Change o the diameter of blood vessels in the pancreas in

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Transcript Change o the diameter of blood vessels in the pancreas in

Polina Timoshina (1,2), Rui Shi (2), Yang Zhang(2), Dun Zhu(2),
ValeryTuchin (1,2,3), Qingming Luo(2)
1- Research-Educational Institute of Optics and Biophotonics, Saratov State University, Russia
2- Britton Chance Center for Biomedical Photonics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Wuhan, China
3- Institute of Precision Mechanics and Control, Russian Academy of Sciences, Saratov, Russia
The study of blood microcirculation is one of the most
important problems of the medicine
This is caused by the fact that many diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, diabetes, chronic venous
insufficiency cause functional and morphological changes of
microcirculation of blood flow
We present the results of experimental study of changes of
microcirculation of blood flow of brain in mice with diabetes by
using Temporal Laser Speckle Contrast Imaging (TLSCI)
Additionally a direct effect of glucose water solution
(concentration 20% and 40%) on blood microcirculation was
Methods and materials
Animal model:
In our research we used white laboratory mice weighing 20-30 g
The animal model of aloxan induced diabetes was used
85 mg of alloxan was mixed with 2 ml of physiological saline
Experimental diabetes in laboratory animals was provided by a single
subcutaneous injection of alloxan at a dose of 170 mg / kg body weight of
the animal
 In 10 days after injection of alloxan in experimental mice, analysis of
glucose levels of blood using a glucometer was provided
 The increase of blood glucose levels relative to a group of healthy mice
was found
Methods and materials
Optical method:
We used temporal laser speckle contrast analysis that is based
on temporal statistics, computing of speckle contrast images
using a sequence of speckle images acquired along a few time
points instead of using a spatial window
To conduct the study Huazhong University of Science and
Technology (HUST, Wuhan, China) team has developed a special
software, which allowed us in real time to assess changes of
diameter of blood vessels and relative velocity of blood flow
Experimental setup
The measurements were carried out using a specially designed experimental setup: As a
light source a He-Ne laser (632 nm) was used and a 12-bit CCD camera (pixel size ~
6.45x6.45 m) combined with the microscope (Z16 APO, Leica, Germany working
distance of 97 mm) was used to capture dynamic images with exposure time of 20 ms
Speckle images of internal organs: A) vessels of
healthy brain after skull trepanation, B) vessels
of diabetic brain after skull trepanation
Change of diameter of sagittal veins in brain:
1-control group
2- diabetic group
Change of relative values of velocity of
blood of sagittal vein:
1-control group
2- diabetic group
Speckle images of vessels in the brain under the influence of
optical clearing agent:
A) without influence, B) after application of 20% solution of
glucose C) after application of 40% solution of glucose
Change of relative values of diameter of
sagittal vein
It was shown that in brain of diabetic group
diameter of sagittal vein is increased and the speed of
blood flow decreased relative to the control group
 Topical application of 20%- and 40%- glucose
increases diameter of blood vessels
 Study of blood microcirculation disorders of brain at
diabetes show that disease development in animals
causes changes in the microcirculatory system
Saratov State University
Department of Optics and
We thank Britton Chance Center for Biomedical Photonics, Wuhan
National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, Huazhong University of
Science and Technology (Wuhan, China) for support of these researches
This work was partially supported by RF Presidential grant 703.2014.2
“Scientific School Support”
Grant #13-02-91176 of Russian Foundation of Basis Research
Saratov Fall Meeting 2014