The Illustrated Man

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‘The Illustrated Man’
Ray Bradbury
•Look at the book.
•What do you think it may be about?
Ray Bradbury was an American
fantasy and horror author who,
although he is often categorised
as a science fiction writer,
actually rejected this label
claiming that his work was based
on the fantastical and unreal.
His best known novel is
Fahrenheit 451, a dystopian
study of a future American
society in which critical thought
is outlawed.
The Illustrated Man
First published in1951,
this is a fantastic
collection of short
stories that explore the
darker aspects of the
human condition. They
are mostly horror,
fantasy and science
• The collection of eighteen tales are framed by a prologue and an epilogue
constructed round the actual character of the illustrated man. This
character is an unfortunate man who thought it would be a good idea to
get his body covered with tattoos. He lived to regret this, so be warned!
• The tattoos move around and each tell a separate story.
• These stories are recounted by the unnamed narrator, who uses a 1st
person narrative point of view to describe his encounter with the tattooed
• The framing of the short stories by this device gives the stories a cohesion
and continuity that they would otherwise lack. It is very clever.
• What is a prologue?
• It is a preamble that often sets the tone before the proper
• Individually:
• Write a brief summary of what happens.
• What impression do you get of the illustrated man? What
is he like? Give a quotation to back this up.
• Look at the top of page 3. What do you notice about the
sentences structure here? Why do you think it is like this?
Key techniques
•Sentence structure- long sentences often
used to build up a particular impression. In
this example, you get a real sense of the
endless universe etched on to this strange
man’s skin: “a constellation of freckles”.
Story 1: The Veld
Initial questions
• What happens in this story?
• Who are the main characters and what are they
like? Try to come up with some quotations to
back up what you say.
• Do the names of the children remind you of any
other famous characters from literature?
• The expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally
signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic
effect:‘Don’t go overboard with the gratitude,’
• A state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what
one expects and is often wryly amusing as a result:the irony is that I
thought he could help
• Dramatic or tragic irony) A literary technique, originally used in
Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character’s words
or actions is clear to the audience or reader although unknown to
the character.
• It is ironic that a couple of spoilt brats, who
could murder their parents, are named Peter
and Wendy.
• Is there anything ironic about “Happy-house
Learning Intention
•To develop ability to identify and
analyse key techniques used by
What do you think?
• What do you think about the children and the way
they behave? Write a paragraph on what they are like
and back this up with evidence (look at page 13 to
help you with this).
• What do you think the theme of the story might be?
• *Theme- The central idea that is explored by a writer
• Peter and Wendy seem to have all the power in the house. The
normal roles are reversed: “We’re full of strawberry ice cream and
hot dogs,’ said the children holding hands. ‘But we’ll sit and watch.’
The parents should be in control, but the children tell them what they
will do.
• It is also ironic that they are described as having “ cheeks like
peppermint candy” and are holding hands so sweetly when they are
such horrible children. The connotations of peppermint candy are
pleasant but the kids are not.
• Bradbury is critical of modern technology, which in
this dystopian world, has come to replace normal,
loving human interactions. He suggests that this can
lead to a isolated and fractured existence.
Textual Analysis
• This is an important skill in English: essentially it is where you identify techniques
used by the author and write about the effect n the reader.
• Can you remember any literary techniques used by writers?
• Sentence length- short sentences for dramatic impact; long sentences to develop
ideas and pile on images
• Repetition- to emphasise words and ideas
• Imagery – The use of words to create pictures or images for the reader.
• Connotation – The implication or suggestion attached to a word or phrase.
• Personification- the giving of human qualities/characteristics to something that is
not human
• Foreshadowing -a dramatic device in which an important plot point is mentioned
earlier in the story to return later in a significant way.
Your turn
• Can you find an example of personification on page 7?
• Foreshadowing (p 14, 15)
• Repetition (11)
• Short sentences (lots- 11, 13)
Textual analysis
1. Where is the story set?
2. Find two similes on the first page? Quote and explain why they are
3. In three sentences, explain what happens in the story?
4. Look at p 24 and 25. The author uses repetition. What word is
repeated and why?
5. What does Applegate think about the captain? Why does he say
this now?
6. How does Hollis feel about his situation? Why?
7. Why is this a good title for the story?
1. Space
2. “Men were thrown into space like a dozen wriggling silverfish”effective because they would be silver in their space suits and they
have as much power as tiny insects. “They fell as pebbles fall down
a well.”-as above, they would be falling into a deep unknown world.
They have as much power (agency)as pebbles.
3. The rocket exploded while the men were in space suits, and they
are floating through space to certain death. They let out their real
feelings about each other because it is the end and there will never
be any consequences.
