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Critical Issues in Direct Marketing: What Direct Marketers Can’t Afford To Ignore About Improving Their Environmental Impact

Wednesday, March 21, 2007 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. EDT DMA Education Services

Webinar Panelists

• • • •


Meta Brophy, Director, Publishing Operations, Consumers Union Oliver Clode, Vice President, Catalog Manufacturing & Marketing Finance, Williams-Sonoma, Inc.

Chet Dalzell, Director, Public Relations, Harte-Hanks, Inc. Phil Riebel, Environmental Director - North America, UPM-Kymmene Inc.


Patricia Kachura, Senior Vice President, Ethics & Consumer Affairs, DMA

DMA Education Services

Webinar Outline Instructions to Participants


Kristen Cunningham (DMA)

Introduction of Speakers


Patricia Kachura (DMA)

Overview of DMA Environmental Planning Tool


Chet Dalzell (Harte-Hanks)

• • • • •

A Walk-Through of the Planning Tool Design, Production & Printing


Meta Brophy (Consumers Union)

Paper Procurement & Use – Suppliers’ Perspective


Phil Riebel (UPM)

Paper Procurement & Use – Buyers’ Perspective


Oliver Clode (Williams Sonoma)

Recycling & Pollution Reduction


Phil Riebel (UPM)

List Hygiene & Data Management


Chet Dalzell (Harte-Hanks)

A Demo of the Planning Tool


Chet Dalzell (Harte-Hanks)

Question & Answer Session


Patricia Kachura (DMA)

DMA Education Services

Overview of DMA Planning Tool & Optional Policy Generator

Chet Dalzell Director, Public Relations Harte-Hanks, Inc.

DMA Education Services

A Vision for Success

"America's Most Admired Companies: What gives GE such a glow? Fresh ideas and being green distinguishes the winners in our 25 th annual rankings. How to get a great reputation… These days 'green' means something more. The three Most Admired Companies this year – General Electric, Starbucks, and Toyota – are building their growth at least partly on strategies and products aimed at helping preserve the planet." --


(March 19, 2007, pp. 88, 90) DMA Education Services

Direct Marketers Take on Environmental Planning

DMA Board-Level Task Force on Environmental Issues

, 1989 •

DMA Environmental Resource for Direct Marketers

(First, Second & Third Editions), 1990 – 2004 •

DMA Robert Rodale Environmental Achievement Awards

, Initiated 1991 •

DMA Committee on the Environment and Social Responsibility

, 2005 •

DMA Environmental Planning Tool and Optional Policy or Vision Statement Generator

, 2007 DMA Education Services

DMA Committee on the Environment & Social Responsibility

• • • •

Established by Board in March 2005

Identify challenges germane to direct marketers Encourage members to make progress on these challenges over time Manage environmental performance of our membership Appoint members to facilitate these goals: subcommittee and working group • •

Environment Record

Designed and executed survey to benchmark DMA members ’ business practices Selected benchmark project to inform and improve environmental performance DMA Education Services

Purposes of the DMA Environmental Planning Tool

Educate and suggest practices to consider in five general areas related to the direct marketing process

- Design & printing -- Paper procurement & use -- Packaging -- Recycling & pollution reduction -- List hygiene & data management

Enable benchmarking in three areas of focus

- Improve list hygiene & targeting of print communications -- Increase recovery and recycling of post-consumer material used in catalogs and direct mail -- Support well-managed forests DMA Education Services

Why Does Environmental Performance Matter?


the formula: greater efficiency = less waste = less cost •


heightened global concerns about environmental protection and how they influence our business •

Bolster and maintain

consumer confidence and trust in our business, and the role environmental stewardship plays in this trust • Recognize Fortune 1000 leadership and corporate citizenship – these firms are setting business trends in "green" activities •

Take responsibility

for business matters that affect the planet – and find practical and innovative ways to manage these areas well DMA Education Services

