Transcript Slide 1

Welcome to
Parkside Academy
Post 16 Choices
Parent’s Information Evening
Aims Of The Session
Give you as parents/carers a better
understanding of how to support your child
in making their Post 16 choices.
Give you the opportunity to speak directly
to the vast majority of our Post 16
Choices Post 16
Full Time
BTEC Nationals
Changes to Post 16
• From September 2013 all pupils must stay in
some form of ‘education or training’ until the
age of 17
• From 2015 this will rise to age 18
• From September 2013 pupils who do not
achieve at least a Grade C in English and
Maths will have to continue these subjects at
college or sixth form
• Education Secretary Michael Gove said
English and Maths are the subjects
"employers demand before all others”
• Employers have warned that young people
need to improve Maths and English skills.
• Employers' organisations concerned that too
many young people lack literacy and
numeracy skills necessary for work.
Applying to Colleges or Sixth
Forms – In School Help
• Advice available from the school – Y11 Mentor.
• Local colleges/sixth forms come into school to
discuss application process.
• Pupils encouraged to visit / apply to more than
one sixth form or college.
• Inspire Days
How As A Parent/Carer
You Can Help
• Make time to go to college/sixth form open
• Look at the college/sixth form prospectus’ which
are also available on-line.
• Check course/s entry requirements.
• Check transport links in advance.
• Encourage them to look at several places so
they can make an informed choice.
Where To Study
• Most popular for academic pupils wanting to
take 3 AS Levels or more (pupils should be
gaining at least 5 GCSE’s at Grade B or above
including English and Maths) – Queen Elizabeth
(Darlington), St John’s Sixth Form, Durham Sixth
Form Centre, Durham New College and Durham
Johnston Sixth Form.
Where To Study
Academic A-Level and vocational courses
are also offered by:
Wolsingham, King James, Whitworth Park
School (formerly Spennymoor and Tudhoe Grange) ,
St Leonards, Framwellgate School, Bishop
Auckland College, Durham New College
and East Durham College (Houghall).
Informed Choices – Russell Group
Traditional ‘Red Brick’ universities are
represented by the Russell Group.
The Russell Group has released a document
called ‘Informed Choices’ it states clearly what
A-Levels pupils need to achieve to get on to their
different degree courses.
There is a link to this document on our school
College Open Evenings
You will need to check individual sixth form and
college websites for this information or contact
the colleges/sixth forms directly.
EMA Funding / New Bursary
EMA funding no longer available. Sixth Forms
and Colleges now have their own bursary
systems and you can speak to them directly
about this for further information.
Help With Travel Costs
No longer available from Durham County
Council. Some colleges have made their own
transport arrangements for pupils.
You will need to speak to the colleges for further
information on this.
Useful Websites
School’s New Website
All the information from tonight will be
placed on the school’s website in the:
Parents section – Post 16 choices.
Something to consider
Better qualifications bring improved job
prospects, higher earnings and greater
job satisfaction.