Transcript Slide 1

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Earth Science & Applications from Space

Exploring our Planet for the Benefit of Society

Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report April 21, 2005

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Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 2

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Presidential Initiatives and Directives

• Climate Change Research (June 2001) – Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) – Climate Change Technology Program (CCTP) • Global Earth Observation (July 2003) – U.S. Integrated Earth Observation System (IEOS) Strategic Plan • Provides a coherent overarching strategy to connect previously disjointed efforts • Provides compelling rationale for societal, scientific, and economic imperatives • Recommends and five specific near-term opportunities for investment – U.S. participation in the International Global Earth Observing System of Systems (GEOSS) • Vision for Space Exploration (January 2004) • Collaborative Oceans Research (December 2004) • Earth Science and Applications form Space is the


NASA Strategic Roadmap that addresses NASA’s all of these Presidential commitments DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 3

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

National Goals for Space Exploration


• • • • •

Implement a sustained and affordable human and robotic program to explore the solar system and beyond.

Extend human presence across the solar system, starting with a human return to the Moon by the year 2020, in preparation for human exploration of Mars and other destinations.

Develop the innovative technologies, knowledge, and infrastructures both to explore and to support decisions about the destinations for human exploration.

Promote international and commercial participation in exploration to further U.S. scientific, security, and economic interests.

Study the Earth system from space and develop new space based and related capabilities for this purpose.*

* Added in “The New Age of Exploration” to address other Presidential initiatives and directives not covered in the Vision for Space Exploration

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Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Study the Earth system from space and develop new space-based and related capabilities for this purpose.

Advance scientific knowledge of the Earth system through space-based observation, assimilation of new observations, and development and deployment of enabling technologies, systems, and capabilities, including those with the potential to improve future operational systems. 1960s-1980s 1980s-2000s Demonstrating scientific utility & technological feasibility of satellite remote sensing Earth System Science concept: EOS & Interdisciplinary research 2005-2015 Comprehensive observing and modeling of the Earth system 2015-2025 Expanding our view of Earth and reach into society 2025 & Beyond Creating a “nervous system” for Planet Earth

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Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Conceptual Roadmap

Comprehensively observe and model the Earth system 2015-2025 Expand our view of Earth and reach into society 2025 & Beyond Create a “nervous system” for Planet Earth

Answer key science questions Couple Earth system models Add key missing pieces of observing capability (in IEOS/ GEOSS context) Secure research-to operations transitions Link data sets & models to decision support systems Extend the 4-D view of the Earth via higher orbits & active sensing Connect constellations of satellites in a sensorweb Employ sensorweb observations in a ‘modelweb’ of the Earth system Enable advanced data mining, data fusion, & visualization of NASA data by others Operational, interconnected space and Earth-based monitoring system with mature, reliable cyber infrastructure National/international scale, operated by other public & private sector organizations, and evolved with NASA research & technology Expanded to other planets by NASA DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 6

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Roadmap Achievements

The strategic roadmap compelling questions, objectives, anticipated achievements, and decisions points, in decadal phases DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 7

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Unique Aspects of Earth Science & Applications


Strategic Roadmap that directly responds to multiple Presidential Initiatives and Policy Directives

– Fascinating science with highly beneficial results

• Benefits accrue in two ways

– From a set of investigation systems • Traceable to Strategic Roadmap


Objectives – That trace to compelling science questions – From integration of investigation systems into National (and International) systems of systems • Traceable to Strategic Roadmap


Objectives – Capability emerges through the integrated results of multiple investigations DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 8

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Framework for Strategic Plan

Discover, Understand, Inform

- The vantage point of space provides a unique opportunity to understand the underlying scientific and engineering principles behind Earth as a system, to answer sustainability and quality of life questions on Earth and elsewhere in Solar System and the Universe • Understanding Earth as a system requires knowledge of the the processes that control the Earth environment, how they are changing, and what those changes mean in the long term –

Exploration and Discovery


Enabling new investigations and insight by exploring unknown aspects of the Earth system –

Continuous Awareness


Enhancing process understanding and the capacity to observe and model key dynamic phenomena –

Maintaining Perspectives


Developing capabilities to make critical observational records across multiple timescales Exploration Awareness Perspective DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 9

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Compelling Questions

Why Does the Earth Support Abundant Life?

• • • • • •

How does Earth's abundant life influence and respond to changing planetary processes?

What controls the availability of water on the planet?

How does the atmosphere protect and sustain us?

How are our weather and climate evolving? How stable is the solid Earth?

What role do we as humans play in driving changes in the Earth system?

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Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Scientific Objective(s)

• Explore and develop a predictive understanding of the Earth as a system of interacting natural and human systems, including…



biogeochemical cycles and the distribution and processes of life within Earth’s ecosystems –



the storage, distribution, and transport of water in all its forms –

Climate/ Weather


the Earth's weather and climate, and its future condition –

Atmospheric Composition


the sources, sinks, and transformations of aerosols and atmospheric chemical species –

Solid Earth


the variability of the Solid Earth DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 11

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Accomplishment/ Timeline Development Process

• • • • • • Measurements concepts identified – Based on

Earth-Sun System: Potential Roadmap and Mission Development Activities

Document (Dec. 23, 2004) – Additional concepts identified through the subcommittees Notional implementation approaches identified and missions categorized into four cost-based classes – Small (under $200M), medium ($200-400M), large ($400-600M), and flagship (over $600M) Subcommittees prioritized measurement concepts – Identified expected accomplishments Staff team organized and time-ordered measurement concepts on sample timeline based on – Scientific prioritization from subcommittees – Assessment of technology and measurement maturity – “Cluster” concept – group complementary investigations for synergistic science – Order (sequence) of clusters is based on estimation of maturity in each science area – Uniform level of investment Staff team summarized decadal accomplishments based on timeline Further work is needed; timeline is representative first cut – Need broader science community input on measurement and investment priorities, such as through the ongoing NRC Decadal Survey – Need to assess and vet the assumed available level of investment -- ensuring adequate investments in modeling, information systems, etc.

