Transcript Slide 1


IT533 Lectures


 Reasons for Security  Prevent access to areas of your Web server  Record and store secure relevant user data  Security Configuration  tag in web.config

file  Authentication and Authorization

Security Authentication

 Who are you?

 Server must authenticate client  Client should authenticate server  Kerberos does  Need a directory to store user accounts  Windows: Active Directory  Good for intranet and Internet usage

Security IIS Authentication

    Anonymous  A single Windows account is used for all visitors Basic authentication   Standard, commonly supported Password sent in clear text Integrated Windows Authentication  NTLM  Kerberos Client certificates  Mapped to Windows account

Security ASP.NET Authentication

 Custom, forms-based authentication  Easy to use, with cookie token tracking  Enables custom login screen (no popup dialogs)  Supports custom credential checks against database, exchange, etc.

 Passport module provided  Exposes passport profile API

Security Authorization

 Now that I know who you are, here’s what you are allowed to do  Grant and deny read/write/execute/etc. permission to users or groups of users  IIS also provides coarse-grained control  Read, write, run script, run executable, directory browsing, script access for virtual directories, directories and files

Security ASP.NET Authorization

 ASP.NET supports authorization using either users or roles  Roles map users into logical groups  Example: “User”, “Manager”, “VP”, etc.

 Provides nice developer/admin separation  Developers can perform runtime role checks in code  if (User.IsInRole(“Admin”) { }

Secure Books Application

 This example uses a technique known as

forms authentication

to protect a page so that only users known to the website can access it.

 Website visitors must log in before they are allowed to view the publications in the Books database.

 The first page that a user would typically request is Login.aspx


Secure Books Database Application


| Login.aspx

page of the secure books database application.

Secure Books Database Application

 A first-time visitor must click the link below the Log In button to create a new user before logging in, which redirects the visitor to CreateNewUser.aspx


Secure Books Database Application

 After creating the account, the user is automatically logged in and shown a success message.


| Message displayed to indicate that a user account was created successfully

Secure Books Database Application

 Clicking the Continue button on the confirmation page sends the user to Books.aspx

, which provides a drop-down list of authors and a table containing the book titles in the books database.


| Books.aspx

displaying books (default is all books).

Secure Books Database Application

When the user chooses an author, a postback occurs, and the page is updated to display information about books written by the selected author.


| Books.aspx

displaying books by Dan.

Secure Books Database Application

Clicking the

Click here to log out

sends the user back to Login.aspx

. link logs the user out, then


| Logging in using the Login control.

Secure Books Database Application

If the user’s login attempt fails, an appropriate error message is displayed.


| Error message displayed for an unsuccessful login attempt.

Secure Books Database Application

 We use a

master page

to achieve the common header. A master page defines common GUI elements that are inherited by each page in a set of

content pages


 Content pages inherit visual elements from master pages—this is known as

visual inheritance


Secure Books Database Application

Creating the Secure Books Database Application

Step 1: Creating the Website

 Create a new

ASP.NET Web Site

Bug2Bug .

with a folder named  Delete the IDE-generated Default.aspx

(and its corresponding code-behind file).


Secure Books Database Application

Step 2: Setting Up the Website’s Folders

 Before building any of the pages in the website, we create folders to organize its contents.

 First, create an Images folder  Add the bug2bug.png

file to it.

Secure Books Database Application

Step 3.1: Configuring the Application’s Security Settings

 Before we start we need to setup security DB on our SQL server by running the


tool  Make sure


is pointing to your database server by modifying

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Conf ig\machine.config:

Secure Books Database Application

Step 3.2: Configuring the Application’s Security Settings

 In this application, we want to ensure that only authenticated users are allowed to access Books.aspx

to view the information in the database.

 By default, any visitor can view pages in the root directory.

 ASP.NET allows you to restrict access to particular folders of a website.

 Create a folder named Secure . Later, we create Books.aspx

in this folder.

Secure Books Database Application

 Select

Website > ASP.NET Configuration Web Site Administration Tool

to open the in a web browser.

Secure Books Database Application

 Click either the


link or the


in which you can set security options.

tab to open a web page




page of the

Web Site Administration Tool.

• In the


column, click

Select authentication type.

