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Neck Swellings

Dr. Vishal Sharma

Neck Triangles

Anterior Triangle

Boundaries: Anterior =

midline of neck

Posterior =

S.C.M. anterior border

Superior =

lower border of mandible

Floor =

deep layer of deep cervical fascia

Roof =

Superficial layer of deep cervical fascia


by digastric & omohyoid muscles into submental, submandibular, carotid, muscular


carotid arteries, internal jugular vein, vagus, recurrent laryngeal nerves, submandibular gland, Levels I, II, III, IV & VI lymph nodes

Posterior Triangle

Boundaries: Posterior:

Trapezius anterior border


S.C.M. posterior border


Middle 1/3 rd of clavicle


deep layer of deep cervical fascia


Superficial layer of deep cervical fascia


occipital & supra-clavicular by omohyoid


subclavian artery, brachial plexus, spinal accessory nerve, level V lymph nodes

Neck Lymph Nodes

Sloan Kettering Classification Level I: Submental + submandibular nodes Level II: Upper jugular nodes

(upper 1/3 of IJV)

Level III: Middle jugular nodes

(middle 1/3 of IJV)

Level IV: Lower jugular nodes

(lower 1/3 of IJV)

Level V: Posterior triangle nodes Level VI: Anterior compartment nodes Level VII: Superior mediastinal nodes

Submental Lymph nodes (Level Ia): Lateral:

Anterior digastric belly (both sides)


Body of hyoid

Submandibular Lymph nodes (Level Ib) Posterior:

Posterior digastric belly


Anterior digastric belly


Body of mandible

Anterior Posterior Superior Inferior II III Lateral Posterior Skull base border of border of sterno sterno hyoid cleido mastoid Carotid bifurcation or hyoid Carotid bifurcation or hyoid Cricoid IV Cricoid Clavicle

Level V: Posterior triangle nodes Posterior:

Trapezius anterior border


S.C.M. posterior border


Middle 1/3 rd of clavicle

Level VI: Anterior compartment nodes Superior:

Body of hyoid bone


Supra-sternal notch


Lateral border of sterno-hyoid

Level VII: Superior mediastinal nodes

Classification of neck swelling according to position

Ubiquitous neck swellings

Midline neck swellings

Anterior triangle neck swellings

Posterior triangle neck swellings

Ubiquitous neck swellings

Sebaceous cyst


Neurofibroma, schwannoma


Dermoid cyst


Hydatid cyst

Midline swellings

Lymph node (submental, Delphian, suprasternal)

Ludwig’s angina

Sublingual dermoid

Thyroglossal cyst

Subhyoid bursitis

Thyroid swelling (isthmus & pyramidal lobe)

Laryngeal tumors

Sternal tumor

Cold abscess

Thymus tumors

Submandibular triangle swellings

Lymph node (level 1b)

Cold abscess

Submandibular salivary gland enlargement (deep lobe is bimanually ballotable)

Plunging ranula

Mandibular tumor

Carotid + muscular triangle swellings

Branchial cyst

Branchiogenic cancer

Laryngocoele (external)

Thyroid lobe swelling

Lymph node (II, III, IV)

Carotid body tumour

 

Cold abscess Carotid aneurysm

Sternomastoid tumor of newborn

Posterior triangle swellings

Cystic hygroma

Pharyngeal pouch (Zenker’s diverticulum)

Lymph node (level V)

Cold abscess

Cervical rib

Clavicular tumour

Subclavian artery aneurysm

Classification by etiology

Congenital / Developmental

Infectious / Inflammatory

Neoplastic: Benign / Malignant

Congenital neck swellings a. Cystic

Sebaceous cyst

Branchial cyst

Thymic cyst b. Solid: Ectopic thyroid c. Vascular


Dermoid cyst

Thyroglossal cyst


Inflammatory neck swellings








Deep neck space abscess

Neoplastic neck swellings

Skin: Squamous cell Ca, Malignant melanoma

Soft tissue:

