Huron Valley PMI Chapter 2014 – 2015 Current Slate of

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Transcript Huron Valley PMI Chapter 2014 – 2015 Current Slate of

All 7 Board of Director Positions elected annually
Chapter President
VP Programs
VP Finance
VP Membership
VP Communications
VP Training
VP Administration
All Board Positions are Voluntary
Each Board Member must:
• Be a member of PMI and PMI-HVC in good standing
• Have approved volunteer hours for PMI-HVC
Each Board Member’s Term is 1 year
• Runs May to May
Board Member Election Timeline:
• End of March 2015: Board Nominee Submissions Due
• Self nomination
• 4/20/15: (April Chapter Meeting): Candidates Announced and Introduced
• May 2015: Online Voting
• 5/18/15 (May Chapter Meeting): Election Results Announced
Nominating Committee Members:
• Kevin O’Brien
• Calvin Haddad
[email protected]
[email protected]
VP Programs:
VP Finance:
VP Membership:
VP Communications:
VP Training:
VP Administration:
Craig Karagitz
Cady Kass
Kody Klindt
VP Programs:
VP Finance:
VP Membership:
VP Communications:
VP Training:
VP Administration:
Craig Karagitz
Cady Kass
Lisa Ingall
Kody Klindt
Bill Mahoney
Dan Kulkarni
Sara Adams
• Approximately 12-15 hrs. per month including monthly meetings.
• Ensure the chapter and the Board of Directors operate in accordance with the PMI Charter
and Chapter by-laws.
• Drive the chapter strategic vision with the Board of Directors.
• Assist the Board of Directors members (Vice-Presidents) in execution of their duties
through leadership and support.
• Review the monthly budget reports and financial information, providing guidance as
appropriate to ensure the chapter is operating in a fiscally responsible manner.
• Attend / Participate in monthly Board and Chapter meetings.
• Schedule and conduct regular Board meeting.
• Participate in monthly PMI Region 4 President’s meeting.
• Attend annual PMI Region 4 meeting and annual PMI LIM.
• Participate in annual chapter charter renewal and annual review processes.
• Attend chapter functions providing opening remarks, etc. as needed/appropriate.
• Approximately 12-15 hrs. per month including monthly meetings
• Attend / Participate in monthly Board and Chapter meetings
• Oversee all programs sponsored by the Michigan Huron Valley Chapter
• Schedule and conduct regular meetings for the Programs Committee
• Responsible for strategic vision and oversight of all programs sponsored by PMI-HVC, including the following activities:
• Monthly Chapter Networking meeting
• Annual Professional Development Day (PDD)
• Annual Job Fair
• Annual Review of the VP-Programs Orientation Guide
• Provide direct supervision for the following positions:
• Director, Monthly Chapter Networking meeting
• Director, PDD
• Director, Job Fair
• Any other Director positions created to support the Chapter’s Programs initiatives
• Participate in annual chapter strategic planning meeting
• Participate in annual PMI chapter charter renewal process
• Participate in annual volunteer dinner to support volunteers
• Participate in annual chapter business review
• Provide content/updates as necessary to be placed on the Chapter website
• Approx. 12 to 16 hrs. per month including monthly • Manage/execute financial processes related to PMP
Cert Exam Prep Training
• Submit invoice to EMU for training support
• Manage/execute chapter budget creation & tracking
• Deposit EMU payments
• Draft, revise and finalize annual budget
• Track/report income and spending projection revisions
• Track/report actual income and expense
• Send honorarium payments
• Manage/execute income tax filing process
• Manage/execute tax exemption status
• Manage/execute checking account detail/summary
• Maintain tax exemption
reporting process
• Submit tax exemption requests to service providers
• Manage/execute chapter meeting financial process • Support PMI and PMI-Region4 activities
• Download current member information and load it into
• Make annual insurance payment
accounting software
• Support annual charter review process
• Download pre-registrations, load them into accounting
• Participate in quarterly Region 4 conference call
software and sends electronic receipts
• Receive at-the door payments, capture them in
• Manage/execute process for other expense
accounting software and print receipts
reimbursement requests
• Reconcile accounting package entries with actual
• Manage/execute general accounting package
reconciliation (currently using QuickBooks)
• Report meeting attendance and financial information
(income/expense detail)
• Attend / Participate in monthly Board and Chapter
• Deposit cash/checks into checking account
• Review speaker payment requests and send payments
• Approximately 12-15 hours (average) per month including board and chapter meetings (attendance and both are
• Email correspondence (Weekly)
Welcome to chapter
Renewal reminders
Renewal thank you’s
Certification congratulations
• Email correspondence (Monthly)
• Chapter meeting reminders (on hold)
• Snail mail correspondence (ongoing as required)
• Postcards sent to member’s physical address when emails are undeliverable
• Volunteer engagement facilitation (ongoing and under development)
• Board sponsor for Chapter survey polling unit (under development)
• Board sponsor for LinkedIn Membership Matter group (ongoing and under development)
• Twitter notifications (testing)
• Online eBrochure author and maintenance (Monthly and as needed)
• Liaison with PMI and other chapter on membership matters
• Ad hoc membership communications and assistance to chapter members and prospective members
Approx. 10 to 12 hrs. per month including monthly meetings
Manage PMI-HVC Website (non-technical)
Manage communications volunteers (Webmaster and Communications Director)
Manage Membership Communications (Emails / Newsletters)
Liaison to Website Provider - Proteon Software
Attend / Participate in monthly Board and Chapter meetings
• Approx. 12-15 hrs. per month including monthly meetings
• Organize PMP Prep Training Classes with EMU Livonia
Create class schedule and coordinate getting Primary and Backup instructors
Teach and provide backup support for PMP Prep classes
Ensure PMP Prep class material is up to date to match latest version of PMBOK
Actively recruit getting new instructors/ promoting existing instructors
Provide coaching/feedback to instructors on performance during the classes
Recruit Director of PMP Prep Class to manage program at EMU
• Develop PMP Prep Classes for new locations (Lansing Community College)
• Engage with other PMI Chapters to assist in teaching classes (Capital Cities Chapter)
• Develop Strategic Vision for enhancing training options for the chapter
• Research and develop new training programs (Agile)
• Launch new training programs
• Attend/Participate in the monthly Board and Chapter meetings
Approximately 12-15 hrs. per month including monthly meetings
Perform yearly PMI chapter charter renewal process
Record and store BoD meeting minutes
Maintain monthly BoD calendar of operational activities
Ensure Board Nominating Committee is staffed
Organize yearly volunteer dinner
Organize yearly chapter business review presentation
Perform miscellaneous administrative tasks such as ordering business cards
Responsible for strategic vision and oversight of the following activities:
• Chapter compliance
• Records management
• BoD specific documentation such as BoD Roles and Responsibilities
• Attend/Participate in the monthly BoD and chapter meetings
• Consider how you’d like to volunteer for the Chapter
• there are many opportunities, on or off the Board
• our Chapter cannot exist without volunteers!
• If you’re curious about a Board position, then
• review the summaries in this presentation, and/or
• reach out to a current Board member to learn more
• Remember these key dates:
End of March 2015: Board Nominee Submissions Due
4/20/15: (April Chapter Meeting): Candidates Announced and Introduced
May 2015: Online Voting
5/18/15 (May Chapter Meeting): Election Results Announced
• Contact one of these Nominating Committee Members with questions and to
submit your nomination:
• Kevin O’Brien
• Calvin Haddad
[email protected]
[email protected]