Secure Books Database Application

On the resulting page, select the radio button next to

From the internet

to indicate that the application will use forms authentication.


| Choosing the type of authentication used by an ASP.NET web application • Click the


button to save this change.

Secure Books Database Application


Users Tool

column on the main page of the

Web Site Administration

now provides links to create and manage users.


| Main page of the

Web Site Administration Tool

after enabling forms • While it is possible to create users through the

Web Site

Administration Tool, we do not do so here.

Secure Books Database Application

Click the

Create access rules

of the

Web Site Administration Tool Access Rule


link in the

Access Rules

to view the column

Add New Fig.


Add New Access Rule

page used to configure directory access.

Secure Books Database Application

 This page is used to create an

access rule

—a rule that grants or denies access to a particular directory for a specific user or group of users.

 Click the Secure directory in the left column. Select

Anonymous users

in the middle column and


in the right column, and click



 This rule indicates that

anonymous users

should be denied access to any pages in the Secure directory.

 By default, anonymous users who attempt to load a page in the Secure directory are redirected to the Login.aspx


Secure Books Database Application

Step 4: Examining the Autogenerated



 In an ASP.NET application, a page’s configuration settings are determined by the current directory’s web.config


 The web.config

file in the root directory contains an authentication element specifying that the site uses forms authentication.

 The second web.config

an authorization file, in the Secure folder, contains element that indicates who is authorized to access this folder over the web.

Secure Books Database Application

 The deny element inside the authorization element specifies the users to whom we wish to deny access.

 When the users attribute’s value is set to "?" , all anonymous users are denied access to the folder.

Secure Books Database Application

Step 5: Creating a Master Page

 The master page defines the elements we want to appear on each page. A master page is like a base class in a visual inheritance hierarchy.

 The master page contains placeholders for custom content created in each content page.

 To create a master page, right click the location of the website in the

Solution Explorer

and select

Add New Item

… .

Secure Books Database Application

 Select

Master Page

and specify Bug2Bug.master

as the file name.

  Master pages have the file-name extension .master

and, like Web Forms, can optionally use a code-behind file to define additional functionality.

Leave the box labeled

Place code in a separate file

unchecked and click


to create the page.

Secure Books Database Application  The IDE opens the master page in


first created.

mode when the file is

Fig. |

Master page in



• The markup for a master page is almost identical to that of a Web Form.

Secure Books Database Application

 A master page contains a Master directive, which specifies that this file defines a master page using the indicated Language for any code.

 Code that would usually be placed in a code-behind file can be placed in a script element.

 Next, set the title of the page to Bug2Bug .

 The master page contains two ContentPlaceHolder controls for content that will be defined by a content page.

Secure Books Database Application

 At this point, you can edit the master page in


were an ASPX file. mode as if it

Fig. |

Master page in


mode. • The ContentPlaceHolder control appears as a rectangle with a purple outline indicating the control ’ s type and ID .

• Using the


window, change the ID of this control to bodyContent .

Secure Books Database Application

   Place the cursor to the left of ContentPlaceHolder select

Table > Insert Table


In the

Insert Table Columns padding

to 1 . In the


of 0 dialog, set


section, specify a


and a

Cell spacing

of to 2 0 .

and and Set both the width and height of the table to 100 Make sure that the


value in the


percent. section is 0 .

Secure Books Database Application

 Click


two rows.

to create a table that fills the page and contains  Change the valign top and drag the property of the bottom table cell to ContentPlaceHolder into this cell.

 Set the Height Image of the top table cell to control named headerImage 130 . Add an with its ImageUrl property set to the bug2bug.png


Secure Books Database Application

Step 6: Creating a Content Page

 Right click the master page in the

Solution Explorer

and select

Add Content Page

. Rename the Default.aspx

to CreateNewUser.aspx

, then open it in



Fig. |

Content page CreateNewUser.aspx




Secure Books Database Application

 The Page directive indicates the MasterPageFile that is used as a starting point for this new page ’ s design.

 The Title property specifies the title that will be displayed in the web browser ’ s title bar when the content page is loaded.

 This value, which we set to Create a New User , replaces the value (i.e., Bug2Bug ) set in the title element of the master page.

 Because CreateNewUser.aspx


specifies as the page ’ s MasterPageFile , it implicitly contains the contents of the master page.