What Environmental Planning is


• A pursuit of environmentalism in our business without a recognition of where tradeoffs may exist • A blueprint for being "green" – with higher profits as a guarantee • The pursuit of an agenda set by a third-party organization which may or may not understand the direct marketing business • A requirement that direct marketing businesses publish their environmental policies and practices publicly DMA Education Services

Desired Outcomes in our Use of the Planner

• Make an understanding and consideration of environmentally helpful practices more easily accessible in their direct marketing operations • Enable an internal assessment of present-day practices, one company at a time – currently 115 listed practices • Enable a benchmark from which organizations can improve their environmental performance, with respect to direct marketing • Deliver a Web interface that is easy to understand, easy to use, and easy to reuse over time ___________________ • OPTIONAL: Provide a draft public policy or vision statement regarding the environment, for those organizations which choose to do so DMA Education Services

A Walk-Through of the Planning Tool

DMA Education Services

Section: Design, Production & Printing

(17 practices) Meta Brophy Director, Publishing Operations Consumers Union DMA Education Services

Environmental Responsibility in Production

• Communicate with stakeholders — marketing and creative, the production team, outside vendors.

• Everyone has a part to play — make assignments • Agree to what you are collectively trying to accomplish • Research, query, investigate options and shop • Don’t stop until you understand the options and can present them clearly to your colleagues. Are you at least as conversant in marketing as your marketing colleagues are about production?

• File away ancillary information for the next project. Pass along information to others DMA Education Services

The Process

Review and revise for the next time Decide on labeling Nail down the details

Cycle of Continuous Improvement

Identify the package contents Get the specs and/or a comp Enlist vendor input Analyze the cost Present the options DMA Education Services

Use the Planning Tool

• Reduce Waste – Can you change the size?

– Can you eliminate a component?

– Can you reduce the weight?

– Can you cut the quantity?

– Can you route electronically?

• Reduce Toxicity – Can you test out of the label?

– Can you find another method of creating interest and/or involvement?

• Recyled/Recylable/Reusable Materials – Paper, poly, corn? BREs in inventory?

– Labels and adhesives?

DMA Education Services


• Once they are on board, they stay engaged • Vendors are a valuable source for new ideas • They can gather information and spread the word within the industry • They share in the accomplishment: We want our vendors to make good choices, too DMA Education Services

Recent Successes

– Liftnotes on high-yield groundwood – Letters on high-yield groundwood – Postconsumer recycled content in self-mailers – Biodegradable poly – Die-cuts instead of labels – Texture instead of adhesive or ink – Geographic splits DMA Education Services

Key Challenges (Or Are They Opportunities?)

• TIME – To research – For the learning curve – For comparative analysis • EXPENSE: Print, Paper, Postage, Fuel – Source reduction can mean cost saving – Is there an upcharge?

– The future of flats DMA Education Services

What’s Coming Next?

• Stora Enso and Neste Oil to join forces in biofuel development ”…developing technology for producing new-generation biofuels from wood residues to replace fossil fuels in transportation and thus cut greenhouse gases.” -- Stora Enso Press Release, March 16, 2007 • Management thinking — Starting to ‘get’ responsibility “...a significant number of businesses have got past the ‘why’ of ethics and corporate responsibility —a critical breakthrough—and are now trying to wrap their brains around the ‘how.” --

Ethical Corporation

, March 11, 2007 • How Print Got Green “…printers are taking the business of being green very seriously, following many paths to get there.” --

Graphics Arts Monthly

, March 2007 DMA Education Services

Design & Production In Summary

• Look at every campaign anew • Make environmental impact part of the assessment along with cost, quality, and delivery • Do your research • Use the DMA Environment Tool and the


Handbook • Bring others to the table — internal and external colleagues • Make others aware of initiatives — communicate outside your department • Ask about what others are doing DMA Education Services

Suppliers’ Perspective Section: Paper Procurement & Use

(45 practices) Phil Riebel Director, Environmental Affairs – North America UPM-Kymmene Inc.

