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What Can Be Done?


 …of the 153 cities that already have redeveloped brownfield sites… that redevelopment brought in $90 million in revenue and created more than 83,000 jobs…..


• ….of the 205 cities that are waiting to develop Brownfield sites, 148 claim that 576,373 new jobs would be created and as much as $1.9 billion in revenue would be generated annually……..

Is your city one of these 205??

Uptown Bistro, Frisco

Does It Make Economic Sense?

Small Town, Big Benefits

City Tax Revenues (property & sales) County Tax Revenues (property & sales) School District Tax Revenue Employment Average Annual Wage Construction Spending New Investment in Business Equipment $18,000 annual increase $23,100 annual increase $1,900 annual increase 8 new jobs $1,200 increase $250,000 $80,000

$374,200 + 8 new jobs

Source: Development Research Partners, 1999

Redeveloping Environmentally Challenged Parcels: The Process

 Phase I: Historical Record Research  Phase II: Assessment (How Bad Is It?)  Cleanup Plan: Regulatory Review  Perform Cleanup: $$  Redevelopment

How is it done?

Voluntary Cleanup & Brownfields

Voluntary Cleanup Program (State) provides the framework for brownfields cleanups

Brownfields is a Federal Grant Program to Cities which is tasked with meeting State standards

Any Gaps on Your Main Street?

Do Your Gaps Look Like This?

What Assistance is Available for Redeveloping Brownfield Sites?

Brownfields Tax Incentives

Federal & State

Brownfields Site Assessments

Federal & State

Cleanup Funds

$$$$ Revolving Loan Fund - State and Federal Grants

Brownfield Site Assessments

Municipal Or Non-Profit Sites

Public Benefit?

Commitment to Redevelop?


Alamosa Power Plant

Private owner, City of Alamosa requested a TBA to eliminate eyesore of this site and put back on tax role

CDPHE installed and sampled 7 new groundwater wells, 4 existing wells, and 9 soil samples for full suite organic and inorganic contamination

Fruita Industrial Park

Location of former Gary Oil refinery

CDPHE conducted 2 TBA at Fruita Industrial Park

CDPHE contracted with mobile laboratory to acquire real time results using Triad Approach

Installation of over 20 monitoring wells and 280 soil samples for VOC’s, SVOC’s and organic contamination

Durango Power Plant

Building on National Register of Historic Places

City of Durango is partnering with Durango Children's Museum for a new Children's Museum

Colorado’s Voluntary Cleanup & Redevelopment Act (1994) 

45 Day Review Period

$2000 Application Fee

MOA with EPA

Risk-Based Cleanups

Application Types

– –

Cleanup Plan No Action Determination 325 Sites have been through the program

Cinderella City, Englewood

General Iron Works Site, Englewood

Colorado Brownfields Revolving Loan Fund

Low/No Interest Loans

Administered By CHFA

Flexible Repayment Schedule

Flexible Collateral Requirements

Available Statewide (public/private)

A New Partner: The Non-Profit Sector

 Role: Intermediary between government and the private sector  Who will take title?

 Brownfields Role

A Brownfield Redevelopment Model 1. Town/Non Profit Acquires Option on Property 2. CDPHE Performs Site Assessment 3. Town/Non Profit Exercises Option 4. Acquire Cleanup $ (RLF, State grant) 5. Sell Parcel for Redevelopment

“From Brownfields To Greenbacks: A Smart Growth Approach” A collaborative partnership between the Office of Smart Growth (DOLA) and the Department of Public Health and Environment


Integrating brownfields with economic development

Identifying barriers to redevelopment of environmentally challenged sites

Identifying additional resources for redevelopment

Contact Information

Mark Walker 303-692-3449 E-mail: [email protected]