Transcript UrBES

UrBES - 1
ISTAT and the National Association of Italian
Municipalities (ANCI) have created a network of the Italian
cities which are ready to experiment with and compare
measures based on indicators of fair and sustainable urban
well-being (UrBES). These cities have agreed to take part in a
project proposed by the Bologna City Council and Urban
(Centre for data, research, and proposals for the cities can be
found at
UrBES - 2
The preparation of a range of indicators of fair and sustainable
wellbeing for the cities, in order to:
Facilitate and stimulate the exchange of best practices
among the cities;
Encourage periodic assessments of the “state of the city”
by the administration;
Promote and develop the experience of participation and local
democracy based on the principle of accountability and
allowing the citizens to evaluate the actions of the
governing bodies.
Cities and City Councils which are
involved in UrBES
Fonte: Il Gazzettino 14 aprile 2012
Many of the major cities are involved
in UrBES, including: Bari, Bologna,
Cagliari, Florence, Genoa, Milan,
Naples, Palermo, Reggio Calabria,
Rome, Turin, Venice and the captial
cities of Brescia, Bolzano, Messina e
Pesaro (including the province).
Cities identified by the parliament.
Cities identified by the regions and special
Why was UrBES founded?
To promote local and national development by
developing a network of cities, which, in order to
stimulate the exchange of best practices among
them, create
a battery of qualitative and
quantitative indicators which are able to measure
“urban well-being” in terms of “fair and
sustainable well-being” (BES).
The aims of UrBES - 1
The indicators which will make up an “Urbes instrument
panel” must be selected on the basis of meeting the
double objectives of:
1. Being available for governance, as instruments
available for developing and improving local
government policies;
2. Allowing citizens to evaluate the actions of
administrators through the experience that they
have gained from direct participation in local
The aims of UrBES - 2
In addition …..
 The virtuous circle of information triggered off by a basic
approach of responding to the demands of citizens for
greater transparency and greater available information on
 Periodic evaluations of the “state of the city”, so that
citizens can evaluate the actions of the local government
and to develop experience in participating in local
democracy, based on the principle of accountability.
The aims of UrBES -3
To support the objectives of the strategic plans by
preparing documents which can compare the aims with the
To put forward proposals for local development in
coordination with EU city organisations.
Prepare a national urban agenda which is in harmony with
EU objectives.
Encourage public discussion of the proposed indicators
that should be used, as well as those already chosen,
through constant montoring of the development of the
particular project on the city council's websites.
UrBES: some considerations…..
Analysis of the results of the first report on UrBES
leads one to reflect on the fact that applying national
policies at local level may be not enough to reach the
objectives set by UrBES.
Local bodies do not have the authority to act in all
of the areas identified by the BES project.
The dimensions of fair and
sustainable well-being
Certain city councils - Bologna, Genoa, Milan
and Venice – have set up consultation
processes for citizens. These are aimed at
particular groups and designed to evaluate
which areas of BES are of most relevance for
The first UrBES report contains a synthesis of
the views expressed by the citizens.
Results of the consultation with the
citizens of Bologna
Number of people responding to the UrBES
questionnaire, by organisation
Using the same questionnaire as was
used at national level, nine targets in
the city were selected, as well as
other organisations, and a total of
3,624 people were interviewed
1st UrBES Report (June 2013)
A section with contributions from each of the
cities (15 chapters) with comments on the BES
indicators or each area from 2004 to 2011-2012
Appendices containing the available BES
indicators, the additional indicators added by the
city councils, and a synthesis of the initiatives to
consult the citizens set up by certain city councils.
The characteristics of UrBES
A subset of the indicators for the twelve BES
domains at national level;
26 indicators which cover 1o of the 12 BES domains;
Available at city council, or at least provincial, level;
identifiable and able to be monitored in all the
cities which have enrolled in the project;
Availability of historical records.
Ur-BES Indicators - 1
Life expectancy at birth
Infant mortality rate
Standardised death rates from traffic accidents
Standardised death rates from tumours.
Standardised death rates from dementia and diseases of the nervous
Education and training
Literacy level of students
Numeracy level of students
Work and equal opportunities
employment rate 20 to 64 years of age.
percentage of those not forming part of the workforce
rate of fatal accidents oor permanent disabilities.
Economic well-being
Disposable income
Ur-BES Indicators - 1
Politics and institutions:
percentage voting
percentage (or number?) of women in city councils
percentage (or number?) of women in provincial councils
average age of city councillors
average age of provincial councillors
Safety and security
Murder rate
Landscape and cultural heritage
density of historic "green areas" and urban parks which are of marked
public interest
survival of the historic urban fabric.
Ur-BES Indicators - 1
drinkable water
urban air quality
availability of urban "green" areas
Research and innovation:
likelihood of patents being granted
Quality of services:
council taking responsibility for services for infants and small children
differentiated waste collection
density of the local public transport network.
Next steps…
In 1998 in Bogotà a partnership of the El Tiempo publishing house, the
Corona Foundation, the local chamber of commerce and the Javeriana
University financed the “Bogotá, cómo vamos” program. This was a system for
periodic evaluations of the population based on development indicators and
the perceptions of the citizens themselves. The aim was to identify and monitor
changes in the quality of life of the city and its citizens.
An example of best practices which should be
Next steps…
Elaboration of a new questionnaire for the
citizens based on the results of the BES and
UrBES reports.
This will be published on the websites of the
organisations and launched at a press
conference of city mayors and the president of
ISTAT simultaneously in every city in September
Next steps…
To promise to publish comparative data on the
basic indicators at the start, during and at the end
of the mandate of every administration which
enrolls in UrBES.
To define a city council section that will be inserted
in the performance and transparency plan (D. Leg.
No. 150/2009 and 33/2013) and in the report at the
end of the mandate (D. Leg. No. 149/2011) for each
organisation, and to identify a specific day every
year which will be dedicated to transparency (D.
Leg. No. 150/2009, art. 11) and on which the data will
be made available to the citizens.