satisfy the SDMI requirements (to be defined)
Image quality is essentially dependent on three factors: sensor
performance, ground processing, and quality assurance
ISO 9001:2000 certification provides a foundation to control and measure
performance against these factors
GeoEye-1 delivers NIIRS 5.7 imagery and IKONOS delivers NIIRS 4.5
This constellation affords the SDMI access to a high capacity constellation
with global access to virtually any location on the Earth
Operating in a polar, sun-synchronous orbit, each satellite will orbit the earth
approximately 15 times per day with 3-4 passes per day over Alaska
SDMI Imagery Workshop
SDMI Imagery Workshop
Product Offerings
GeoEye recommends our GeoProfessional product at 10-meter CE90
Ortho-rectified using proprietary processes perfected in our production facilities and optimized for
the data collected by both sensors
Available in two levels of accuracy allowing delivery of the most suitable and precise terrain
corrected color products
Precision level product is available in a key areas at 4-meters CE90, but requires more accurate
terrain models and ground control
Perfect product for projects requiring high-resolution and medium-scale accuracy when ground
control can be costly and/or very difficult to acquire, such as in many parts of Alaska
Available in multiple band combinations: panchromatic, 4-band multi-spectral (red, green, blue
and near-infrared), and pan-sharpened(color)
GeoProfessional meets an accuracy specification of 15-meters CE90 at 1 meter and 10-meters
CE90 at 0.5 meter. Available in both 8-bit and 11-bit
Both sensors have the unique capability to do same pass stereo collection, which allows for both
images in the pair to be collected at the same time maintaining consistent environmental
conditions in both images
Stereo products are so accurate that they suitable for use as control for other sensor data in
remote Alaska areas
SDMI Imagery Workshop
Land Management
Environmental Analysis
Land Classification
Change Detection
Emergency Response
Disaster Management
Aviation Safety
SDMI Imagery Workshop
Horizontal Accuracy
• Native Horizontal Accuracy: GeoEye-1 image accuracy is 5-meter
CE90 (5.7-meter CE95). IKONOS image accuracy is specified at 15-meter
CE90 (17-meter CE95), but operational tests show actual performance is 7meter CE 90 (8-meter CE95). RPC data is provided with Geo and Stereo
products at no extra cost
Improved Horizontal Accuracy: GeoEye image accuracy can approach
the accuracy of the applied ground control, limited only by pixel resolution.
With suitable GCP, IKONOS image accuracy is 2-meter CE95 and GeoEye1 is 1-meter CE95. These image accuracies are at nadir, and thus, exclude
terrain displacement due to DEM errors
SDMI Imagery Workshop
Horizontal Control Distribution
As control is only necessary for the 4-meter CE90 product, GeoEye does
not anticipate the need for ground control points to meet Alaska SDMI
However, for the Precision products, we space ground control
approximately every 50 km down the length of each image strip
Control points located in the strip overlap areas reduce costs. GeoEye can
obtain ground control points (GCP) or accept them as Customer Furnished
We do not, however, anticipate needing GCP for the GeoProfessional orthoimage products we propose to deliver for the current requirements
SDMI Imagery Workshop
DEM Requirement
• To achieve the SDMI specification of
1:24,000 NMAS (12.2 meters CE90),
GeoEye would require a DEM of 19meters LE90 or better
SDMI Imagery Workshop
Ortho-Mosaic Production
• GeoEye leverages a strong network of partners all over the globe
• Specifically in the state of Alaska, there are partners on which we
would rely to assist with the ortho-image production
• These partners have not only production knowledge and many years
of experience with IKONOS data and now GE-1 data, they have a
deep knowledge and understanding of SDMI needs
• GeoEye can also provide ortho-mosaic imagery directly to the SDMI
• The production time, regardless of who processes, would depend on
the size of the ortho-image and on the necessity to re-collect for
cloud cover patching
SDMI Imagery Workshop
SDMI Imagery Workshop
Swath Width
Nadir swath width for IKONOS is 11.3 km, and 15.2 km for GeoEye-1
Collect large areas, such as Alaska, in one-degree (112km) long strips
IKONOS and GeoEye-1 can each collect three to four strips per pass
Adjacent strips are collected to facilitate tonal balance during ortho-mosaic
GeoEye-1 averages 2,500 sqkm per minute for large area collects
A 1,000 km long pass takes 2.45 minutes, so just over 6,000 sqkm are
collected on said pass
With three to four passes per day over Alaska, GeoEye-1 will collect over
20,000 sqkm per day
IKONOS averages 1,900 sqkm per minute; 4,655 sqkm per 1,000 km pass;
or 16,300 sqkm per day.