DMA Education Services

Suggestions for Purchasing Environmentally Preferable Paper

Key points based on environmental footprint of paper DMA Education Services

UPM In Brief

• Global leader in printing papers, among five largest producers in the paper sector • Listed on DJSI for the fifth year in a row – 2005 & 2006 industry group leader – Top score in sustainable fiber sourcing & advanced environmental performance • Ranked No.1 for sustainability by Time Inc. • Second largest user of recycled fiber in the printing paper industry DMA Education Services

Paper Product Life Cycle

Forest Recovered paper Converted paper products Paper Wood products Wood raw material to the mills and energy wood to the power plants.

Energy to the mills Chips and sawdust for energy production By-products for pulp and paper raw materials Paper for converting Pulp for paper manufacture Recovered paper Chemical pulp Energy production DMA Education Services

"Environmental Footprint" View of Paper Production

UPM View: Companies are responsible for the environmental impacts caused during the entire life cycle of their products from raw material and energy sourcing to production, distribution, recovery and disposal

Papermaking – summary of activities and environmental impacts Activities

• • • • • • • • • • Road construction /


/ transport to mill Other raw material acquisition and transport (clay, pulp…) Recovered paper collection / transportation / sorting Roundwood / chip storage / processing (debarking chipping) Pulping (Kraft, TMP, GWD,


Paper-making Shipping Printing (energy, ink, waste) Distribution / Use and Disposal Paper recycling


• • • • • • • • Habitat Fossil fuel use / greenhouse gas emissions Water / energy use Wastewater emissions Noise, dust Runoff, solid waste Air Emissions Solid waste to landfill DMA Education Services

Environmental Guidelines for Purchasers

1. Using a life-cycle approach (footprint of papermaking)  • • • •

Evaluate the environmental performance of suppliers over the key steps in the life cycle of paper - forest to final re-use

Commit to using a report card to evaluate annual environmental performance Address the key steps of papermaking: -- Forest management -- Mill operations -- Purchased power -- Certifications -- Paper composition Evaluate report cards currently in use: • Paper Profile • EPAT (Environmental Paper Assessment Tool) • EPDS (Environmental Profile Data Sheet) Integrate into purchasing decision DMA Education Services

Environmental Guidelines for Purchasers

2. Promote sustainable forest management •

We will promote sustainable forest management by increasing the level of third-party certified fiber in our paper, using recognized credible forest certification schemes such as PEFC and FSC. Forest certification levels are to be supported by a verified chain-of-custody.

• There are two international systems (PEFC & FSC) • PEFC includes/recognizes SFI & CSA • Based on several scientific / field assessments, all systems achieve sustainable forest management • Three-country study done by UPM / DNV / WWF • Only 7% of the world's forest are certified – focus on increasing this • 72% of the certified fiber is under PEFC • Verified chain of custody is important to show that the origin of wood is known and % is accurate DMA Education Services

Certified Forests Globally by Scheme


Situation in January 2006

SFI SFI PEFC 71% National schemes:

SFI: Sustainable Forest Initiative (NA) CSA: Canada's National Standard for Sustainable Forest Management FFCS: Finnish Forest Certification System MTCC: Malaysian Timber Certification Council FSC Sweden, FSC Maritime etc: (accepted by FSC) UKWAS: UK Woodland Assurance Standard (accepted by PEFC and FSC) DMA Education Services

Environmental Guidelines for Purchasers

3. Sustainable use of recycled fiber and promote the recovery of paper •

We will use recycled fiber in appropriate grades where its use is economically justified and brings environmental benefits

We will promote the recycling of our paper products

• 45-50% of paper products in NA still end up in landfills: There is a global need to increase the recovery rates of paper so that the recovered fiber can be used to make other products DMA Education Services

Environmental Guidelines for Purchasers

4. Reduce consumption •

We will make efforts and set targets to reduce paper consumption

• This can mean using less paper and raw materials, lighter-weight papers, lower brightness, etc….

