U.S. History I

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Transcript U.S. History I

U.S. History I
Chapter 9
“An Emerging World Power”
U.S. History I
Chapter 9 Section 1
“The Roots of Imperialism”
 The Causes of Imperialism
 Imperialists Seek Economic Benefits
 Imperialism: the economic and political domination by a
strong country over a weaker one
 Extractive Economies: Country who’s raw materials are taken
by imperial country-most benefit is to “home” country
 Protectorate: a country which is technically independent but
is under the control of another
 Imperialists Stress Military Strength
 Alfred T. Mahan: Wrote: Influence of Sea Power Upon History
 Imperialists Believe in National Superiority
 Anglo-Saxonism: the argument that English speaking nations
were superior to others
 Josiah Strong: Minister who sent missions to “civilize” world
 Social-Darwinism: Life is a competition and only “fittest”
 Frederick Jackson Turner: Open west was “safety valve” for tension
in U.S. Now that west was settled, Americans needed new valve
 U.S. Power Grows in the Pacific
 Perry Opens Japan
 Matthew C. Perry (1853) ordered by President Pierce to
force trade between the US and Japan
 Succeeds when Japanese sees size of fleet as a threat
 Seward Purchases Alaska (1867) from Russia for
$7.2 Million
 U.S. Influence Grows in Latin America
 James G. Blaine
 Pan-Americanism: US and Latin America working together
 1889 Pan-American conference
 Customs union
 Reduce tariffs
 Latin countries refused to do these but agreed to create
the Commercial Bureau of American Republics (later
called the Organization of American States – OAS)
Commodore Perry
“Negotiating” With Japan
Maps: Latin America (Top)
Alaska, Japan, and Hawaii
The United States
 Why Hawaii?
Hawaii exempt from sugar tariffs
Tensions mount between planters and Hawaiians over
new constitution
 McKinley Tariff makes Hawaiian sugar more expensive
than American sugar
 Hawaii’s economy suffers
 Queen Liliuokalani takes throne 1891
 Tries to change constitution in 1892
 Planters back movement to overthrow Queen
 Aided by the Marines, Planters force Queen Liliuokalani
to abdicate the throne (1883)
 President Cleveland tries to restore Queen to throne
 Senate refuses to ratify treaty
 1898 US annexes Hawaii (After Spanish-American War
Sanford Dole and Queen “Lili”
(Map) Hawai’i, Guam, Samoa
Section 2: The Spanish-American War
 Causes of the War
 The Cuban Rebellion Begins
 1895 Cuban rebels declare independence
 José Martí, Cuban exile who tried to gain support
while living in NYC (Bottom Left)
 The “Yellow” Press Inflames Opinion
 William Randolph Hearst, New York Journal (Left)
 Enrique Dupuy de Lôme, Spanish Ambassador
 One of his letters published in New York Journal
enrages the nation
 Jingoism: Aggressive Nationalism
 Joseph Pulitzer, The World
 Competition to increase circulation of their
 Yellow Journalism: exaggerated, sensationalist,
often false stories made up to sell more papers
 Led to many Americans supporting Cuba
The Maine Blows Up!