– Need to conduct mission studies to refine technology readiness, cost, and cost phasing estimates, and eliminate redundancies DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 12

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Prioritization Criteria: Scientific Measurement

• • • • Advances Science – Significance of the potential to make a major scientific breakthrough – Supports NASA’s overall mission Supports Decision-makers – Fulfilling NASA’s responsibilities of CCSP and IEOS – Addressing national applications – Potential to reduce uncertainty in predictions Benefits society – Social importance of the science question addressed – Potential to reduce uncertainty in predictions – Extent to which vital needs can be protected (e.g. water and clean air) – Extent to which disruptions to life will be reduced (e.g. disaster mitigation & warning) – Likelihood of educating the public – Linkages to multiple disciplines Consistent with recommendations of the National Academies – NRC Decadal survey still under development, but it will guide near-term priorities DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 13

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Prioritization Criteria: Mission Concepts • Budget • Technological Readiness (including necessary infrastructure) • Science maturity at any given point in the timeline • Opportunities for international and domestic collaboration • Increased opportunities for competition

– Technology investment needs – Need for results DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 14

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

2005 to 2015: Comprehensive Observing and Modeling of the Earth System

Achievements and Decision Points DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 15

Comprehensive Observing and Modeling of the Earth System

Atmos. Comp.

Climate/ Weather Investigation

Aerosols impact on climate through clouds, anthropogenic additions Global atmospheric composition Atmospheric composition (Cal/Val) Ice elevation changes / sea ice thickness Ocean circulation Solar influence on climate

Water Life Solid Earth

Cold land processes Biomass changes for long term storage of land carbon Rates of change of surface positions and strains


Multi-angle spectropolarimetric imaging (LEO) 3-D aerosol profiling (LEO) UV/Vis/NIR imaging (L1)


Distinguishing anthropogenic and natural aerosols and their effects on climate Cal/Val Free-flyer High-resolution ice altimetry (LEO) 3-D ocean altimetry (LEO) Hyperspectral imaging instrument for solar UV, EUV, X-rays (L1) SAR and/or passive microwave (LEO) Improved understanding of sources of aerosols, long-range transport, ozone variability, & sun-atmosphere interactions.

Insure smooth handoff of operational measurements and accurate calibration of NPOESS observations for science use Comparison with Icesat results; determine ice sheet contribution to sea level to within 0.05 mm/yr Determine contribution of mesoscale ocean eddies to global energy budget Understand feedback processes in the Earth’s atmosphere consistent with observed time scales of solar variability of total and spectral irradiance Quantify snow water equivalent, areal extent; water resources planning; links to biogeochemistry Combined 3-D structure and multispectral imaging (e.g., radar, lidar & multispectral Visible imager) (LEO) Precision geodetic imaging (e.g., L band InSAR) (LEO) Accurate assessment of carbon sequestration on land Time-dependent deformation maps of fault zones, volcanoes, slopes and ice sheets Exploration DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Awareness Perspective Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 16

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

2015 Modeling & Data Management Accomplishments

• Modeling Accomplishments – To be developed • Data Management Accomplishments – US Integrated Earth Observing System (US IEOS) deployed, including all retrospective and continuing data collected by the EOS and NOAA environmental satellites. – Standards for metadata, data and data exchange between US and international partners complete.

– Decision points: • the state of cooperation between US agencies, and within and between US and international partners. Questions of intellectual property rights etc., might be of concern • Technological issues relating to data exchange. DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 17

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Decision Points 2015

• • • •

We must answer tough questions about the current and future program at each decision point

What missions must be flown to calibrate for/handoff to the NPOESS follow-on in 2025?

What new lines of inquiry have been opened up by the discoveries we have made?

Are each of the themes currently categorized appropriately in their phases of Exploration, Continuous Awareness, and Perspectives? Typical decision questions may be: – – – – Has the atmospheric chemistry flagship mission launched and is it preparing measurements for handover to NOAA Have the current clusters made the expected progress towards operational use for decision support?

Have society’s priorities shifted, and what are the implications for the ordering of our clusters?

Is the Water cycle (the next cluster) prepared to enter the multi-mission continuous awareness decade?

What missions have slipped in our projected timeline and how does that affect our clustering and future mission choices?

• •

Many internal and external factors influence the questions we ask, and the answers we give, at this decision point:

External Factors – Administration increased/decreased interest in space activities – Heightened public concern over climate change, air quality, fresh water availability, biodiversity, natural disasters, etc.

– Responsibility for Natural hazards or Climate Change assigned to one agency in the US – Joint NASA/NOAA identification of measurements for hand-off to NOAA for 2025 timeframe Internal Factors – Scientific discoveries and technological breakthroughs – NASA strategic focus shifts and budget constraints DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 18

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

2015 to 2025: Expanding Our View of Earth and Reach Into Society

Achievements and Decision Points DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 19

Expanding Our View of Earth and Reach Into Society Atmos. Comp.

