Transcript Document

Their Eyes Were
Watching God
Nora Neale Hurston
Compilation of:
Miss Alexander’s
Pre-AP English II
Key Plot Events
• Janie returns
• Townsfolk begin rumor mongering
• Janie briefly converses with townsfolk
• Janie informs Phoebe of Tea Cake’s death
“Ships at a distance have every man’s wish on board…that is the life of men.” (Page 1)
“Now, women forget all these things they want to remember…they act and do things
accordingly,” (Page 1)
Endurance is key to survival in this life.
Key Plot Events
• Janie realizes
her image of
•Nanny saw
Johnny Taylor
kissing Janie.
• Nanny tells
Janie that she
needs to get
married right
• Nanny tells the
story about her
•“Ah ain’t never see mah papa.
An ah didn’t know I’m if ah did.
Mah mama neither.she was gone
from around dere long before
Ah waz big enough tuh know.
Mah grandma raised me. Mah
grandma and de white folks she
worked wid.“
• “Yeah,Janie, youse got yo’
womanhood on yuh. So Ah
mout ez well tell yuh whut Ah
been savin’ up for uh spell.Ah
wants to see you married right
•Do not
settle for
less than
Key Plot Events
Significant Quotes
• Janie and Logan got
• “Janie’s first dream was dead, so
married( pg.21)
she became a woman”(pg.25)
• Janie talked to Nanny
• “Ah could throw ten acres of it
about not loving
over de fence every day and never
look back to see where it fell. Ah
feel de same way ‘bout Killicks
• Nanny died(pg.24)
• Janie “became a
• Idealized love
Key Plot Events
• Logan stops
expressing his love for
Janie. (pg.26)
• Logan wants Janie to
do hard work. (pg. 26)
• Janie meets Joe Starks
for the first time.
• Logan and Janie get
in a fight, so Janie runs
away with Joe Starks
and gets married before
the day is done.
•“If Ah kin haul de
wood heah and chop it
fuh yuh, look lak you
oughta be able tuh tote
it inside.” (pg. 26)
• “Janie, if you think
Ah aims to tole you
off and make a dog
outa you. Youse
wrong. Ah wants to
make a wife outa
you.” (pg.29)
Theme-You should not mistreat somebody or else they may find
something better.
Move to Eatonville
Buy land
Jody becomes mayor
Jody’s interruption
“…my wife don’t know nothin’ ‘bout no speechmaking…she’s uh woman…” (page 43)
“…Ah aimed to be a big voice.” (page 46)
Females’ subordinance
 “Yellow” mule
 Jody gets mule
 Mule’s funeral
 Jody slaps Janie
 “Jody, dat was a mighty fine thing fuh ya
tuh do.” Pg. 58 5th paragraph.
“….he slapped her face in the
kitchen.” pg. 71 last paragraph
 Things aren’t always what they seem.
 Janie reevaluates her life & Jody.
 Jody ages and criticizes Janie
 Janie confronts Jody
 Jody loses his temper and dignity.
“She got nothing from Jody except what money could buy…”(pg. 76)
“Talkin’ ‘bout me lookin’ old! When you pull down yo’ britches, you look lak de change uh
life.” (pg. 79)
Even a tiny flame still burns.
 Sleeping in different beds
 Falling ill.
 Trying to reconcile.
 His death.
 “After that night Jody…” Pg 81
 “Come people! Jody is dead. Mah husband is gone
from me” Pg 81
Chapter 9- Janie Finds Freedom
*Janie attends Joe’s
*Janie gains freedom
“Ah jus’ loves dis freedom.” page
*Janie’s angry at her
grandmother for always
making her settle on
*Many men come looking
to pursue Janie but she
does not accept them
“she had been whipped like a cur dog, and run
off down a back road after things.” page 89
Janie’s newfound freedom allows her
to true ambitions.
Chapter 10- Here’s to New Beginnings.
* The town is empty for the day.
* Tea Cake meets Janie at the store
while she is alone.
* Tea Cake suggests a game of chess.
* On the walk home Janie thinks she is
developing feelings for him.
Janie realizes she can have a better
life. She sees her chance at a new
“Somebody thought it natural for
her to play.” Page 96.
“Look at how she’d been able to
talk to him right off.” Page 99.
Chapter 11- Trusting love
• Janie begins to think that Tea Cake is taking advantage of her
• Hezekiah tells Janie Tea Cake is low for a women like her.
