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Transcript 嘉兴英语教学网

• English Song
• English Class
• Language Data Bank
Period 1&2 Warming up and Reading I
Period 3
Learning about language
Period 4
Reading II
Period 5
Period 6
Speaking and Writing
Unit 5 First aid
Period 1&2: 幻灯片9-32页
Brainstorming-I----definition (2m)
Students discuss the question in pairs and they are
encouraged to think out as much information as
the initial care of a
What is first aid?
suddenly sick or
injured person.
the fist kind of help
the care administered
given to someone who
by a person as soon as
suddenly falls ill or gets
possible after an
… injured before a doctor
accident or illness.
can be found.
Brainstorming-I----definition (2m)
Why is first aid important?
The prompt care
sometimes draws
the line between life
and death.
The prompt
attention draws the
line between a full
or partial recovery.
Brainstorming-I----definition (2m)
To preserve life
To relieve pain
main aims of first aid
To protect the casualty
from further harm
Brainstorming-II----speaking (5m)
Discuss in groups of four what has
happened in each picture. Have you, or
someone you know, been in any of these
situations? Did you or someone else give
help in any of them? If so, what kinds of
help? What kinds of first aid you should
give in the following situations.
a snake bit
a broken arm
a sprained ankle
a bloody nose
Pre-reading (3m)
What has happened?
What kind of first aid would you perform in
this situation?
Reading-I----skimming (1m)
What’s the topic of the text and how is the
information organized?
It’s about first aid for burns and the
information is organized according to cause,
types, characteristic and first aid treatment
for burns.
The reading passage is a text from a book called
First Aid for the Family. It is a quite-reference book
which is organized under headings in such a way that
readers can quickly find the information they want. In
this type of text, it is common for information to be in
note form. It is also common that ellipsis is used in
giving instruction. The article the is often omitted in
the instructions under “First aid treatment”, for
example, cover burnt area instead of cover the burnt
area; hold bandage in place instead of hold the
bandage in place.
Reading-II----skimming (2m)
How many parts can the text be divided into and
what are they?
Part 1: the purpose of skin
Part 2: how we get burns
Part 3: the three types of burns
Part 4: the symptoms of burns
Part 5: how we get burns
Reading-III----detailed reading (5m)
Detail Reading
1. What can skin do for our body?
2. How can we get burnt?
3. How many types of burns and what are
1. What can skin do for our body?
Skin protects you against diseases, poisons
and the sun’s harmful rays. It also keeps you
warm or cool; it prevents your body from
losing water; it is where you feel cold, heat or
pain; and it gives you your sense of touch.
2. How can we get burnt?
You can get burnt by: hot liquids, steam, fire,
radiation, the sun, electricity and chemicals.
3. How many types of burns and what are
There are three types of burns: first degree burns,
second degree burns and third degree burns.
Reading-IV----Practice (3m)
According to the text, label the following pictures
with first degree burn, second degree burn and third
degree burn.
The first degree burn
The second degree burn
The third degree burn
Discussion-I (5m)
Discuss in groups of four to see whether the following is
right or wrong. If it’s wrong, explain why and give the
correct statement.
1. Sam knocked over a kettle full of boiling water onto this
legs. His legs became red, swollen and covered with
blisters. Sam broke the blisters and poured icy water from
the fridge onto the skin. (W)
2. While ironing clothes, Miss Good accidentally touched
the iron. Her wrist blistered and became watery. It hurt a
lot. She put her wrist under the cold water tap and then
kept placing cool, clean, damp cloths on it until it was
less painful. Then she went to see the doctor. ( R)
3. Mrs Casey’s sleeve caught fire while she was
cooking. Her arm looked terrible but it didn’t hurt.
The skin was charred. Her husband took off her
blouse and picked off bits of the blouse stuck to the
burn. He then placed butter on the burn and
covered it with a wet bandage. (W)
4. After an hour in the sun, Lily noticed her arms were
red and hurt a bit. She went home and put them
under cool running water. ( R )
Discussion-II (5m)
Students discuss the following questions in groups of four.
After the discussion, the representatives from each group
present their views.
1. Why should you put cold water on a burn?
2. Why doesn’t a third degree burn hurt?
3. Why do you think clothes and jewellery near
burns should be removed?
4. If someone has a third degree burn, why might
you see tissue?