• Less environmental impacts and raw materials per page • Can save mailing costs as well Example:


• 20% less water used • 10% cleaner wastewater • 15 to 25% lower air emissions (SO 2 , CO 2 …) • 15% less solid waste to landfill • 28% less purchased electricity DMA Education Services

Environmental Guidelines for Purchasers

5. Energy and global warming. Carbon footprint.

Energy and climate change: We value suppliers who have switched to less greenhouse gas (GHG) intensive energy sources such as carbon-neutral biomass, and are committed to continual energy-efficiency improvements

We consider the impact of our paper on global warming

• Supply chain carbon (CO 2 ) footprint – Raw materials to mill – Manufacturing – Purchased power – Transportation to printer, distribution DMA Education Services

Environmental Guidelines for Purchasers

6. Other items • Illegal logging • Biodiversity • Corporate social responsibility – Health and safety – Stakeholder engagement DMA Education Services

• • •

What is Environmentally-Preferable Paper?

• • • • • Sustainable use of wood fiber and recycled fiber in appropriate grades/locations Third-party certification of mills and forests Steadily increasing share of certified fiber supported by a certified chain-of-custody No illegal wood or wood from designated protected or conservation forest areas Increasing energy efficiency and biofuel usage – lower carbon footprint Meet best-available-technology levels for environmental indicators Continuous improvement in minimizing loading per ton of paper: air, water, effluent, solid waste Open, transparent and third-party verified sustainability / environmental reporting DMA Education Services

Buyers’ Perspective Section: Paper Procurement & Use

(45 practices) Oliver Clode Vice President, Catalog Manufacturing & Marketing Finance Williams-Sonoma, Inc.

DMA Education Services

Environmental Responsibility as a Paper Buyer

• Environmental stewardship is not just a fad – it has become main stream and is now a business reality • Everyone can make an impact, regardless of how much paper you buy • One size does NOT fit all – every organization’s circumstances and approach will be different • Educate yourself – understand the facts • Be proactive – strategic and proactive solutions are always far better than reactive solutions • Incorporate environmental thought leadership into your everyday language and practices DMA Education Services

Steps All Paper Buyers Should Take

Regularly review and report on progress Address gaps; move towards compliance

Cycle of Continuous Improvement

Develop action plan and set targets Establish a Corporate Vision Secure stakeholder involvement Develop a policy in line with Vision Determine current state/baseline Communicate policy to all stakeholders DMA Education Services

How The Planning Tool Can Help

• • • •

Strategic Road Map

– Menu of specific principles and initiatives that all Direct Marketers can choose to adopt and implement – Checklist for developing a baseline assessment – Provides insights on key impact areas for continuous improvement

Educational Tool

– to assist Direct Marketers in better understanding environmental issues and options

Policy Guide and Generator

foundation right out of the gate – easily helps establish a strong

Ongoing Evaluation Tool

– provides a benchmark against which to gauge your progress and with which you can reset your baseline DMA Education Services

Motivators for Williams-Sonoma, Inc.

• Corporate Responsibility – It’s part of our culture • Cost Savings $$$ – Reducing waste and inefficiencies – Increasing efficiencies • Customer Awareness and Loyalty – Increasingly important to our customer base • Changing Values of the Workforce – Attract candidates – Retain employees • Risk Mitigation – Business interruptions from negative publicity/activist campaigns – Legal actions/forced regulation DMA Education Services

