Transcript PowerPoint

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We will begin promptly at the top of
the hour.
Creative Uses of Technology in
Poverty Law
October 31st, 2008
Today’s Moderator
Jeff Narabrook, NTAP Training
◦ Kathleen Brockel, Executive Director
◦ Gene Donney, Project Coordinator
Today’s Panelists
Carol Garner Law Access New Mexico
Ken Penokie Legal Services Northern Michigan
Rebecca Miller Georgia Legal Services
William Guyton Alabama Legal Aid
Mary Neal Illinois Legal Aid Online
Matthew Burnett Pro Bono Net; Immigration
Advocates Network
Today’s training…
…is being recorded
…will be archived on our website
Registered attendees will receive an email
with a link to this information once it has
been posted
Please, let us know your questions and
comments during the training
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the chevron symbol
 Telephone participants need to enter
their audio pin
 Raise your hand
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Use Mic & Speakers’ users should make
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 You can always switch to telephone at
anytime in the training.
Ensure that you have not muted yourself
HotDocs project
Carol Garner
Carol Garner lives in Albuquerque & works at Law
Access New Mexico, a stand-alone telephone legal
helpline. She is a unit supervisor of the Domestic
Relations/Guardianship, Public Benefits & Intake
Screening units and coordinates program
technology. She has provided legal services nationally
and internationally to low-income populations both as a
paralegal and an attorney, on the Navajo Reservation, in
Durban, South Africa, and in Houston, TX, Cleveland,
OH, and Rochester, NY. Carol received her J.D. from
Case Western Reserve University School of Law and
her B.A. from Rice University, Houston, TX.
Background of Project
Law Access New Mexico has been the primary
HotDocs template developer for legal service providers
in New Mexico.
In 2006, through a sub-contract with Pegasus Legal
Services for Children, a set of special pleadings were
developed to aid attorneys (& self-represented litigants)
in filing petitions seeking child guardianships.
Background of Project
Capstone Practice was contracted to develop the
The templates were uploaded to NPADO for use by
Pegasus attorneys in representation cases and by Law
Access attorneys for self-represented assistance. Law
Access attorneys have been successfully using the
templates; Pegasus attorneys have not utilized the
templates as much as was hoped
Carol Garner – New Mexico
Carol Garner – New Mexico
Instructions were provided regarding utilization of the templates on the
NPADO server:
 Register yourself or your agency for an Advocate account.
◦ The links are not set up for use by public, so you must have an account.
Go to:
◦ (you must use Internet Explorer for now; the site does not work in Firefox
unless you have the IE Tab plug in)
You can "save answers" to come back later.
◦ Before beginning, you should create & faithfully follow a naming protocol for
'saved answers', so that you can both (1) retrieve them for further work, and (2)
share them with other advocates or tech support for trouble shooting.
Use the following links to access the online interviews to create pleadings.
◦ (Note: most of these are currently set up with Law Access letterhead & our
versions of instructions; future revisions will provide more generic options)
 The following link allows creation of attorney-representation pleadings:
◦ Kinship-Guardianship Petition for attorneys:
Carol Garner – New Mexico
But the lack of familiarity by Pegasus staff with the
HotDocs program and NPADO services has delayed
the maximum utilization of the templates.
Such hesitancy clearly underscores the need to allocate
time and services for training and support and to insist
that they use the support services.
Carol Garner – New Mexico
To the extent possible, success comes best when you
(1) "force" use of the technology, but also
(2) provide support and patience for as long as
necessary, and
(3) remember that while our staff may be 'forced' to use
technology, they may not be avid embracers and the
patience required may never go away, staff may always
need nurturing hand-holding
Carol Garner – New Mexico
Attitude should be:
◦ "Yes of course I can help you, and I don't mind how many times I
have to show you how to manage the system, because I know it
can be confusing to learn something new
Attitude should not be:
◦ "OK, I'll show you again, but I've already shown you this how
many times and I don’t understand why you can't remember
what I've already shown you"
Raise your hand, please!
