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NMR spectroscopy in solids:
A comparison to NMR
spectroscopy in liquids
Mojca Rangus
Mentor: Prof. Dr. Janez Seliger
Comentor: Dr. Gregor Mali
NMR specrtometer
Basics of NMR
Types of interaction (concentrate on: spin ½
nuclei, diamagnetic compounds)
Solution-state spectra
Solid-state spectra
Methods for improving solid-state NMR spectra
Magnetization and magnetism
Nuclear magnetic moment
When magnetic field
is applied,
starts to
precess around it’s direction with Larmor
We describe the movement of the magnetic
moment with equation
It is conventent to go from lab. frame to
rotating frame, which rotates around
direction with the same frequency that
We observe the total magnetization of the sample
Magnetization is fliped in xy plane with the aid of rotating
radiofrequency (rf) field
Projection of the magnetization on the xy plane is then recorded
The nuclei with nonzero spin (nonzero magnetic moment) can be
NMR periodic table
Single pulse
The same coils are used for excitation and recording
After a pulse a delay is needed before the start of the recording
From recorded signal (FID) a spectrum is obtained with Fourier
This means that the magnetic moments are alredy scattered in xy
Spin echo
With a special pulse sequence
the magnetic moments are
gathered before the recording
An efficient method to avoid dead
time problem
Types of interaction
Zeeman interaction
Chemical shift
Direct dipole coupling
Indirect dipole coupling or J-coupling
Quadrupolar interaction
Zeeman interaction
It can be described with a Hamiltonian
or in ternsor form
In the magnetic field the two spin states
have different energies
It is far the strongest interaction and all
other types of interaction can be
considered as corrections
Order of the magnitude:
Chemical shift
Indirect interaction of the nuclear spins with
the external magnetic field through the
surrounding electrons
If the electronic environment of nuclei differ,
the local mag. fields differ and therefore the
resonance frequencies are different
Contains information about electronic states
Chemical shifts also depend on the
orientation of the molecule in the magnetic
Direct dipole coupling
Two neighbouring nuclei are coupled through their magnetic dipole
Useful for molecule structure studies and
provides a good way to estimate distances
between nuclei and hence the geometrical
form of the molecule
Nuclear spins are coupled with the help of the molecular electrons
It is exclusively intramolecular
The mechanism responsible for the multiplet structure
It can be viewed only in solution-state NMR spectra where the
spectral lines are narrow enough to observe the interaction
Electric quadrupole coupling
Nucleus with the electric quadrupole moment intarects strongly
with the electric field gradients generated by surrounding
electron clouds
Quadrupole interaction is totaly averaged
in liquids, but in solids is the strongest after
In solids we often need to take into account
second order contributions
Solution-state NMR spectrum
Single crystal spectra
All interactions are orientation dependent
Therefore it is possible to conduct NMR
experiments in similar way as X-ray
From single crystal spectra it is possible to
reconstruct the interaction tensors and from
there the electronic and geometric
characteristics of the compound
Powder spectra
All orientations of the molecules are
presented equally
Resonance lines become extremely
Anisotropic nature of the interactions
comes fully into account
Magic angle spinning
Spinning the sample under the magic angle
considerably narrows the resonance lines
In the mechanism of
decoupling a strong rf field is
applied so that magnetic
moments are flipped
randomely back and forth to
narrow the anisotropic
broadeneng of the resonance
static with low
power decoupling
static with high
power decoupling
decoupling + MAS
Cross polarization (CP)
Cross polarization (CP) is one of
the most important techniques in
solid-state NMR
Polarization from abundant spins
is transferred to dilute ones via
the direct diploe coupling
Basic principles of NMR
Viewed the most important type of interactions
that are encountered in a compound
Similarities and differences of solution-state and
solid-state spectra
The most important techniques used to improve
powder NMR spectra