WSI’s Environmental Journey – 2003-2006

• • • • • • • Educated ourselves on the key issues and established a Vision Audited catalog paper supply chain and set priorities/targets/goals Developed a Responsible Catalog Paper Procurement Policy Reached out and partnered with key external stakeholders – Paper suppliers – Printers – ForestEthics – FSC – Peer Companies – Other NGOs Reduced waste/increased efficiencies – saved significant $$$ – Continued to streamline and improve our List Hygiene and Modeling techniques – Tested and rolled out lower basis weight paper in all catalogs – Re-evaluated and reduced trim-size on virtually all catalogs – Renegotiated and significantly reduced printers’ spoilage allowances – Expanded use of “versioning” – Increased the use of the internet as a customer contact vehicle and ordering channel Tested and incorporated PCW recycled content into Flagship catalog Shifted virtually all (95%+) catalog paper to FSC-certified paper DMA Education Services

Words of Wisdom

• Don’t ignore environmental stewardship – take responsible purchasing seriously and be proactive about it • • Educate yourself and your organization, and develop a point of view Don’t be afraid to reach out to NGOs: Many are well-intentioned, have subject expertise and understand the need for finding market-based solutions • Establish a responsible purchasing policy and communicate it to your stakeholders – move towards compliance • Continually challenge yourself and your supply chain partners, and collaborate with them to find and develop new solutions, including addressing cost concerns – it doesn’t need to cost more • Regularly review your progress, report on it, and reset the bar DMA Education Services

Section: Recycling & Pollution Reduction

(32 practices) Phil Riebel Director, Environmental Affairs – North America UPM-Kymmene Inc.

DMA Education Services

Sustainable Use of Recycled Fiber

DMA Education Services

Top 10 Printing Paper Producers Using Recycled Paper

Norske Skog


Nippon Paper Group, Inc.

Stora Enso Abitibi-Consolidated Georgia-Pacific SCA Oji Myllykoski Corporation Bowater 0 Source: Jaakko Pöyry 23.11.05

3280 2015 1880 1655 1545 1430 1340 1195 1120

500 1.000




Enough to fill the Empire State Building 6 times 2.500



1000 tonnes DMA Education Services

Benefits of Wood and Recycled Fiber

• Sustainable managed forests and recycled fiber complement each other as important raw materials for papermaking • Benefits of using wood: – Renewable natural resource – Recyclable and re-usable material – Climate protection (forests are a carbon sink) – Carbon-neutral fuel (biomass) • Benefits of using recovered paper: – Efficient use of raw material – Decrease landfill waste – Save energy – Creating responsibility and awareness for recycling DMA Education Services

Net Annual Change in Forest Area, 1990-2000

Deforestation continues in tropical/subtropical forests in Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia

Nordic countries Western Europe Eastern Europe Russia North America Latin America Japan China Rest of Asia Oceania Africa -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 - Annual change, million ha 0 Total average annual change - 9.4 million ha 1 DMA Education Services Annual change, %/a + 0.1

+ 0.5

+ 0.7


+ 0.1

- 0.5

- 0.0

+ 1.2

- 0.6

- 0.2

- 0.8

2 3

Key Factors for Sustainable Use of Recovered Paper

• • Economic and environmental benefits must be considered Paper is a valuable resource and should not go to landfills • • • • • • • •

Key conditions:

Minimal transportation Modern mills using B-A-T / reduced environmental load De-inked sludge used for energy generation, or re-used Paper mills integrated to DIP Paper grades adapted to pulp quality Lower end up to newsprint can be 100% RCF Recycled paper needs to be affordable and available Input of virgin fiber is essential to make the paper cycle work MFS 18% SC 16% LWC 4% News 62% DMA Education Services

Fiber Resource & Demographics

Finland and NA

: •low population density •large forest resource •large paper industry

Virgin fiber resource predominates UK

: •high population density •small forest resource •small paper industry

Recovered fiber resource predominates net Virgin Fiber / Paper Exports Germany and France

: •high population density •medium forest resource •medium paper industry

Both virgin and recovered fiber

DMA Education Services

Source: RISI DMA Education Services

Consumption of Recovered Paper by Region

World consumption of recycled paper is expected to grow from 153 million tons in 2000 to 243 million tons in 2015 (average growth 3.1% per year). In volume terms, the growth will be fastest in Asia.

