Transcript Slide 1

Challenges in LLW Management: a Local
Government Perspective
Fred Barker, Executive Director, NuLeAF
29 April 2009
Introduction to NuLeAF
• Established in 2003 – a Special Interest Group
of the Local Government Association
• 103 member authorities in England and Wales –
including those with nuclear sites
• Steering Group – meets quarterly to oversee
work programme and approve proposed
Overall Aims
• to identify, where possible, a common local government
viewpoint on nuclear legacy management issues;
• to represent that viewpoint, or the range of views of its
member authorities, in discussion with national bodies;
• to seek to influence policy and strategy for nuclear
legacy management in the interests of affected
communities; and
• to develop the capacity of its member authorities to
engage with nuclear legacy management.
LLW Strategic Objectives
• To seek to ensure that LLW Strategy is developed and
implemented in ways that can inspire local authority and
public confidence
• In the context of implementation of the waste hierarchy
and subject to suitability of the nuclear licensed site in
question, to encourage development of local or regional
LLW management facilities at existing nuclear sites,
rather than at non-nuclear sites.
A Key Challenge
• NuLeAF supports: the need to preserve LLWR
capacity; rigorous application of the waste
management hierarchy; and opening up new
disposal routes.
• But the challenge of WHERE to site facilities is
critically important to local government.
• Illustrate the point by reviewing the pros and
cons of On-Site Disposal (OSD) v landfill.
The Case for OSD of LLW
• Springfields – local stakeholder preference for on-site
disposal, not disposal to landfill at Clifton Marsh (no LLW
transport, use of a purpose-designed facility and
confidence in nuclear site management)
• Hinkley – SLC considers on-site disposal to be a simple
and sustainable approach, offering a significant financial
saving against the ‘baseline’ (disposal to LLWR). A
facility could accommodate all LLW from ‘final site
clearance’ (a significant LLWR capacity saving).
Disadvantages of OSD
• Requires an increase in short-term funding to
secure the financial savings
• May be perceived by some local stakeholders as
incompatible with their preferred ‘end uses’ for
the site
• May be a delay to de-licensing the OSD
‘footprint’ beyond ‘final site clearance’
The Case for Disposal to Landfill
• Contribution to multiple disposal routes
• Conforms with Government policy on a ‘riskinformed approach’
• Avoids increase in short-term funding for OSD
• Transfer of long-term risks to the supply chain
Disadvantages of Disposal to Landfill
• Risks local community and local authority opposition
(local transport, lack of confidence cf OSD, bucks trend
away from landfill use, adverse socio-economic impacts)
• Wider impact on public attitudes to the nuclear industry
• Uncertainties of relying on supply chain (particularly if
concerted local opposition)
• Can only take a proportion of LLW (10-30% at Magnox
NuLeAF’s Preferred Approach
• View on balance of pros and cons will depend on your
stakeholder perspective and the sites in questions
• NuLeAF’s view – a national organisation representing
local authority interests – is that where practicable OSD
is preferable
• We think NDA should encourage SLCs to examine the
potential for facilities on or adjacent to their sites, before
considering other sites (including landfill)
Local Authority Planning
• Local planning policy – the main material consideration
in judging planning applications – could encourage
concentration of facilities at or adjacent to existing sites
• Local applications for authorisation to dispose to landfill
– the local planning authority will want to check the
original planning permission and conditions
• Renewal or extensions to planning permissions for
landfill – planning authorities may wish to re-visit
conditions (to ensure that only waste types specified in
the application are disposed of)
Role of ‘Public Acceptability’
• NDA mission is to “deliver safe, sustainable and publicly
acceptable solutions”. This implies:
• NDA should give a high level of consideration to public
acceptability in the development and implementation of
LLW strategy
• NDA will need to carefully assess what proportion of
consultation responses can genuinely be taken as broad
support for its proposed strategy, and how to revise that
strategy if broad support for aspects of it does not exist
Finally, Some Questions …
• If the management of LLW becomes dispersed in more
communities, will this lead to more widespread
understanding and acceptance of things radioactive, or
stir up wider opposition?
• How can a path be taken that gives appropriate weight to
‘public acceptability’?
• Should NDA spend more in the short term to fund OSD,
which is likely to achieve longer term savings and wider
stakeholder confidence?