Mental preparation

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Transcript Mental preparation

MSA Referees December 18, 2014

Laura Ceccarelli

 Psychology Honors Student at the University of Manitoba  Soccer, track and field and everything in between!

 Passionate about sport!

 Why we’re here: Breaking it down  Ideal Performance State: Who do we want to bring to the field?

 Mental Preparation: What do we need to do to be that person more often?

 Refocusing: Using these tools in the thick of things

 What happens in your head!  The mental aspect of sport  The body/mind connection  Like any skill, it takes practice!

 The more high level sport, the more the game becomes mental (more pressure, more distractions/ elements in competition)  Keeps us connected to WHY we are playing sport!

 Important component when we are unable to participate physically (ex: injured)  The mind as a muscle….

 Use it or LOSE it! 

 At the END!

 Break it down, simplify

 What do we value when we are on the field?  What is important?

 Why do we do what we do?

 How would you want to be remembered?

 What do we value as a referee?  What is important to us?

 Why do we continue to show up game after game?

 Who do we want to be in the good, the bad and the ugly?

 Knowing what success is for YOU!

 Before we can prepare, need to know what we are preparing for!

 Need to know where we are going!

 Who are you when you are your best?

 What does success look like for you?

 What can the players count on you for?

 How do you handle adversity? Success?

 How do you feel, move, etc?

 What can we do to be that person more often?

 Mental Preparation!

 How do you currently prepare your mind and body for a competition?

 What challenges do you face?

 What do you find works well for you?

Pre-performance routine: preparing the mind and body  Planning for competition: for what is to come (emotions, distractions, scenarios)

 What we do to prepare ourselves prior to performance  Competition is not a warm up, want to be ready for game time!

 Facilitates… 1.

Familiarity 2.


Order Consistency 4.



Control Preparation Confidence

 Self Talk  Imagery/ Visualization  Physiological adjustment  Motivation/ Readiness

 What you say to YOURSELF  Ability to gain control over your thoughts  Be a good teammate to yourself!

 Important! Body is very responsive to our self talk

 Say something that has MEANING for you! You are looking to adjust emotional reaction on a mind and body level!

 PLAN this!! Important to have these things easily accessible  Think about what you WANT vs. what you DON’T WANT…because the mind can’t distinguish ex: pink elephant

Rory McIlroy Open Championship: “Process” and “Spot”

“With my long shots I just wanted to stick to my process and stick to making good decisions, making good swings,” he said.

“And ‘spot’ was for my putting. I was just picking a spot on the green and then trying to roll it over my spot every time. I wasn’t thinking about holing it. I wasn’t thinking about what it would mean or how many further clear it would get me. I just wanted to roll that ball over that spot.”

 Had a conversation with himself  Came back to defeat the 7-time Wimbledon champ in 5 sets 

 “Every time Steve Nash goes to the foul line, he shoots five or six free throws. Sure, there’s the two that really count, but the NBA’s all time free throw percentage leader always takes several imaginary shots before getting the ball. He says it helps him not only visualize the ball going through the net but also gets his brain and body prepped for the upcoming motor skill. After almost 3,400 regular season attempts, his 90.4% success rate seems to work”  Lindsay Vonn, US Alpine Ski Racer: “just getting another run in”

 Competition scenarios  Imagining what rattles you. Working through it, correcting errors  Imagining yourself at your BEST! What this looks like, highlight reel  High jumpers: increased form and success rate by 45% from doing dynamic mental imagery alone!

 You need to visualize everything out of your eyes (in the 1st person).  Use all of your SENSES!  You have to be there: FEELING, SEEING and HEARING what is happening!  Start with strengths, build on those  Practice!!!! Use timelines similar to that of competition

 Physical actions to adjust our level of arousal  Ability to adjust energy levels to what is called for in any performance situation  Do you need to be brought up (flat) or down (anxious)?

 Breathing, PMR, Pump UP  BUILD into sport

 Takes the foot off the gas pedal   Practice! Incorporate into sport gradually 

“Research shows diaphragmatic breathing is an effective way to manage stress, focus the mind and improve overall health, counter your mind and body’s reaction to stress and increase overall resilience”

 Loose muscles vs. tense  Cooked and un-cooked spaghetti  Loose muscles are more in sync with the mind, flow more freely  Body Scan  Do in unison with breathing routine

 What ELSE do you do pre comp?

Ex: specific active routines, music, watch videos

Keep it unique to you!

Talking about EMOTIONS and DISTRACTIONS here!

 Very natural and often POSITIVE part of sport: Ex: nerves, passion, comradery, joy  Will ALWAYS be a part of sport!

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy “I knew it!” We try not to think about something Ex: emotions, distractions We just think about it more!

Performance Follows Body responds accordingly (knowingly or unknowingly) Ex: tension

 Self-awareness is key! Know how you REACT and how you WANT to respond  PLAN for emotions and prepare to PROCESS Emotions  Let them run their course in a way that is HELPING vs. HARMING (all emotions naturally rise and fall if you let them)  ****Repression and denial lead to reduced performance!

 Jill Officer

 Don’t go out until you’re ready!

 Because WE are responsible for who we bring to the line!

 Check in!

 What do you want to bring? Where are you at?

 Times to do this Red Light • Stop! What kind of self talk goes here? Is this going to improve your performance?

• What can you do to ensure you are fully present and ready?

Yellow Light • Proceed with caution! Almost there but not quite!

• When would this be the case? What can you do?

Green Light • Green means GO! • You are ready to perform! Notice what this feels like! What are you saying to yourself in this state?

 First step of refocusing: NOTICING when you aren’t where you want to be!

 Acknowledge, non-judgmentally  All of these skills can be used as REFOCUSING response for mind and body  The more you PRACTICE the easier/ more accessible in games

 Use the pauses in the game to refocus, get centered  Ask yourself: what is most important right now? Where does my focus need to be?

 Promotes bigger picture thinking vs. tunnel vision, downward spiral

Past experiences: What have you done to refocus?

 Preparation doesn’t guarantee performance…learn to enjoy the PROCESS!


 Know what you want to bring, why you are there, what success looks like  Do what you can to be that person more often: prepare and plan what that looks like!

 Use those skills to refocus in times that you are rattled, distracted  ENJOY the PROCESS!

 Reflect and learn from every performance 

Laura Ceccarelli Mental Performance Consultant [email protected]