APAC Storage Forum - Green Initiatives

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LSI Green Initiatives

Naman Nair Architect, ESG - MegaRAID products

Customers Ask Two “Green” Questions

1. What is LSI doing to be a Green company?

2. How are we making our products Green?

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LSI Answers

• Establish LSI as a recognized environmentally friendly


company – CEO Abhi Talwalkar has committed to reduce our company’s GHG emissions by 15% by 2012 – Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) • Collecting data on greenhouse gases and carbon footprint • Deliver environmentally friendly and highly efficient products and services that have both a positive green impact and offer economic benefits to our customers.

– Work actively at the forefront of standards bodies to enable green technology – Push to be recognized as a Green Partner by OEM customers, and in turn help them be successful LSI Proprietary 3

The “Green” Buzz!

• Environmental consciousness – Regulations – WEEE, RoHS now – Aim to reduce carbon footprint and meet Energy Star guidelines – Publicity about climate change – Ethics and social responsibility LSI Proprietary 4

The “Green” Buzz!

• Environmental consciousness – Regulations – WEEE, RoHS now – Aim to reduce carbon footprint and meet Energy Star guidelines – Publicity about climate change – Ethics and social responsibility • But there are economic reasons, too – One study: 63% of data centers are running out of power – Even if they have power, cooling is becoming an issue – “100 KWatt in computing power = $1M in infrastructure cost.” - Stanford Linear Accelerator Center LSI Proprietary 5

Pressure Is on Data Centers - Cost

• Data center cost 25% of IT budget -

Server and Storage is typically 17%

• Hardware power usage driving costs up - $ in equipment requires a $ in energy - $ in energy per server requires $ for energy for HVAC - Energy unit price increasing US is at $1 per Watt per Year (@ 12cents/KwH)


• Data centers growing 2x faster than revenue. Cannot be sustained.

• Have to make do (or even consolidate) with current levels of Power and Floor space.

Source: Financial Times; Gartner report 2007; Stanford University; AMD; Uptime Institute; McKinsey analysis

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Pressure is on Data centers - Emissions

Carbon dioxide emissions as percentage of world total – industries

Percent 0.8




Data centers Airlines Shipyards Steel plants

Carbon emissions – countries

Metric tons of CO 2 per annum


170 142 146 178

Shall cause intense scrutiny by regulators, activists and corporate boards.

Data centers Argentina Nether lands Malaysia

Source:Financial Times; Gartner report 2007; Stanford University; AMD; Uptime Institute; McKinsey analysis

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Most IT Attention Is on Servers…for Now

Typical Data Center Power Usage Source: StorageIO Group

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Management Sophistication Has Not Kept Pace

Demand Demand

80% 20% • In 1975-1985, mainframes with 70-80% utilization handled 80% of computing demand • Today, 80% of computing demand is handled by distributed systems with 5-30% utilization

Source: IBM Energy Efficient Data Centre Jun 2007; McKinsey analysis

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Bad News!

• Data centers are power hungry and are very inefficient

… Good News

• Problems are being addressed • Requires data centers to be efficient and consolidate • Servers are moving in this direction

… Spotlight is not on storage…yet

• So there is some breathing room 10

Beware of Green-washing!

• Lots of vendor noise on green – Awareness campaigns, best practices, articles, blogs, carbon credits, etc.

– “…suppliers laid claim to energy savings in various thinly veiled advertisements for their wares.”

Byte and Switch,

Sept. 19. 2007 – Buying carbon credits on behalf of customers, Or giving away tree saplings at a trade show • Is power consumption really reduced?

• Green-washing: “virtual efficiency” – problem just moved elsewhere – 33% power reduction in moving from 500GB drives to 750GB drives Or moving from RAID 1 to RAID 5 or larger RAID groups (e.g., 9+1 vs. 4+1) • What about performance?

– Positioning MAID against online storage • Only addresses data that is rarely accessed LSI Proprietary 11

LSI Corporate Strategy

1. Collaborate with industry associations, government agencies, partners, suppliers and customers.

2. Identify key issues and determine solutions.

3. Deliver solutions to resolve the issues.

4. Measure our results.

Feed the results of our efforts back to industry associations, our partners, suppliers and customers.

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LSI Standards Initiatives

Green Grid SNIA Green Initiative


SNIA Green Technical working group Storage Performance Council Other • • Industry consortium for green activity General Member • • • Founding member Guides SNIA’s green activity Working with EPA on Energy Star specifications • Initial charter is to define green metrics • Weekly conf calls & quarterly face to face •

“UnpluggedFest” to determine appropriate metrics, workloads, and testing methodology

• • Creating a “power” subgroup Led by Sun, Seagate, LSI • • • • Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) Electronic Industry Code of Conduct (EICC) EH&S and operations programs and audits Storage Bridge Bay Specification LSI Proprietary 13

ESG Green Focus

• • Energy efficiency in our storage products – Efficiency of technology and features – Improved and redesigned green hardware Ease of management taking into account power consumption • • • •

Metrics to strive for

Improve performance per Watt Deliver better and increased functionality/features per Watt Reduce physical storage or power consumed by storage without compromising performance and features Reduce power used for infrequent access of information

ESG advantage

LSI-ESG Systems are leaders in best of class Cost/Performance/Watt ratios, within IDC PB1-6 LSI Proprietary 14

ESG Product Strategy

• LEAD with providing greatest economic benefit to the customer – i.e. NO green-washing! • Areas of focus for product roadmap – Efficient use of power • Drive power management • More efficient power supplies – better than 80% efficiency @ 20% - 100% load.

– Performance efficiency • IOPS and MB/s per Watt – Consolidation by virtualization to reduce or fully utilize excess capacity • Thin provisioning • Also De-duplication & Compression – Management and intelligent placement of data • Analysis and reporting • Online migration LSI Proprietary 15

The ESG Advantage

1193 MB/s 881 MB/s 480 MB/s 229 MB/s 6515 Watts 7088 Watts 7176 Watts 8472 Watts

ESG’s superior performance efficiency, measured as IOPS per drive and MB/s per drive, offers an advantage over competitive systems LSI Proprietary 16

The ESG Advantage

Drives Enclosures 224 14 Drives per Enclosure 16 TB 33 Watt/TB 197.42

240 16 15 35 202.51

240 18 14 35 205 262 19 14 38 222.95

ESG’s superior performance efficiency, measured as IOPS per drive and MB/s per drive, offers an advantage over competitive systems LSI Proprietary 17

Performance Impact of Power Efficiency

• LSI spin on “Green” ?

• White paper is located at – http://www.lsi.com/powerconsumption/ – Used publicly available EMC benchmarks LSI Proprietary 18

MegaRAID Deploying Dimmer Switch



Disk power usage delivered in phases • Typical disk power usage – Idle consumption ~8-10W – Sleep consumption ~1+ W That’s $8 - $10 per year That’s $1.50 per year (approx) • Phase 1 – Spin down unconfigured drives • Phase 2 – Spin down Hot spares, when not in use – Planned for end of year On roadmap • Phase 3 – Power throttling configured HDD based on usage • Phase 4 – Power throttling SAS and PCIe PHYs and DRPM – HDD speed control LSI Proprietary 19

Take Away

• LSI gets it!

• We are committed – As a company – And to our customers • LSI is hard at work – In leading the industry – In defining strategy – In designing and delivering “truly green” solutions.

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