1. Why should you put cold water on a burn?
Because the cold water stops the burning
process, stops the pain and reduces the
2. Why doesn’t a third degree burn hurt?
Because in a third degree burn the nerves have
been damaged. If there are no nerves, there is
no pain.
3. Why do you think clothes and jewellery near
burns should be removed?
Because bacteria from the clothes and
jewellery could infect the burns.
4. If someone has a third degree burn, why might
you see tissue?
Because all the layers of the skin have been
burnt showing the tissue underneath.
Language points-1---- Phrases (3m)
Underline those you think are useful or difficult, then
talk about them with your group members.
first aid
fall ill
electric shock
squeeze out
sense of touch
over and over again
in place
make … difference
Language points-2----Sentences (3m)
 Take clothing off the burned area unless it is stuck to the burn.
 First aid is the first kind of help given to someone who
suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found.
 You have three layers of skin that protect you against
diseases, poisons and the sun’s harmful rays.
 Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree
burns depending on which layers of the skin are burnt.
 For second degree burns, keep cloths cool by putting them
back in the cold water, squeeze them out and placing them
on the burned area over and over again fro about an hour
until pain is not so bad.
Surf the Internet to find the first aid how to
deal with the animal bites and scratches.
Your information will be shared with your
peers tomorrow.
Unit 5 First aid
Period 3: 幻灯片33-51页
Discovering useful words and expressions:
Answer keys for Exercise 1:
Discovery-I----discover the rules (2m)
Reading the words in the chart, students discuss
with their partner and give there answers.
1. What do you notice about some of the
verb/noun pairs?
In some of them the verb is the same as the noun.
2. What do you notice about many of the
Many end in –ed.
The past participle of a verb is often used as an adjective.
For example, he showed the doctor his injured leg.
Answer keys for Exercises 2:
first aid
characteristics / symptoms
Discovery-II (3m)
Look at Ex.1 and discuss in groups of four. What the
difference between sentences A and B. Which
sentence is better and why it’s better. After the
discussion, each group choose a student to present
their views to the class.
There are lots of repeated words and phrases in
Sentence A. Sentence B is better than Sentence A
because it doesn’t have unnecessary repetition in it,
and it is easier to understand and it sounds much
less awkward than Sentence A.
In Ex.2, sentences are all correct but they sound
awkward because they have unnecessary words in
them. Complete the exercise individually and then
check with your partner.
1. The burn she got from the iron was red and
very painful.
2. A boy was in the left side of the sick woman,
and a girl on the right.
3. She has a daughter in hospital.
4. He went to the doctor because he had to.
5. Did she pass the first aid test she did yesterday
or not?
6. She could not decide whether to send him to
hospital or not.
7. When your nose is bleeding, bend forward so
the blood runs out of your nose and not down
your throat.
8. Only some of the students have done a first aid
course but most haven’t.
Sentences in Ex. 3 are all correct, but some words
have been left out. Rewrite the sentences to include
the missing words and check them with your partner.
1. The cottage which is surrounded by a wall
belongs to the local government.
2. The first book that I read this term was more
interesting than the second book that I read
this term.
3. To her teacher’s surprise, she did better in her
first aid exam than she was expected to do.
4. I don’t think they have returned from the
hospital, but they might have returned from the
5. He wanted to help the accident victim but his
friend didn’t want to help the accident victim.
6. You can borrow my first aid notes if you want
to borrow my first aid notes.
The sentences in the question sound natural whereas the
sentences which include all the missing words do not
sound natural; they sound awkward.
Discussion (5m)
Sometimes sentences can be ambiguous because of
ellipsis. Discuss the following sentences in groups of
four and find out the two meanings in each sentence.
1. Jack loves nature more than his wife.
2. John understood himself better than
3. Max phoned his mother and Oscar did
4. I relied on you more than Roger.
1. Jack loves nature more than his wife.
Jack loves nature more than he loves his wife.
Jack loves nature more than his wife loves nature.
2. John understood himself better than
John understood himself better than Peter
understood John.
John understood himself better than Peter
understood himself.
3. Max phoned his mother and Oscar did too.
Max phoned his mother and Oscar phoned Max’s
mother too.
Max phoned Max’s mother and Oscar phoned
Oscar’s mother.
4. I relied on you more than Roger.
I relied on you more than Roger relied on you.
I relied on you more than I relied on Roger.
