File - Hey It`s Alyssa!

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Transcript File - Hey It`s Alyssa!

By: Alyssa Mulcahy
Amy Malmberg
Sarah Bruinsma
Setting of the Story:
Took place in Willow Bunch. A small town in the country.
House was up on a hill(Stone Man hill) looking onto a lake.
This gives the story a kind of relaxing mood.
“Our house looked down on the lake. From the east window you could see it; a
long sickle of blue, its banks hung with willow. Beyond was a wooded ridge.
Which, like all such ridges in our part of the country, ran from northeast to
southwest...I was eleven years old before I learned that the hill on which our
house was built had once a name. It was called Stone Man Hill.” pg.186-187
 Nathan was both the protagonist and the antagonist
 Uncle Nathan
talkative, in love, knowledgeable,
Minor Characters
 Maida (Static)
Inquisitive, attentive, empathetic
 Eunice (Dynamic)
Smart, pretty, quiet, Delia’s Sis
 Delia (Round)
Energetic, pretty, young
 Dobson Sykes (Flat)
Old, friendly
 Mom (Flat)
Talkative, informative
 Dad (Flat)
Initial Incident- Uncle Nathan is telling Maida of his story
about when he was in love; When in the story Uncle
Nathan meets Delia and falls in love with her instantly.
Rising Action- Uncle Nathan finds out that Delia is married
and meets Eunice. He then settles and marries Eunice but
still loves Delia. They have a skating party before getting
married. Very dark out. Eunice and Delia get in a fight
about Nathan.
Climax- When skating off to calm down, Delia and Eunice
fall through the ice. Nathan and others go to save them but
can’t see them very well. Nathan just grabbed a hand and
pulled up. He saves Delia but not Eunice.
Exposition- Uncle Nathan explains to Maida what happened
when trying to save the girls. He could not see their faces
but he could see their hands. One had a furry white cuff
but he reached for the other on purpose.
 Nathan- in love Delia
 Delia- in love with Nathan
 Eunice- Nathan’s love with Delia
Character Changes
 Eunice stands up for herself
 Delia makes her feelings known
Main conflict
 Man vs. Self - Nathan was fighting with his feels for Delia
and for his fiancé Eunice. At the end, it was a fight with
himself on who to save