Bringing Sisyphusian Tenacity to Work: Building Capacity

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Research without (Southern) Borders
May 22. & 23. 2003, Ottawa, Canada
Bringing Sisyphusian Tenacity to Work:
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Capacity and Competence
Collaboration and Confidence
Andreas Steigen, Director
Centre for Studies of Environment and Resources
University of Bergen, Norway
National Policies and Strategies
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, January 1999
Strategy for strengthening research and higher education in
the context of Norway’s relations with developing countries
Strengthening of research and higher education and
use of research-based knowledge in the South
Support for international research
Research and commissioned studies as a basis for
Norwegian South policy
Coordination and integration
Strengthening of research and higher education and
use of research-based knowledge in the South
• The objective of Norwegian research assistance and
support for competence- and capacity-building in the
South is:
• to improve the developing countries’ ability to
carry out research and higher education on the
basis of the countries’ own needs and their
ability to make use of existing research results
Support for research and higher education through
• The objectives of NORAD’s support to research and higher
education in the South are:
• to promote conditions that advance and encourage
the development and use of research-based
• to contribute to the development of universities
and other relevant institutions for higher education
and research in their capacity as key institutions for
teaching, research and the dissemination of
knowledge, and as contributors to development.
Cooperation with Norwegian institutions on support
for higher education and training
• The purpose of support for higher education and training
in cooperation with Norwegian institutions is:
• to strengthen competence and capacity in key
subject areas of strategic importance to recipient
countries and where the Norwegian institutions
have particular expertise and competence.
Collaboration between research institutions in
Norway and in developing countries
• The purpose of cooperation between research institutions
in Norway and corresponding institutions in the South is:
• to help to build up research competence in
developing countries,
• to promote South-South collaboration,
• to promote a dialogue with research institutions
in the South as part of an integrated Norwegian
South policy.
Support for international research
• Through contributions to international research institutions
and multilateral organizations whose activities include
research, the Foreign Ministry will:
• contribute to the development, dissemination and
application of knowledge of global significance and
of particular relevance to development in the
South in the struggle against poverty, e.g. by
improving agricultural systems, food security, the
environment, health and social welfare,
• help to ensure that international research
institutions emphasize cooperation with developing
countries in order to increase research capacity in
the South.
The Foreign Ministry will make efforts to ensure that, in addition
to scientific quality, international research gives priority to:
• research that is significant for and relevant to the poorest ,
• research that is interdisciplinary, socially oriented and
promotes international coordination measures,
• research that promotes a women’s perspective and gender
equality , including ways in which women can be integrated
into the process of development,
• research that helps to strengthen national research capacity
and competence in the South through cooperation between
international and national research institutions,
• the use of knowledge and the adaptation of research to local
conditions in developing countries,
• the use of research results in the operational activities of
multilateral organisations .
Research and commissioned studies as a basis for
Norwegian South policy
• The overriding objective of support to Norwegian
development research is:
• to contribute to the long-term development of
knowledge that can serve as a basis for the
formulation of an integrated Norwegian South
policy and for planning and follow-up of
Norwegian development assistance through
bilateral and multilateral channels in terms of
management and governance.
The instruments
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SIU (Centre for International University Cooperation)
is a Norwegian centre of expertise whose objective is to promote
the participation of Norwegian educational and research
institutions in international cooperation.
SIU organises the joint efforts of its member institutions, and it
manages and develops programmes and support functions for
international cooperation.
NUFU is an acronym for the Norwegian Council for Higher
Education´s Programme for Development Research and
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The overriding goal of the NUFU
programme is to contribute to building
competence in research and higher
education in developing countries.
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Equal and long term collaboration
• Cooperation based on institutional partnership
– Activities and projects initiated by individual researchers
– Assessments, reviews, quality assurance, and reporting by the
participating institutions
– External evaluation of projects by NUFU
• NUFU itself evaluated in 2000 by the Dutch agency NUFFIC
– NUFU is successful, playing a significant role; an important
and strategic tool for academic development collaboration
• Uniqueness of NUFU:
– Supporting long-term academic, reciprocal collaboration in
partnership between universities and colleges in Norway and
developing countries
Strategy of the University of Bergen
Development related education and research
• The strategic plan 2000-2005
– Two main priorities:
• Marine research
• Internationalisation,
– especially collaboration with institutions
in the third world in education and
UoB: Strategic main initiatives
• The University of Bergen will uphold its international
profile and especially strengthen its research
collaboration with countries in the third world.