1. The house rent is expensive, I’ve got about half
the space I had at home and I’m paying _____
A. as three times much
B. as much three times
C. much as three times
D. three times as much
解析:答案D。修饰比较级的three times
C , as far as
2. What would have happened _______
the river bank?
A. Bob had walked farther
B. if Bob should walk farther
C. had Bob walked farther
D. if Bob walked farther
解析:答案C。what would have happened暗示后面,
表达则是if Bob had walked farther 题意:如果鲍
3. Is this the reason ________
at the meeting for his
carelessness in his work?
A. he explained
B. what he explained
C. how he explained
D. why he explained
中作状语,相当于for which。
A in the studio, sounded
4. The disc, digitally _______
fantastic at the party that night.
A. recorded
B. recording
C. to be recorded
D. having recorded
解析:答案A。因the disc与record之间
须用过去分词作定语,相当于which was
digitally recorded in the studio。
5. ________
be sent to work there?
A. Who do you suggest
B. Who do you suggest that should
C. Do you suggest who should
D. Do you suggest whom should
语+陈述句”do you suggest为插入
Make some sentences with ellipsis.
Unit 5 First aid
Period 4: 幻灯片52-65页
Pre-reading-I----discussion (3m)
Discuss the following situation in groups of four
Suppose you hear someone screaming and
you find him sitting on the ground,
bleeding heavily from deep knife wounds
in his hands, what would you do? Will you
help him? Will you call the police and
ambulance, or whether you perform first
Pre-reading-II----prediction (3m)
What do you think the article is about by
reading this headline?
The story is about a young man who sets us a
good example because he could save one’s life
using his knowledge of first aid.
Reading-I----skimming (3m)
When we read newspaper articles, we
may only want to get a quick idea of a
newspaper article and do not want to know
all the details. For this reason, we might
just read the headline and the first
paragraph. This is because the headline
gives readers a clue about the content and
the first paragraph gives the most
important information.
Reading-I----skimming (3m)
Skim the first paragraph and find out the answers to
the five “W” Questions.
John Janson
was honoured at the Lifesaver Awards
last night
Where? in Rivertown
for carrying out lifesaving first aid
on his neighbour after a shocking
knife attack
Reading-II----scanning (4m)
Read the newspaper article and then put these events in the order that they
happened. Then in pairs, retell the story in your won words.
4 The attack ran away.
2 Anne was attacked and started to scream.
6 John performed first aid on Anne.
1 John was studying in his house.
7 The ambulance arrived.
3 John ran outside with his father.
5 John found Anne in her garden with terrible knife wounds.
Reading-III----detailed reading (4m)
Read the article carefully and find out the answers to
the following questions.
1. What did John do when he heard the
2. What happened to Anne?
3. What saved Ms Slade’s life?
4. What first aid did John perform on Anne?
5. What adjectives would you use to
describe John’s actions? Give at least
1. What did John do when he heard the
He was studying in his room.
2. What happened to Anne?
She had been stabbed repeatedly with a
knife. She was lying in her front garden
bleeding very heavily.
3. What saved Ms Slade’s life?
It was John’s quick action and knowledge
of the first aid that saved her life.
3. What first aid did John perform on Anne?
John dressed Ms Slade’s in juries with tea
towels and applied pressure to the wounds
to slow the bleeding.
4. What adjectives would you use to
describe John’s actions? Give at least
Brave, heroic, courageous, quick-thinking,
quick-minded, helpful, fearless, unselfish,
Discussion (5m)
Discuss the following questions in groups of four. After
the discussion, each group select a spokesperson to
present their views.
1. Do you think John was sill or brave to get
involved in the situation? Give reasons.
2. Would you think it is worthwhile to take a
course in first aid? Give reasons.
3. What if the attacker had still been at the scene
of the stabbing?
4. What if the attacker had gone but had been
returned to the woman?
5. What if the woman had AIDS?
6. What if John had performed first aid on the
woman but she died anyway? How would he
feel about having tried to help her?
Surf the Internet to find more information
about first aid in following situation:
bleeding, choking, drowning.
Unit 5 First aid
Period 5: 幻灯片66-83页
Pre-listening----discussion (5m)
Discuss in groups of four and give your own
Have you ever had to phone an emergency
Do you know what telephone number you
would call in a medical emergency?
What telephone number you would call in a
fire emergency?
What telephone number you would call in a
police emergency?
Listen to (5m)
the tape
and complete the table.
