PowerPoint Presentation - Introduction to Facing the Lion

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Introduction to Facing
the Lion
Growing Up Maasai
on the African Savanna
By Joseph Lemasolai Lekuton
By Laura Roth
November 2008
Have you ever wondered…
*What it is like to grow up in another part of the
*What it would be like to live away from your
*What it is like to grow up in a different culture?
Joseph Lemasolai
Lekuton grew up in
northern Kenya, a
country in Africa. The
capital of Kenya is
Nairobi which is a
Maa word meaning
Lekuton is a Maasai who grew up in a nomadic tribe. His journey led him
away from his home as he pursued his education eventually attending Harvard.
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A Masai Warrior and Cattle
Dandftravel. (2006, September 29). Flickr. Dandftravel’s photostream. Retrieved November 2, 2008 from
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Lekuton’s Culture
“My people speak the
Maa language, which is
why we are called
Maasai. There are many
subgroups within the Maa
culture, including mine,
the Ariaal. The Ariaal is
actually a mixture of two
groups, the Samburu and
the Rendille. My mother
is Rendille; my father was
-Joseph Lekuton, p. 19
A Maasai Home
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CokeeOrg. (2006, December 16). Flickr. CokeeOrg’s Photostream.
Retrieved on November 2, 2008 from http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=maasai&l=3&page=2.
“We’re nomads: We live
where it’s best for the
cattle, where there’s good
grass and water, away
from disease and pests.
If the grass runs out or
the water dries up, we
move. If there’s better
grazing land somewhere
else, we move.”
-Joseph Lekuton, p. 19
A Masai Elder, Dances, and Homes
Archivalproject. (2004, October 19-20). Flickr. Archivalproject’s Photostream. Retrieved November 2, 2008, from
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Are you ready to start reading?
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First, meet Joseph Lekuton.
In this video clip,
Lekuton discusses
how he started
school, his
educational pathway,
and his future plans.