4. “Falling”- the verb emphasises the continuing action that is
5. He does not like him and tells him because he cannot exercise any
power over him now: his rank is meaningless.
6. He is philosophical. There is nothing he can do and he looks back on
his life and comes to terms with his past.
7. They are spinning in random directions and making new patterns.
Their purpose, as one functioning crew, the pattern, is fragmenting
and disintegrating. Stone also says the meteor shower is, “like a big
kaleidoscope”. He has a beautiful death, as does Hollis.
• What do you think the theme might be?
• That the human spirit is a beautiful and
wonderful thing. Even in horrific circumstances
we can make the world a positive place.
• The future is built upon the sacrifices of the past.
The Other Foot
• What do you think the title means?
• It is an English idiom-the full saying is “the boot is on
the other foot”- which means that a situation is now
the opposite of what it was before, often because a
person who was in a weak position is now in a strong
• What do you think it might be about?
• Where is it set?
• What is the narrative point of view?
• Narrative point of view is the position of the narrator in relation to
the story being told (1st person, 3rd person, omniscient (all knowing)
• How does Willie feel about the arrival of the white men?
• Why does he feel like that? Can you understand why he feels like
that? Do you sympathise with him?
• Why does he change his mind?
Learning Intention
•To develop your understanding and
appreciation of the short story form
•Non-fiction article for Wed 24
• Structure is really important in short stories.
• Short stories are created around a key incident (conflict).
• For ‘The Other Foot’, make notes under the subheadings from the
• You should also identify what the key incident and conflict is in the
‘The Other Foot’
• Exposition- main characters and background introduced: Hattie and Willie;
black population living on Mars; resentment of white population who
mistreated them and ultimately exiled them. News that rocket with white
men is coming after 20 years of no contact
• Rising action- Willie stirs hatred in the population and they plan to treat
the whites like they treated them on Earth
• Climax- confrontation between white crew and Willie. “He put out a hand
and half smiled, but drew his hand back.” “No one moved” X2 (41)
• Falling action- listing of all destroyed sites of Earth (through foolish human
• Denoument (resolution)- rapprochement between black and white:
realisation that it would be wrong to perpetrate racial hatred
The Highway
• What do you think the theme is? (clue-linked to previous story)
• In the 1950s and 60s there was a massive fear of nuclear Armageddon and
the inevitable devastation that would cause to the world around us and the
people living there.
• Science-fiction (speculative fiction)-although it gives a fictionalised account
of a future society, it is very much concerned with the world in the
present(when it was written).
• Apart from nuclear destruction, what other things do you think Bradbury
was concerned about? Think about and discuss all the stories we have read
so far.
• 1. What does the writer do at the start of the story?
• Establishes an idyllic setting
• 2. Where is it set?
• Mexico
• 3. What does Hernando’s making of the broken tyre into a shoe show
about him?
• He is very resourceful and practical.
• 4. What is he like as a character?
• He is a simple soul- “It is nothing.”
• Racial intolerance and redemption (‘The Other
• Impact of technology on human relations( ‘The
• Problems between young and old: generational
gap( ‘The Veld’)
• Isolation and death as leveller (‘Kaleidoscope’)
The Man
• There is a contrast between two views of human nature. How would
you describe these two different viewpoints?
Group work
• Goal: to explain how language and techniques contribute to characters,
setting, plot, structure and theme in literature.
• You are going to discuss the stories that we have read, and decide on one
story to make a presentation about to the rest of the class. You should
decide which story you like the best. Your presentation should identify:
• What the main characters are like.
• Source of main conflict.
• What the setting is like.
• Main developments in the plot.
• How the story reflects the structure you have been taught.
• What the theme is.
• For all of these, you need to identify how language and techniques
used by Bradbury contribute to this effect. So, give quotations and
explain how they are effective.
• You will start this today, but will finish it for homework and present on
Monday 6th October. Make your presentation interesting as well as
• Extension- make connections with another story from the anthology.
• When Willie is preparing his horrible revenge for the white visitors t
Mars (the black colony), half the population is looking forward to it,
while the other half think it is unspeakably cruel. Bradbury uses
contrast to hammer home this point, when he juxtaposes “chuckling
men” preparing the apparatus for the new segregation with the oth
half of the population who “moved like figures in a nightmare.” If
people are chuckling they are clearly enjoying themselves, while the
simile of a nightmare is really effective as it suggests that they are
trapped in a situation that they cannot escape from or change
because nightmares are beyond the dreamer’s control. This is a
strong contrast and illustrates how the colony is torn in two.
The Long Rain
• Motif- a recurring symbol in a narrative
• What motif is repeated throughout the story?