• This collaboration shall purposely reflect UoB’s
responsibility for research in a global perspective.
UoB: Strategic initiatives
• UoB shall give priority to collaboration with
institutions in developing countries.
• This collaboration shall be formalised at different
levels, be mutual and be organised in projects,
exchange programmes, and research education.
• Institutional building in developing countries will
be supported
UoB: International bilateral agreements
Europe (17)
USA (11)
Canada (3)
South America (8)
Africa (6)
Asia (19)
Australia (5)
UoB: NUFU portfolio
• 2002 - 2007 - 19 NUFU - projects (94 mill. NOK)
– Africa 13, Asia 5, Middle East 1
– Health 10, Natural Sciences 4, Social Sciences 4, Arts 1
• 1991 - 2001 - 22 NUFU - projects (153 mill. NOK)
– Africa 14, Asia 6, Middle East 1, Central America 1
– Health 9, Natural Sciences 5, Social Sciences 6, Arts 2
Other funding sources:
• NORAD scholarship programme
– especially designed courses with special relevance
• UoB arrangements
– The quota programme (Join our courses!)
– The guest researcher programme
– The strategic funding programme (seed money)
– Special funding from the Office of International Relations
– Earmarked funding from
• Then: NORAD, NFR, EU, UNDP, UNEP, NGOs, ++
The Mak/UiB collaboration as
per May 2003
Compiled by
by Livingstone Luboobi and Andreas Steigen
The University of Bergen:
a brief description
7 faculties
17 000 students
2 500 faculty and staff
City university
Learning networks
Main priorities:
– Marine research
– North-south research
Makerere University:
a brief description
• 20 faculties/institutes/schools
• 32 000 students
• Day, evening, external
study programmes.
• 5 000 faculty and staff
• City university
• Learning networks
• East African centres in
• Library science
The University of Bergen: a brief history
• 1825 Bergen Museum
• 1873 Leprosy bacterium discovered by Dr Armauer Hansen
• 1907 Sundt Chair of Zoology
• 1948 Formal opening
Faculties of Medicine, Mathematics and
Natural Science, Arts
• 1970 Faculties of Dentistry, Social Sciences
• 1980 Faculties of Psychology, Law
• 1986 UNIFOB
• 1986 - 1990 4 centres for Sustainable Development
• 1990 Bertelsmann Prize
• 2002 Three Centers of Excellence granted
Makerere University: a brief history
1922 - Uganda Technical College, 14 students in
Carpentry, Building and Mechanics. Soon offering
courses in Medical Care, Agriculture, Veterinary
Sciences and Teacher Training.
1937 – Makerere starts to offer post-school
certificate courses.
1949 - College for the whole of Eastern Africa, with
courses leading to General Degrees of the
University of London.
June 29, 1963 - University of East Africa
established, degrees of the University of East Africa
were instituted.
July 1, 1970 - Makerere became an independent
national University of the Republic of Uganda,
offering undergraduate and postgraduate courses
leading to its own awards.
A short history of the Mak/UoB collaboration - I
1988 Prof. Endre Lillethun visits Makerere
1990 Application to NUFU for capacity building in Chemistry,
Mathematics and Physics
1991-1995 NUFU Project 39/91 Basic Science for Technological
Development in Uganda (Phase I)
1993 Change in top executive at Makerere
1996-2001 NUFU Project 39.2/91 Basic Science for Technological
Development in Uganda (Phase II)
1997 Professor Livingstone Luboobi project coordinator at Makerere
1998 Professor Andreas Steigen project coordinator at UoB
1999 Frame Agreement signed
2000 Nature, Society and Water project starts
2000 VC John Ssebuwufu bestowed an Honorary Doctorate at UoB
A short history of the Mak/UoB collaboration - II
2002 NUFU:
• Essential Nutrition and Child Health in Uganda: A Research Project to
Promote Innovative Community-based and Clinical Actions.
• Research in Basic Sciences at Makerere and Collaborating Universities to
Promote Technological Development.
