Transcript Slide 1

‘HE based Teacher Education – a front line
public service under threat?
UCU: 2nd November
Main routes into teaching
Three or four year undergraduate
School-centred (SCITT)
Employment-based routes (inc GTP, Teach 1s).
‘HE based Teacher Education – a front line
public service under threat?
UCU: 2nd November
Placement difficulties
NQT responsibilities
Staff changes
Benefits to schools
New & fresh ideas
University expertise
Other links
‘HE based Teacher Education – a front line
public service under threat?
UCU: 2nd November
University contribution
Space to share & reflect
Broader range of settings & experiences
Access to resources (library & ICT)
Scope to build through CPD, Master’s etc
‘HE based Teacher Education – a front line
public service under threat?
UCU: 2nd November
Coalition policies
• Shift from ‘teacher training colleges’ into
• Expansion of Teach 1st
• Higher entry qualifications
• Systematic synthetic (and only systematic
synthetic) phonics
• Opportunities to study at master’s level
Gove speech
‘…we will reform teacher training to shift trainee
teachers out of college and into the classroom.
We will end the arbitrary bureaucratic rule which
limits how many teachers can be trained in
schools, shift resources so that more heads can
train teachers in their own schools… Teaching is a
craft and it is best learnt as an apprentice
observing a master craftsman or woman.
Watching others, and being rigorously observed
yourself as you develop, is the best route to
acquiring mastery in the classroom’.
‘HE based Teacher Education – a front line
public service under threat?
UCU: 2nd November
‘HE based Teacher Education – a front line
public service under threat?
UCU: 2nd November
Systematic phonics
Children cannot read to learn before they have learned
to read. Without that secure foundation even the most
gifted and innovative teacher will struggle to inspire
and inform. We know that, whatever else may work,
teaching children to read using the tried and tested
method of systematic synthetic phonics can
dramatically reduce illiteracy. So we will make sure
that teacher training is improved so every new primary
teacher - and every teacher in place - is secure in their
grasp of phonics teaching. We will ensure teachers
have the best reading materials to help embed great
phonics teaching.
‘HE based Teacher Education – a front line
public service under threat?
UCU: 2nd November
Three routes to wisdom
• Experience (bitterest)
• Imitation (easiest)
• Reflection (noblest)