Benign: Lipoma, Fibroma, Schwannoma

Malignant: Rhabdomyosarcoma

Lymph node: Lymphoma, Metastasis

Thyroid: Benign / Malignancy

Vascular: Carotid body tumor, Angioma

Hemangioma & lipoma

Cervical Lymphadenopathy

A. Inflammatory hyperplasia

1. Acute lymphadenitis 2. Chronic lymphadenitis 3. Granulomatous lymphadenitis  Bacterial: tuberculosis, secondary syphilis  Viral: infectious mononucleosis, AIDS  Parasitological: toxoplasmosis  Non-specific: sarcoidosis

B. Neoplastic:

lymphoma, lymphosarcoma, metastatic

C. Lymphatic leukemia D. Autoimmune:

systemic lupus erythematosus

Lymph node consistency

Firm, rubbery: lymphoma

Soft : infection or cold abscess

Multiple, firm, shotty: syphilis, viral

Matted (connected): tuberculosis , sarcoidosis, malignant

Rock hard, immobile, fixed to skin: metastatic

Tuberculous lymphadenitis

Involves upper deep cervical chain & posterior

triangle lymph nodes

Development of peri-adenitis →

matted nodes

Development of caseation →

cold abscess

Abscess tracking down to skin forms subcutaneous

collection → collar stud abscess

Abscess bursts spontaneously →

tuberculous sinus

Tuberculous lymphadenopathy

Lymphoma More common in children & young adults 60 80% children with Hodgkin’s have neck mass Signs & symptoms:

Fever + malaise

Night sweats

Weight loss


Rubbery lymph nodes

Metastatic lymph node

Seen in older patients

Level 1: oral cavity

Level 2, 3, 4: larynx, oropharynx, hypopharynx, thyroid

Level 5: nasopharynx

Left supraclavicular fossa: lung, stomach, testis

Unknown Primary Lesion (UPL) Synonym:

1. metastasis of unknown origin 2. occult primary


metastatic lymph node with primary site hidden or undetected

Primary malignancy sites (as per frequency):

1. Nasopharynx 2. Oropharynx (base of tongue) 3. Hypopharynx (pyriform fossa) 4. Larynx 5. Thyroid

Investigations for UPL 1. Fibreoptic nasopharyngoscopy + laryngoscopy 2. Rigid panendoscopy 3. Excision biopsy of I/L tonsil + blind biopsy of tongue base, pyriform fossa, fossa of Rosenmuller, tonsilo-lingual sulcus, retro molar trigone 4. CT scan from skull base to superior mediastinum 5. Excision biopsy of metastatic lymph node



Rana means frog (blue translucent swelling in floor of mouth looks like underbelly of frog)

Simple ranula: Bluish cyst located in floor of mouth. Painless mass, does not change in size in response to chewing, eating or swallowing

Plunging ranula: Sub-mandibular neck swelling with or without cyst in floor of mouth

Simple Ranula

Plunging ranula

Plunging ranula


Simple ranula: partial obstruction or severance of sublingual duct leads to epithelial-lined retention cyst. Commonly traumatic.

Plunging ranula: 1. sublingual gland projects through or behind mylohyoid muscle 2. ectopic sublingual gland on cervical side of mylohyoid muscle

Treatment Marsupialization: un-roofing of cyst & suturing of cyst margin to adjacent tissue. Failure = 60-90% Sclerosing agents: intra-lesional injection of Bleomycin or OK-432 Intra-oral excision: of ranula alone (failure = 60%) or ranula + sublingual gland (failure = 2 %) Trans-cervical approach for plunging ranula: complete removal of cyst + sublingual gland


Intra-oral excision

Ranula specimen

Thyroglossal cyst


Thyroid appears as epithelial proliferation in floor of mouth. Thyroid descends in front of pharynx as bi-lobed diverticulum, connected to tongue by thyroglossal duct.

The duct normally disappears later. Thyroglossal cysts are cystic remnant of thyroglossal duct.