• Janie crushes Tea Cake when she reveals that she only likes
him as a good friend.
•TTea Cake feels that his feelings are real for Janie.
“ You need tellin’ and
showin’, and dat’s whut
Ah’m doin.” pg. 107
In this chapter Janie is finding out Tea
Cake’s real feelings for her. She thinks
about Tea Cake and if his feelings are
true or if he is taking advantage of her
“ my likes and
dislikes ought not
tuh make no
difference wid you,
Tea Cake.”
Pg. 104
Chapter 12- Following Janie’s Heart
*Town begins to notice Janie and Tea Cake.
*Pheoby’s husband tells Pheoby to talk to Janie about Tea Cake.
*Pheoby talks to Janie about Tea Cake.
*Janie tells Pheoby how she feels and her plans.
“Git up on uh high chair” pg.114
“Dis is uh a love game”pg. 114
In this chapter, Janie is opening up and admitting to
Pheoby that she loves Tea Cake and she is willing to
give him a shot at marriage. Because now, she is
marrying for love and herself, and for nothing else.
Chapter 13
Finding Fish
Reunited Again
Tea Cake’s Specialty
Blood Shed
“Ah’ll tell yuh. You
done married one de
best …” Pg.125
“Put dat two hudred
back with de rest,
Janie. Mah dice…”
Key Plots
Can’t lose between the
beans and dice
Janie's getting better than
the boys
New Neighbors
A completely new line of
“Naw, naw, Janie. Ah know
better’n dat… so Ah wont be losin’
time comin’ home. – Tea Cake
(pg 133)
“Ah naw, honey. Ah laks it… we
ain’t got nothin’ tuh do but do our
work and come home and love.”
-Janie (pg 133)
 A new and different life, but still a likeable one.
Chapter 15
Janie spots Tea Cake…
Tea Cake plays back…
The Explanation…
Janie finally listens…
“ Ah b’lieve you
been messin’ …” (pg.
“ You’se something
tuh make…” (pg.138)
Key Plots
 Janie gets to know Mrs.
 Janie and Mrs. Turner’s
 Mrs. Turner makes Tea
Cake mad.
 Plans to get rid of Mrs.
 Pg 140 – “These things set
her a side from Negroes…”
 Pg 144 – “Tea Cake said,
‘Yo’ wife don’t seem tuh
have nothin’ much tuh do…’”
 Frustration
• Tea Cake whips Janie.
• Tea Cake boasts about Janie’s fortunes and his
power over her.
• A fight breaks out in Turner’s restaurant.
•Mrs. Turner decides she is moving to Palm Beach.
“Janie is wherever Ah wants tuh be. Dat’s de kind
uh wife she is and Ah love her for it.” page 148
“What kinda man is you, Turner? You see dese no
count niggers come in heah and break up mah
place! How kin you set and see yo’ wife trompled
on? You ain’t no kinda man at all.” page 152
Theme: Possession
•People gathered to have dances behind Tea
Cakes house.
•Janie notices several groups of Native
Americans leaving.
•Tea Cake gets bit on the face.
• Tea Cake, Janie, and Motor Boat get a late
start searching for higher ground.
“The wind came back with triple fury, and put out the light for the last
time…They seemed to be staring in the dark , but their eyes were
watching God.” p.160
Janie feeling sorry about Tea Cake getting bit, Tea Cake says, “He’d uh
raised hell though if he had uh grabbed me un inch higher and bit me in
mah eye. Yuh can’t buy eyes in de store, yuh know.” p.166
Theme: Faith is everything to a friendship.
• The clean up of the hurricane.
• Tea Cake gets sick when he bitten by a rabid dog.
• Janie shoots and kills Tea Cake.
• Janie goes to court.
“But something Sop had told him made his tongue lie cold
and heavy like a dead lizard between his jaws.” page 179.
“The Fiend in him must kill and Janie was the only thing
living he saw.” page 184.
Theme: Forgiveness is everything.
• Janie gives away everything except for a
package of seeds.
• Moves back to Eatonville.
• There is hope for the future.
• The memories of Tea Cake will never die.
“ Love is lak the sea. takes its shape from the shores it meets,
and its different from every shore.” page 191
“ Two things everybody’s got tuh do fuh theyselves. They got to go
tuh God…they got tuh find out about livin’ fuh theyselves.” page
Theme: Sometimes change is for the better.