Chapter 2: The Research Process: A quick look

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Transcript Chapter 2: The Research Process: A quick look

Second Regional Workshop
Capacity Development for the Clean
Development Mechanism (CD4CDM)
23 March 2004
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Review and Future Plan of Task 3:
Establishment of Capacity Development
for CDM National Authority
Prepared by
Heng Chan Thoeun, Team Leader
Ministry of Environment, Cambodia
I. Assessment of percentage of task completed
against planned activities
II. Identify factors for success/slackness of
III. Specific barriers to effective
implementation and possible options for
addressing it
IV. Activities for the next six months
I. Assessment of percentage of task
completed against planned activities (1/7)
2.1 Status of DNA Establishment:
• MoE was appointed as the Interim Designated
National Authority (DNA) for CDM by the Prime
Minister’s Declaration No 1, dated 15 July 2003.
• MoE has full legal authority to assess, approve or
reject proposed CDM projects. The UNFCCC has
been notified that MoE acts as the Cambodian
I. Assessment of percentage of task
completed against planned activities (2/7)
• Understanding of CDM processes and
modalities is very limited in Cambodia.
• Capacity development activities have been
conducted to increase general understanding
of CDM rules and modalities, including:
(1) Process of DNA establishment
(2) Preparing sustainable development criteria
(3) Methodologies for evaluating proposed project
(4) Establishment of baseline
(5) PDD, PIN development (for project developers)
(6) Identification of potential CDM projects
(7) Legal aspects in support of DNA operations.
I. Assessment of percentage of task
completed against planned activities (3/7)
Two inter-ministerial technical working
groups have been set up in support of
the DNA establishment. Completed
• Energy sector: MoE and Ministry of
Industry, Mines and Energy (MIME)
• Forestry sector: MoE and Ministry of
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)
I. Assessment of percentage of task
completed against planned activities (4/7)
The working groups are developing
sustainable development criteria for
CDM projects based on existing
Cambodian regulations. Ongoing
The working groups, in consultation
with other stakeholders, are reviewing
alternative options for DNA structures
and approval processes of proposed
CDM projects. Ongoing
I. Assessment of percentage of task
completed against planned activities (5/7)
Analysis of information on sustainable
development (SD) criteria from other
countries (Annex 1, Non- Annex 1 and
international organizations. Completed
Analysis of Cambodian legislation, national
& sectoral action plans and programs, and
conventions related to sustainable
development. Completed
I. Assessment of percentage of task
completed against planned activities (6/7)
• Compilation of information into summary
tables to provide a basis for the
development of Cambodia’s national
sustainable development guidelines.
Developed draft sustainable development
criteria for assessing proposed CDM
projects in Cambodia. On-going
I. Assessment of percentage of task
completed against planned activities (7/7)
Preliminary Assessment of Renewable
Energy Pilot projects. On-going
In July 2003, the Ministry of Industry, Mines
and Energy (MIME) requested MoE to
consider two proposed renewable energy
projects funded by NEDO (Japan New Energy
and Industrial Technology Development
Combined power generation using biomass
(cattle excrement – 60 kW) and solar
photovoltaics (50 kW)
Combined power generation using mini-hydro
(40 kW) and solar photovoltaics (80 kW)
II. Identify factors for success/
slackness of implementation (1/2)
2.1 Factors for success
• The Royal Government of Cambodia strongly
supports the CDM as a sustainable development tool.
Financial support from UNEP/Riso
Coordination among agencies is well established
(Energy and Forestry)
Complimentary support from other donors and
governments in the area of CDM (Japan, EC)
II. Identify factors for success/
slackness of implementation (2/2)
2.2 Factor for slackness
• Human resources (lack of international level
technical expertise and skills)
Financing support inadequate for broad
stakeholder consultations and in-depth technical
Technical support limited to general CDM
Delay in providing generic CDM-related materials
III. Specific barriers to effective
implementation and possible options (1/3)
3.1 Specific barriers to effective implementation
• Stakeholders’ understanding of CDM rules and
knowledge of national sustainable development
objectives is limited in Cambodia.
Limited technical capacity of CD4CDM staff in:
(1) CDM technical issues such as baseline
determination, and (2) in-depth multi-disciplinary
expertise in economics, law, renewable energy
technologies and forestry science.
III. Specific barriers to effective
implementation and possible options (2/3)
Insufficient guidance materials available to
support DNA establishment process.
Lack of basic CDM awareness among
stakeholders means that CDM capacity
building/DNA establishment will require more
time and effort.
III. Specific barriers to effective
implementation and possible options (3/3)
3.2 Possible options
• Advanced technical capacity building for
CD4CDM staff and technical working groups
(such as the one provided by the Philippines
External technical assistance to set up or
improve the assessment process.
Seek technical and financial support from other
IV. Activities for the next six months (1/2)
Finalise sustainable development indicators for
assessing CDM projects.
Review suitable options with regards to structure
and approval process for establishing the DNA .
Finalise proposal for DNA structure and approval
process in collaboration with relevant
Disseminate the proposed DNA structure and
sustainable development guidelines for CDM
projects among relevant stakeholders.
V. Activities for the next six months (2/2)
National consultation workshop on proposed
DNA structure and technical guidelines.
Integrate stakeholder feedback in the proposed
DNA structure and sustainable development
guidelines for CDM projects.
Identify the human and technical needs of the
Submission of the DNA proposal to Council of
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