2002 Agreement for the co-operation of the Libraries at Makerere and UoB is
2002 Agreement for the co-operation of the Finance Dept. Makerere and
Economy & Budget Dept. UoB is signed
2002 Collaboration between the DICTS at Makerere and the IT Department
at UoB.
2002 Collaboration in developing a computerised data base for personnel at
Makerere has started
2003 Change in top executive at Makerere.
The Frame Agreement - I
Article 1: Areas of co-operation
1.1 This agreement shall be considered an element
in the strategic work at MU and UoB by giving
priority to collaboration projects between
scientists from the two academic institutions.
There shall be mutual information on ongoing and
new international activities, and scientists may be
invited to participate in ongoing and future research
projects if funding can be provided.
The Frame Agreement - II
Article 2: Research and teaching
Article 3: Exchange of staff
Article 4: Exchange of graduate students
Article 5: Funding and finance
Article 6: Annex
Article 7: Management and administration of the
Article 8: Disputes, time frame, termination, and
Signed in Kampala, 18th of November 1999
Present facilities at Makerere
• UoB - coordinator
• UoB Offices - seminar room
– all expenses covered by Makerere
• Secretary
• Administrator of student affairs (funding: 50/50)
• Office equipment
– LAN and Internet connection
• Boat
• Cars
• Driver (funded by Makerere)
Research Project Activities 1
• Nature, Society & Water
– Lake Victoria - History of Man and Water
• A comprehensive interdisciplinary study in
– Fresh Water Ecology
– Social sciences
– History
– Law
– Total number of students and researchers
involved: 14 +
– Funding;
• Norwegian Research Council (NFR)
• UoB, Makerere, NORAD
Research Project Activities 2 a
Research in Basic Sciences at Makerere and Collaborating Universities to
Promote Technological Development. Subprojects:
Analysis and Application of Anthocyanin Pigments from Flowers, Fruits and
Chemotaxonomic Investigation of the Fatty Acids Composition in Different
Organs of Various Fish Species/Populations from Lake Victoria and Evaluation
of their Industrial Applications in Uganda
Environmental Chemistry
Enhancing and Sustaining Pedagogical Quality in Science and Mathematics
Teacher Education at Makerere University
Capacity building and joint research in Industrial and Financial Mathematics
Joint research in Statistics, Mathematical Modelling in Epidemiology and
Numerical Analysis
Materials Science (to be phased out)
Environmental Physics: Light and Life in African Environments
Environmental Physics: Solar Energy project
Research Project Activities 2 b
• Production:
– 1991-2001: 18 PhD (+ 6 UoB), 44 Master, 7
– 2002: 5 PhD (16 registered), 3 Master
• Papers, Seminars, Courses, +++
– Number of staff involved (2002- )
• Makerere: 10 +, UoB: 13 +
– Funding:
• UoB, Makerere
Research Project Activities 3
• Essential Nutrition and Child Health in
Uganda: A Research Project to Promote
Innovative Community-based and Clinical
– Started 2002
• Master and PhD students in Bergen
– Funding;
• UoB, Makerere, NORAD
Research Project Activities 4
• Network in Pathology
– Started 2003
– Master and PhD students in Bergen
– Funding;
• UoB, Makerere, NORAD
Administrative projects - 1
• HURIS – Human Resource Information Systems
• Collaboration within the following major
The Human Resource Information System
The Human Resource Policy Development
Business Process Re-engineering
Human Resource Development
• People involved: Makerere: 8, Bergen: 12
• Funding: Each university has paid its own cost
Administrative projects - 2
• FINIS – the financial information system:
• Collaboration within the following areas:
– Facilitating the implementation of the FINIS
project by sharing experiences
– Learning from best practices
– Training in implementing financial systems
• People involved: Makerere: 10, Bergen: 8
• Funding: Each university pays its own costs
Administrative projects - 3
• LIBIS - The Library Information System
• Collaboration areas:
• Inter-library Loan
• Practical training
• Technical support in development and
implementation of a Digital Science Library at
• Development of a Science Library at Makerere
• Exchange of literature
• People involved:Makerere: 7, Bergen: 6
• Funding: Each university has paid its own
Administrative projects - 4
• DICTS – Directorate for ICT Support
• Collaboration areas:
– web design
– networking
– training and experience exchange
• People involved: Makerere: 4, Bergen: 2
• Funding: Most of the costs have so far been
on the MU side. Both universities have paid
their own costs.