SDMI Imagery Workshop
Rapid Delivery and Ground Receiving
Station Options
Network of ground stations strategically located around the world to
command and control our spacecraft
Responsive direct downlink and rapid imagery processing and
Ground station placement is optimized to afford maximum opportunities to
downlink, process, and deliver imagery to our customers to meet stringent
GeoEye-1’s electronic image delivery worst case scenario is 2 hours 20
minutes from collection to delivery
Our Antarctic ground station uniquely enables GeoEye to provide this timely
and flexible downlink service. With access to this Antarctic ground station,
we are able to download and start processing imagery instead of waiting for
the sensor to complete a full orbit of the Earth before downloading
Ground stations in Barrow and Fairbanks, Alaska, that will be leveraged for
the SDMI
SDMI Imagery Workshop
Production Volume
GeoEye can collect 5.4 million sqkm in the 150-day season by combining
16,300 sqkm per day from IKONOS with 20,000 sqkm per day from
GeoEye-1 (Alaska)
Clouds are, however, significant during the collection season in Alaska
After accounting for clouds, feasibility analysis shows it will take 791 inseason days to collect mainland Alaska
Some of the outlying islands may take two years to collect because of poor
weather conditions
SDMI Imagery Workshop
Delivered Products
We complete delivery of raw imagery and/or ortho-products by several modes ranging from
physical electronic media (DVD, Firewire, etc.) to File Transfer protocol (FTP), as well as through
dedicated, high-bandwidth communication links
We provide a direct uplink and downlink capability to customers with the necessary receiving and
processing capabilities.
We deliver our data ready for ingestion and use by standard commercial exploitation software,
Geographic Information Systems, and specialized systems
Multiple formats including industry standard GeoTIFF, as well as National Imagery Transfer
Format (NITF) Versions 2.0 and 2.1.
Shipped with a text metadata file, license file, shape files, JPEG overview image and JPEG world
Shapefiles show area of interest (AOI), delivery component layout, and source image footprints
with acquisition geometry
The metadata text file includes GeoEye contact information, order parameters (area of interest,
spectral bands, and coordinate system), source image description (acquisition date, sun angles
and viewing geometry), and product file descriptions (file names, sizes, and coverage)
SDMI Imagery Workshop
Licensing and Pricing
As the requirements for the SDMI have not been fully realized, GeoEye will be very
flexible with pricing and licensing to best suit SDMI budget and product needs
Very open to considering other license types, such as a “Non-commercial
Unrestricted” license that allows unlimited distribution (uplift factor to consider in this
Once requirements are determined, GeoEye will work very closely with the SDMI
members to address licensing needs that are mutually satisfactory
Alaska has already purchased a fair amount of monoscopic and stereo IKONOS data
that could be re-licensed for an uplift fee in such a way to allow for use across the
state and data could be re-processed to meet the specifications of the SDMI
The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) has identified the state of Alaska
as a priority for collection on the new GeoEye-1 satellite
GeoEye is open to discussing with Alaska and the NGA how we may leverage this
collection to meet the SDMI needs. Options include ensuring the state’s collection
priorities are met, and/or licensing the NGA-collected data via uplift for SDMI use
SDMI Imagery Workshop
Licensing and Pricing Cont’d
We consider project size and other factors that allow us to provide the best
possible value for the SDMI
We will work through our strong allegiance of partners and/or directly with
SDMI to deliver the best products, licensing, and pricing
If the SDMI finds exploring pricing for the entire state an overwhelming
prospect, we wish to emphasize that we can work with SDMI and our
partners to identify priority areas to collect and process
GeoEye will support developing a license and pricing model that works for
all parties
SDMI Imagery Workshop
SDMI Imagery Workshop
SDMI Imagery Workshop
SDMI Imagery Workshop
SDMI Imagery Workshop
• Collectively, the satellites comprising the GeoEye constellation meet
SDMI requirements for imagery type, capacity, frequency, quality,
and geographic access
• The GeoEye constellation will deliver a robust selection of
resolutions, imaging bands, and revisit opportunities on each
• Both IKONOS and GeoEye-1 have the ability to collect sub-meter
• Multiple vehicles for delivery and support to include our network of
partners here in Alaska
• Future imaging capability with GeoEye-2
SDMI Imagery Workshop