Investigation Behavior of water vapor, clouds, aerosols, and ozone in the upper troposphere Global greenhouse gas distribution and change Mission Wide-swatch microwave 3-D sounding (e.g., nadir and limb) (MEO) Continuous, spectrally resolved Solar occultation (L2) Achievement Understanding of “fast” processes like convection and cloud evolution First daily 3 D global measurements of the Earth’s atmosphere and trace gasses High-resolution ice altimetry (LEO) Comparison with Icesat results; determine whether rapid decline in sea ice is really loss or redistribution; determine ice sheet contribution to sea level to within 0.05 mm/yr Ice Elevation/Thickness Climate/ Weather Water Global tropospheric winds Cloud Feedback Temperature/Humidity Change 3-D cloud microphysics and aerosol distribution Rivers, wetlands, surface water storage Ocean salinity/soil moisture Groundwater storage Cloud water, ice content and distribution Rain process/ distribution Water quality Root zone soil moisture Exploration DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Ice penetrating radar (LEO) Combined ocean surface/ lower atmosphere winds (LEO) 3-D clouds -- Cloudsat-Calipso follow-on (LEO) Cal/Val instruments for NPOESS follow-on (LEO) Wide-swath 3-D cloud and aerosol profiling (LEO) Precision/ interferometric altimetry (LEO) Microwave radar/ radiometry - Aquarius/ Hydros follow-on (LEO) Quantify the dynamics of Greenland and Antarctic ice sheet motion; determine topography beneath the ice sheet Measurements of tropospheric winds over land & ocean directly for weather forecasts; improve ocean circulation models with wind and surface currents in coastal and open ocean Quantify cloud feedback in the climate system; enable verification of improved cloud/climate models.

Successful hand-off to operational agency of capability to monitor and predict water vapor and temperature change Narrow the uncertainties in climate sensitivity for both regional and global climate change. Includes regional cloud feedback and both direct and indirect aerosol forcing Quantify dynamics of surface water storage & availability at monthly and longer timescales;freshwater and flood monitoring and prediction; derived global discharge Combined with temperatures and models to estimate thermal expansion of the ocean to within 0.05 mm/yr; assess potential for shut-down of dominant circulation patterns; quantify near-surface water storage Quantify dynamics of subsurface storage; role of groundwater variations in climate; water availability; estimate sea level equivalent stored on land to 0.05 mm/yr Time-variable gravity – GRACE follow-on (LEO) 3-D profiling -- Cloudsat-Calipso follow-on (LEO) 3-D rain profiling (LEO) Quantify H2O content of clouds Hyperpectral imaging (LEO) Quantify 3-D structure of rainfall Quantify variations in freshwater quality, links to anthropogenic activities, land use and biogeochemistry Ground penetrating active microwave (LEO) Awareness Perspective characterize water distribution in root zone; improved weather and climate prediction Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 20

Expanding Our View of Earth and Reach Into Society Life Solid Earth Investigation Changes in dissolved organic and inorganic carbon pools for long-term storage of ocean carbon Ocean particle profile and mixed layer depth Biosignatures of life Plant functional groups on land and in ocean Biomass and Vegetation Structure Rates of change of surface positions and strains Earth’s surface thermal changes Time-varying global gravity field Mission High performance ocean color imaging (UV/Vis/NIR) (LEO), supporting sea surface temperature and salinity measurements.

Upper ocean profiling (e.g., via blue/green lidar) (LEO) Achievement Accurate assessment of carbon sequestration, and CO2 drawdown in coastal zones and over global scales Major contribution to understanding ocean biosphere Hyperspectral imager (GEO or L1) Pathfinder measurement to complement the Terrestrial Planet Finder mission; characterize signatures of life in IR spectra High performance hyperspectral UV/Vis/NIR imaging (GEO) Combined 3-D structure and multispectral imaging (e.g., radar, lidar, & multispectral Visible imaging) (LEO) Frequent, precision geodetic imaging (MEO constellation) Multispectral imaging in thermal IR (LEO) Time-variable gravity – GRACE follow-on (LEO) Classification of vegetation on land and algal groups in ocean Total carbon content in vegetation on land Understanding governing processes of deformation at high spatial/temporal resolution Detection of volcanic and tectonic activity, land use change Improved understanding of the contribution of solid Earth, oceanographic, and hydrological process to gravity field Exploration Awareness Perspective DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 21

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

2025 Modeling & Data Management Accomplishments

• Modeling Accomplishments – To be developed • Data Management Accomplishments – Data from the operating US IEOS and emerging International Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) data system combined and functional and thematic Climate Data Records (CDRs) generated spanning in some cases 1970 to 2020. – These CDRs used to characterize global variability of for example T, RH, vegetation greenness, sea level, sea ice extent, over the period of record. – These thematic CDRs or the antecedent functional CDRs assimilated into Global and Regional models.

• US IEOS data archive successfully transformed from legacy (e.g., circa 2000) media to current 2020 integrated data system. • Universal data discovery implemented across GEOSS DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 22

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Possible Decision Points - 2025

• • • •

We must answer tough questions about the current and future program at each decision point

Is it possible to handoff or plan handoff of Water cycle, Life cycle and/or Solid Earth measurements to a national agency?

What new lines of inquiry have been opened up by the discoveries we have made?

Are each of the themes currently categorized appropriately in their phases of exploration, Continuous Awareness, and Perspectives? Typical decision questions may be: – What are the next generation exploration measurements needed by atmospheric chemistry now that – – – – – operations are maintained by NOAA?

Will society want NASA to develop missions that help to monitor efforts to mitigate climate change?

Have the current clusters made the expected progress towards operational use for decision support?

Have society’s priorities shifted, and what are the implications for the ordering of our clusters?

Have technologies evolved that enable unanticipated yet much needed measurement capabilities?

Have we shown predictive capability for earthquakes, volcanoes, and other events with InSAR data?

What missions have slipped in our projected timeline and how does that affect our clustering and future mission choices?

