The California Promise & Latino Access to Higher Education

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The NALEO Educational Fund
Current Program Priorities
The National Association of
Latino Elected & Appointed Officials
Established in 1976, the National Association of
Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) is a
501(c)(4) nonpartisan membership organization whose
constituency includes the nation’s more than 6,000
elected and appointed Latino officials.
Benefits of NALEO Membership
• Eligible to attend NALEO Policy Institutes
• Travel Scholarships (based on availability) for NALEO Policy Institutes
• Networking Opportunities
• Webinars on Policy Issues
• Access to NALEO Ed Fund Staff for technical assistance
• NALEO Annual Conference Registration Discount
• A copy of the National Directory of Latino Elected Officials
• Copies of NALEO Publications
The Membership Experience
• Value in cross-jurisdictional trainings and policy conversations
• Value in developing a national network of colleagues, for both policy
expertise and political support
• Access to leading policy experts across numerous sectors (government,
non-profit, research, etc.)
• Access to federal officials and political leaders
• Value in networking with corporate and foundation representatives
• “Safe space” to learn and share the Latino policymaker experience and
values, regardless of party affiliation
The NALEO Educational Fund
The NALEO Educational Fund is the nation’s leading 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization that facilitates full Latino participation in the American political
process, from citizenship to public service.
Established in 1981, the NALEO Educational Fund is governed by a 15member Board of Directors.
The NALEO Educational Fund achieves this mission through three major
Policy, Research & Advocacy
Constituency Services
Civic Engagement
Policy, Research and Advocacy (PRA)
The NALEO Educational Fund’s Policy, Research and Advocacy Department
promotes policies which further Latino access to the political process, and
provides the public with accurate and relevant information about Latino political
engagement and impact.
The NALEO Educational Fund focuses on five major policy areas:
• Naturalization and Immigration Reform
• Census
• Election Reform, Voting Rights, and Governance
• Redistricting
• Latino Appointments
Naturalization & Immigration Reform
The NALEO Educational Fund’s policy priorities include:
• Ensuring that the naturalization process is affordable and accessible, for
both current and potential legal permanent residents, which includes
promoting a sustainable fee and financing structure for immigration
• Promoting more effective immigrant integration strategies.
• Ensuring that comprehensive immigration reform includes a meaningful
path to U.S. citizenship.
• Combating unfair state and local anti-immigrant measures.
• Assessing whether proposals which provide undocumented immigrants
with protected status that does not confer full legal permanent residency
are in the best interests of the Latino community.
The Census
The NALEO Educational Fund’s policy priorities include:
• Ensuring that the Census Bureau collects and disseminates the most
accurate information possible about the nation’s Latino population
• Ensuring that the Census Bureau effectively conducts its major programs,
including the evaluation of Census 2010, the preparation for Census 2020
and the implementation of the American Community Survey.
• Ensuring that the Census Bureau has the funding needed to carry out the
foregoing responsibilities.
• Ensuring that the Census Bureau maintains and strengthens its Partnership
Program between decennial Censuses.
Election Reform,
Voting Rights, and Governance
The NALEO Educational Fund’s policy priorities include:
• Combating unfair restrictions on voting and voter registration.
• Ensuring that the Department of Justice (DOJ) implements effective outreach
and enforcement efforts with respect to jurisdictions that are required to provide
language assistance to Latino voters under the Voting Rights Act (VRA).
• Ensuring that the Department of Justice (DOJ) carefully scrutinizes new
redistricting maps, and takes appropriate enforcement action under the VRA
against discriminatory plans.
• Ensuring that enhancements to election practices and procedures (such as online voter registration, Election Day registration, and new voting technology) are
implemented in a manner that promote Latino access to the electoral process.
Redistricting Mobilization & Advocacy
The NALEO Educational Fund’s redistricting project included:
• Mobilization of Latino community members in California, Nevada and
Central Florida to effectively participate in the statewide redistricting process.
• Mobilization of Latino parents to participate in the LAUSD redistricting.
• Advocacy to ensure that line-drawers conducted open and accessible
redistricting processes.
• Advocacy to ensure that line-drawers adopted maps that complied with the
VRA and provided Latinos with fair electoral opportunities.
The NALEO Educational Fund’s appointments
activities include:
• Advocacy to promote the appointment of
qualified Latinos to top executive and
judicial positions.
• Advocacy to endorse or oppose individual
nominees for specific positions related to
our core mission areas, consistent with
principles adopted by our Board of
• Technical assistance on the federal
appointments process.
The Department disseminates several
publications that serve as resources on
Latino political progress and participation
• National Directory of Latino
Elected Officials
• Latino Election Handbook
• Election Profiles
• Surveys and Reports
Constituency Services (CS)
The NALEO Educational Fund’s Constituency Services Department (CS)
promotes the governance and policymaking success of Latino elected and
appointed officials. Our vision is to see Latino elected and appointed officials
shape and better American society.
The Constituency Services Department provides training through three major
• The biennial NALEO National Institute for Newly Elected Officials
• Regional and National NALEO Policy Institutes, with ongoing focus on
Education and Health
• The NALEO Annual Conference
Governance Competencies
The goal of the NALEO Policy
Institutes is to enhance policymakers’
skills in the following governance
Coordination & Use of Data
Finance & Budget Analysis
Content Competency
Program Evaluation
Messaging & Communication
Navigating Politics
Program Areas
NALEO Education Leadership Initiative (NELI)
Healthy Communities Initiative
NALEO California Health Leadership Program (NCHLP)
Emgering and Current Issues
Redistricting, Family Economic Success, Energy, Emergency Preparedness
Partnership with Institutions of Higher Learning
Economic Policy Institute - Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern
National Institute for
Newly Elected Officials
The National Institute is our biennial “boot
camp” to give newly elected officials a chance
to learn, share and develop core governance
and leadership skills as they begin their lives as
public servants.