Internet Representation Project
Ken Penokie
Ken is a lifelong 3rd generation ‘Yooper’.
He started with Legal Services of
Northern Michigan in 1979 as a staff
attorney, becoming Deputy Director in
1992 and Director in 2001. Ken
purchased the 2nd and 3rd computers
LSNM ever owned (Tandy Model 3 and 4)
and is the computer responsible person
by default because LSNM, in Ken’s words,
cannot support a ‘real’ tech person.
Internet Representation Project
Raise your hand, please!
Litigation Document Management
Rebecca Miller
Rebecca Miller graduated from NYU law school in
2003, clerked for Chief Judge Consuelo Marshall in
the Central District of California, and is now a senior
staff attorney in the Farmworker Division of Georgia
Legal Services. At the Farmworker Division, Rebecca
primarily litigates employment claims in federal court
for violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act,
Agricultural Worker Protection Act, and temporary
agricultural guestworkers’ employment
contracts. The Division’s typical case is a document
intensive wage and hour suit brought as FLSA
collective actions on behalf of 20-80 workers.
The problem…
Document intensive wage and hour
litigation on behalf of 20-80 plaintiffs
 No efficient and consistent way to catalog
documents received in discovery
 No efficient and consistent way to tag or
code documents for later use in the case
(which caused need to re-review
documents before motions and
The problem…
Document review tags and observations
not searchable
 Document organization set up differently
depending on staff member
 Loss of institutional memory about what
documents we have when staff member
 Excessive staff time spent collecting
documents from clients after infield intake
Solutions offered by document
management system
Searchable format
 Uniform organizational system
 Code documents according to use in case
(by issue) for easy use in motions and
 Allows staff to build off each other’s
Solutions offered by document
management system
Searchable, uniform format minimizes loss
of institutional memory when staff
member leaves
 Paralegals can do more document review
 Use of scanner in field allows for instant
capture of client documents into format
that can be merged with electronic
documents back in office
Raise your hand, please!
Increasing Call Center Capacity
with Pro Bono volunteers
William Gutyon
William Guyton Jr. has served as network engineer
and systems administrator in a variety of corporate
settings where he was responsible for all aspects of
company-wide networked systems from design and
planning to budgeting and security as well as managing
vendor relationships for voice, data, equipment,
software and services. Mr. Guyton has been with
Legal Services Alabama since February 28, 2005, first
serving as LSA’s Technology Planner and then as IT
Manager. While at LSA, he has implemented a call
center that is now entering a new stage of
Call Center
Raise your hand, please!
Integrating CMSs with the
Mary Neal
Mary K. Neal is Automated Documents Manager for
Illinois Legal Aid Online. She is a recent graduate of
Chicago-Kent College of Law, where she was Executive
Editor of the school’s A2J Student Editorial Board and
President of the International Law Moot Court Honor
Society. She worked for the Center for Access to
Justice and Technology and at the Illinois Human Rights
Commission while in Law School. Prior to law school,
Ms. Neal worked at the Institute of International
Education in Washington, DC. There she planned
international exchange programs and also coordinated
the development of a departmental database and
document automation system.
Need for Project
Legal Aid Organizations use Case Management
Systems (CMSs) to better track clients, cases, and
• Attorney-oriented automated documents on
NPADO can save attorneys’ time and allow them
to serve more clients.
• There is up to 40% overlap between information
in a CMS on a given case, and the information
required for a related automated document.
• Currently, despite the overlap, attorney must
enter all of this information twice– once in the
CMS, once on NPADO.
Project Goals (1 of 2)
Create Standard Variables for ease of
transferring data from a CMS to NPADO.