Commonest congenital anomaly of thyroid


Cyst may lie at any point along migratory pathway of thyroid gland

Commonest site: sub-hyoid (50%)

Second common site: supra-hyoid


Other common sites: base of tongue, at level of thyroid cartilage, sublingual

Least common site: at level of cricoid cartilage

Location 1 = base of tongue 2 = sublingual 3 = supra-hyoid 4 = sub-hyoid 5 = in front of thyroid cartilage 6 = in front of cricoid cartilage

Clinical features

Commonly seen in early childhood

Midline, round swelling, 2-4 cm in diameter

Swelling moves up with swallowing

Swelling moves up with protrusion of tongue

Swelling mobile horizontally but not vertically

Cyst increases in size with URTI

Neck swelling moving with swallowing

Thyroid swelling

Thyroglossal cyst (mobile horizontally)

Subhyoid bursitis (oval, long axis horizontal)

Pre-laryngeal & pre-tracheal lymph nodes


Midline neck swelling


CT scan axial cut

MRI sagittal cut

Sistrunk’s operation Consists of complete surgical excision of cyst & its tract along with body of hyoid bone & core of tongue tissue around suprahyoid tongue base up to foramen caecum Thyroid scan mandatory before cyst excision as cyst may contain only functioning thyroid tissue

Patient position & incision

Exposure of cyst + tract

Exposure & cutting of hyoid bone

Removal of tongue tissue

Removal of cyst + tract

Complications 1. Infection of cyst & abscess formation 2. Throglossal fistula 3. Malignancy (1%) Infected cyst

Thyroglossal fistula

Branchial cleft cysts


Branchial anomalies


remnant of branchial clefts or pouch without internal or external opening •


persistence of cleft with skin opening •


persistence of both cleft + pouch with openings in skin & pharynx • Fistula tract lies caudal to structures derived from its arch & dorsal to structures of following arch

Branchial anomalies

In children, fistulas are more common than sinuses, which are more common than cysts

In adults, cysts predominate

Branchial cleft anomalies + biliary atresia + congenital cardiac anomalies = Goldenhar's complex

First branchial cleft cyst

Type I:

Contains only ectodermal elements without cartilage or adnexal structures. Present as duplication of external auditory canal.

Type II:

Contains both ectoderm & mesoderm. Present as abscess below angle of mandible. •

Fistula ends internally around Eustachian tube

Second branchial cleft cyst

• Commonest branchial anomaly • Painless, fluctuant mass along anterior border of middle 1/3 rd of sternocleidomastoid muscle • Fistula tract opens externally along lower 1/3 rd of SCM, passes deep to 2 nd arch structures (external carotid, stylohyoid muscle, posterior belly of digastric); superficial to internal carotid (3 rd arch); ends internally in tonsillar fossa

Second branchial cleft cyst

Second branchial cleft cyst

Third branchial cleft cyst

• Painless, fluctuant mass along anterior border of lower 1/3 rd of sternocleidomastoid muscle • Fistula tract opens externally along lower 1/3 rd of SCM, passes deep to 3 rd arch structures (internal carotid, glossopharyngeal nerve); superficial to superior laryngeal nerve (4 th arch): opening internally in base of pyriform fossa

Fourth branchial cleft cyst

• Presents as mass along anterior border of lower 1/3 rd of stenomastoid or as recurrent thyroiditis • Fistula tract opens externally along lower 1/3 rd of SCM, passes deep to 4 th arch structures (superior laryngeal nerve ); superficial to recurrent laryngeal nerve (6 th arch); opening internally in apex of pyriform fossa

CT scan 1 st branchial cyst

CT scan 2 nd branchial cyst

CT scan 3 rd branchial cyst

Coronal MRI Sagittal MRI Axial MRI


Abscesses treated first with incision & drainage + broad-spectrum antibiotics

Elective surgical excision of cyst with its tract traced up to its origin in pharyngeal wall done after infection resolves

Branchial fistula excised with 2 horizontally placed incisions (stepladder incision)