Secure Books Database Application

  The content page contains Content controls, in which we will place page-specific content that will replace the master page ’ s ContentPlaceHolder s.

The ContentPlaceHolderID property of the Content control identifies which ContentPlaceHolder the control should replace.

Secure Books Database Application

The relationship between a content page and its master page is more evident in



Fig. |

Content page CreateNewUser.aspx



mode. • The gray-shaded region contains the contents of the master page Bug2Bug.master

as they will appear in CreateNewUser.aspx


Secure Books Database Application

Step 7: Adding a


Content Page Control to a

 CreateNewUser.aspx

is the page in our website that allows first-time visitors to create user accounts.

  To provide this functionality, we use a CreateUserWizard control.

Place the cursor inside the Content control in


mode and double click CreateUserWizard


to add it to the page. in the

Secure Books Database Application

  Open the

CreateUserWizard Tasks

menu and click

Auto Format

. Select the smart-tag


color scheme.

When the user clicks the

Create User

button, ASP.NET verifies that all the form ’ s requirements were fulfilled and attempts to create the user account.

 If an error occurs, the CreateUserWizard displays a message below the form.  If the account is created successfully, the form is replaced by a confirmation message and a button that allows the user to continue.

a) b) c)


| CreateNewUser.aspx

page that provides a user registration form. (Part 3 of 3.) Outline CreateNewUser .aspx (3 of 3)

Secure Books Database Application

Step 8: Creating a Login Page

   Add another content page named Login.aspx

title to Login .



Content mode, drag a control.

Login and set its control to the page ’ s Open the

Auto Format

dialog from the

Login Tasks

smart-tag menu and set the control ’ s color scheme to



 Set the Login control ’ s CreateUserUrl property to CreateNewUser.aspx

by clicking the ellipsis to the right of this property in the



Secure Books Database Application

  Then set the CreateUserText here to create a new user .

property to Click Finally, change the value of the Login DisplayRememberMe property to control False ’ s to require sure that users log in each time they visit the site.

Secure Books Database Application

 The Login control encapsulates the details of logging a user into a web application.

  If the user successfully authenticates, the browser is redirected to the page specified by the Login control ’ s DestinationPageUrl property.

If the user ’ s identity cannot be confirmed, the Login control displays an error message, and the user can attempt to log in again.

Outline • Figure presents the completed Login.aspx


1 2 3

<%-- Figure 22.59: Login.aspx --%> <%-- Content page using a Login control that authenticates users. --%> <%@ Page Language = "C#" MasterPageFile

4 5 6

= "~/Bug2Bug.master" Title = "Login" %> Create a Login


Runat = "Server" >



BorderColor = "#E6E2D8" BorderPadding = "4" BorderStyle = "Solid"


BorderWidth = "1px" CreateUserText = "Click here to create a new user"


CreateUserUrl = "~/CreateNewUser.aspx" DisplayRememberMe = "False"


Font-Names = "Verdana" Font-Size = "0.8em" ForeColor = "#333333"


DestinationPageUrl = "~/Secure/Books.aspx" >




| Login.aspx

content page using a Login control. (Part 1 of 2.)



BorderStyle = "Solid" BorderWidth = "1px" Font-Names = "Verdana"


Font-Size = "0.8em" ForeColor = "#284775" />




Font-Size = "0.9em" ForeColor = "White" />



a) b) Login.aspx (2 of 2) Create a Login control with a number of properties, including the ones we set using the




| Login.aspx

content page using a Login control. (Part 2 of 2.)

Secure Books Database Application

 As in CreateNewUser.aspx

, the Page that this content page inherits content from Bug2Bug.master


directive indicates  All of the functionality related to actually logging the user in or displaying error messages is completely hidden from you.

 When a user enters login information, ASP.NET authenticates the user and sends an


cookie with information about the authenticated user.

  Encrypted data is data translated into a code that only the sender and receiver can understand — thereby keeping it private.

The encrypted cookie contains a string bool username and a value that specifies whether this cookie should persist beyond the current session.

Secure Books Database Application

Step 9: Creating a Content Page That Only Authenticated Users Can Access

 To create Books.aspx

, right click the Secure

Solution Explorer

folder in the and select

Add New Item....


