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Dance not
following a
general rhythm or
Pantomined Dance
– one of the two
types of dances
Type of dance that
follows a
structured format
with even phrases
Formal Dance
Fear No Danger is
this type of dance
Pg 97 Reh Let 7
Formal due to
strong dance
rhythms and rondo
form w/8 m
Echo Dance of the
Fairies is an
example of this
Pg. 135
Pantomine Dance
Top melody line echoes while bass and inner
voices are altered to create dissonance.
Lacks regular rhythmic pattern, phrases or
Dances not
included in the
orchestral score
Guitar Dances –
Two types of
choruses found in
Danced or Not
Danced To
Harm’s Our
Delight is an
example of this
Pg 122 Trk 15
NOT danced to due
to shortness
This chorus is also a tuneful air (dance)
in Act II. It occurs after Dido hears
distant thunder conjured up by the
Sorceress. It contains imitation and is
sung SATB.
Haste, Haste to
Pg. 146 Trk 23
Declamatory Air in
two parts with
choral conclusion
to each
Queen of Carthage
Pg. 123 Trk 16
Sorceress is plotting the destruction of
Carthage and its queen, calls in her evil
companions to help her in her evil plans
In the form of a tuneful air and a
chorus, this has a repeated binary form.
Occurs in the middle of the hunt where
the hunting party stops to take in the
country’s beauty. A section is entirely
homophonic, B section contains
Thanks to these
lonesome vales
Pg. 139 Trk 19
Attaching melodic
decoration to the
words they are
meant to describe
Florid Declamation
Important method of setting
English declamatory airs wherein
two syllables are set with a dotted
eighth followed by sixteenth note
Scottish Snap Example
Pg 95 Trk 5
(Whence could so much virtue)
One of Purcell’s innovations lies
in the sophistication of his
harmonic methods. Listen to
the following excerpt pg. 95 (trk
5) in your score and name
Examples could include:
Major on fierce m. 8
C minor on soft m 7
Melt the rocks goes into g
minor both a flat and a minor
key m. 11
Tuneful Air or Dance
Two Part Air
Declamatory Air
The traditional English forms that
Purcell used in D & A.
An example of a dialogue (begins in
declamatory style and ends with a
simultaneous duet)
Your Counsel is all
urged in vain
Pg. 169 Trk 31
Purcell composed each scene in a
single key (with some interruptions
as we discussed). Below are the
keys, you name what it represents.
C minor
The key
representing Dido’s
grief (Scene 1)
C major
The key representing D
& A mutual love for
each other (Scene 2)
G Minor
Dido’s Death
Scene VI
Bb Major
The Sorceress’s
Success Scene V
Purcell’s use of tonality offers a
clear indication of how Aeneas’s
role should be interpreted.
Name the two places where
Aeneas’s entrance disrupts the
Shift to e minor in Scene II
Page 101 m. 11 where Aeneas sings of his love yet the music contradicts
this by modulating to e minor with the following chorus “Cupid
Throws the Dart” in e minor. Tonality depicts the disruption caused
by Aeneas’s arrival in Carthage as well as the disturbance that has
occurred in everyone’s emotions.
Shift to a minor in Scene IV
Page 150 Reh Let 28 Trk 24
Fourth scene is in d minor and D major. However in the concluding
monologue occurs in the key of a minor where Aeneas and the spirit
(Mercury) brings on the command of Jove that Aeneas is to wait no
longer in beginning his task of creating a new Troy on Latin soil.
Aeneas consents to the wishes of the Gods, but is not happy that he will
have to leave Dido.
What does Ah Belinda
The Triumphing Dance
Oft She Visits
When I am Laid In Earth
all have in common?
Name four pieces where a ground bass
See notes on page 36 and 37 of your binder
Definitions is a note from one chord which is held into the
next chord as a nonharmonic tone and resolved. Example:
When I Am Laid The Bb in measure 7 after Reh Let 38.
(B b held over from g minor chord in m. 6 and resolves to
an inversion of a D7 chord.
Used for laments in Italian Opera,
most common uses a descending
scale, diatonic or chromatic with a
What is a ground
What is the form
for Come Away
Fellow Sailors?
Page 153 Trk 26
Name the forms
used in D and A!
Rondo (ABACAABACA), Repeated
Binary Form (A A’, B B’), ThroughComposed, Ternary (ABA’)
Make your wager
Thy Belinda, When
I Am Laid
Ah Belinda, Grief
Examples of a Two
Part Air
pg. 31 binder