• •

Many internal and external factors influence the questions we ask, and the answers we give, at this decision point:

External Factors – US initiative to colonize Mars “by the end of this century” – Society starts to plan major population shifts to zones of greater habitability – Society requests solutions for climate control Internal Factors – Scientific discoveries and technological breakthroughs – NASA strategic focus shifts and budget constraints • US IEOS decision to migrate from LEO observations to MEO or other vantage points to increase coverage, reduce cost DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 23

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

2025 to 2035 and Beyond: Evolving a “Nervous System” for Planet Earth

Achievements and Decision Points DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 24

2025-2035 and Beyond

Creating a “Nervous System” for Planet Earth Water Life Solid Earth Investigation Global soil moisture Global precipitation Fresh Water Availability (Cal/Val mission) Changes in dissolved organic and inorganic carbon pools for long term storage of ocean carbon Advanced land cover changes Photosynthetic efficiency Rates of change of surface positions and strains High resolution global land topography Time-varying global magnetic field Mission Passive/ active microwave (MEO) Active/ passive microwave (3 GEO) Cal/Val instruments for NPOESS follow-on High performance ocean color imager (UV/Vis/NIR) (GEO); supporting sea surface temperature and salinity measurements.

Hyperspectral UVVis/NIR imaging (LEO) Combined 3-D structure and multispectral imaging (e.g., lidar and multispectral Vis imaging) (LEO) High temporal resolution geodetic imaging (GEO) 3-D land structure (e.g., Lidar and/or InSAR) (LEO) Distributed magnetometry (e.g., 12-sat constellation, LEO, 300-800 km, low inclination & polar orbits) Achievement soil moisture in forested areas; improved weather and climate prediction; understanding of links with ecology, biogeochemistry Continuous, global monitoring of rainfall; direct input to climate models and weather tracking/forecasting Successful hand-off to operational agency of capability to monitor and predict water availability Short repeat from GEO will provide decision support users knowledge of coastal zone changes in carbon, algal blooms, water quality Land cover use and change measured at high resolution, relationship to society, natural changes Assessment of plant and algal physiological status and productivity Rapid access to deforming area of interest globally for forecasting outcomes Improved global topography and in conjunction with SRTM data first global measurement of topographic change Improved understanding of short-period variation in the main field, crustal remnant fields, and mantle current-induced fields Exploration DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Awareness Perspective Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 25

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

2035 Modeling & Data Management Accomplishments

• Modeling Accomplishments – To be developed • Data Management Accomplishments – NASA research and technology development to support the U.S. IEOS and International GEOSS data systems • The entire Earth data archive of the GEOSS automatically transitioned to new media on a three year cycle. • Automated or background processes continuously check the health of media and data and transition data to new media in the integrated system. • Users of the GEOSS are completely unaware of storage location, media type, etc., and utilize universal data discovery tools to acquire data from anywhere in the globally distributed data system.

– Implementation and operation of these systems will be a national and international partnership DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 26

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Roadmap Requirements

Key capabilities, dependencies on other roadmaps, assumptions Human capital and infrastructure needs Near-term priorities and gaps that should be addressed in upcoming NASA budget DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 27

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Strategic Roadmap Interfaces

(1) Lunar Exploration (2) Mars Exploration Science System Results Architectures Capabilities (3) Solar System Exploration (4) Search for Earth-like Planets Science Results Capabilities Models Science Results (9) Earth Sci. & Appl.

(5) Crew Exploration Vehicle (6) STS - Return to Flight (7) International Space Station Requirements Models Science Results Missions Data products Models Capabilities Cal/Val Science Results (10) Sun-Earth System (13) Power and Propulsion (12) Education/ Outreach Missions Data products Models Capabilities Cal/Val Science Results System Architectures Operational Agencies (8) Explore the Universe (11) Aeronautics

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Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Linkage Between Strategic Roadmaps

Significant linkages to Lunar, Mars, and Solar System Exploration Roadmaps (SRs 1, 2, and 3) and with the Aeronautic Roadmap (SR 11):

Planetary Models

Models developed for Earth have application to those developed for Mars and other terrestrial planets. This would include seismic models, geophysical models, meteorological models, atmospheric models, climate models, etc.

Understanding Extreme Environments

Mars has spectacular features that offer extremes compared to Earth, such as topography and dust storms. Analog sites on Earth can provide remote sensing opportunities for understanding images from Mars.

Global Ramifications of Biotic vs Abiotic Processes

It’s extremely hard to find an area or process not obfuscated by biology on Earth (such as mineral formation, gas production, and water/nutrient cycling). Mars may give us a terrestrial planet before adding biology.

Common Remote Sensing Instrumentation, Modeling and Data Analysis Infrastructure

Earth science approaches and capabilities for measurement, processing of scientific data, and advanced modeling techniques related to data interoperability, can benefit Lunar, Mars and other planetary sciences, and increase scientific return and discovery, prediction, and decision making process.

Understanding the Shared Geology and Formation of the Earth and the Moon

Earth/Moon formation, early history (esp. before the oldest rocks found on Earth), bombardment record, and other shared events. The moon is a “witness plate” to the environment in which life on the Earth arose and evolved.

Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Development

Aerospace innovation for a new generation of platforms in support of NASA’s end-to-end science strategy DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 29

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Linkage Between Earth & Sun Strategic Roadmaps

Significant linkages to the Sun-Solar System Connection Roadmap (SR 10):

Understanding Changes in Earth’s Climate

Joint investigation of the effects of solar variability on Earth’s climate and upper atmospheric chemistry dynamics include understanding of radiative forcing processes, energy input from dynamic magnetosphere, and solar energetic particle input

Understanding Ozone Depletion

Joint efforts to understand ozone depletion in the polar winter night as a result of energetic particle precipitation

Understanding and Mitigating Societal Impacts of Solar Variability

Joint efforts to predict solar variability and local space weather in order to mitigate impacts on society (e.g. communications, power grids, and air traffic routing). Specification aides in evaluating and correlating identified impacts with space weather, while future prediction capabilities will enable impact avoidance and/or mitigation.

