Transcript Dia 1

Sustainable Rural Development
Baltic Sea Action Plan
Seminar in Helsinki
Sirpa Karjalainen
Ministerial Adviser
MAF, Finland
“Enhance the combined effects of the
rural development programmes”
- through better cooperation leading to more targeted
measures. The programmes could be linked when
dealing with similar problems. There should be a
streamlining of the rural development measures in the
national rural development programmes, including joint
studies and monitoring. There is a need to develop
joint training and advisory measures, with more
emphasis on common innovation across borders.
There should be deeper co-operation between the
Local Action Groups in LEADER and other stakeholders
in rural areas, leading to development of joint projects.
Flagship: “Sustainable rural
Projects must be developed that bring together
people in the region to develop sustainable rural
tourism, agriculture, forestry and aquaculture or
inland water fisheries.
New practices on using an integrated approach
should be developed to minimize the leakage of
(Lead: Poland and Sweden; Deadline for progress
review: to be determined)
Sustainable Rural Development:
•ecological sustainability
•economical sustainability
•social sustainability
"Better coordination and a more
strategic use of Community
programmes are key ingredients"
Rural Development Programmes:
Axis 1, 3 and 4
Measures ?
(Baltic rural network -meeting in Billund)
Baltic Sea Action Plan:
8. Implementing the Small Business Act (DK):
"Encourage and promote female entrepreneurship"
"Facilitate rural entrepreneurship”
12. To maintain and reinforce attractiveness of
the Baltic Sea Region in particular through
education, tourism and health (Tourism:
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern D)
“Attract tourists to rural areas especially the coastal
ones” by promoting joint environmentally-friendly rural and coastal tourism
packages (e.g. farm, food tourism, hiking, winter sports, nature based tourism) and by
co-operating in planning rural and coastal tourism investments. (Lead: each Rural
Development Network in each Member State (in cooperation with the LEADER
networks supported by the European Rural Development Network)
Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013
(dec. 22.12.2009)
Areas of support:
Creation of urban-rural partnership (commuting, joint
energy savings, renewable energy, tourism etc.)
Development and implementation of strategies for
rural areas in need of conversion (settlemet structure)
Strategic projects:
• promotion of the Baltic bio-energy potential and
use of bio-mass
• strategy and practical solutions for integrated
management for urban-rural areas
Areas of interest ?:
• future orientation (post 2013)
• innovations in rural areas
• agriculture, climate change
• green / bio economy
• young and women in rural areas
• cooperation between LAG:s
• joint studies and monitoring
• joint training and advisory
• best practices, exhange of ideas
Main Actors?
Managing authorities
National/Regional networks
Extension services
Universities, research institutes
Farmers Union
Other stakeholders
Baltic Herring
since **
very much