 Enhance NPADO so that it can
◦ receive input from CMS
◦ recognize the “problem codes” used for
web-based legal content
◦ verify which servers are allowed to send
Project Goals (2 of 2)
Modify Legal Server so that it
– uses the same standard variables as NPADO
– can export data to NPADO in a usable format
– allows users to seamlessly access automated
Test and Evaluate the system created
– by project team
– by pilot user group in Illinois
Create Project Documentation so that
other states may make use of the
infrastructure put in place
Parties Involved
Legal Assistance Foundation of Chicago:
TIG Grantee, also currently involved in planning
version of Legal Server to be used in project.
• Pro Bono Net: Contracted by LAF to make
necessary enhancements to NPADO, provide
user support during pilot phase.
• PS Technologies, Inc: Contracted by LAF to
add necessary enhancements to Legal Server
• Illinois Legal Aid Online: Contracted by LAF
to manage the project, develop standard variables,
test and implement.
Legal Server
Screen shot – case details
How Does It Work?
1. Fill out case information in Legal Server
2. From within Legal
Server, chose an
Automated Document on
3. NPADO uses info from Legal
Server to “pre-fill” many fields in
the automated document, you fill
out the rest in HotDocs.
4. Download finished documents
to your machine - where you can
save and print them
More About the Server
Formally named “National Public Automated
Documents Online” Server, or “NPADO”
 Legal Services Corporation-funded resource
 Used by legal aid organizations across the
 Contains all of the “back end” document
assembly templates
Raise your hand, please!
Online Multimedia and Social
Matthew Burnett
Matthew joined Pro Bono Net in August 2005,
originally as a Law Help Circuit Rider and now as the
Coordinator of the national Immigration Advocates
Network. Matthew earned his B.A. cum laude from
the University of Washington and his J.D. cum laude
from Seattle University School of Law. He has worked
representing asylum seekers at the East Bay Sanctuary
in Berkeley, California and the Northwest Immigrant
Rights Project in Seattle, Washington. He has also
worked with the Gender Research and Advocacy
Project at the Legal Assistance Centre in Windhoek,
Namibia, and served as law clerk to Justice Z.M.
Yacoob of the Constitutional Court of South Africa.
Online Multimedia:
Immigration Advocates Network
 Create content that’s
informative and engaging
 Expose members to the
experts/leaders in the field
 Quickly address emerging
issues/changes in the law
 Simplify complex legal issues
in a clear, accessible format
 Build a resource that delivers
all of the above to advocates
regardless of their program’s
size, location, or resources
 Low cost, high impact
 Web-based, accessible 24/7
 Minimal time investment
 Publish instantly
 Podcasting
 Video/Webcasting
 Webinars (live and recorded)
 Screencasting
Social Networking:
Immigration Advocates Network
 Enhance communications and
coordination among IAN
members and within the
immigrants’ rights community
 Increase access to
information and improve
information sharing on
immigration law and policy
 Facilitate increased
collaboration among
immigrants’ rights
 Build broader support for the
work that the Immigration
Advocates Network, its
partners and members are
engaged in
 Facilitates more meaningful
social interaction among
 Creates robust
communications channels
between IAN, our partners
and our members
 Gets information out quickly,
to a lot of people
 Low-cost, high impact
 Increase traffic, rankings, etc.
 LinkedIn (members only)
 Facebook
 Twitter
Tools and Resources
Audacity (podcast recording)
Dynametric Telephone Transmit
Patch (phone recording for
podcasts and webinars)
Microphone (podcasting/video)
Video Camera
GotoWebinar (webinar
Camtasia Studio (webinars,
podcasts and screencasts)
Accounts on Facebook,
LinkedIn and Twitter (plus
 Beth’s Blog
 Chris Brogan
 We Are Media
Email: [email protected]
Twitter: mjburnett, technola,
Raise your hand, please!
Thanks for joining us!
A special thank-you to all our panelists
for sharing their work!
 NTAP sends post-training surveys to all
participants; please let us know how we’re
 For more information about NTAP, visit
 Questions? [email protected]