Since 1996, nearly 400 newly elected officials
have participated in this training, some as
repeat participants after being elected to higher
Topics covered during the training include:
First steps after an election, communications
and media, ethics, the legislative process,
budgeting, the policymaking process.
NALEO Annual Conference
The nation’s largest gathering of Latino elected and
appointed officials.
The NALEO Annual Conference provides professional
development specifically tailored for Latino elected
and appointed officials.
The NALEO Annual Conference provides direct
access to our nation's top executive and legislative
The Conference provides a networking opportunity
for NALEO members, corporate and foundation
representatives, and other leaders.
Conference session content is informed by Annual
Member Survey and NALEO Board Program
Harry P. Pachón
Civic Engagement Program (CE)
The NALEO Educational Fund’s Civic Engagement program
works towards full participation of Latinos in the American
political process by promoting naturalization, electoral
participation, and Census promotion. The department works at the
community level, and through local, regional, and national strategic
Citizenship Promotion &
Assistance Program
Direct Assistance – LPRs can visit NALEO
offices to receive direct assistance with their
naturalization applications, or visit NALEO-run
Information Provision and Promotion – a
long-standing relationships with Spanishlanguage media helps promote the value of
citizenship, and direct the public to a live
bilingual hotline and website
Local Capacity-Building – to take its expertise
to scale, the NALEO Educational Fund provides
deep technical assistance and training to local
CBOs for naturalization promotion and
assistance efforts.
Current Landscape for
Citizenship Promotion & Assistance
Promotion of U.S. citizenship, and assistance
with the naturalization process, is essential in
the effort to increase Latino political
More than 4 million Latino Legal Permanent
Residents (LPRs) are eligible to naturalize. If
they all naturalized, the Latino potential
electorate would increase by more than 10%
Many LPRs wait a decade or more before
pursing naturalization, and despite efforts to
reverse the trend, the number of new LPRs
each year typically exceeds the number of
2012 - 2013
Citizenship Initiatives
Ongoing Direct Assistance – in addition to limited services from our Houston,
Los Angeles, and New York Offices, NALEO is organizing several workshops
across the country in 2012.
Capacity-Building and Technical Assistance – through strategic sub-grants and
ongoing technical training, NALEO is working with local CBOs in Charlotte,
Dallas, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, and New York to build capacity for
Community and Stakeholder Resources – NALEO’s civic engagement hotline
and website continue to provide relevant and accessible information to potential
and actual applicants, connect them with local low-cost/free services, and provide
training materials and information to community organizations for promotion
and/or assistance.
Research – NALEO is leading research projects to assess the feasibility of new
outreach and assistance delivery models, and original research on the barriers to
naturalization, and messaging to increase naturalization applications.
2012 - 2013
Citizenship Initiatives
New American Collaboration – NALEO is a lead
organization in the NAC, alongside APALC,
CLINIC, ILRC, IRC, NIF and others. Supported
by Carnegie, the Knight Foundation, OSF and
other national funders, the effort provides
opportunity for NALEO to secure its national
leadership role, and sustained funding for its
naturalization efforts.
Special Initiatives – with support from the Haas
Jr. Foundation, NALEO is building sustainable
capacity for naturalization assistance and CE in the
Inland Empire. In LA, NALEO will be leading
the strategy, coordination, and technical support for
the California Community Foundation’s massnaturalization effort.
Voter Engagement Program
Direct Mobilization – Our GOTV program
focuses on low-propensity Latino voters ,and
voter registration efforts on online and sitebased registration. Combined, they have reached
hundreds of thousands of Latinos .
Education & Outreach – NALEO’s year-round
888-VE-Y-VOTA hotline, website,
and mass-media campaigns connect Latinos to
the information they need, and the invitation to
Innovation & Leadership – The program is
recognized as a leader in data-driven evaluation,
research, collaboration, capacity-building, and
protecting Latino voters’ rights.
Current Landscape
for Latino Participation
2012 – 2013
Voter Engagement Initiatives
Mass Outreach – the 2012 ya es hora campaign is
the biggest and most comprehensive to date. New
endeavors using digital and social media will
expand reach beyond traditional Spanish-speaking
audiences, and connect resources to voters.
GOTV & VR – NALEO will be registering 75,000
Latinos, and targeting 255,000 Latino voters for its
2012 GOTV efforts. Primary states are AZ, CA,
FL, NY, and TX.
Voter Protection – In response to new suppressive
regulation, NALEO will develop and distribute
community-focused materials, devote special media
outreach, and build stakeholder knowledge via
trainings on voter rights issues.
2012 – 2013
Voter Engagement Initiatives
Collaboration – NALEO is a key partner
of the NLCET, EPC, ya es hora, and
coordinating with local partners and tables
nationwide for maximization of reach and
voter contact. We will continue to build and
refine our local capacity-building
infrastructures throughout 2012.
Research – Barrier ID and messaging
focus groups and poll findings will be
tested in-field, shared with other
stakeholders, and serve as foundation for
NALEO’s “Great Unengaged” initiative.