• What mood does it create in the story?
• What do you think it might symbolise?
Reading for Understanding, Analysis and
• This is a key skill in English and used to be called
Close Reading. To succeed in National 5 you
need to develop your expertise in this area to a
high level.
• Over the next couple of years you will be doing a
lot of work to perfect that associated skills.
• Understanding- what are the main ideas in the passage? Always use
your own words
• Analysis- How has the writer communicated ideas/meaning(what
technique has been used and how effective is it)?
• Evaluation- How well has the writer communicated ideas? (element
of personal response)
• This is easy- all you have to do is show that you understand what the
passage is about. To do this you provide a gloss of the section that
you are directed to by the question. Always use your own words as
much as possible.
• Mr Roskilly’s top tip- read more!
• The more widely read you are, the larger your vocabulary will be and
the easier you will find this.
• This can be a bit more tricky but the more you practise this the easier
it becomes.
• Essentially, all you have to do is identify the literary or linguistic
technique being used and explain how it creates an effect on the
• Mr Roskilly’s top tip- read more!
Imagery- a handy formula
• 1. Identify which type of image is being used.
• 2. Quote the exact words.
• 3. Explain the effect of the image: ie what is being
compared to what, and why?
Usher II
• Read the story and do the following tasks:
1. Where and when is the story set?
2. Write a synopsis of the story.
3. Re-read page 83. What do you notice about the sentence structure?
What is the effect?
4. Who is Stendahl and what is he like as a character? Give a quotation and
5. How would you describe the setting? Give a quotation and explanation.
6. What do you think of this world? How would you describe it? Would you
like to live in it? Explain your answers in as much depth as you can.
Non-fiction reading project
• You need to find a suitable, persuasive, article
• If at all possible, print and annotate your article for inclusion with
your booklet.
• You need to read the task very carefully and then complete to the
best of your ability
• You need to fill out the index page and make sure you get this signed
by a parent or carer
• Reading for Understanding, analysis and evaluation
1. Read ‘The Last Night of the World’ and write a brief summary of the
story. Use your own words. (U)
2. Choose a piece of dialogue and explain how it contributes to the
tone of the story. You may look at structure, word choice or
imagery. (A)
3. Think about the whole story. What do you think the theme is and
how effective do you think Bradbury is in communicating this. You
should refer to a specific example from the story. (E)
4. Extension- read ‘The Rocket’ and complete the same questions
Independent learning
• Learning Intention—
• To develop your ability to understand and analyse a text in an
independent manner
• Success criteria—
• To show you have understood the main ideas in an unseen piece of
• Make notes on the effectiveness of at least one key technique
• To write an evaluative paragraph detailing your personal response
(with specific reference to the text as a whole)
Task: Reading for Understanding, analysis and
• Read ‘The Rocket’
1. Read ‘The Rocket’ and write a brief summary of the story. Use your
own words. (U)
2. Identify at least one technique used in this story. You may look at
structure, word choice, imagery etc. Quote and explain the impact
on the reader (its effectiveness) (A)
3. Think about the whole story. What do you think the theme is and
how effective do you think Bradbury is in communicating this. You
should refer to a specific example from the story. (E)
• Set in a future where rocket travel is common but the preserve of the rich, while
the poor remain poor (as always). Bodoni and all his family dream of flying in a
rocket one day. Bodoni buys a model rocket and creates an illusion for his
children. They believe that they have been on a trip into space.
• “The moon dreamed by.”(111) Short sentence for dramatic impact and
transferred epithet. The moon cannot dream but the dream that Bodoni is
creating –of space travel– is made vivid by this image. It is the children’s dream.
• Theme is hold onto your dreams. There is a way to make these dreams satisfying
even if they do remain dreams. Works well because a loving family could have
been torn apart by being selfish and taking a real trip into space, but only for one
of them. Dialogue on 105-106 shows they care more for each other than for
personal gain. They are selfless and become stronger for this (with a happy
Learning Intention
•To deepen your ability to analyse literature
No Particular Night or Morning
1. Look at the first sentence. What does this suggest about the
character’s mood?
2. What do you think Clemen’s mood is and how does it contrast with
Hitchcock's? How do we know?
3. Where’s the story set? (don’t just say space).
4. An extended metaphor is used on p 115. Quote it, explain what is
being compared to what and why it is effective.
5. Use the context to explain what “nebulous” means(p 117).
6. Why do you think that Hitchcock walked into space?
7. What is the overall mood of the story?
1. The fact that he had smoked an entire packet of cigarettes in two
hours suggests that he was anxious and suffering from stress.
