Transcript Who am I

Managed Learning Environment Project
Mark Simpson
User Issues
Formative and
Summative Assessment
How did we specify the system - specification?
How did we decide on content- requirements?
How did we verify content?
Develop conventions for pages?
Usability trade-offs and compromises?
Managed Learning Environment Project
What is Usability
Perhaps it is:
Learnability, Efficiency, Memorability
Accessibility, Recoverability, Satisfaction
If you use the system enough you will be able to
use it
If you are too stupid to work it out it isn’t my
problem and why are you here.
Managed Learning Environment Project
Usability how hard is it?
Everybody has an opinion
“I hate …… …… …”
“Frames / Flash / PDF are rubbish”
“we know what we want, don’t waste anymore
time exploring and understanding, just get on
and create it”. Steve Krug, Don’t make me think
Anything new will not satisfy X % of users, until
they have used it.
Managed Learning Environment Project
Difference between screen and paper
Absorbed & Reflected
constant light
Electron Gun
Direct & Emitted
flickering light
What is this, in your opinion ?
What colour is this, in your
Managed Learning Environment Project
Development cycle
Web Site Requirements / Specification
Help and
Develop Content List
March 2001
July 2002
Designing initial
Implement uPortal
Navigation Issues
user testing
Navigation &
Logic Testing
Content / Layout
3rd user
1st user testing
card sort
Modifying design menus
2nd user testing
Changing login & password
Managed Learning Environment Project
What does the system do?
What are the users like
What do they want the system to do
What can we do from the users want list
What are the usability issues with current systems
Can the MLE solve these issues
Project team produced a list of what they wanted
as indicative student users
Managed Learning Environment Project
User Requirements / Content
How do you start
 Ask yourself / project team / steering committee
 Ask users
 Research other systems or similar sites
 What is unique to your project – DMU it was QLS
 Produce a list of content areas
 Refine list to remove duplication / impossible content
 Record list with reasons
Managed Learning Environment Project
Sources of Requirements
1. DMU PC ownership and use
survey 1997, 98, 99, & 00
7. DMU Keyskills survey of all first
year students
8. Student Experience Unit
2. Collaboration in Research
Support by Academic Libraries in feedback from students leaving
Leicestershire survey [CORSALL] the university
3. ANGEL user analysis results
4. DMU Nursing School, online
course survey
5. DMU Library survey of student
information needs
6. DMU Research papers on
using the Internet for teaching.
9. DMU Student focus group
10. Usage reports from similar
11. User interviews with users of
similar existing systems
Managed Learning Environment Project
10. User tracking data
 User Logs for six months from a similar system
Logon Data, route through site, user names
Course being studied, Self assessments
completed, discussion involvement
 Didn’t match interview or focus group reports
Managed Learning Environment Project
Results of Specification
 Consistent increase in PC ownership and use
of online resources – 34 % in 2001
 All users ask for more content than they use
 Academic users want the MLE to be integrated
in university and not isolated
 Navigation done using mouse and back arrow
 Content and feature list for student users
Managed Learning Environment Project
Version 1
Managed Learning Environment Project
Card Sorting
menus, content and
Managed Learning Environment Project
Cluster Analysis – grouping of content
Managed Learning Environment Project
Managed Learning Environment Project
MLE Version 2
Managed Learning Environment Project
Further login trials, testing
Login trials - user name and password
Simple content location
Logging in and out
Interface issues
Don’t look at too much each time
Managed Learning Environment Project
Testing login
Managed Learning Environment Project
Login trials with HNC, BA, MA
12 first year students HNC Housing Part-time
7 second year students BA Accounting and
Finance Full-time
26 postgraduates taking MA degrees Full-time
6 postgraduates last part of MA Full-time
Between each test correct problems and
develop a few new features for testing
Managed Learning Environment Project
How many times do you test it,
how many subjects do you need?
As many times as will yield useful data
Between 4 and 10 subjects at a time
What are you testing ?
what is the question
what will you do with the results
what resources are available
Don’t leave it hoping it will be alright
Managed Learning Environment Project
MLE Version 3
Managed Learning Environment Project
Managed Learning Environment Project
Future Usability
Training and Help pages
Focus groups – face to face
Online questionnaires
Feedback from modules with teaching
resources online
User tracking and what people actually do
Managed Learning Environment Project
Benefits of the methods
 Provide a handle on the university
 information issues
 Publicise the project – making it visible
 Resolve problems as they were discovered
 Kept in touch with all types of users
Managed Learning Environment Project
How would we do it differently
Have an off-line non development system
Use external evaluation only in the second half of
the project
When carrying out usability testing freeze the
design and clearly name versions
A recorded and agreed method of tracking
changes and developments in the interface.
Managed Learning Environment Project
What should you do?
Set-up a steering group or panel
Think about what the site / page / system is
providing – what did the users tell you and so
make your site user centred, not content centred
Do testing of content and navigation regularly
Always have a usability issue to hand
Use conventions and standard layouts – they work
Managed Learning Environment Project
6 Formative and 3 Summative methods of
Ask users what they want
Test navigation regularly
Implement changes and test again
Don’t expect to please everybody – usability is
opinions based on evidence
Managed Learning Environment Project
Where am I now ?