Understanding Terrestrial Field Sources

SR 10 provides specification of space-based sources of magnetic fields to enable isolation and qualification of terrestrial field sources

Understanding Seismic Wave Sources

SR 10 provides specification of ionospheric state in order to detect and quantify deviations due to seismic wave sources DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 30

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Linkages from the Capability Roadmap Teams

• Anticipate Capability Roadmap Team proposed linkages from: – Advanced Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis Capability Roadmap Team • For complex systems such as the Earth, our knowledge and understanding is captured through modeling and simulation – Scientific Instruments and Sensors Capability Roadmap Team • Observations from space and supporting Earth-based remote and in situ sensing • Science questions are pushing the limits of spatial and temporal coverage • Active sensing for the third dimension – Autonomous Systems and Robotics Capability Roadmap Team • Automating the sensorweb/ modelweb to observe dynamic phenomena and accelerate the pace of discovery and awareness • Capability Roadmap Team proposed linkages included (in backup) for: – Nanotechnology – Advanced Telescopes & Observatories – High Energy Power and Propulsion DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 31

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Key Technical Capability & Infrastructure Needs

• Key Technical Capability Need – Capacity to connect multiple observing and modeling systems into synergistic networks/ system of systems • Sensorweb/ modelweb simulators and systems analysis capacity to advance the state-of-the-art in distributed collaborative observing and modeling • Key Infrastructure Need – Full system for gathering data, analyzing data, assimilating data, and distributing data/results to decision makers on time, with the right information.

• Assimilation, data storage, data analysis, knowledge discovery from existing/new datasets, data archiving, data accessing, data distribution • Distributed, collaborative modeling of the Earth, its major component systems, and their interactions • Multiple, diverse levels of access and cost to enable and encourage exploratory/ broad use for science, applications, and education DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 32

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Other Needs – Research to Operations

• • • • The Transition of Research Results to Operational Use is a Strategic Challenge for Both NASA and NOAA Drivers for NASA – NOAA Research to Operations (R 2 O) Collaboration – Exploiting NASA R&D for NOAA operational improvements in a constrained fiscal environment yet growing user requirements – Improving/formalizing process for operational requirements/priorities – Evaluating NASA Earth science missions early for potential operations – Rapidly infuse new satellite technologies, capabilities, operational applications – Implementing $4M in FY 2005 to transition NASA ocean-related research into NOAA operations NASA and NOAA will develop an end-to-end process for: – early identification of operational needs during Phase A, – down-selection criteria during Phase B, – trade-offs during Phase C/D, and – transition planning during Phase E (MO&DA).

Working Group Kickoff Meeting Nov. 2004, Transition Plan by late 2005 DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 33

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Top Near-Term Priorities

• • • • • • Begin mission formulation to address the near-term measurement priorities on the Roadmap as identified on timeline Continue opportunities for Exploration and Discovery through the Earth System Science Pathfinder Program Modeling and data systems investments for the full information cycle (observation - modeling - analysis - observation tasking) – Advance capability to integrate Earth observations and models across disciplines, institutions, and temporal and spatial scales – Enhance capabilities to effectively locate and link relevant data, information, and metadata – Enhance capabilities for scientific data stewardship, data assimilation, and model reanalysis Use Atmospheric Composition and Climate "clusters" to define a Sun Climate Flagship mission for 2015 Advance the maturity of measurements identified on the timeline – And the maturity of their implementing technological options Continue Strategy and Roadmap Refinement – NRC Decadal Survey – NASA Advisory Council Summer Study – Expand community involvement – Systems analysis for more rigorous requirements analysis and implementation definition DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 34

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Roadmap Summary

A graphical depiction of your roadmap and a summary of major options and strategic decisions DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 35

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Roadmap Strategy for Implementation Emphasis

Atmos. Comp.


Integrating “Clusters” of Missions, Modeling, Networking, and Management Attention

Water Life Solid Earth


Base of “Awareness” Investments that Build towards Future Clusters

Process Understanding Helps Build Perspectives Frequent Transitions to Operational Partners Frequent Transitions to Operational Partners BUILDING PERSPECTIVES New Discoveries Contribute to Continuous Awareness Capabilities New Discoveries Contribute to Building Long-Term Perspectives

On-going investments in

Exploration and Discovery

Understanding processes through

Continuous Awareness

Building and Maintaining long-term


on our planet DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM 2015 2025 Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 2035 36

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Preliminary Investigation Timeline

Atmos. Comp.

Climate Water Operational Operational Operational Life Operational Solid Earth New lines of Inquiry Selected* Exploration Awareness Perspective … 2005 2015 2025 2035 *The Strategic Roadmap Committee did not discuss the priority of currently funded activities, and was asked to assume their successful completion in planning this 30-year roadmap. DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 37

Atmos. Comp.

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Investigation Timeline with Strategic Connections


Missions with strong science connections to other roadmaps

Climate Operational Water Operational Life Operational Solid Earth New lines of Inquiry Selected* Exploration Awareness Perspective … 2005 2015 2025 2035 *The Strategic Roadmap Committee did not discuss the priority of currently funded activities, and was asked to assume their successful completion in planning this 30-year roadmap. DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 38

• • • Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Timeline Flexibility

Several factors can influence Earth science program timeline There will be a continual feedback loop on results and progress Timeline accommodates for flexibility – Impacting event causes a decision point, at which there are several options: a) Focus altered within exploration or awareness portions of cluster b) New line of inquiry is initiated c) Order of clusters changed d) Hand-off to operational agency is accelerated

b a

Impacting event




New track


2005 DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM 2015


2025 Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 2035 39

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Other Information

Pointers to any available information on cost of roadmap elements Cooperation possibilities and benefits DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 40

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Key Cooperation Opportunities