Name of caller
Sarah Grant
Telephone number
12 Loft Street, East Horton
Mrs. Grant’s daughter fell
from a table and maybe has
broken her leg. She hit her
head and is unconscious.
One (Mrs. Grant’s daughter)
What has
Number of people
Listening-II (5m)
Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions. You may
discuss with your group members.
1. Do you think that Mrs. Grant should have rung the
emergency number or should she have just taken her
daughter to the doctor? Give reasons for your answer.
2. How do you think Mrs. Grant was feeling when she made
the phone call?
3. Why do you think the operator was speaking so slowly
and calmly?
4. What would have happened if Mrs. Grant had hung up
the first time she said goodbye?
5. What would have been a safer way for Mrs. Grant’s
daughter to reach the cupboard?
1. Do you think that Mrs. Grant should have
rung the emergency number or should
she have just taken her daughter to the
doctor? Give reasons for your answer.
In this situation, the best thing to do was to ring
the emergency number. The daughter’s leg would have
been very painful and become worse if the mother had
tried to move her. Also, the daughter was unconscious
and you shouldn’t move an unconscious person.
2. How do you think Mrs. Grant was feeling
when she made the phone call?
She must be very worried, concerned, nervous,
anxious, in a panic, terrified, upset.
3. Why do you think the operator was
speaking so slowly and calmly?
To try and calm Mrs. Grant down, if she also spoke
quickly Mrs. Grant could become even more upset, to
make herself clearly understood (a panicked person may
not be thinking or understanding clearly).
4. What would have happened if Mrs. Grant
had hung up the first time she said
The ambulance would not have known where to go
as she hadn’t given her address.
5. What would have been a safer way for
Mrs. Grant’s daughter to reach the
It would have been safer to use a ladder, especially
if the mother had held onto it.
Pre-listening----prediction (3m)
Read through Ex. 1 and make sure that you
understand the meanings of the words in
the list.
What first aid treatment you would give in
the situations in the list. Write your
suggestions on the board using the
Listen to the tape for the first time. You don’t have to
understand every detail in the listening text. Only
circle the topics that the teacher asks questions about.
burning clothes
broken bones
snake bites
nose bleeds
sprained ankle
Listen to the tape and match each picture with a topic
listed in question 1 above.
sprained ankle
burning clothes
1. _____________
2. ______________
a nose bleed
3. _______________
4. chocking
Listening (5m)
Listen to the first aid teacher giving instructions for rescue breathing. Number the
boxes to show the correct order of the pictures. Write an instruction under each picture.
1 check if conscious
2 put into recovery position
3 clear airway
4 check if breathing
5 blow into mouth and watch
for breating
6 check pulse
7 continue rescure
8 put into recovery position
Work in groups of four and make a
dialogue. Suppose there is an accident,
What could you offer the fist aid help?
Make dialogue with your group members
and act it out.
Unit 5 First aid
Period 6: 幻灯片84-96页
Pre-reading----speaking (1m)
Read the title of the text and the headings within it.
What’s the topic of the text and how is the
information organized?
It’s about safety in the home and the
information is organized according to
particular rooms and also to one cause of
Pre-reading----discussion (3m)
Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
1. What do you think these pictures are
telling us?
To turn saucepan handles towards the back of a
stove; Not to use a hairdryer near water; To keep a
fire extinguisher in the kitchen.
2. What do you think the purpose of the
picture is?
They emphasize some points in the pamphlet.
3. What’s the purpose of the pamphlet?
To tell us how to keep a safe home; how to prevent
accidents in the home.
Reading (5m)
Read the text and finish the table.
Things we do
In the
In the
In the
Things we
shouldn’t do
Read the text and finish the table.
In the
Things we do
Things we
shouldn’t do
•We always let the
floor dry after it is
washed before we use
the kitchen again.
•I shouldn’t
stand on chairs to
reach things.
•We shouldn’t
•We keep a window leave matches
open when we use gas anywhere.
Read the text and finish the table.
In the
Things we do
Things we
shouldn’t do
•My mother keeps
bottles of medicine
on a high shelf out of
the reach of children.
•I shouldn’t light
candles in my
•My father
should never
smoke in bed.
Read the text and finish the table.
Things we do
In the
•I always unplug
the hairdryer after
I’ve used it.
Things we
shouldn’t do
•We shouldn’t
take an electric
heater into the
Speaking-I (5m)
Discuss the following questions in groups of four.
After the discussion, one student from each group
represent their ideas.