2. Clemens is relaxed and easy-going. Clear contrast to Hitchcock's
stress. We know this because a relaxed tone is created by his
informal dialogue: “A billion miles from home, you might say.” The
tag at the end indicates that he is not really concerned by the
distance. Also says he was not smocking at all.
3. Set in a claustrophobic space shuttle, deep in space and far away
from Earth.
4. “Memories, as my father once said, are porcupines”. Our memories
(reminisces) are compared to a porcupine. This is effective because it
suggests that remembering the past is going to hurt you as they are
compared to a creature with sharp quills that pierce and hurt: physical
discomfort is transferred to emotional pain.
5. “Nebulous” means obscure and unclear which is suggested by the phrase
“far off” which implies that it is indistinct and difficult to see clearly.
6. He could not cope with his worry and anxiety. He said that he wanted to
feel nothing and be nowhere– hence his distrust of memories and dreams
that he could not touch. Also he started to doubt his own existence.
7. Philosophical – questions what it means to be human and a thinking
sentient being.
‘The Fox and the Forest’
1. What is the tone of the opening page of this story? How does the
writer communicate this?
2. Summarise what happens in the story?
3. How would you describe the future portrayed in this story?
4. Does it share any characteristics with other futures shown in this
collection of short stories? Try to give a specific example.
5. What do you think the main purpose is of this story?
6. Who would you say is the most likely target audience? You might
mention age, gender, nationality etc.
Show what you know
• Cooperative and creative working
• Task: to work effectively in groups to develop an attractive
and informative display for the classroom.
• Instructions: choose one story and produce a poster that
shows you have understood how Bradbury develops
characterisation and setting .You should try to link these to
themes too.
• As the text is called ‘The Illustrated Man’ you should use
images to make your display stand out.
Non-fiction reading work
• Complete one task for Monday 1st December
• Choose a story that you liked and discuss its merits
with your group (3 mins)
The Visitor: independent analysis
• Task: read the story and make notes on –
• Characterisation (actions, dialogue, thoughts, description)
• Setting—where, when and mood
• Narrative Point of View– whose point of view is the story told from?
• Language and imagery– any striking examples of metaphors,
personification, effective word choice, sentence structure
• Theme (s)– what is the “message”?
Homework- for Wed
•Read p 156 – p172
•Make notes on plot, character, setting
and theme
Independent note taking
• You know the routine by now…
• Read ‘Zero Hour’, ‘The Playground’ and the ‘Epilogue.
• Make notes on:
• Characterisation (thoughts, dialogue, description and actions)
• Setting and how it contributes to the mood
• Language and imagery
• Themes
Textual Analysis
• The opening to ‘Zero Hour’ is very effective though the author’s use
of punctuation and sentence structure. It is a very sudden opening
(like ‘The Long Rain’) and you are plunged into the middle of the
story, the impact of which is emphasised by the very short declarative
sentence. Exclamation marks and short sentences used to emphasise
the strong emotions. Inversion used for 3rd sentence raising the status
of the compliment (‘excitement’). Short sentences contrast with the
long descriptive sentence at the close of the paragraph. Repetition of
word: “such ” creates a pattern and underlines the sheer joy felt.
• Strong word choice: “tremulous” and “tumbling” (alliteration)
• All contribute to a tone of heightened excitement.
•Read and finish notes on the rest of the
•Which story did you find the most
interesting and why?
•For Wednesday 10 December
End of term presentations
• We have now completed Bradbury’s anthology of short stories, ‘The
Illustrated Man’, and it is time to show how effectively you can engage
with literature and make connections between stories.
• Task: in pairs you are going to make a presentation to the rest of the
class. You need to show that you can make connections between
characters, settings, language techniques and themes.
• Choose at least two stories and talk to the class about similarities and
• Presentations should be between 3 and 5 minutes long.
Practical advice
1. Decide which two texts you are going to present on.
2. Your decision should be based upon practical considerations. For
example, are there any similarities between characters; what are
they; settings; themes; language use and imagery etc?
3. You will need give the class an idea of the stories: who, what,
where, when, why?
4. How are you going to present your learning? Power Point, poster,
drama script/role play, song, film, continuation of the story…what if.
Be inventive!
•Be ready to present to class on
Monday 15 December.
Critical Essay preparation
• In S4 you will need to write a Critical Essay under exam conditions and
without any notes.
• To help you to prepare for this, you will only be writing your essay in class.
• Tasks:
1. Read the essay plans carefully and choose which one you want to use.
2. Look over your notes and make a plan for your essay. This should include,
relevant quotations, techniques used and notes on analysis.
3. On Monday and Wednesday you will write your essay in class. You can
use your notes to help you with this.