• Multiple Interagency Partnerships through Presidential-level Initiatives – Climate Change Research (June 2001) – Global Earth Observation (July 2003) • U.S. Integrated Earth Observation System – Collaborative Oceans Research (December 2004) • Near-term coordination with operational remote sensing agencies to transition key time series Earth system data records from the research to the operational domain – Global Land Cover Operations through OLI on NPOESS – Global Ocean Color, Vegetation Properties, Surface Temperature, and Atmospheric Properties through VIIRS on NPP and then NPOESS • Bilateral International Partnerships – Framework of the Global Earth Observation System of Systems • Commercial Value of Earth Observations – Presidential Space Policy on Commercial Remote Sensing – Benefits of Competition and the Feedback of the Marketplace DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 41

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Educating and Inspiring Future Generations

• • • • • Earth science and applications from space continues to excite, inform, and educate the general public and enhance our daily lives. NASA Earth science research offers unique opportunity to engage, inform, and educate the scientists and technologists of tomorrow through missions with direct human relevance, both to life on Earth as well as to our human need to explore and discover.

By revealing the secrets of how the Earth system works in exciting and innovative ways, NASA can ignite a spark that stimulates students to pursue these endeavors by becoming scientists and engineers. Earth science education community is meeting to define an education roadmap for the next decade, and will also provide input for the 30 yr timeframe of this roadmap.

– Earth Science education roadmap highlights the importance of engaging and inspiring the public, partnering with agencies that also contribute to this effort, building on this inspiration to educate students and support educators in their efforts to prepare students for the career paths needed. The results of the on-going Earth Science Education Roadmap effort, combined with that from the Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap Committee, will be incorporated into the Education Strategic Roadmap, which is only now getting underway. DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 42

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

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Disclaimers DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 43

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Disclaimer for the April 15 Interim Presentation

• The Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap Committee met on March 16 & 17 and discussed the content and scope of this presentation • The April 15 Presentation represents the work of NASA Staff based upon the editorial and inputs of individual Committee member and the established subcommittees • This Interim report does not represent a consensus position of the Committee, as the schedule did not allow the Committee to meet and discuss as a whole this presentation • The Committee anticipates coming to consensus on the content of this presentation and giving direction from the development of the June 1 document at its next meeting. DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 44

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Disclaimer for June 1 Report

• • • • • The Committee and staff anticipate that the final report developed as a result of its next meeting will identify notional mission priorities and anticipated accomplishments by decade.

The implementation concepts for the measurements identified in this roadmap range in fidelity from carefully studied options to initial notional approaches.

The pace and schedule for the development of this strategic roadmap did not allow for the extensive systems analysis to refine and validate the implementation reflected in the document.

This initial strategic roadmap document represents a recommended conceptual framework for the future of Earth science and applications from space, but will require on-going analysis and validation over the coming years. This strategic roadmap includes currently funded NASA investigations and their planned accomplishments for information purposes only – NASA asked the Committee to assume that NASA will complete currently funded missions in the first decade of the Roadmap, including: • missions in implementation that NASA has committed to complete • missions in formulation that have yet to pass their Mission Confirmation Review • assuming that NASA will find a flight opportunity for the Glory instrumentation – The Committee did not prioritize or make recommendations concerning currently funded activities DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 45

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

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NASA’s Constituencies and Role DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 46

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

The Delicate Balance of Cosmos and Earth

• The human need to explore is never exhausted. • The compass that today guides this timeless endeavor is scientific inquiry. – science that gazes outward, providing the grand questions that challenge us to journey farther and farther from home. – science that peers inward, asking the practical questions that help us to make Earth safer, protect our citizens, and expand our economy • Knowledge of the Earth drives the economic growth and environmental security that allow us to be an exploring nation – This program must devote equal attention to both questions that underpin our outward desires, and questions that support our inward needs. DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 47

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Backup: Significance of the U.S. IEOS

• The U.S. government is developing an over-arching strategy for Earth Observation – Previously there were pieces via science programs such as the Climate Change Science Program – The U.S. IEOS provides a coherent, overarching, broader, strategy • The U.S. IEOS Strategic Plan is organized around nine specific societal benefits – The U.S. IEOS provides a coherent and politically compelling rationale of crosscutting societal, scientific, and economic imperatives – The U.S. IEOS Strategic Plan identifies (and recommends to OMB for investment) five specific near-term opportunities • The U.S. IEOS Strategic Plan is being developed by the U.S. government in consultation with the science community – First public workshop held June 16-17, 2004, second scheduled for May 9-10, 2005 – Workshops provide a vehicle to bring the Earth science community together in order to have its views heard DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 48

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Backup: Significant National/International Science Programs

Programs in Which NASA Has a National-Level Role

Climate Change Weather Natural Hazards Sustainability National Programs

Climate Change Science Program (CCSP, 13 Agencies) Climate Change Technology Program (CCTP, 12 Agencies) U.S. Weather Research Program (USWRP, 7 Agencies) Subcommittee on Natural Disaster Reduction (SDR, 14 Agencies) CENR Subcommittee on Ecosystems

International Programs

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) World Meteorological Organization THORPEX (ISDR) Sustainable Development (WMO) & International Strategy for Disaster Reduction World Summit on (WSSD) DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 49

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap External Constituencies and Corresponding NASA Roles:

NASA’s Strength is in the Intersection



Explore Inform

DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM This is what we mean by

“as only NASA can”

Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 50

• Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

NASA’s Vital Role: Front-End Research to Enable National Priorities & Societal Benefits

Societal Benefits of Environmental Information –

Effective Feedback Keeps the Pipeline Filled and Flowing

National Priorities Presidential Initiatives Space Act

Environmental Information Infrastructure

OUTCOMES Creation of New Knowledge and Capabilities Exploration Discovery Development NASA NSF Environmental Information Production NASA NOAA USGS Environmental Information Use Govt Agencies Businesses NGOs People SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE SOCIETAL BENEFITS SPACE EXPLORATION

Needs, Requirements and Capabilities Feedback Loops

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Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

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Joint Strategic Roadmap #9 and #10 L-1 Mission Concept DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 52

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Joint Sun-Earth Connection at L1

Science Objective Include solar activity forecasts and the Earth’s response into climate forecasts.