• What things at home cat be dangerous?
• How to prevent us from being injured at
Students are encouraged to write down as
many pieces of advice as possible.
Speaking-II (5m)
Do the first aid quiz in groups. Give reasons
for your answers. Check your answers
with other classmates.
Writing (10m)
Imagine that you want to provide first aid
courses. In pairs, write a letter to your
principle politely asking whether he or she
could organize them. Use the outline and
instructions to help you.
Dear ________,
Write your principal’s name.
Our class had been studying a unit
on first aid___________________
Say why the first aid unit
has been useful.
Even though the unit has been very
interesting and useful, __________
Say why you would like a
first aid course.
We would like to request that ____
______________________. We think
that a first aid course at the school
Say what you want the
principal to do.
Your sincerely,
Say again why a first aid
course would be a good
thing to do.
Sing your names.
Finish the letter and ask your partners to
check it.
Language points for Reading I
Language points for Reading II
Video data
1. You skin also keeps you warm or cool; it prevents
your body from losing water; it is where you
feel cold, heat or pain; and it gives you
your sense of touch.
keep you warm or cool 为keep复合结构,即keep+
This coat will keep you warm.
This story will keep the children amused.
The illness kept her in hospital.
I’m sorry to keep you waiting.
prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事
What can we do to prevent this disease spreading?
She was prevented from taking the exam by illness.
sense of touch 触觉
sense of sight 视觉 sense of hearing 听觉
sense of taste 味觉 sense of smell 嗅觉
sense of humour 幽默感
sense of beauty 美感
sense of direction 方向感
sense of urgency 紧迫感
2. Burns are called first degree, second
degree or third degree, depending on which
layers of the skin are burned.
depending on which layers of the skin are burned 为
Charles Darnay left France, preferring to
give up his fortune.
depend on 相信,依赖,依靠
You can’t depend on John-he nearly
always arrive late.
The country depends heavily on its tourist
The amount you pay depends on where
you live.
3. Examples include burns by electric shocks,
burning clothes or severe petrol fires. 例如由电
(1) 用电的,电动的
an electric clock 电钟 an electric fire 电炉
(2) 电的,发电的,带电的
electric power 电力
an electric storm 电闪雷鸣般的暴风雨
(3) 令人兴奋的
His speech had an electric effect on the crowd.
4. Take clothing off the burned are unless it is stuck
to the burn. 除非衣服粘贴在烧伤面上,否则都要把
take off
(1) 脱下,脱掉
Take your coat off.
(2) 休假,歇……(天)假
Take a few days off, Michael.
(3) 开始有成就,开始成名
It was at this point that her acting career really
took off.
(4) 升空,起飞
The plane took off so smoothly that the
passengers could hardly feel it.
5. For second degree burns, keep cloths
cool by putting them back in the cold
water, squeezing them out and placing
them on the burned area over and over
again for about an hour until pain is
not so bad. 对于二度烧伤,要保持湿布清
(1) vt. 压,挤,榨
He squeezed her arm sympathetically.
(2) vt. 压出,挤出,榨出,用于
She squeezed the water out of the sponge.
(3) vi. 挤入,塞,用于
Is the car full or can I squeeze in?
He was so fat that he could not just
squeeze through the door.
1. Seventeen-year-old teenager, John Janson,
was honoured at the Lifesaver Awards last
night in Rivertown for carrying out lifesaving
fist aid on his neighbour after a shocking
knife attack.
(1) vt. 尊敬;使感到荣幸
We are deeply honoured that you should
agree to join us.
(2) n. 荣誉,尊敬
The Queen was welcomed at the airport
by a guard of honour.
(3) n. 名声,名誉
It’s a point of honour with me to reply all
my debts promptly.
(4) n. 增光的人(事),引以为荣的人(事),
He’s an honour to the school.
2. John was presented with this reward at a
ceremony which recognized the bravery of ten
people who had saved the life of another.
(1) vt. 颁发,授予
present sth. to sb. 颁发……给某人
present sb. with sth. 授予某人……
When Mr Brown left the firm, the director presented
a gold watch to him/ him with a gold watch.
(2) vt. 提出,呈递
When are the committees presenting their report?
3. It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a
real difference.
a knowledge of 知道,了解,具有……知识
He has a good knowledge of English.
make a/some/no difference 有一些/没有什么区
It doesn’t make any difference to me whether
you go or stay.