Maine explosion: 1898
 266 dead,
 Many blamed
(USS Maine: Below, Hearst Article Blaming
Spain: Top Right, and “Spanish Misrule”
 American Troops Battle the Spanish
 The United States Takes the Philippines
 George Dewey leads squadron into Manila Bay
 Emilio Aguinaldo, a Filipino revolutionary leader starts a
guerrilla war against Spain after being contacted by
President McKinley
 Thinks American troops are there to assist him
 Leads to hostilities been Filipinos and Americans
 American Forces Battle in Cuba
 “Rough Riders” land in Cuba led by Leonard Wood and
second in command Theodore Roosevelt
 Kettle Hill, Rough Riders accompanied by all African
American regiment of the 9th and 10th calvary (many of
which were volunteers)
 Spanish surrender and on August 12, 1898 Spain and the
U.S. agree to a cease-fire
Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the
Emilio Aguinaldo
Rough Riders and Buffalo
 Effects of the War
 Treaty of Paris
 Cuba given freedom
 U.S. takes control of Guam and Puerto Rico
 U.S. trying to determine what to do with the Philippines
 The Debate Over Annexation
 Imperialists wanted to annex the Philippines
 Teach the uncivilized people how to live properly (McKinley)
 Free the oppressed
 Anti-Imperialists
 Andrew Carnegie
 Imperialism costs would outweigh the economic gains
 Jane Addams
 Annexation would be against American principles
 Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain-Left)
 Annexation would be against American principles
 Samuel Gompers
 Worried about competition for jobs and drive down
U.S. History I
Chapter 9 Section 3
“The U.S. and East Asia”
3.1, 9.3, 9.4
 Filipinos Rebel Against American Rule
 Emilio Aguinaldo calls for troops to attack
Americans: Insurrection: rebellion
 Guerilla Warfare: non-traditional small
arms combat: Aguinaldo captured 1901
 *5,000 Americans and 200,000 Filipinos
 General Arthur MacArthur (Douglas
MacArthur’s father)
 Sets up re-concentration camps to
separate guerilla warriors from
 Thousands die from starvation and
Reforms lead to promise of
 William Howard Taft, 1st US civilian governor
 tried to reform education, transportation
and healthcare
 Building railroads, bridges, telephone
lines to strengthen the economy
 Public schools
 1946 Philippines gain independence from the
The U.S. Pursues Interests
in China
 Theodore Roosevelt’s Rise to Power
 President McKinley asked Teddy to run as his Vice
President in 1900
 The Election of 1900
 McKinley vs. William Jennings Bryan
 “Four More Years of the Full Dinner Pail”
 9/6/1901 Leon Czogosz, shoots McKinley
 Teddy (age 42) takes office
 Roosevelt Becomes President
 Believed the US had a duty to shape the less civilized
corners of the world
 Wanted the US to be a world power
 America Declares Equal Trade in
 Exports to China increased 4x
 The Open Door Policy: John Hay
 “Sphere of Influence”: a section of a country
where one foreign nation enjoys special rights
and powers
 Open Door Policy: a policy that allows each
foreign nation in China to trade freely in the
other nations’ spheres of influence
 The Boxer Rebellion
 Chinese movement to rid themselves of foreign
 Group members attacked foreign embassies in
 U.S. retains access to Chinese exports due to
Secretary of State John Hay’s urging of foreign
powers to accept compensation for damages
rather than attack China and break it into
 Tensions Rise Between
America and Japan
 Negotiating peace
between Japan and
Russia, aided by
outcome of Boxer
Rebellion RussoJapanese War
 Roosevelt won Nobel
Peace Prize 1906
 Japan and US relations
 Anti-Asian Protests
in U.S. (Gentleman’s
 Great White Fleet
 Increased tensions
rather than elevating
The Great White Fleet
 U.S. Policy in Puerto Rico and Cuba
 Foraker Act
 Puerto Rico becomes an unincorporated
 Puerto Ricans not US citizens
 Puerto Ricans did not have
constitutional rights
 Congress could pass any laws they
wanted in regards to Puerto Rico
 Slowly gain “self governance”
 1917 Puerto Ricans become US citizens
 1947 hold elections for governor
 Debate on statehood, commonwealth, or
independence still a heated topic today
 U.S. Policy in Puerto Rico and Cuba
 McKinley makes promises
 Eventual independence for Cuba
 Own constitution
 McKinley puts stipulations
 Platt Amendment
 Stipulations
 Cuba cannot make treaties with other countries
which would weaken its independence
 Cuba must allow the US to buy or lease naval
stations in Cuba
 Cuba’s debts had to be kept low to stop possible
foreign collectors from landing on the island
 US had the right to intervene to protect Cuba’s
independence and to keep order
 Cubans rejected it at first, later change their minds
 Repealed in 1934
Roosevelt Pursues “Big Stick” Diplomacy
 A Growing
Presence in the
 “Speak softly and
carry a big stick”
 The Panama Canal
 Hay-Pauncefote
 Revolt in Panama
 Rid of Columbian
 Panama becomes
 Signs treaty with US
to build canal
 The Roosevelt Corollary: To Monroe Doctrine
 The U.S. should and would intervene in Latin American
affairs when needed to maintain economic and political
 1st applied in the Dominican Republic
 Latin American countries resent involvement
 Dollar Diplomacy: William Howard Taft
 Taft’s policy, which follows T. Roosevelt’s
 Substituted dollars for bullets
 Nicaragua got both bullets and money
 Moral diplomacy: Woodrow Wilson
 U.S. Should promote human rights and opportunity
 “…never again seek one additional foot of territory by
 Francisco “Poncho” Villa: Pursued by U.S. troops for an attack
on Americans that left 18 dead (SEE Page 274)