Science Goals Understand feedback processes in the Earth’s atmosphere consistent with observed time scales of solar variability of total and spectral irradiance.

Determine if the patterns of solar surface temperature are in agreement with convective theory. Understand the varying spectrum of radiation emitted by magnetic regions of the Sun.

Additional Objective Provide an inter-calibration standard for Earth observing sensors.

Deliver continuous space weather observations from L1.

Mission Description L1 orbit. Duration: One Solar cycle (11 years). 6 year minimum to observe Max to Min. Measurement Strategy

Spatial imaging of bolometric flux of solar photosphere

Rapid (~1min) global imaging spectroscopy of solar UV, EUV and soft X-rays at moderate resolution

Imaging solar magnetograph

Synoptic scale imaging of terrestrial fluxes

Synoptic, high temporal and spatial resolution spectral imaging of the sunlit Earth over the entire ultraviolet (UV), visible, and infrared (IR) spectrum

Synoptic measurements of environmentally important chemical species and tracers in Earth's atmosphere

Synoptic measurements of greenhouse gases, aerosols, upper-atmosphere dynamics and cloud height/phase with a resolution of at least 10km

Observations of backside of the Moon (approx. monthly) to check/calibrate instruments. Integrate calibrations with LEO and GEO.

Solar Coronagraph and Space Environment Instruments provide continuous upstream measurements of energetic particles at L1

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Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

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Capability, Infrastructure, and Other Needs DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 54

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Backup: Key Required Technical Capabilities

• Develop capacity to connect multiple observing and modeling systems into synergistic networks/ system of systems – Sensorweb/ modelweb simulators and systems analysis capacity to advance the state-of the-art in distributed collaborative observing and modeling • Other Required Capabilities: – Multi-Mission/Multi-Model Capability to: • Identify, prioritize, design, and develop observing and modeling systems – Requires the capacity to assess and optimize the multi-objective benefits of new systems in the context of larger networks/ system of systems – – – Systems Analysis capabilities for ongoing assessments of system of systems and future options Design for operations (e.g., to reduce the impact of extended operations) Includes the mission design and development facilities, methods, and tools to complement human capital capabilities in systems architecture and program/project management and implementation • Deploy and operate observing and modeling systems and inter-system networks – Communications systems and navigation systems – – Mission and network control systems Observing system launch and deployment systems • Identify and develop technologies to improve and enable new observing and modeling systems and inter-system networks – New instrument technologies, computation and information technologies, supporting/ platform technologies, and system design/ implementation technologies – New airborne platforms, telepresence, and global range communication and control capabilities to support integrated space-, suborbital, and in situ observing networks.

– Technologies with the potential to improve future operational systems DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 55

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Backup: Infrastructure Needs

• Full system for gathering data, analyzing data, assimilating data, and distributing data/results to decision makers on time, with the right information.

– Assimilation, data storage, data analysis, knowledge discovery from existing/new datasets, data archiving, data accessing, data distribution – Distributed, collaborative modeling of the Earth, its major component systems, and their interactions – Multiple, diverse levels of access and cost to enable and encourage exploratory/ broad use for science, applications, and education • Other Infrastructure Needs: – On-going availability within the Nation of multi-mission infrastructure for: • Developing and manufacturing observation missions – Includes design centers, clean rooms, test chambers, etc.

• Launching (space-based) or deploying (Earth-based such as Uninhabited Aerial Vehicles, UAVs ) observing missions – including available national launch capacity and international capacity to deploy validation measurement systems • Operating missions – Infrastructure to coordination and control of distributed, collaborating observing and modeling systems – Guidance, navigation, and communications infrastructure -- physical implementation of communications and navigation system coupled to: » Future decisions on observation mission orbits and vantage points » Space-based relay vs. ground-based communications and/or navigation architectures DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 56

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Backup: Human Capital and Other Needs

• Agency human capital and infrastructure – System of systems scientific, engineering, and management knowledge, expertise, and tools • To deal with the complexity of sensor-/ model-webs • Multidiscipline “big picture” workforce – Program and project implementation and management knowledge, expertise, and tools • To accelerate the pace of discovery by implementing missions and systems more quickly, more reliably, and more efficiently • Other unique requirements – Human capital needs extend beyond the Agency: • Systems of systems expertise within the academic community for integrated Earth observing and modeling – Science, engineering, technology • Expertise within government agencies and commercial entities to apply Earth observing and modeling results – To support management and policy decisions – To provide valuable services and benefits DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 57

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Recommendations from the Capability Roadmap Teams

Proposed Capability Linkages to Earth Science and Applications from Space DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 58

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Possible Nanotechnology Capabilities

Proposed Connections from the Capability Roadmap Team Capability Requirement Date Required 2010 Investment Start 2005 ROM Cost ?

Rationale for Capability 1. Ultra-high strength, lighter, and multi functional materials (100x stronger than steel), i.e., large lightweight antenna 2. High efficiency power generation and storage There probably is no requirement on improved materials, however, based on current Earth Science and Applications from Space concepts studying the myriad of phenomena and dynamic characteristics of Earth from space, lightweight , high strength, and multi-functional materials will enhance mission success while also saving on overall costs of missions due to less mass, longer durability, etc.