Excision of branchial cyst

Branchial fistula excision


Arises from expansion of saccule of laryngeal ventricle due to

ed intra-luminal pressure in larynx or congenital large saccule Causes of

ed intra-luminal pressure in larynx:

Occupational (?): trumpet players, glass blowers

Coexistence of larynx cancer

Male : female 5:1, Peak age = 6 th decade, Unilateral in 85 % cases, 1% contain carcinoma

Swelling enlarges on Valsalva

Types of laryngocoele

Internal (20%):

contained entirely within endolarynx with bulge in false vocal fold & aryepiglottic fold •

External (30%):

only neck swelling without visible endolaryngeal swelling •

Combined (50%):

Also extends into anterior triangle of neck through foramen for superior laryngeal nerve & vessels in thyrohyoid membrane. Dumbbell shaped.

Types of laryngocoele Internal External Combined 89

Clinical Features


Stridor in large endolaryngeal laryngocoele

Neck swelling

Manual compression of neck swelling results in escape of fluid / gas into airway ( Boyce’s sign )

10% cases are pyocele: sore throat, cough

Flexible laryngoscopy

Swelling of false vocal folds & ary-epiglottic fold

Swelling easily emptied

Escape of purulent fluid into airway = pyocoele 91

X-ray neck AP view X-ray soft tissue neck AP view during Valsalva maneuver shows air filled radiolucent swelling 92

CT scan: mixed laryngocoele


No symptom:

no treatment •

Infected laryngocoele:

aspiration & antibiotics •

Internal laryngocoele:

endoscopic marsupialization •

External laryngocoele:

Excision by external approach. Cyst exposed by removing upper half of thyroid cartilage. Cyst incised at its neck & stitched.

Endoscopic marsupialization

External approach

Carotid body tumor

Pulsating, compressible mass in carotid triangle

Mobile only horizontally not vertically

Angiography: vascular mass b/w external & internal carotid arteries ( Lyre’s sign )

Rx: Radiation or close observation in elderly.

Surgical resection for small tumors in young patients with hypotensive anesthesia & pre operative measurement of catecholamines.

Lyre sign

Sternomastoid tumor of infancy

Firm mass of SCM, becomes prominent when chin turned away & head tilted towards the mass

Due to birth trauma causing infarction / hematoma with subsequent fibrotic replacement

Rx: Physical therapy. Myoplasty of SCM for refractory cases.

Hypopharyngeal pouch


Hypopharyngeal pouch is an acquired pulsion diverticulum caused by posterior protrusion of mucosa through pre-existing weakness in muscle layers of pharynx or esophagus

In contrast, congenital diverticulum like Meckel's diverticulum is covered by all muscle layers of visceral wall

Weak spots b/w muscles

Origin of Zenker’s diverticulum


1. Tonic spasm of cricopharyngeal sphincter:  C.N.S. injury  Gastro-esophageal reflux 2. Lack of inhibition of cricopharyngeal sphincter 3. Neuromuscular in-coordination between thyro pharyngeus & cricopharyngeus 4. Second swallow against closed cricopharynx These lead to increased intra-luminal pressure in hypopharynx & mucosa bulges out via weak areas

Clinical features

1. Entrapment of food in pouch: sensation of food sticking in throat & later dysphagia 2. Regurgitation of entrapped food: leads to  foul taste  bad odor  nocturnal coughing  choking 3. Hoarseness: due to spillage laryngitis or sac pressure on recurrent laryngeal nerve 4. Weight loss: due to malnutrition 5. Compressible neck swelling on left side: reduces with a gurgling sound ( Boyce sign )

Complications 1. Lung aspiration of sac contents 2. Bleeding from sac mucosa 3. Absolute oesophageal obstruction 4. Fistula formation into:


major blood vessel 5. Squamous cell carcinoma within Zenker diverticulum (0.3% cases)


Chest X-ray: may show sac + air - fluid level

Barium swallow

Barium swallow with video-fluoroscopy

Rigid Oesophagoscopy

Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing

Barium swallow

Barium swallow with Video-fluoroscopy

Rigid Esophagoscopy

Staging Lahey system:

Stage I: Small mucosal protrusion

Stage II: Definite sac present, but hypo-pharynx & esophagus are in line

Stage III: Hypopharynx is in line with pouch & esophagus pushed anteriorly

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Surgical Treatment 1. Cricopharyngeal myotomy: combined with others 2. Diverticulum invagination: Keyart 3. Diverticulopexy: Sippy-Bevan 4. External or open Diverticulectomy: Wheeler 5. Rigid Endoscopic Diverticulotomy

Cautery (Dohlman)


Stapler 6. Flexible Endoscopic Diverticulotomy with Laser

Treatment Protocol 1. Small sac (< 2cm): Cricopharyngeal (CP) myotomy + invagination 2. Large sac (2-6 cm): Open Diverticulectomy with CP myotomy or Endoscopic Diverticulotomy with CP myotomy 3. Very large sac (> 6 cm): Open Diverticulectomy with CP myotomy or Diverticulopexy with CP myotomy

Cricopharyngeal myotomy

Diverticulum invagination Diverticulum pushed into hypopharynx lumen & muscle + adjacent tissue are oversewn. CP myotomy is usually combined with this .

External diverticulectomy

Endoscopic diverticulotomy

Diverticuloscope advanced so its upper lip is within esophagus & lower lip is within diverticulum

View through diverticuloscope Cautery, laser, or stapling device used to divide common party wall between pouch & esophagus

View through diverticuloscope

Endoscopic diverticulotomy

Dohlman’s instruments

Diverticulopexy Sac mobilized & its fundus fixed to sternocleido mastoid muscle in a superior, non-dependent position. CP myotomy is also done.

Cystic hygroma

Synonym : cystic lymphangioma

Definition: congenital, benign, multi-loculated, lymphatic lesion classically found in posterior triangle of neck

Other sites: axilla, mediastinum, groin & retro peritoneum

Etiology: failure of lymphatics to connect to venous system; abnormal budding of lymphatic tissue; sequestered lymphatic cell rests

Clinical Features

• 50-65% cases present at birth, 80-90% by 2 years • Soft, painless, compressible trans-illuminant mass present in posterior triangle of neck. Overlying skin can be bluish or normal . Sudden  se in size due to infection or intra-cystic bleeding.

• Look for tracheal deviation, airway obstruction, cyanosis, feeding difficulty, failure to thrive

Stage Stage I Stage II Stage IV

U/L suprahyoid

Stage III

U/L infrahyoid + suprahyoid B/L suprahyoid

Stage V Clinical Features

U/L infrahyoid B/L infrahyoid + suprahyoid

Complication rate 20% 40% 70% 80% 100%

Cystic hygroma


USG: used to detect CH in utero

CT scan: Contrast helps to enhance cyst wall visualization & relationship to surrounding blood vessels. CH appears isodense to CSF.

Macrocystic: cystic spaces > 2 cm

Microcystic: cystic spaces < 2 cm

MRI: Best investigation. CH appears hyperintense on T2 & hypointense on T1-weighted images.

MRI: CH causing airway compression



1. watchful waiting 2. sclerosing agents: OK-432 (Picibanil), bleomycin, ethanol, doxycycline, Interferon, fibrin sealant •

Infected cases:

intravenous antibiotics & drainage; definitive surgery after 3 months •

Surgical excision:

mainstay of treatment. Done with Cautery, Laser, Radiofrequency •

Acute stridor:

aspiration, emergency tracheostomy

Kawasaki syndrome


idiopathic multisystem vasculitis •

Diagnosis (presence of any 5):

1. Fever > 5 days. 2. Conjunctival injection. 3. Red / desquamated palm / sole. 4. Injected oral cavity 5. Polymorphous rash. 6. Cervical lymph node enlargement • Permanent cardiac damage in 20% untreated cases •


high dose aspirin & immunoglobulin

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