Transcript Slide 1
Brookdale Community College
Thinking of
coming to
Come to an Info
Session first.
Wednesday evenings at
6 PM on August 10, 17
and 24 in the Recruitment
Services office, Lincroft
Phone (732) 224-2261
to reserve your place –
and start this Fall!
Open House
Wed., August 3, from 5-7 PM
Over 25 bachelor`s and master`s
degrees are offered right here in
Monmouth County…where is your
future headed?
Please RSVP
(732) 280-7090
extension 3.
Don't let the summer get away!
Come in and register for Summer III Session
July 5 to August 15
Call 732-224-2345 for a schedule or visit
Monday – Thursday 7:45 AM – 9 PM
Friday 7:45 AM – 7 PM
Saturday 11 AM – 4 PM
Sunday Closed
The Battle for Iwo Jima
Tues, Feb 22, at 7:30 PM
US Marine veterans Gilmon Brooks,
Gerald Kamber, and Frank Lipere
describe the battle and their
remembrances of the famous
flag raising on Suribachi.
$10 program fee - Call (732) 224-2315
Center for World War II Studies
The Samurai in History
Tuesday, April 12, at 11:45 AM in the
Student Life Center
Professor Laura Neitzel offers an
overview of the warriors of medieval
and pre-modern Japan, how they rose
to power, and why we are still
fascinated by them.
Free and open to all.
International Center (732) 224-2799
"Younger by the Day: 365 Ways to Rejuvenate your Body
and Revitalize Your Spirit" with Victoria Moran
Saturday, June 18, from 9:30 AM-12 PM
(732) 224-2315 for information
EXTRA! Brookdale’s SCOPE Center Launches
New Medical Coding Certificate Program!
Earn your medical coding certificate in this
38-week program beginning June 1 –
call (732) 224-1859 now!
Stop by the Paddock Café
for a “Slacker Study Special”
in a cup of 100% Colombian coffee.
Dude. Truly. Have one.
Only $2.50 (plus tax)
Available through November 30.
Spring Fling 2005
The fun begins at 11:45 AM each day!
Tuesday, April 19 - SnoCones, Popcorn, DJ and
giant inflatable games! Bungee Challenge, Gladiator
Joust, Human Bowling, Laser Tag & more
Wednesday, April 20 – BBQ lunch, live music by
The Verdict, karaoke recording booths
Thursday, April 21 - Think Fast Game Show,
break-dancers, massages, psychics, caricatures
Sponsored by the Associated Students of
Brookdale Community College
Pop-Culture Murder Mystery
Thursday, March 24
7 -11 PM
Student Life Center
A Tsunami Relief Fundraiser
Sponsored by PTK, Psi Beta, SLB, Circle K,
Brookdale Water Watch, English Club, Speech
Alliance, GOP, Campus Crusade for Christ,
Criminal Justice Club, International Club,
and GLBTQ.
$15 students, $20 faculty, and $25 community
Information (732) 919-0544
Blood Drive
At Brookdale’s Bayshore Higher Education
Center - with Central Jersey Blood Center
Wednesday, Dec. 15
11 AM – 2 PM
Phone (732) 787-0019
ext. 4001 to make an appointment
Silent Auction to “Support the Troops”
Friday, March 11 at 4:30 PM - Student Life Center
Proceeds benefit organizations helping our enlisted men and women.
Sponsored by the Brookdale College Republicans
Admission $4 - (732) 460-1547 for Info
Brookdale has dozens of clubs and organizations –
something for just about everyone. Stop by Student
Activities or visit the Student Handbook online.
Get involved, man!
“Charles Lindbergh:
The Lone Eagle”
A one-man show
by Steve Carroll
Wed., April 13
6 - 7:30 PM
Performing Arts
Free admission – Info from Student Life & Activities (732) 224-2788
Head for the Student Life Center
… it’s cool inside!
Auditions for “Man of La Mancha”
Feb 10 at 6 PM, Feb 13 at 3 PM, Feb 17 at 6 PM
Phone the Performing Arts Center to reserve your spot –
come prepared to sing and move!
(732) 224-2411
Onstage at
in April
Is it raining, is it snowing? Is a hurricane a’ blowing?
To find out if classes are being held, tune in to Brookdale public
radio 90.5 FM The NIGHT - or visit our website at
CULTS: A “Lunch & Learn” Seminar in 3 Sessions
Thurs., 7/14 - Cults; Origin, Recognition, & Escape
Thurs., 7/21 - Polytheistic vs. Monotheistic
Thurs., 7/28 - Identification & Selection of a Religious Institution for
Personal Growth/Workshop
Rev. Jesse Evans, Mt. Olive Baptist Church, Belmar
Student Life Center, 11:30 AM-1:30 PM.
Please call 732-224-2788 to pre-register.
NJ Coastal Communiversity
Tuesday, March 8, from 5-7 PM
Meet representatives of all 8 partner colleges and
find out how to earn your bachelor’s or master’s
degree - right here in Monmouth County!
(732) 280-7090 ext. 3 to RSVP
Feb. 26, Mar 5 at 7 PM and Feb 27, Mar 6 at 2 PM
Performing Arts Center Box Office (732) 224-2411
Brookdale Community College
are also open to the public!
Phone (732) 224-2788
to find out what’s on.
Brookdale Dance Ensemble
Modern, Jazz and Ballet
Saturday, May 7, at 8 PM
Performing Arts Center
Choreographed by students and
faculty; special guest
musicians will supply
Reception following the
Free- All welcome!
Asia Pacific Month at the
Bankier Library
Our dynamic, interactive
exhibit includes a walk-in
“temple,” music, arts and
crafts, books and handouts.
Take our quiz about the
history & leaders of the
Pacific Rim countries!
Living with Grief: Ethical Dilemmas
at the End of Life
A teleconference live via satellite
Wednesday, April 20, 1:30-4 PM in
the Student Life Center
Moderated by ABC News political
commentator and NPR Senior News analyst
Cokie Roberts.
The teleconference is free, but preregistration is required – please phone
(732) 224-2106 to register.
Sponsored by Brookdale's Student Health
Center and Alumni Association
Career Services Center
Resume Writing
March 8 & 24
Interview Skills
March 10 & 22
11:30 AM-1 PM
OR 6-7:30 PM
in MAE 110
(732) 224-2792
Brookdale Community College
Demystifying Body Obsession
A Free Workshop for Women
Drama Therapist and
Psycho-spiritual Counselor
Blair Glaser, MA, RDT
March 8 from 11:45 AM - 1:15 PM Student Life Center
Student Life & Activities (732) 224-2788
Brookdale’s Empty
Bowls event raised
$660 for donation
to local food
to our
Art Department,
and the Employee
Volunteer Connection!
Auschwitz: 60 Years Later
A talk by Dr. Robert Jan van Pelt
Leading international authority on Auschwitz
Tuesday, November 30, at 7:30 p.m.
Warner Student Life Center
Sunday, May 15, at 2 PM in the Collins Arena
Information from Student Activities at (732) 224-2788
General Information Sessions
Every 3rd Wednesday
Prospective students welcome!
Find out how to earn your baccalaureate at
our Wall Township campus.
RSVP (732) 280-7090 ext. 6006
New Student
Tuesday and
August 30 and 31
10 AM - 4 PM Student
Life Center
First Day of Fall
Term Classes
September 6
Phone Student Activities
at (732) 224-2788
for more details
Brookdale Community College