High efficiency power generation and storage would greatly enhance any space based mission by requiring less mass and fewer complex “power capture” systems that could potentially be “single point failure nodes” 2012 2005 Lightweight , high strength, and multi-functional materials will enhance mission success while also saving on overall costs of missions due to less mass, longer durability, etc.

Long term power needs on long missions in Near Earth orbit are drivers for cost and in some cases, determine durations of missions.

efficiency power generation and Advancing technologies within the nanotechnology world have promising solutions on several fronts with high storage capabilities 3. High miniaturized spacecraft systems and instruments; Micro-electronics 100x smaller and less power consuming Robotics, instrument systems High miniaturized spacecraft systems, instruments (including lasers), smaller, radiation tolerant and less power consuming electronics would mean less mass and less power required to meet mission goals 2010 2005 Less mass miniaturized spacecraft systems and less power consuming electronics are nicely coupled to make missions more affordable and realistic for achieving the science goals.

Nanotechnology is at the forefront of developing these technologies to facilitate and make possible these strategic features for all future missions DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 59

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Possible Advanced Telescopes & Observatories Capabilities

Capability 1. 2-5 m deployable collectors 2. Meter-class deformable aberration compensated mirrors 3. 50-m deformable deployable RF reflectors.

Proposed Connections from the Capability Roadmap Team Requirement Date Required Investment Start ROM Cost Rationale for Capability 4. Wavefront sensing and control algorithms with 1/20-wave resolution.

5. Precise, repeatable deployable support structures. 6. Test and validation techniques for large area reflectors.

Collection areas sufficient to enable high sensitivity active and passive optical measurements from low- to high-Earth orbit. Areal cost <$1K/m2, areal density <0.5 kg/m2.

Missions: EASI, WS LIDAR.

Coherent active optical measurements require closed-loop dynamic wavefront correction in order to optimize system response. Missions: HResCO2.

Coherent active radiofrequency measurements require closed-loop dynamic wavefront correction in order to optimize system response.


Coherent active optical measurements require closed-loop dynamic wavefront correction in order to optimize system response.

Missions: HResCO2.

Precision static, deployable, or assembled structures are required to enable all >4 m implementations.


Ground verification of on-orbit performance is desirable for mission assurance purposes.


2020 2017 2015 2017 2015 2010 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 ?






Current meter-class collectors offer insufficient scope for mounting missions subject to low photon efficiency beyond LEO. Some concepts require large “photon buckets” even at LEO.

Optimization of system photon efficiency reduces requirement on collection area and/or source power.

Optimization of system photon efficiency reduces requirement on collection area and/or source power.

Optimization of system photon efficiency reduces requirement on collection area and/or source power.

High stability precision positioning is a key enabling capability that overcomes size, packaging, and space environment issues enabling operation of advanced telescopes and observatories identified in the NASA strategic plan.

Future large space optical and radiofrequency reflectors will not be ground testable and will thus require investment in new modeling and validation approaches.

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Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Possible High Energy Power & Propulsion Capabilities

Proposed Connection from the Capability Roadmap Team

• Science & robotic spacecraft power

– Requirement : Power required for instruments and communication – Timeframe required: 2008 and beyond – When investment in capability should begin: Now – ROM Capability Investment Cost: TBD – Rationale for the capability requirement: Must have power to do missions DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 61

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

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Committee Membership and Subcommittee Assignments DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 62

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Committee Membership

• • Co-Chairs: – Orlando Figueroa, NASA Science Mission Directorate, co-chair – Diane Evans, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, co-chair – Charles Kennel, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, co-chair Members: – Waleed Abdalati, Goddard Space Flight Center – Leopold Andreoli, Northrop Grumman Space Technology – Walter Brooks, Ames Research Center – – – – – – – – – – Jack Dangermond, ESRI William Gail, Vexcel Corporation Colleen Hartman, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Christian Kummerow, Colorado State University Joyce Penner, University of Michigan Douglas Rotman, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory David Siegel, University of California, Santa Barbara David Skole, Michigan State University Sean Solomon, Carnegie Institution of Washington Victor Zlotnicki, Jet Propulsion Laboratory DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 63

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Committee Membership

• • • • Coordinators: – Gordon Johnston, Mission Directorate Coordinator, Designated Federal Official – Azita Valinia, Advanced Planning and Systems Integration Coordinator Liaison Members – Roberta Johnson, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Liaison to the Education Strategic Roadmap Committee – Joint Subcommittee (approx. 2 members from each) with the Sun-Solar System Connection Strategic Roadmap Committee Ex Officio Members – Jack Kaye, Earth-Sun System Division – – Ronald Birk, Earth-Sun System Division George Komar, Earth Science Technology Office Staff – – – – – – – – – – – – Mariann Albjerg, Earth-Sun System Technology Office Jeff Booth, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Paul Brandinger, Goddard Space Flight Center Richard Burg, Goddard Space Flight Center Tony Freeman, APIO Systems Engineer, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Parminder Ghuman, Earth-Sun System Technology Office Steve Hipskind, Ames Research Center Malcolm Ko, Langley Research Center Tom Mace, Dryden Flight Research Center Fritz Policelli, Stennis Space Center Kari Risher, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Dave Young, Langley Research Center DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 64

Earth Science and Applications from Space Strategic Roadmap

Member Subcommittee Assignments

• Explorations – Waleed Abdalati* – David Siegel – Sean Solomon – Leo Andreoli – Bill Gail • Maintaining Perspectives – Colleen Hartman* – Victor Zlotnicki – Joyce Penner • Continuous Awareness – Doug Rotman* – Walt Brooks – Chris Kummerow – David Skole – Jack Dangermond • SRM #9 Members of Joint 9/10 Subcommittee – Chris Kummerow – David Siegel DRAFT, 4/18/2005 AM Strategic Roadmap Committee #9 Interim Status Report 65