250 Million tons


Rest of the World Latin America


Rest of Asia


China Japan Eastern Europe


Western Europe


North America

0 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 DMA Education Services 2015

Recycling in North America – General Points

• •

China / Asia’s fiber deficit will be the main driving force for recycled paper trade worldwide EU and NA are very different due to population density, mill locations, transportation distances, mill investments North America:

• Larger distances • Older mill facilities / higher environmental load • RCP shortage • High cost compared to mechanical wood fiber – high demand / low supply • Landfill cost also drive recycling (NA are lower than in EU) • In NA, the use of RCF fiber in catalog and magazine grades has no clear measurable economic or environmental benefit • Although the initial intention may be to "help the environment" , the end result of using RCP in high end printing grades is currently driven by "eco-marketing" • This is causing the environmental footprint (load, impacts) of paper to increase instead of decreasing • It does not make much economic or environmental sense to take recovered paper away from one supply chain (i.e. board mills) and move it to another (i.e. catalogs and magazines) without ensuring growth of RCP availability DMA Education Services

LWC grade mech. fiber no RCF vs Competing Grade with 10% RCF

Advantage of wood-fiber based paper DMA Education Services

If done sustainably and using best-available technology, use of recycled paper can result in a lower environmental footprint of the paper (

primarily less energy used compared to mechanical fiber) DMA Education Services

Environmental Guidelines for Purchasers

Sustainable Use of Recycled Fiber and Promote the Recovery of Paper • •

We will use recycled fiber in appropriate grades where its use is economically justified and brings environmental benefits We will promote the recycling of our paper products

• Due to global paper demand, there is a need to recover more paper….and grow more trees • An approach that looks at the environmental footprint of our paper will ensure that we are doing the right thing for the environment • There are other effective ways to reduce the environmental footprint of paper • Lighter basis weights • Lower carbon footprint DMA Education Services

Section: List Hygiene & Data Management

(17 Practices)

Chet Dalzell Director, Public Relations Harte-Hanks, Inc.

DMA Education Services

List & Data Management: We 'Own' This Opportunity

• All direct marketing is data based • Our ethics guidelines for notice & choice span 35+ years • The list is more important than the offer and the creative • The U.S. Postal Service is our ally in educating mailers • Every aspect of a list can be tested • Enterprise-wide data quality has gained c-level attention • The "supply chain management" for lists and data is completely in our control • Responsibility rests with us DMA Education Services

Steps All List Managers Should Take

Test ahead of rollout; track & refine Apply commercial and USPS data tools Ensure data security each step of the way

Cycle of Continuous Improvement

Develop a Data Quality Strategy Apply data quality at each collection point Adhere to a data hygiene checklist on all third-party data Utilize data modeling and segmentation Adhere to DMA Privacy Promise DMA Education Services

The Tool Serves to Help Increase Mail Efficiency

• We Maintain Suppression Lists • We Offer Notice & Choice • We Clean Our Lists Prior to Mailing • We Merge/Purge Our Data • We Test Market Offers Prior to Rollout DMA Education Services

Key Observations in List & Data

• No rocket science here • Test, track and document • Verify suppression applications • The database as a 'Center for Customer Truth' DMA Education Services

DMA Education Services

Demo of the Tool on the DMA Web site:

DMA Education Services

We've Downloaded the Tool – What’s Next?

DMA Education Services

Internal? Or External?

Use this as an internal planning tool

– revisit as necessary -- Tackle all at once simultaneously -- Section by section -- Practice by practice

Consider adoption of language to share

with external audiences : -- Suppliers -- Customers -- Corporate Policy -- Vision Statements

Give DMA suggestions

on possible practices to add to the planner --

[email protected]

DMA Education Services


Next year, will you represent a Most Admired Company?

DMA Education Services

Thank You!

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