The Essential Piece - Stanford University

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Transcript The Essential Piece - Stanford University

to our
PACE Forum
…..A Property Administration Information Exchange
Presented by:
Property Management Office
22 January 2013
Welcome New DPAs
Michelle Lodwick
Amy Koh
Amna Waqar
Ruth Mikusko
Veronica Hsieh
Gina Freeman
Pui Shiau
Precourt Center
Stanford Events
Continuing Studies
Int’l Affairs
Welcome to Property Management!
Vehicle Disposals/Transfers
In order to close some gaps in the disposal process for
vehicles, the following procedures are effective
 No Excess Request
Contact PSR after vehicle is delivered to the Fleet
Garage, provide tag number, vehicle ID and PTA
After verifying with Fleet, PSR will transfer the record to
a temporary ‘holding’ org code
Once decision is made to transfer, scrap or sell, the record
will be updated or retired by PMO
Logo removal cost is the responsibility of the ‘disposing’
department, and takes place after final decision of
disposition is made – expect delayed charges
‘Disposing department also responsible for notification to
Risk Management to transfer/cancel insurance premiums
SPARC Updates
Occasional upload errors being resolved
Excess Requests
Tagged items being introduced to database
Separate request format for tagged items
Separate request for each tag
Contact and location info remains intact
Notification to primary DPA for approval
Email notifications for contacts, status, etc.
Same as for non bar coded requests
Coming Soon in SPARC
DPA Lookup Tool
Fabrication Request Form
Will replace current web directory
To replace current email/fax procedure
Intention to include account setup w/ OSR
SFA Catalog Request Form
Tag Supplies Order Form
Also, longer-term project (2+years) to develop an integrated
reuse-disposal-point of sale application is underway
Physical Inventory Progress
School of Medicine has begun!
Over half of the University completed
To date, we are at approximately 98.6%
(asset count)
2013 schedule posted online
Inventory Contacts:
Jose Medina [email protected]
Polly Kavanaugh [email protected]
Best Practice
SFA Catalog
Save time, increase efficiency
Request catalog entry at time of screening
the requisition
When asset arrives, the catalog will
already be set up for you
Thanks to Sally Davis (ITS) for this idea!
Excess Request “Request”
It would be very helpful if the condition status
of the item being disposed was noted, if
Working condition
Needs some repair, then will work
Totally broken, scrap it
This will help save time testing items at Surplus!
Website Transition
PMO merging into new Dean of Research site
Pages directly editable by PMO
Easily updated for most current information
Searchable, more user-friendly
Faculty-oriented information
Estimated to go live in March
Limited updating to PMO site in the meantime
Reporting Environment Updating
OBIEE to be new reporting platform
Gradual replacement of RM3 campus-wide
PMO selected for early adoption
New look and feel, same functionality
Many changes and enhancements
Report Transition
Estimated for mid-February
With “Go-Live” of OBIEE, RM3 closes
Attempt to open a closed RM3 report will
result in automatic redirection to the new
OBIEE environment
Description of some changes follows, and a
demonstration of the reports if the testing
environment is available and time permits
286 – DPA Comprehensive
Current active records
No account information
New 296 report for Award management
Several data elements being added
288 – Unmatched PO
Several new fields added
DPA Approver name(s) and emails
Y/N ‘flag’ for existence of capital template
Receiving date (from iProcurement)
Ability to search by PO, DPA
292 – Depreciation forecast
Shows future depreciation
By fiscal year
Month by month calculations
Distributes by award
Acquisition Cost
Net Book Value
Monthly depreciation figures
294 – Official Property Record
No changes
Formatted pdf version of property record
Information from Sunflower, Oracle Fixed
Assets, and Grant Accounting
Suitable for use with auditors
296 – Award Management
New – split from the 286 in RM3
Defaults to current active records
Option to show only retired records
Includes account information
Cost distribution across accounts
In the Works – Record Creation
New internal PMO report in development
Provides data on all acquisitions, including
outstanding unmatched POs and timeliness of
record creation
Will allow for better metrics of the entire
acquisition picture (not just the ‘bad news’)
Can serve as a ‘report card’ for activity
Current Unmatched
15 from FY12 remain open
Approx 114 from FY13 (through December close)
Over 80 are pre-December (well over 30 days old)
Escalation process being implemented
Beginning March 2013
Initial report run reminder for prior month (= day 1)
30 day reminder notice to DPA
60 day notice to DPA with CC to Supervisor
90 day notice to Supervisor with CC to DPA
120 day notice to Dean’s Office contact as necessary
Coming Events
NPMA Spring Conference
May 2-3, 2013 San Antonio, Texas
NPMA National Education Seminars
July 29-August 1, 2013 Orlando, Florida
June 23-26, 2014 Anaheim, California
For those of you who participated in or
attended the Fall Conference in Berkeley,
Thank You – we hope you enjoyed it!