Introduction tof Business Communication

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Transcript Introduction tof Business Communication

Business Communications
Business Letters
Business Letter Format
Ohana Foundation
Learning Objectives
Analyze letter content and select an
appropriate writing strategy.
Write clear and concise letters.
Identify and use appropriate salutations
for letters.
Business Letter Format
Ohana Foundation
Parts of a Business Letter
Peerless Graphics
893 Dillingham Boulevard
Stony Plain, CA 95014
line 12 or 2 lines below letterhead
September 13, 200x
2 to 10 lines
Mr. T. M. Wilson
Visual Concepts Enterprises
1256 Lumsden Avenue
Irvine, CA 92222
Dear Mr. Wilson:
Business Letter Format
1 blank line
Ohana Foundation
Parts of a Business Letter
1 blank line
Subject Line
1 blank line
This letter illustrates block letter style, about
which you asked. All typed lines begin at the left
margin. The date is usually placed two inches
from the top edge of the paper or two lines below
the last line of the letterhead, whichever position
is lower.
In modified block style, the dateline and closing
lines are started at the center instead of at the
left margin.
Business Letter Format
Ohana Foundation
Parts of a Business Letter
If a subject line is included, it appears two lines
below the salutation. The word SUBJECT is
optional. Most readers will recognize a statement
in this position as the subject without an
identifying label. The complimentary close
appears two lines below the end of the last
1 blank line
Complimentary Sincerely,
Business Letter Format
3 blank lines
Ohana Foundation
Parts of a Business Letter
Mark H. Wong
Graphics Designer
1 blank line
Business Letter Format
Ohana Foundation
Letter Salutations
Use individual’s name whenever possible.
 When no name is available, use the simplified
letter style, omitting a salutation.
 When no name is available and you cannot use
simplified style, rely on Ladies and Gentlemen
or Madams and Sirs.
Business Letter Format
Ohana Foundation
Writing Plan for an Information
 Opening:
 Body:
 Closing:
Business Letter Format
Ask the most important
question first or express a
polite command.
Explain the request logically
and courteously. Ask other
questions if necessary.
Request a specific action with an
end date, if appropriate, and
show appreciation in advance.
Ohana Foundation
Improving Openers for Routine
Request Letters
I’ve been given the task of locating a convention
site for my company’s meeting. I’ve checked a
number of places, and your hotel looks possible.
Will you please answer the following questions
regarding possible accommodations at the
Fairmont for a conference in May.
Business Letter Format
Ohana Foundation
Improving Openers for Routine
Request Letters
While reading Forbes magazine, I noticed an
offer of a free video describing your
Please send me your free video describing your
Business Letter Format
Ohana Foundation
Improving Openers for Routine
Request Letters
I am conducting a training class for students of
photography at our San Francisco training
center, and I saw a picture that we would like to
use in our program.
What is the procedure for ordering a copy of a
photograph to be used for training purposes?
Business Letter Format
Ohana Foundation
Improving Closings for Routine
Request Letters
Thanks for any information you provide.
We would appreciate receiving answers to these
questions before April 4 so that we will have
plenty of time to plan our conference.
Business Letter Format
Ohana Foundation
Improving Closings for Routine
Request Letters
Hoping to hear from you at your earliest
Please send the video by August 15.
Business Letter Format
Ohana Foundation
Improving Closings for Routine
Request Letters
Thank you for your cooperation.
Your answer to my inquiry will help me make my
printer choice. Thanks!
Business Letter Format
Ohana Foundation
Writing Plan for an Order
 Opening:
 Body:
 Closing:
Business Letter Format
Authorize purchase of items.
Suggest method of shipping.
List items vertically. Provide
quantity, order number,
description, and unit price.
Request shipment by a specific
date. Tell method of payment.
Express appreciation.
Ohana Foundation
Writing Plan for Simple Claim
 Opening:
 Body:
 Closing:
Business Letter Format
Describe clearly the desired
Explain the nature of the claim.
Tell why the claim is justified.
Provide details regarding action
End pleasantly with a goodwill
statement. Include end dating if
Ohana Foundation
Writing Plan for Granting a
 Subject Line
 Opening:
 Body:
 Closing:
Business Letter Format
Identify previous correspondence.
Grant request or announce adjustment
Provide details about how you are
complying with the request. Try to regain
the reader’s confidence. Include resale or
sales promotion if appropriate.
End positively with forward-looking
thought. Express confidence in future
business dealings.
Ohana Foundation
Business Letter Format
Good luck with
letter writing!
Business Letter Format
Ohana Foundation