Transcript Four Blocks

2012 Strategy Planning
CMS Delivery Services Team
September 2011
Market Overview
• Mobile/Tablet Market continues to expand and evolve
– Devices and product models continue to proliferate
– iOS devices now number more than 200 million
– Android Smartphones and tablets proliferating (over 100 models
from various manufacturers)
– Tremendous opportunity for “connected” capabilities and new study
• Online (eBook) Market remains relatively stable
– Most energy on eBook innovations has begun to shift to personal
computing devices (Tablets and Smartphones) in an Apps format
– Competitors are adding more capabilities but eText online clients
remain more than competitive
Strategic Shifts Underway
• Pearson is evolving away from traditional book models
– New product models need efficient delivery of variable length
content but may not desire traditional “pages”
– More and more product models assume that digital is the dominant
– eText/Jazz continuing to expand mobile study options including
non-page based delivery options
• Workflow redesign, XML content and web services
– Integrated workflow initiatives envision robust pipelines for
supplying various types of content delivered in many product
– eText/Jazz continuing to expand server-based “headless” offerings
to serve various delivery options
CMS Delivery Services:
Strategic Goals for 2011-2012
Performance and reliability
– Always our highest goal!
– School volume is up dramatically from BTS 2010
Content Delivery Services
Library and Repository Services
New Mobile Solutions
Maintain competitiveness of our Mac/Windows client
Improve our production processes to reduce costs and lead times
– Workflow Redesign Support (Documentum Integration)
Content Delivery Services
• Server-based with integration APIs that deliver text
and content asset delivery
– Web Services powered functionality available for learning
platforms and mobile device delivery
– Hardwired to new integrated workflows
– Powers both book and non-book needs
– Support both textual and rich media content
– Content delivered atomically “on-demand”
– Usage tracked and recorded in aggregate
– Standard textual and media formats
Library and Repository Services
• Library Services: Server-based search services
spanning groups (libraries) of titles
– Web Services powered
• Powers new eText Bookshelves
• Accessible by other platforms
• Repository Services: Server-based search services
for all asset types within disciplines
– Web Services powered
• Powers new Jazz online and mobile apps
• Accessible by other platforms
First two instances…
• Digital Libraries
– Focus Group - Fall 2011
– NDL v1.0 - Spring 2012
• First Client: Search all Nursing eTexts
• Purchase eTexts for which user does not have an existing subscription
• Search displayed by relevance, as well as by book title
– v2.0: Summer 2012
• Search associated Jazz assets
• Collect usage data to provide guidance to users
• iPad/Android support
• Pearson Custom Library
– Allows customer to create a custom eBook and printed book from Pearson texts
– Planning to use RUMBA authentication
– Initial delivery in late Q1 2012
Expand our mobile eText solutions
• HiEd, School v1.1 available now and eCollege in Q4
• Three fidelity-based Android Tablet Apps in December
• Further upgrades to the iPad apps in 2012
– Focus on proximity and social capabilities
• Proof of concept for non-fidelity eText app in Dec.
Offer non-fidelity eText solutions
• “Re-flowable” text as opposed to using “Print-ready” PDFs
• Address small screen market needs as well as tablet and
traditional browsers
• Address requirements of Pearson Partner platforms
• Provide web services for platforms with their own viewer
• Fully accessible from ground up
• ePUB2/3 file format?
Maintain competitiveness of eText Flex client
Documentum Integration: Dec 2011
– Ingestion from Documentum Archive
– Archive to Documentum
Upgrade to latest Adobe Flex Framework: Dec 2011
– Improved supportability and reliability
– Support for RTL languages
New Partner Platforms: Q4 2011
– Equella “S7” integration
– School Portal “S7” integration
– TutorVista SSO integration
– PSN+ Integration repair for shared personalizations - Timing TBD by School
– New HiEd “S11” partners
New Localizations: 2012
– Tentatively - Arabic?, Afrikaans, British English, Polish
Maintain competitiveness of Flex client cont…
• Update eText UI
– Implement new Pearson Branding
– Possible UI refreshments
• eText Data Analytics
– Copy DB data to LTG Data Warehouse for query and
• Possible Offline Mac / Window option in 2012?
• Select from a list of requested new Viewer functionality
Support eText production needs
Better quality PDF transformations
PDF 1.6 Support
Non-fidelity client support
Better ingestion reporting
Preview of iPad/Android PDFs
Create thumbnails for DASH
Auto-scaling of over-sized PDFs
Security audit requirements
– User lockout for CM and Authoring
– Password encryption
• More…
Tentative 2011-2012 CMS Road Map
Flex v 4.5
Flex v 5.0?
iPad 1.1
iPad 1.1
Aug 11
Mac /
Sept 11
Oct 11
iPad 2.0?
Nov 11
Dec 11
Jan 12
Feb 12
Mar 12
Apr 12
May 12
June 12
Jul 12
Aug 12
Sept 12
School eText Production and Usage
“PROD2” School eText Server Volume
Recent eText App download activity
New eText Projects Initiated
New eText Projects in Progress
New eText Projects Completed
Revisions Initiated
Revisions in Progress
Revisions Completed
New Projects and Revisions Initiated
New Projects and Revisions in Progress
New Projects and Revisions Completed