Pacific Northwest Forests: Ecology

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Question! 10/05
• What are the organisms found in our forests?
Draw as many as you can!
• Get colors!
Pacific Northwest Forests:
Pacific Northwest Forests Ecology
• Oregon is 42% forests
– Almost 60% is owned by government
– Examples?
• Coniferous and deciduous
Pacific Northwest Forests Ecology
• Natural Resources
– Lumber
– Water
– Recreation
– Mining (minimal)
Pacific Northwest Forests Ecology
• Challenges in PNW Forests
– Balancing uses of forests (resources versus
recreation, wildlife, etc)
– Conservation and management
Pacific Northwest Forests Ecology
• What is ecology?
– Study of how organisms interact with each other
and their environment
Pacific Northwest Forests Ecology
• What is ecology?
– How does this involve agricultural science?
• Managing natural resources
• The affects of agriculture on the environment
• The affects of the environment
on agriculture
Pacific Northwest Forests Ecology
• Organize these in the correct order from biggest
to smallest in size!
Pacific Northwest Forests Ecology
Pacific Northwest Forests Ecology
• Species – organisms so similar they can breed
and produce fertile offspring
– PNW Example: ?
– Agricultural example: ?
Pacific Northwest Forests Ecology
• Population – groups of individuals of the same
species that live in the same area
– PNW Example: ?
– Agricultural example: ?
Pacific Northwest Forests Ecology
• Communities – assemblages of different
populations living in defined area
– PNW Example: ?
– Agricultural example: ?
Pacific Northwest Forests Ecology
• Ecosystem – collection of all the organisms
that live in a particular place, and the
nonliving environment
– PNW Example: ?
– Agricultural example: ?
Pacific Northwest Forests Ecology
• Biomes – group of ecosystems with the same
climate and similar communities
– PNW Example: ?
– Agricultural example: ?
Pacific Northwest Forests Ecology
• Biosphere – everything where life exists!
Pacific Northwest Forests Ecology
Chinook salmon | black-tail deer | black bear |
wild grasses | screech owl | mouse | cougar |
Doug fir | algae | rabbit | Oregon white oak |
fox | crawfish | grasshopper | minnow |
mushrooms | bull snake | western pond turtle |
leopard frog | Himalayan blackberry |
Western gray squirrel | raccoon | Roosevelt elk
| acorn woodpecker | red-tailed hawk |
earthworm | mistletoe | tick |
Question! 10/6
• Write down the statements below that are
Oaks are autotrophs
Deer are producers
Foxes are heterotrophs
Sheep are autotrophs
Corn is a consumer
Fungi are consumers
Question! 10/11
• Write down the statements below that are
Oaks are autotrophs
Deer are producers
Foxes are heterotrophs
Sheep are autotrophs
Corn is a consumer
Fungi are consumers
Gray Wolf
Pacific Northwest Forests Ecology
• Producers
– Autotrophs
– Photosynthesis vs Chemosynthesis
Pacific Northwest Forests Ecology
• Consumers
– Heterotrophs
– Herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, detritivores/
Pacific Northwest Forests Ecology
• Decomposers
– Break down dead organisms into organic matter,
nutrients, etc
Pacific Northwest Forests Ecology
• Food Chains
– How energy is passed through an ecosystem
Pacific Northwest Forests Ecology
• Food Webs
– Interactions between food chains
Pacific Northwest Forests Ecology
• Trophic Levels
Primary Producers
Primary Consumers
Secondary Consumers
Tertiary Consumers
Pacific Northwest Forests Ecology
• Energy Pyramid
– Energy passing on to next trophic level
– Only 10% of energy in a trophic level is transferred
to the next trophic level
1. Find an article in a magazine or Capital Press that
has to do with ecology and agriculture (some way
ag and the environment are interacting!)
2. Read it.
3. Summarize it in 5-7 sentences (yes, 5-7) in your Lab
Notebook section of your binders.
4. You will show this to Mr. Nelson or Jerry and you
will receive a stamp.
5. THEN be ready to share this article with the class!