Web Form

and specify the file name Books.aspx


 Change the Page Information .

directive ’ s Title property to Book

Secure Books Database Application

Step 10: Customizing the Secure Page

 Open Books.aspx



control, type Welcome mode. In the Content followed by a comma and a   space.

Drag a LoginName control from the


onto the page. When this page executes on the server, the control will be replaced by the current username.



mode, type an exclamation point ( !

) directly after the LoginName control (with no spaces in between).

Secure Books Database Application

 A LoginStatus of two ways control renders on a web page in one  If the user is not authenticated, the control displays a hyperlink with the text Login .

 If the user is authenticated, the control displays a hyperlink with the text Logout .

Secure Books Database Application

  Add a LoginStatus from the


control to the page by dragging it onto the page.

 The

LoginStatus Tasks

smart-tag menu allows you switch between the control ’ s



Select the

Logged In

view to see the Logout link.

 Modify the control ’ s LogoutText Click here to log out .

property to  Set the LogoutAction property to RedirectToLoginPage .

Secure Books Database Application

Step 11: Connecting the

CreateUserWizard Login

Controls to the Secure Page


Open CreateNewUser.aspx

set the CreateUserWizard in


control ’ s ContinueDestinationPageUrl mode and property to Books.aspx


 Open Login.aspx

and select Books.aspx

DestinationPageUrl of the Login as the control.

 Run the web application.

Secure Books Database Application

Step 12: Creating a SQL DataSource on the



Secure Books Database Application

Step 13: Adding a


Authors ’ First and Last Names


Open Books.aspx



mode, then add the text Author: and a DropDownList authorsDropDownList named in the page ’ s Content control.

  Add a Sql DataSource DropDownList object below the named authorsSqlDataSource .

In the

DropDownList Tasks Choose Data Source...

smart-tag menu, click to start the

Source Configuration Wizard



Secure Books Database Application

 Select authorssqlDataSource

data source

from the

Select a

drop-down list in the first screen of the wizard.

  Set Name as the data field to display and AuthorID data field to use as the value.



to bind the DropDownList as the to the specified data.

 The last step in configuring the DropDownList Books.aspx

is to set the control ’ s on AutoPostBack property to True .

 This property indicates that a postback occurs each time the user selects an item. This causes the page ’ s GridView to display new data.

Secure Books Database Application

Step 14: Creating a


Author ’ s Books to Display the Selected

 Add a GridView named booksGridView controls in the page ’ s Content control.

below the other   To bind the GridView to data from the Books create a SqlDataSource named booksSqlDataSource database, beneath the GridView .

Select booksSqlDataSource


from the

Choose Data

drop-down list in the

GridView Tasks

smart-tag menu.

Secure Books Database Application

 To add more Columns to the GridView, select

Edit Columns...

from the

GridView Tasks

smart-tag menu to initiate the



Secure Books Database Application

 Uncheck the

Auto-generate fields

box to indicate that you ’ ll manually define the fields to display.

 Create BoundField s with HeaderText s ISBN , Title , Edition Number , and Copyright .

 For each BoundField SortExpression except for and Edition Number DataField , the properties should match the HeaderText .

 For Edition Number , the SortExpression DataField and should be EditionNumber — the name of the field in the database.

 The SortExpression specifies the data field to sort by when the user chooses to sort by the column. 59

Secure Books Database Application

 Now that the GridView is tied to a data source, we modify several of the control ’ s properties to adjust its appearance and behavior.

 Set the GridView ’ s CellPadding the BackColor of the property to 5 AlternatingRowStyle , set to LightYellow , and set the BackColor HeaderStyle to LightGreen .

of the  Change the Width of the control to 600px to ensure that long data values don ’ t wrap to multiple lines.


Secure Books Database Application

 In the

GridView Tasks Sorting


smart-tag menu, check


  This changes the column headings in the GridView that allow users to sort the GridView using the sort into links expressions specified by each column.

Finally, in the

GridView Tasks

smart-tag menu, check

Enable Paging

. This causes the GridView to split across multiple pages.

 The user can click the numbered links at the bottom of the GridView control to display a different page of data.

 GridView ’ s


PageSize entries per page. Set the window. property determines the number of PageSize property to 4 using the 61

Secure Books Database Application

Figure displays the completed Books.aspx

mode. file in

Design Fig. |

Completed Books.aspx



mode. 62