How many are involved?
• Researchers and administrative staff: 95
• Total estimate when students and candidates
are involved: 150
Student exchange
• An “Agreement on Student Exchange and Joint
Degrees” is being prepared and will be signed in
June 2003
– Problem areas:
• Credit transfer
• Mutual acceptance of joint degrees
• Definition of a “Joint” degree
• Increasing student interest
• Disciplines involved (so far):
– Psychology, geography, political science, social anthropology,
sociology, law, gender studies, medicine, ecology, zoology, botany
– Exchange within the NUFU projects: chemistry, physics,
mathematics, science education, environmental science, medicine
“Agreement on Student Exchange and
Joint Degrees” -1
• Topics
– Student exchange
Student admission
Credit transfer
Services for exchange students
General programme admission
– Joint degrees
• Issues agreed upon regarding joint degrees
Student Exchange
2. Credit Transfer
2.1) Under the Frame Agreement Mak and UiB shall
mutually recognise credits awarded at the other
2.2) In cases where there is substantial overlap between
courses there shall be a deduction in credits
corresponding to the overlap.
2.3) The department responsible for the student’s study
programme at the home institution shall accept the
study plan at the host university before departure. This
includes credit recognition.
Joint Degrees
• A Joint Degree is a Master or PhD degree awarded at
both universities in a sandwich programme and/or in
joint research programmes between the two
• The principles on which joint Master and PhD
degrees rest, are that
 There is a matching Master degree at either University in the
ordinary degree system.
 Candidates shall fulfil the requirements, equivalent or additional, of
the two universities for the registration and/or graduation of
students at both universities.
 A candidate for joint degree should preferably participate in a joint
research project going on between the two universities.
Upcoming Joint Master Programmes
• Joint Master in Water Studies
– Water Studies, Integrated management of fresh
water resources and wetlands (Makerere)
This is linked to the master at UoB in
– Water Studies, Integrated coastal zone
management (UoB)
(Planned to start September 2003)
• Joint Master in Computer Science
• Preliminary discussions started
Collaborations in the pipeline
Nile Basin Research Programme
Dance and drama
Gender studies
Social anthropology
Collaboration with University of Gambia and
Experiences Gained - 1
In addition to the achievements indicated above, this
should be noted:
• Joint supervision of Masters/Ph.D. students under the
NUFU projects has made the collaborations between the
various departments at Makerere and the corresponding
departments at Norwegian universities strong and sustainable
• The members of staff at Makerere who received support
for their Masters degrees in the first phase of the NUFU
programme, did their PhDs in the second phase. Now they are
involved in collaborative research
Experiences Gained - 2
• At the beginning the collaboration was between
academic departments of Makerere and UoB.
Now the collaboration has spread to include
administration, finance, ICT, and libraries.
• In the beginning, it was difficult for Makerere
to raise funds for collaboration since there were
no budget lines for collaborative activities. At
present both the administration and the finance
departments are actively involved in the
collaboration. Budget lines for such
collaboration have been established.
Problems solved (almost):
• Communications and web pages
• Budgeting and accounting procedures
– Quarterly accounts and budgets
• Banking
• Exchange rates
• Insurance procedures (AIG in Kampala)
• Purchasing (expensive scientific equipment has to be paid
in advance from Bergen before shipped to Makerere)
• Repair and services mostly in Uganda
• Transport - field work - boat
• Library services
• Visa are issued very quickly
Pending Problems
Clearance through customs
Optimal use of money (autumn-spending)
Detailed budgets
Exploding number of students
– Student registration and housing
• Course and curriculum descriptions
• To little media exposure
How to make it work
• Mutualism in collaboration
• Building self-confidence in partners
 Not aid, but cooperation in research and education
 Completing the international network
 Indicate benefits for all
• Patience, persistence and long time involvement
• Friendship and transparency
• Gender issues
• Natural selection of partners
 Substitute partners when necessary
• In three words:
Commitment, dedication and loyalty